Chapter 10

Merlin, it felt strange to flirt. He hadn't flirted with anyone in two years, not since he'd arrived in this universe. He also recognized from his own mental process that he had to break some habits, such as saying words like "muggle" and "Merlin." He was supposed to be normal now, he reminded himself.

"Sure," she replied, a little surprised, "how do we coordinate?"

Harry gave his address and exchanged numbers with her before they parted ways, agreeing to meet later at six.

"You are late. You are very late. Want to tell me why you are late?" clipped out Nick Fury as he looked at Agent Thirteen, a.k.a. Sharon Carter.

"I ran into someone who, I think you'll be pleased to hear, I'm meeting for dinner tonight." She replied, a little smugly.


"Harry." The small smug smile hadn't left her face.

"Are you referring to our target 'Harry'?" Nick Fury asked carefully.

"I am. He gave me his number and address. I'm going to meet him soon for dinner." She was enjoying the flabbergasted, or as close as Director Fury got to such an expression, look on her boss's face.

He did credit to his job and recovered quickly. "You know what you have to do. Get me something on this guy. Background information would be a good place to start."

"I know sir." Sharon Carter said.

"Report to Coulson and make sure you are wired for this evening, and be prepared. You know where this could lead." Nick Fury said, a small hint of sympathy in his voice. He knew Thirteen's distaste for seduction missions.

"I am more than aware of that sir. I'll do what is necessary to get you a report on him." She resisted biting her lip in trepidation before asking, "Shouldn't the Black Widow be doing this, she's better…"

"Agent Romanoff is on a different mission right now. She won't be back in time for this. I'm sorry, but I have to ask you to go over the line for this." Nick Fury said.

"I understand." Sharon Carter said, no longer feeling quite so smug realizing what this mission may lead to.

"I know it's not what you wanted, but we need this intel. We need to know who this guy is and what he plans to do with all that money." Nick Fury said, sympathy back in his tone.

Sharon Carter nodded her head curtly before walking out.

"You're certain." Phil Coulson said as he looked somewhat amazedly at Sharon Carter.

"I'm positive. I'm meeting him at six o'clock tonight. I need to be wired and 'prepped'." Carter said, enjoying the slip in Coulson's bland mask a bit more than she should.

"Where's the address?" Coulson said, suddenly back to business.

After she told him the address, Coulson snapped his fingers at the person at the desk in front of him. An image appeared on the screen for everyone to look at.

"This is our target's location. Notify Agent Barton immediately. This is not an easy place to infiltrate even for S.H.I.E.L.D. agents. Security is as tight as the Pentagon and White House. The only access point is an elevator with a special fob access card. Window cleaning is strict and specific, as well. They've got high-class private security firm. We'd need a warrant to enter the building, or we'd be looking at a shooting gallery." Coulson states, immediately recognizing the building.

"How did he get into this place?" Agent Barton's voice sounded incredulously through the coms as he communicated with them from within the city.

"We'll know more when we know what floor he's on. Getting that information won't be a challenge, but bugging his place will be." Coulson said. "Barton, sweep the area, give me a layout ASAP."

"On it."

Coulson turned to Agent Carter, radiating sympathy.

"You sure you're up for this? This is more of Romanoff's specialty."

"Can't lie and say something about this guy doesn't have me a bit worried." Sharon Carter admitted.

"What do you mean?" Coulson asked.

"There's something about him that seems 'off,' somehow. I don't know. I can't find the words to describe it. It's just… it really bugs me. I don't think I'll be able to rest unless I know what it is." was the best she could say.

"You be careful. We have no extraction plan if things go south." Coulson said with some concern.

"I know." She said softly as she turned.

"Also, carry a light firearm, but keep it hidden in your purse. If he finds it on your person, we don't know how he'll react." Coulson said.

"Understood." She said as she headed for the door.

"And Agent…" Coulson said, causing her to stop and turn around to look at him. "Be safe. If you sense the first sign of danger, bail out immediately." Coulson ordered.

Carter nodded her head. "Understood sir." She said as she left to get prepared for the night.





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