Chapter 9

"This is our target." Agent Phil Coulson said as the monitor brought up a picture of Harry. "This individual appeared on our radar two years ago. It was only yesterday Agent Thirteen learn a name he's using: Harry."

All the agents were silent as they look at the Senior Field Agent Supervisor.

"He is currently the youngest ever self-made billionaire and has traveled the world for over two years. From the best we can tell, he made his fortune selling over 200 tons of gold to a bank in Sweden. Agents from all countries have been sent to keep an eye on this guy, yet he is remarkably skilled at disappearing." Phil Coulson said as all the S.H.I.E.L.D. agents looked at him. "We need to know who is he and where and when he acquired all of that gold. We also need to find any contacts he has. Use social media: Facebook, Twitter, Myspace. Use open sources: computers, ATM cameras, security cameras. If you can think of it, use it."

"Sir, where is the target now?" A female agent asked.

"We don't know." Coulson said, disgruntlement mostly hidden behind his usual bland facade. A shuffling is heard as the assembled agents exchange surprised glances before looking back to Coulson. "Like I said, he's very good at disappearing. Agent Thirteen was with him at the hotel we'd tracked him to when he turned in his hotel room key ahead of schedule and walked right out the door before she even had a chance to stop him. By the time she was able to get outside to follow him, he'd vanished."

"Is that why Fury called me in?" A new voice said. The assembled agents turned to see a level seven agent standing there. A quiver could be seen on his back with a bow in his hand, they had called in the Hawk.

"Agent Barton, your assignment is to find this guy and shadow him. Find out who he is talking to. I don't have to tell you, that if Director Fury called you in for this assignment then it's very serious that we know who he is." Coulson said in an efficient tone.

"What was his last known position?" Agent Barton asked brusquely.

"Roosevelt Hotel, Manhattan, New York." An agent said, consulting the briefing notes.

Barton narrowed his eyes a little before snapping, "Come on people, work faster. Manhattan has millions of security cameras. Track him. Find out where he went."

All the agents immediately went to work, bringing up the security camera footage to try and locate "Harry".

"Agent Barton, go out into the city and try to find him. We'll let you know if we have any luck." Agent Coulson said.

Harry walked into a bookstore looking for books about fighting.

"Can I help you?" An employee asked. She was young, too, most likely only just out of high school.

"Yes, I'm interested in some books on mug… fighting." Harry said, correcting himself midway.

"Not interested finding out how to beat others up, I hope." She said with a bit of concern.

"No, I was mugged the other day." He grimaced sheepishly, "I remember that learning mixed martial arts is open to the public and am interested in learning some."

"Oh, I see. Well, a lot of guys are into M.M.A. They like shows like U.F.C. If you're after that I would recommend this: Mixed Martial Arts Fighting Styles for Dummies." She said picking up a yellow book that had a fighter on the cover.

"Any others?" Harry asked.

"Let's see, we've got ninjutsu, kung fu, muay thai, karate, taekwondo, Brazilian jiu-jutsu. Oh, this might be interesting for you: kendo." She said picking up books for him. Harry looked at her a little strangely and wondered if she was in the right job; she seemed to be more into this subject than he was.

"Is that all?" She asked him, brightly.

"I guess." Harry said, a touch tentatively before walking up to the cash register to pay for all of his new books.

Barely two steps out the door, he ran into someone…literally.

"I'm sorry I didn't see you…" the woman said in an apologetic tone.

"Kate?" Harry asked in surprise. He honestly hadn't expected to run into her today. It was either crazy happenstance, or she was really good at her job shadowing people.

"Harry! It's good to see you." She said in surprise.

"You're not following me, are you?" Harry asked, affecting a playfully suspicious expression.

"No, I was on my way to meet my boss. He's unhappy… as usual." Kate said carefully.

"Oh, well I don't want to hold you up." Harry said as he turned to walk away.

"Would you like to get some coffee?" Kate asked him, an almost unnoticeable undercurrent of desperation in her voice.

Harry turned back to look at her with a raised eyebrow. He began calculating what he should do, slowly realizing he could take advantage of this to learn more about her and who she was working for. She could be a potential font of information if handled correctly.

"I have a lot I need to get done today, namely grocery shopping at the moment. Can I invite you for dinner, instead?" Harry asked a bit tentatively.





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