Before long, it was Ash and Casey's turn to register for the Bug Catching Contest. The process was straightforward, similar to gym registrations—Trainers simply needed to show their Pokédex.
Once their registrations were complete, Ash led Casey to the rest area, where Misty and Brock were waiting.
"Casey?!" Misty exclaimed in surprise when she saw the energetic girl following Ash. Even Brock raised an eyebrow at the unexpected reunion.
"Long time no see, Misty and Brock!" Casey greeted them warmly, her enthusiasm particularly directed at Misty.
Having trained with Misty earlier in her journey, Casey had built a strong camaraderie with her.
"Are you here for the Bug Catching Contest too, Casey?" Misty asked as she handed cold drinks to Ash and Casey.
"Of course! This time, I'm catching a Weedle no matter what!" Casey declared with determination, her frustration evident as she recalled past failures.
Casey then recounted her adventures since they parted ways, explaining how she had gotten lost in Ilex Forest and ended up at the National Park instead of Goldenrod City.
"That's quite a coincidence," Misty mused, shaking her head in amazement. "It's almost like fate brought us all back together."
"F-Fate?" Casey stammered, glancing nervously at Ash before quickly looking away, her cheeks tinged with pink.
Misty noticed the sudden shift in Casey's demeanor and felt a pang of irritation. As much as she didn't like to admit it, Ash's charm seemed to attract everyone around him.
After their brief rest, the group checked the time. It was almost eleven o'clock—the official start of the Bug Catching Contest.
The competition would last four hours, from 11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Trainers could leave early, but doing so meant forfeiting their chance to re-enter.
Ash and Casey grabbed some simple snacks to take with them, planning to stay in the park until the contest ended.
Meanwhile, Misty and Brock headed to the spectator stands, where the contest would be broadcast live.
At the entrance, the contestants gathered as a middle-aged organizer stepped onto a small stage to explain the rules.
"Welcome, Trainers, to the Bug Catching Contest!" the man announced, his voice carrying over the crowd. "Here are the rules:
Each Trainer may use only one Pokémon during the competition.
Only Park Balls may be used to catch Bug-type Pokémon. Each Trainer will receive twenty Park Balls.
If you already carry six Pokémon, any additional captures will not be transferred to your PC but will be stored here in designated areas. These areas are equipped with devices labeled with your names for secure storage."
The man gestured to rows of machines near the stage, each marked with a contestant's name.
"And with that, the Bug Catching Contest officially begins!"
The moment the announcement ended, eager Trainers scattered in all directions, rushing to find their targets.
Ash and Casey exchanged a quick glance. "Let's split up," Ash suggested.
"Got it! I'm going to find a Weedle!" Casey replied with fiery determination before darting off.
Ash, on the other hand, approached the contest more strategically. He wasn't particularly interested in Bug-types, as he already had a Beedrill and a Heracross.
However, he decided that capturing a high-scoring Pokémon like a Scyther or Pinsir would suffice.
He recalled his research: Scyther and Pinsir typically earned the highest points, though strong Pokémon like Butterfree and Beedrill could also score well.
As he strolled through the park, Ash couldn't help but compare it to the National Park from his earlier gaming experiences.
The park in this world was vast and teeming with life, a far cry from the limited virtual version he remembered.
While wandering deeper into the forested area, Ash's attention was caught by a flutter of wings.
Beneath a tree, he spotted a Venomoth—a Bug- and Poison-type Pokémon with lavender wings and a fine coat of powdery scales.
"A Venomoth, huh?" Ash muttered. He noticed its size and presence, immediately recognizing it as a Bronze-level Pokémon.
For most Trainers, catching something like this would be challenging, but for Ash, it was manageable.
Deciding to act, Ash called out to Pikachu. "Let's go with a quick Thundershock! Keep it light—we don't want to hurt it too much."
Pikachu nodded and released a small jolt of electricity. The attack was swift, striking the Venomoth before it could react. It fluttered weakly to the ground, unable to battle further.
Ash pulled out a Park Ball and threw it with precision. The ball struck Venomoth, enveloping it in a red glow before sealing shut. After a brief shake, the capture was complete.
"Gotcha," Ash said with a satisfied smile, pocketing the Park Ball.
Ash continued exploring the park at a leisurely pace, confident he could find other strong Pokémon if needed.
As he walked, he reflected on how much the real-world National Park outshone its in-game counterpart.
The park's sheer scale and biodiversity were breathtaking, a testament to how much effort the regional Leagues had put into preserving and introducing Pokémon habitats.
Meanwhile, Casey was on her own mission. Fueled by her determination to capture a Weedle, she navigated the forest with single-minded focus.
Whether she succeeded or not, one thing was clear—this contest was shaping up to be an unforgettable experience for everyone involved.
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