Chapter 20

Harry immediately headed down the hall towards this 'meeting' to not only cover the absence of Sitwell for as long as possible, but to also hopefully find out more about S.H.I.E.L.D.

The room only had a half dozen people inside, and Harry chose a seat near the back. He didn't want to call any unnecessary attention to himself.

"Sitwell," an agent said as he approached. Harry quickly and subtly looked at his badge.

"Blake." Harry said making sure the illusion voice sounded like Sitwell's.

"Do you know what this is about?" He asked.

"They're being very tight-lipped about this…" Harry said but fell silent as the door hissed open as the man he'd previously identified as Nick Fury strode into the room. Harry stood along with the others in the room as the man virtually stalked to the front.

"Be seated." Maria Hill said, and the assembled obeyed briskly.

An image popped up on the large screen behind Fury showing a picture of, well… Harry.

"This is our target, ladies and gentlemen. Last, and only known alias is 'Harry.' He disappeared almost three months ago, going completely off the grid. We still have our analysts trying to find him."

"Sir, does he have anything to do with the disappearance of Tony Stark?" A woman up front asked.

"We don't know. We haven't found any connection, but it seems far too convenient to be a coincidence for him to disappear right in front of the S.H.I.E.L.D. New York Command Center a mere week before Stark was taken. We have agents watching his building, but as far as we can tell, he hasn't returned." Nick Fury said.

"Sir, why is he a threat? Isn't he just a kid?" Another S.H.I.E.L.D. Agent asked.

"That would be a normal assessment, wouldn't it? Only this 'kid' walked into a bank in Sweden and deposited more than two hundred tons of gold bullion. We have no idea what he plans to do with that money, much less where he got the gold in the first place. In addition, he makes some of our best agents, the most highly-trained professionals in the world, look like Academy-dropout amateurs. We're having immense trouble simply keeping tabs on this guy." Nick Fury said in an angry tone of voice, clearly unamused by the agent's blasé dismissal of the target.

"You've all been called in because you're the best at your jobs: research, threat analysis, special ops training. We called you in specifically to find this man and determine if he's a threat to National Security. " Maria Hill stated in her no-nonsense tone.

"Find this guy," Fury said, before shouting, "and tell me his god-damned D.O.B.!" Wow, he was really hung up on that. Harry was sure if he had hair, he would have torn it out by now.

"Agent Coulson has been sent ahead to Los Angeles to speak to Tony Stark. Not only about his escape but to see if this 'Harry' has been in contact with him. Nothing has been ruled out. We're treating this as a serious threat. You all know what you have to do. Find this guy." Maria Hill said.

Everyone got up to leave. At that moment, however, Harry spotted something on Nick Fury's waist: a cell phone. Stifling a smirk, he cast a quick switching spell and grasped the cell phone in his hands as he walked out the door.

Harry silently sniggered to himself about the note he left in Fury's pocket. He was sure it was going to raise all kinds of hell, not something he wasn't used to doing. He was sure Fudge and Scrimgeour had pulled some of their hair out from all the stress he caused them. It was no different than what he was doing now.

Harry, instead of following the others to the bridge, broke off and went to the storage room before quickly placing a locking spell on the door to ensure his privacy as he copied the contents of Nick Fury's phone onto a portable USB. It was time to see who was on S.H.I.E.L.D.'s list that were so bad they needed to be put down. Harry watched amazedly at the sheer volume of information downloading onto his drive. Even at the speed it was going, it took several minutes before it was done. He'd definitely struck gold in taking Fury's phone.

"Sir, I've been paging you for a while." Agent Quartermain said on the bridge the moment Nick Fury walked in.

"What do you mean?" Nick Fury demanded. He hadn't heard nor felt any notifications.

"I've sent you've notifications on your phone sir. Didn't you receive them?" Agent Quartermain asked, politely confused.

Nick Fury moved his right hand to where his phone was clipped, only to encounter something completely different: Paper. A small piece of paper just the right size for a short note.

Slowly, with barely-concealed shaking hands, Fury removed it from the cellphone holder and held it up in front of his good eye.

'She was real nice and beautiful!

Sadly, her charms don't work on me, and neither will the Black Widow's.

I'd appreciate it if you approached me personally on matters regarding me, though.

It's more civil.

You know where to find me.


Nick Fury stood there completely stunned.




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