Chapter 22

Agent Hill said nothing as she took in what the Director was implying. Both were incredibly serious security breaches.

"Get everyone who knows about 'Harry' in the conference room immediately. We need to find out who caused the breach immediately. Once Agent Sitwell finishes with the sketch-artist and has a picture of who attacked him, we'll know more for certain." Fury stated.

"Understood." Hill said, all-business once again.

Five minutes later, the same group from the earlier meeting, minus Sitwell, was gathered in a secure room with several armed security personnel stationed around the perimeter.

Fury walked in looking like he meant business. More so than usual.

"Approximately at a quarter to four this afternoon, no more than ten minutes ago, we had a serious breach in security." Fury said in a slow voice, holding the undivided attention of every agent in the room. "It was, in fact, the greatest security breach we've ever faced, as it involved infiltration and a successful theft by the unknown only known as 'Harry', the unknown we've been tracking for over two years. This is why you've all been called in. You're the only ones on board who have knowledge and access to this information. If a traitor is sitting among us," he paused to allow the assembled to look uneasily at each other. "then I believe it goes without saying that this person or persons will face serious charges and likely imprisonment for treason. Speak now, and you'll get a reduced sentence."

Fury stood at the front of the room, his cycloptic gaze scanning the assembled for some kind of reaction from a possible traitor.

No one said a word. Some shifted uncomfortably in their seats, but there was no sign that a traitor was among them.

As he waited, Fury thought carefully about the day's events. Only a few of the agents approached him today, but none of them were near him during the time of the theft. That could only mean…

"Very well, since no one is taking responsibility, then the other most likely situation is far more serious. The only other scenario that makes sense is that this 'Harry' boarded the Helicarrier and managed to commit the theft, himself." This kicked off a sussuration of whispers from the assembled agents

Almost as if it was scripted, Agent Jasper Sitwell walked in right at that moment, sheet of paper in hand, followed by the sketch artist.

"Do you have a sketch of the culprit?" Hill asked briskly.

"Here, to the best of my memory." Agent Sitwell said as he handed the sketch to his superiors.

"Agent Sitwell, you should know this target. We presented his likeness to you at the meeting earlier." Hill said after a quick glance at the sketch.

"I never went to the meeting. I headed directly to the meeting room I came to, but it was over when I arrived, so I went to the bridge to find the Director." Agent Sitwell replied.

Agent Hill looked taken aback. Fury seemed to puff up in anger, looking as if he might explode any moment. The agents in the room shifted in their seats uncomfortably.

"Bridge, did you get a lock on Director Fury's cell phone?" Hill asked after bringing her walkie to her mouth.

"Yes ma'am, Director Fury is standing approximately three feet from it." The tech's voice replied out of the speaker.

"What?" Fury asked as he approached to the desk. He pulled the keyboard tray and true to the tech's word, his cell phone laid there innocently, alongside Agent Sitwell's badge and on top of another note.

Fury carefully pulled the note out and read it.

P.S. Constant Vigilance

Fury crushed the note in his hands.

"Everyone out!" Hill shouted. All the agents jumped to their feet and hurried out of the door.

The moment the door was closed by the last agent, Hill turned to her superior.

"This is very serious." Hill said, cautious of her boss's anger.

"He's mocking us." Fury said in a slow and dangerous tone of voice.

"How could he have gotten to the Helicarrier without us being aware of it?" Hill asked.

"Find out." He ground out.

Nodding curtly, Hill barked into her walkie. "Bridge, come in."

"This is bridge."

"I want a complete scan of the area and information on anything large enough to hold a human that approached our vicinity within the last hour. Report now."

"One sec, ma'am."

Silence filled the room for a few moments.

"We've got nothing in our area. Nothing larger than a bird has come within five miles of us by sea or air within the past hour."

Hill look like she was going to rip her hair out. She nearly dropped her walkie in disbelief.

"Then how, how in god's name, did 'Harry' get on board the Helicarrier. There was no Quinjet that took off or arrived with the hour. We're in the middle of the ocean. Our security here is top notch. Only the Triskelion has better security than we do."

"That's not what's most disturbing." Fury said in a dangerous tone of voice, interrupting her mini-rant.


"The bastard sat here in the meeting. He knows everything we know about him. He looked exactly like Sitwell the entire time." Fury said in a deceptively calm voice.

"You mean he was in the room with us?" Hill replied in shock, that detail not having quite processed yet.

"Sitwell claims he was not present in the meeting. If this is true, then this Harry can mimic the appearance of another. Lock the Helicarrier down."




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