Chapter 1: Reflection of Time

It had been two years. Two long years since he'd entered the dimensional portal to step foot into this world. After he had defeated the evilest Dark Lord in wizarding history, Lord Voldemort, Harry had had enough, and wanted to start over. Few could blame him: he'd lost nearly all of his friends in the war.

In short, after Ron Weasley, the person Harry had viewed as a brother for over six years, left them over a jealous fit over what they should do, Hermione and Harry began investigating alternate ways to defeat Voldemort. It was then that Hermione found a method that could help him. The Phoenix Ashes Ritual, which would grant amazing powers and abilities.

The first thing they had to do was to acquire the ingredients and components for the ritual. Fortunately, most of the pieces were easily obtained without alerting the Death Eaters, or Voldemort, for that matter. They quietly gathered the dragon scale, unicorn horn, Thestral tail hair, and salamander's blood. The hardest part were the phoenix tears, for neither had seen a phoenix since their late Headmaster's funeral.

As if sensing their need and thoughts focused upon him, Fawkes, Dumbledore's beautiful phoenix appeared in a flash of flame – just when they needed him most – and offered his tears to Harry.

The ritual was painful at first. So much power and energy was being poured into him...he wanted the pain to stop…death was surely better than this; for the pain and agony was nothing like he had ever experienced before…he was unaware if he was screaming or shouting or saying anything at all…it was pure torture…

Then, suddenly, it stopped. Harry was on the ground, panting hard as though he had just run a marathon.

They knew at once that it had worked, as Harry could perform wandless magic with ease. He still practiced with a wand of course, but he was more powerful than he had ever dreamed.

Sadly, Fawkes didn't stay, and disappeared, this time for good.

Hermione and Harry continued to hunt for Voldemort's Horcruxes.

Ron came back.

Together they destroyed Slytherin's Locket. Then they ventured deep in Gringotts to steal Hufflepuff's Cup.

They snuck into the school to find Ravenclaw's Diadem, and the Battle of Hogwarts began.

Despite the fact that Hogwarts was built to withstand a siege, Voldemort's forces proved to be too much and were slowly overwhelming the defenders of Hogwarts.

Harry found the Diadem, and it was quickly destroyed by Crabbe's idiotic use of Fiendfyre. A spell the former Slytherin would certainly never be casting again.

That just left the snake, Nagini, and Voldemort himself.

Harry smiled as Neville killed the snake. Voldemort, however, was beside himself. Not only were all of his Horcruxes destroyed, but he'd lost all of his Death Eaters. The Dark Empire he had built was coming undone. He was then beaten by Harry in a duel where he slowly withered away until he became nothing more than ashes in the wind.

However, the price of victory was high. Countless students had died, and Harry had nearly lost all of his friends.

He didn't want to remain in a world where he was surrounded by dead loved ones.

Hermione finally seemed to understand Harry's pain. She helped him with the ritual to send him to another world, after he settled his affairs in the magical world.

Thanks to his word, Draco Malfoy and his family were saved from being sentenced to Azkaban. They made peace with one another as well. Never able to truly be friends, but they parted on better terms than would have been expected from their time in their academic years.

Harry also told the magical world exactly who did what and made sure the right people were released from Azkaban, and those that wronged them were sentenced to Azkaban in their stead.

Hermione insisted that he take all his gold with him, since in a new world – even in a parallel one – money and gold would still run things. Harry heeded her advice, withdrew the entirety of his gold from Gringotts, and devised a way to carry all of it as well as enough food to last him for the time he would evidently need to get straightened out in the new world. In any case, as Hermione had pointed out, all worlds relied on currency and he would need his to survive.

Along with his money, he carried only a few possessions, however: some muggle clothes, robes, food, and a number of books that Hermione, Professor McGonagall and Professor Flitwick had given him to read and learn from, in case there was magic, and if he ever needed to use magic in his world.

With everything in tow, he finally stepped through the portal…

…looked around…

And blinked.

This isn't so different.

Actually, it wasn't different at all, he realized as he easily recognized his location as London.




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