Chapter 7

It took several hours of him signing paperwork and transferring the funds in full, to the surprise of the real estate agent, from his extensive bank account. In the end, Harry became a new owner of a luxury home. Though, he did use magic to speed up the process a bit.

Harry went back to the hotel to inform them he wouldn't be staying any longer and to collect his toiletries.

Harry closed his door only to see "Kate" come out of hers.

"I take it you're having a good stay." She asked as she walked with him down the hall towards the elevator.

"One night was all I needed to clear my mind." Harry said blandly, knowing this would likely throw a wrench into her surveillance plans.

"You're leaving?" She asked in surprise. Of course she was surprised, he'd checked in for two days.

"Yeah, I managed to get a good business deal. So, I'm moving on." Harry lied. He didn't want to tell her that he got a place. His instincts from the night before had already told him she wasn't being honest.

"I'm still here for a couple of nights. Where are you heading?" She asked. Yeah, if he hadn't been a paranoid bastard, he might've fallen for that.

"Home." Harry said simply, knowing that she'd been hoping for more than that. His beliefs were confirmed when she looked at him slightly expectantly as if she were hoping he would tell her exactly where "home" was. Harry, however, did not elaborate.

"Well I hope you have a safe trip back." She said as they walked in the elevator, covering her disappointment well.

Harry said nothing they rode the elevator down. He kept his eyes trained on the door, but his attention was on her. He slowly made out what he was seeing in the reflection of the stainless-steel doors. She was carrying a gun, and her right hand was resting near it. It was as if she was nervous and afraid of him and ready to use it at a moment's notice.

Harry became nervous as he knew this could turn dangerous very fast. He made an effort to keep calm and keep his breathing slow and steady. He didn't want her panicking, although even with a gun, she likely wouldn't do anything. As far as he could tell, she was here to watch him.

When the elevator dinged and the door opened to the hotel lobby, Harry quickly and silently made his way out and towards the front desk. He quickly returned his key, and marched straight out the door with the concierge wishing him a good day and "Kate" watching his rapid departure in surprise.

Harry walked in the rain trying to clear his mind, slowly trying to piece together the puzzle laid out before him. Hermione had always said he was smart, he just had to believe it for himself.

He bought a hot dog from a stand and ate it while thinking hard.

All he knew was "Kate" was someone who was sent to keep an eye on him. She was also armed and most likely well-trained as well. She'd clearly known that elevator fights were dangerous as they could backfire if you didn't know your adversary.

Harry was brought out of thoughts when he noticed three men beating up a young man in an alley.

Without pause or hesitation, Harry stuffed the last bite of hot dog in his mouth and moved in to intervene.

"Hey," Harry said, pulling the big man off. This was a rather stupid idea since the man was as big as an adult Dudley, a Dudley who'd actually built up some muscle mass from boxing.

"What do we got here? A hero?" The man's partners said as they stopped their current form of entertainment to look at Harry.

Harry was starting to realize how stupid he was for trying to pick a fight. Damn his "saving people thing."

Having quite a bit of experience due to Dudley, Harry easily saw the punch coming. Unfortunately, he knew very little of actual fighting and therefore had no true knowledge of how to deal with said incoming. He stumbled a bit from the impact before the second punch sent him to the ground hard. Then came the kick.

Harry was kicking himself for his stupidity, since he'd been in this situation countless times as a child with his cousin and gang beating him up. He'd practically set himself up for this.

Sirens saw the men stop and run, allowing Harry to slowly get up off the ground. It seemed the original victim had taken advantage of the distraction and escaped out of sight.

"You alright sir?" The approaching police officer asked the somewhat battered-looking Brit.

"Yeah." Harry muttered back as he wiped his mouth with his sleeve. "I'm fine."

It then occurred to Harry, that the men were doing no real damage to his body. They'd only been able to keep him on the ground.

Harry decided to say nothing more than a quick "thank you" to the cop as he turned and walked away.

He needed to learn muggle fighting, he decided. If he got into another situation like that again, he needed to be able to defend himself.

Harry said nothing more and decided to call it a day and head to his new place.

His return home was uneventful. The doorman bowed his head as he let Harry into the building, remembering him from earlier. Harry entered the elevator and swiped his keycard, allowing the elevator to take him back to the twentieth floor.

Harry walked into his place and takes a quick look around. He went to one of the bedrooms and decided that he needed to look into getting some bedroom furniture tomorrow. For tonight, the carpet would be plenty soft enough. He dropped his bag on the floor before laying on the ground and falling asleep.





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