Chapter 15

"Get me Agent Romanoff. Have her interrogate this kid, and find me his god damned D.O.B.!" Fury shouted.

"What should we do in the meantime?" Coulson asked.

"Keep our distance. If he is, indeed, a super soldier, I'd rather not pick a fight with him. The last thing we need is to pull a General Ross and aggravate another Banner. We will not engage him until we know for sure that we can contain him." Fury stated.

"Perhaps we should have S.H.I.E.L.D. pick him up, gently, and bring him in to make him tell us who he is." Hill said.

"That is not a good idea." Coulson said.

"Why?" Hill asked.

"Because if he is, indeed, suffering from PTSD, then that means he's been broken. Broken men can be…unpredictable. If he's also a super soldier, that could backfire on us extremely quickly and badly. We will approach him when it is deemed safe to do so." Fury answered her in Coulson's stead.

The phone rang, interrupting their discussion. Fury pressed a button on his desk to show the caller ID and any video on the wall screen.

"What is it Agent Barton?"

"Sir, I've lost him."

Everyone in the room was stunned. The Hawk had lost a target. The Hawk was the best agent they'd ever seen at shadowing a target.

"You lost him." Nick Fury repeated in a soft, but dangerous tone of voice.

"He was tailing Agent Thirteen. He followed her until she entered the S.H.I.E.L.D. Commander Center. He was watching her until she was out of sight, too. Then as he was walking back, he turned into an alleyway out of my sight for no more than two seconds and disappeared. I attempted to follow, but I could find no evidence of where he went."

"Does he have cloaking technique?" Coulson asked, having to address the worst-case scenario that had come to his mind.

"Lock this place down now!" Fury shouted, eye wide. He'd clearly caught onto exactly what Coulson had meant, if not thought of it on his own as well. "I want all security personal to verify the identity of all personnel in this building their security clearance, now!"

Hill pulled out a walkie talkie and spoke into it. "Lockdown! I repeat Lockdown! This is a level three lockdown!" Hill shouted into the device.

The image slowly disappeared and Harry walked over to his computer.

"You're right, Fury. A broken man can be dangerous due the fact that they can become trapped in their own nightmare. However, I am not that weak, Fury. The war may have destroyed my childhood, but what it did for me was something far greater. It forged me into being who I was meant to be. It's time I stop running." Harry said with sudden newfound self-confidence. Confidence he has not felt since he was sixteen years old. It may have been only three years ago, but it felt like it was a lifetime away.

He suddenly realized he had been trapped in Dumbledore's shadow and when Dumbledore died, so had his belief in his own abilities. It was time to become who he really was meant to be. Too bad he hadn't had this revelation back home, but since he had no way of returning to his world to make things right and seek forgiveness, he'd have to make do with his new world.

Nick Fury had spoken of people creating and going after super soldiers. That meant the world had enemies; enemies that may be worth fighting. Maybe he came to this world for a reason. He still wasn't sure what do about S.H.I.E.L.D., they had proven they weren't friends, but they weren't necessarily enemies, either.

Harry turned to his computer and paused as he spotted at the blinking envelope, cheerily telling him he had new mail.

Harry opened and read it very carefully.

It was from Henri Ducard.

A brief scan of the email told him that the man was willing to meet and train him, for a price. Detailed information was given to Harry on when and where to meet.

Looking at the clock, Harry sees he doesn't have much time if he's going to get there in time.

Harry deleted the email before heading out to meet Ducard.

Harry quickly placed a locking spell on his door as well as an imperturbable spell to prevent his door from being broken down. He didn't know how long he was going to be gone, and would rather not take any chances.

Harry quickly ran out the door upon reaching the lobby only to be greeted by a sudden, heavy downpour. Yep, just like home.

Without a whisper of complaint through the rain into the same alley he'd arrived in earlier that day, before disappearing with a soft "pop."

Harry reappeared in an alleyway around the corner from where he was supposed to rendezvous. Upon entering the building, he looked around and saw a man drinking at the bar in a sparsely-populated pub.

Harry walked towards the bartender, in knowing he stood out.

"If you're looking for something kid, you've come to the wrong place." A guy said behind Harry. Harry turns around and sees a scruffy-looking man with a five-o'clock shadow.




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