Chapter 13: Define

Harry was silent as he walked down the busy streets of New York City. He was getting more and more familiar with the layout, the patterns and the general personality of the people. The average person was generally only concerned about getting to where they need to go, hardly paying attention to anything that didn't concern them.

Harry wasn't about to complain, as this let him go about his business without attracting too much attention. This allowed Harry to go about his business as usual. As no one took notice of Harry. For once, Harry was wearing his own robes, a simple black that matched his hair.

Harry paused as he realized he was being followed, no doubt it was that S.H.I.E.L.D. Agent Barton that Sharon Carter had told him about under his little interrogation. Thankfully, his robes were spelled in such a way that if a nonmagical saw them, they'd see normal clothing.

The rain slowly started to come down again and Harry paused as he felt the cold raindrops splash across his face. The rain allowed his untamed hair to go against its nature and fall into place by lying flat from the weight of the water.

For Harry, the rain was welcome. It reminded him of the rainy seasons he had playing Quidditch at Hogwarts. Wood liked to make sure that they practiced almost no matter what. After all, if that match with the horde of dementors hadn't been canceled or postponed due weather, it's unlikely one would ever be. Merlin, how he missed Hogwarts.

Harry sighed again, knowing he was again dwelling in the past. He knew it would do no good for him; he had to move forward.

Harry paused as he remembered the spell he'd cast on Sharon Carter's clothes that would allow him to spy on her for brief moments at a time. She was currently returning to the S.H.I.E.L.D. New York Base of Operations. Unknown to Sharon, Harry was tailing her carefully through the streets. So far she hadn't made contact with any officer of S.H.I.E.L.D., and was instead walking the streets towards her destination.

Harry felt a little guilty, as he had had to confund her into leading him to the S.H.I.E.L.D. base of operations, but he needed to learn who he was dealing with.

Harry hung back as she entered a building, walking across the street to a hotdog stand he'd spotted. As he bought one, he saw her place her hand on a scanner. Thanks to his eagle-like eyes, he could confirm that the security system was advanced, most likely a fingerprint scanner. This meant he wouldn't be able to get inside, at least not the direct way.

He took a bite of the hotdog as he watched Sharon walk down the corridor and disappear. Quickly scanning the entrance hall, he noticed that the men guarding the entrance were packing handguns. They were most likely wearing bullet proof vests, as well.

Harry had never tested magic against such defenses before, and wasn't particularly interested in doing so now. A well-placed shot could end him, even with the power of phoenix tears. He wasn't interested in fighting over something so stupid. His days as acting like a reckless Gryffindor were over. The sorting hat once told im that he would have done well in Slytherin. It was time to prove that tattered scrap of cloth right. Slytherin meant being cunning and ambitious. Harry knew he'd had cunning in spades as a child. Surviving the Dursleys demanded nothing less, but he didn't believe he had any real kind of ambition. He chalked that as the main reason he'd been placed in Gryffindor.

Harry finished the hotdog and walked away, making sure to take note of the landscape and the streets just in case he wanted to return.

Harry kept his silence as he walked through the sea of oblivious New Yorkers only focused on reaching their own destinations. He casually turned into an alleyway and disapparated with a soft pop, leaving his shadow wondering how he'd disappeared. Without having actually seen the ability, Harry was sure his shadow was going to be very confused.

Harry reappeared in an alleyway just around the corner from his place and casually walked out to the sidewalk, heading towards his building. Just another guy walking along the sidewalk in New York. Nothing to see here. He kept up this appearance by giving a simple nod to the doorman before heading to the elevator.

Once inside his apartment, he started to boot up his computer. Heading to the fridge to pour himself a glass of water while he waited, he suddenly heard a buzzing in his ears accompanying the sound of voices speaking. Finishing his water, Harry quickly cast an illusion spell to display what was happening with Ms. Carter. The spell had a distinct time limit, and only worked in conjunction with the one he'd placed on her earlier, but it was amazing for spying.




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