Chapter 14

The image formed, showing Sharon Carter standing in an office with three other people. One was a brunette woman in a skintight uniform with her hair in a tight bun. One was a middle-aged balding man in a suit with a bland look on his face and his hands folded together in front of him. Finally, in the middle, was a tall bald black man with an eyepatch over his left eye and a long black trenchcoat. By his appearance, after what Ms. Carter had told him under veritaserum, Harry figured they were likely Maria Hill, Phil Coulson and Director Nick Fury, respectively.

"You mean to tell me you got nothing out of him." Fury boomed.

"He was extremely cagey and didn't reveal anything he didn't want me to know. He was very tight-lipped about his intentions, sir." Carter stated, business-like.

"What do you know?" Fury said.

"He seems interested in starting a business in New York. He wouldn't elaborate as what it would be. Only that it would be boring for some people but he would find it enjoyable."

"Are you certain he didn't so much as hint at its nature?" He demanded.

"No sir."

"Very well. What else?" He snapped out.

"I can't prove it, but I was watching him carefully. His eyes, they were almost dead. I've seen this before in soldiers who served in what could best be classified as 'hell-holes.' I think he's seen his fair share of battles. Either that, or something extremely traumatic happened that caused him to lose the life in his eyes."

"You mean he's a soldier?" Hill said.

"Could be. He has the look and feel of one. He's always on guard and doesn't seem to trust easily. He could possibly be suffering from PTSD."

"Hold on, how old is this kid?" Coulson suddenly interjected.

"Under twenty-one." Carter replied.

"You mean you don't know." Phil Coulson said, an eyebrow raised in surprise at just how little Carter had managed to get out of the young man.

Nick Fury sighed as he rubbed his temples with his fingers. This 'Harry' was proving to be a real headache. After two years of shadowing the guy and following him all over the globe, they had nearly nothing on him. They should have had something by now.

"Wait, it doesn't add up. Where did he get the gold in the first place, especially while being a soldier? If he truly was a soldier, most soldiers who steal rarely net more than a quarter million dollars, and they almost always get caught. It just doesn't add up with either who he is or why he's been going around the world for two years." Hill said with some frustration.

"He's running." Fury stated, a hint of revelation on his face.

"Running? From what?" Hill interjected.

"That is what we must find out." Nick Fury replied.

"Sir, this may be just a thought, but I need to lay it out there." Coulson said, carefully.

"What is it Coulson?" Fury asked the man.

"I think there is a good chance we're looking at a possible super soldier."

This idea was met with stunned silence by the room. Everyone turned to look at Coulson carefully.

"What's your evidence to support that?" Hill asked.

"Just a feeling. As you know the 'Index' is something we don't speak of. But it must be brought up in this situation."

"Proceed, Coulson." Fury said, giving permission.

"For two years, we've been shadowing this kid. We have no clues as to his origin. He just popped up on our radar when he walked into a Swedish Bank to deposit over two hundred tons of gold. Literally the only time he'd been seen before that was on London's CCTV, where he was recorded going into an Internet Café and searching to find said bank before boarding a plane to Stockholm without even a by-your-leave from the ticketing agent, security, or customs. Since then, he has traveled the world, seemingly as a tourist. Each and every time, he shows amazing skill at being able to bypass customs and security in many places. Most officials don't even pay attention to this guy. He doesn't have any known identification on him, either. In two years, he's never been in trouble in any country, nor has a cop or guard ever stopped him."

"So, what's your hypothesis?" Hill asked.

"I think he was part of an illegal project that was after the Super Serum used on Captain America. By the looks of things, it may have been successful. He must have stolen their money before depositing it in one of the most secure banks in the world. A way for them to not be able to touch it. If he is running from such an organization, then that means we could be facing a group of enhanceds."

Everyone paused to consider his words, mulling over the possibilities and consequences.




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