
This is a message from the Meta Department, an organization for stability within the narrative timelines. Previously, there were mistakes in the world's timeline. 

This includes:

 the bulldoxxer incident happened 78th century which was in the same timeline as the whole world was supposed to be freezing implied by the fact USA fell in 101th century.

Instead of saying 40 more century, it was accidently written as 40 more years while talking about extended period of cryogenic treatments.

To retcon these issues, viewers can read them according to these 3 optional solutions:

First Option

The bulldoxxer incident happened in 178th century with the whole world waking up and the fall of USA discovered on 101th century.

The north America would be the continent without the United states of America.

Second Option

As Jetson-1226 had stated, viewers can interpret them as taking place in parallel universes.

Third Option

Believe in the CHAOS as it made no sense.

The mistake are now fixed for new viewers.