Chapter 8: Whose Hunting Whom

Harry slowly wakes up and stretched before getting up and walking out to his balcony where he looked upon the city. He rubbed his chin where the man had punched him yesterday. He couldn't feel any residual effect, but he knew that the man would've easily knocked his lights out if it hadn't been for his ritual enhancements.

He really needed to learn how to fight. Being hard to injure was all well and good for him in the long run, but it was still easy for opponents to keep him pinned. Sure, he'd managed to let the original victim of last night's escapade get away, but it had been pure luck that all the assailants had focused on Harry, himself. Right now, the best he could do was serve as a distraction. In this world where he had to be careful showing what he could do, magic would only get him so far in a fight.

Harry pulled out his phone and put his new data plan to use looking for things he needed to buy. Clothes. He definitely needed more clothes. He'd never really had much of a wardrobe and, therefore had little in the way of clothes now. While he could, technically use magic to change his clothes around, he knew that there was a limit to what magic could do in that regard. Mending was another problem. He'd never really learned how to sew, whether magically or manually, and reparo rarely worked properly on clothing. He wouldn't be surprised if there was some clothing-specific repair charm, but he certainly never learned it. He now had a solid place to stay, it was time to splurge and get himself a full wardrobe. Hopefully the clothes shopping wouldn't be as painful as he'd sometimes heard his male friends complain about.

Besides clothes, Harry decided that he needed to buy a computer. He'd always been keen on owning a computer, if for no other reason that he'd been ridiculously jealous of Dudley's when they were little. He'd only ever been able to so much as touch it when the Dursley's were out of the house.

Looking up from his phone at his spartanly-furnished apartment reminded him of something else. Furniture and appliances, probably cookware, as well. He'd need to get some of the essentials that morning. Luckily, if he could get the shopping done quickly, he'd be able to use magic to either shrink his purchases to carry over, himself, or magically unpack and place them after they were delivered if the former wasn't feasible. Hopefully, he'd have a decently furnished place before lunchtime.

He got up and headed into the bathroom, splashing water on his face before he leaned on the counter.

Two years of traveling and researching this world had left him with many concerns and ideas. The first was while there were similarities, they are also a great deal of differences. For instance, an organization calling itself HYDRA fought in World War Two against the Allied Nation's S.S.R. Howling Commando's led by Captain America. Something as fantastical as Captain America's origins brought to light just how little he truly knew of other differences from his home universe.

He sometimes felt like kicking himself for leaving his home universe. He should have tried to stay and make things right. He still couldn't, however, deal with the fact that countless friends and innocents died because of him. The whole war had been fought because of him.

He took several deep breaths to calm down and steady his breathing before he worked himself up. He couldn't dwell in the past, he'd made his decision to leave and had to stick with it. It wasn't as if he hadn't had some good reasons.

One of those reasons had been Ginny. The red-headed fangirl only saw him as the Boy-Who-Lived or the Chosen One, or was it the Hero-Who-Vanquished, now? She wanted the fame and attention that came with being the girlfriend of such a hero. Never mind that Harry had always hated fame and attention. He knew that if he stayed with her the rest of his life he'd be little more than an accessory to get her into the best parties, a Chihuahua in a handbag that carried the ticket; a novelty and conversation piece. He absolutely didn't want that in a girlfriend.

He regretted that he hadn't made things work with Cho. Although, their last night together was sure to be a Patronus memory for quite a while, he thought with a small smirk. He never would have thought she'd be a screamer, but Merlin did she scream herself hoarse their last night together. He felt stupid. He should have tried to stay with Cho.

"Stop kicking yourself Potter. You made your bed, now lie in it." Harry muttered to himself as he turned around to check through his things.

He pulled a few of his books out and realized he didn't have a good place to store them yet. Yes, he'd need to do some serious shopping that day.





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