Chapter 2

Harry stayed silent as he decided his first order of business. He needed to find a computer and look up where he could sell his gold. He wasn't overly picky, but he needed to find an honest dealer or a trustworthy bank. He was extremely thankful that he'd messed around with his cousin's computer a bit when he was younger, and not completely eschewed technology like many Muggle-borns who entered the Wizarding World. As it was, he felt relatively comfortable that he could easily find what he needed without drawing attention to himself.

Walking into the internet café gave him the first indication of something truly different about this world. The computers were not the big, bulky contraptions he remembered, but slim and sharp. Upon logging in, he found they also ran faster, much faster than his cousin's.

With the lightning-fast computers and the internet, it didn't take him long to find the best place to sell his gold. They had five stars from their customers. The only downside was that it would require going to Sweden.

Harry had to use magic to Confund some muggles, but was able to get on a plane to Stockholm. Once there, he staked out the bank and realized at once that it was a high-profile bank, which would surely not appreciate his more casual dress. The first thing he had to do, then, was buy proper and appropriate clothes. Unfortunately, he realized that the entire reason he was here was because he didn't have actual money; ultimately, he transfigured his clothes into nice, tailored ones before walking into the bank.

There didn't appear to be any real tellers, just a pseudo-receptionist at a front desk. The bank employee seemed reluctant to believe Harry would be worth the time of the bank when he approached and said that he had gold to sell. This rapidly changed when he pulled out ten gold bricks, and an appraiser was quickly summoned.

They quickly and efficiently examined and performed tests to determine that the gold was not only real, but its fineness was of almost 995, or 24 karat quality, they agreed on a settlement price. Harry didn't have to snoop around, or do another background check, to know that security here was tight. After settling for about six million dollars, Harry set up an armored car to "retrieve" the rest of his gold. He needed about ten of them, but he was able to get them squared away, though he did have to use magic to Confund them into doing so.

Two weeks later, he had a bank account with over thirty billion dollars in his name.

After that, he decided to travel the world like he'd never been able to in his home universe. He went to Berlin, Moscow, Paris, Tokyo, Beijing, and many other places. He never stayed in one place for long, but just enough to enjoy the countries and different cultures.

With a little more than two years of travel under his belt, he was finally looking to settle down and just call a place home.

"Please take your belongings with you as you disembark from the plane," a voice over the loudspeaker said, causing Harry to jolt awake.

Harry looked around and realized the other passengers were already getting up and grabbing their belongings.

Harry yawned as slowly got up and stretched out his legs and arms from their protracted inactivity. He'd slept through most of the eight-hour plane ride.

Harry grabbed his backpack, his only luggage, as he stood in line with everyone else to disembark the plane.

He said nothing as he walked past the lady at his gate's counter and continued following the signs for the exit. He noticed that many of his fellow passengers were heading to their baggage area to collect their belongings. Harry was very grateful he didn't have to wait for his stuff. He had heard stories of how belongings had not arrived, or worse, ended up in another country. How Muggles lived without magic quite frankly astonished him sometimes. He might have, technically, grown up that way, but he'd never experienced Muggle long-distance travel before stepping through that portal.

Harry stepped outside and couldn't help but notice how rainy and wet the east coast of the United States was. Harry got into one of the waiting cabs and set his bag down.

"Where to boss?" the driver asked.

"A hotel in downtown Manhattan," Harry replied calmly. He of course had no reservation for any hotel, but he could easily get one.

"I know just the place," the driver said, and took off into the rain.

Nothing was said as the driver drove him into New York City: The City That Never Sleeps. Harry had never seen himself coming to this city when he was younger…but then again, he also hadn't imagined coming to a new world.

With his mind drifting all over the place, Harry arrived at the Roosevelt Hotel without paying attention to most of the trip. He got out the cab and paid the driver a hundred before walking through the entryway of the imposing building.

Harry said nothing as the doorman opened the door, and walked up to the front desk.




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