Chapter 19

Luckily, Ducard had left him with something to help with that. He pulled out a ballistic faceguard with goggles. There was a gas mask filter built into the apparatus, protecting him from tear gas and other airborne toxins. He smiled a little in fondness while looking at it.

Another challenge would be his money. He had a vast sum of money and no real idea what to do with it. He wanted to put that money to good use, but had no interest in building his own large company. That was when the brainstorm hit. He could be a private investor.

Harry went back inside and jumped on his computer, looking for companies he could invest in.

The obvious top of the "sound investment" list was Stark Industries. Unfortunately, he wasn't so keen on investing in weaponry and, by proxy, war. It would make sense in a "investing wisely" way to give himself a specific public image, but it would also go against his morals. It was a definite dilemma and he had to think about his course of action. What he really needed was more information before making a choice.

Sharon Carter had provided great insight on S.H.I.E.L.D., but he needed more information, such as who his potential enemies were and their abilities. He was flying blind at the moment, but he was sure S.H.I.E.L.D. had a list he could start with. People they knew of but had a hard time touching. Maybe it was time to pay S.H.I.E.L.D. a visit.

Harry opened the balcony door and focused on transforming into his Golden Eagle animagus form. It really was a perfect form for both him and the situation. The species was well known for being capable of flying long distances with ease.

Harry flapped his wings and took off towards the ocean, looking for this 'Helicarrier' that Sharon Carter had spoken of. He knew roughly where it was positioned thanks to her.

Harry relished the feeling of the wind passing over his avian body as he flew over the Atlantic seeking the bird emblem of S.H.I.E.L.D. It reminded him of bright days on his Firebolt playing Quidditch.

A few hours of searching yielded the results he was looking for: an aircraft carrier with a yellow eagle symbol painted on the surface of its short runway.

Upon closer observation, Harry saw men and women in the uniform of the spy organization. The uniform was a simple navy-blue with the S.H.I.E.L.D. insignia on the right breast. I.D. cards were attached at the belt, and his eagle-eyes were able to see enough detail to see that most of the crew were identified as having level five or higher clearance. He paused and went over what he remembered from Agent Carter about the organization's Security Clearance System. It made sense that something as sensitive as the Helicarrier would have a minimum clearance requirement.

Harry found an unobtrusive place to land on the deck and shift back to human form. Upon doing so, he cast a powerful glamor to make himself appear as a generic S.H.I.E.L.D. agent.

Taking his infiltration training to heart, Harry was silent as he walked past countless agents down the halls at a brisk pace. One of the most important things in blending in somewhere was to make it look like you not only belonged, but had somewhere specific to be.

"Agent, where are you going?" Of course, that didn't always work out perfectly

Harry stopped to look at the man who'd spoken to him. He was a bald, Hispanic-looking man wearing a suit and a large pair of glasses.

"Sir?" Harry asked calmly, a hint of confusion in his tone.

"Where are you going? You are needed down in level three." He replied, in a tone suggesting he was repeating himself to someone of minimal intelligence.

"Sorry sir, I was just transferred here." Harry lied quickly.

"Come with me." He said, somewhat exasperatedly.

Harry warily walked alongside the agent until he noticed a perfect opportunity. The corridor the two were in was not only empty, but had a handy maintenance closet nearby. Quickly casting a freezing charm on the security cameras, he grabbed the agent and threw him in the closet, closely following his action with a strike rendering the man unconscious. Looking down he saw the man, an Agent Jasper Sitwell, had clearance level seven. He could have unrestricted access to the ship and databanks with this man's identity.

Harry touched the man and focused on a special type of glamor spell. He could feel the illusion shift to mimic the Agent's appearance. After taking Sitwell's security badge and placing it on his identical-looking body, he then placed his hand on the man's head to legillimize some quick information from him. His skills in the mind arts and time being limited, Harry only pulled the essentials from the man's mind. Focusing, he brought up a map telling him where he needed to go and where to get decent equipment. Unfortunately, it appeared the man was also due at a meeting in five minutes.




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