Chapter 23

Hill's response was immediate.

"Lockdown! Code Red Lockdown. We're at Red Alert level two. All personnel stay put and have security clearance credentials at the ready!" Hill shouted into her walkie.

Nick Fury sighs as he uncrumpled the note and looked at it again.

"If he's here, we'll find him." Hill said.

"He's not. He's long gone." Fury said, still looking at the note.


"The blackout. He escaped during the blackout. He's not here. Still, run security checks to be sure. Work your way from the bottom up. I'll secure the deck. You sweep the floors until he's found or you run out of floors, but I doubt he's here." Fury said softly.

Fury returned to the bridge with his cellphone and Agent Sitwell's security badge.

Everyone looked nervous about the lockdown. Fury was patient as each junction was checked. After an hour of intense stress, Hill returned to the bridge as well.

"I've searched every nook and cranny and he's not here." Hill said.

Fury said nothing as he looked at the security footage of the meeting. No matter how he saw it, he couldn't find any way to determine that this 'Harry' was not the real Sitwell. The idea that he had the ability to take the appearance of another person so perfectly in such a short amount of time was practically unbelievable. Calling it a serious breach of security would be an understatement.

The techs were going over his phone to find out what was looked at during the time it was stolen. So far, they'd reported nothing. Nothing was touched. It was almost as if he took it merely to get their attention, or to mock them in their face.

If he was a S.H.I.E.L.D. Agent, then Nick Fury would have been deeply impressed. His skills at infiltration were greater than Agent Romanoff. He doubted even she could have done a better job than what this Harry proved capable of. Not even their Photostatic Veil prototype could so effectively mimic a person. What kind of tech was this 'Harry' using? Did he come aboard just to mess with them? What if he worked for another organization? If he did, it was an organization that not only had better tech than S.H.I.E.L.D, but could train their agents better as well. That thought was deeply disturbing.

An even more disturbing thought was that Coulson believed him to be an Enhanced. There was no proof, but it was starting to seem more and more possible, in the back of his mind, at least. All he knew was this individual was dangerous. He had been able to board the Helicarrier with ease and steal directly from his person without alerting him in any shape or form. If he'd known more about him and his potential trustworthiness, then Fury would likely have offered him a job as a S.H.I.E.L.D. Agent. After all, he'd done so with Romanoff after Barton had brought her in. Unfortunately, in this instance, they were in the dark and it scared him that they had almost nothing on this 'Harry'.

"Get me Agent Coulson." Fury said, breaking out of his private ruminations.

Harry landed on the balcony and shifted back into his human form before walking inside.

Harry sat by his computer and put in the USB and immediately saw the purloined files come alive. He was about to look through them when he noticed an email notification. Curious, he clicked on the little envelope to read it.

'Hey Kid, I'm glad you're putting your talents to good use. I want you to know this before you hear about it from some third party. By the time you're reading this, I will have been admitted to the hospital in trauma care. I've had prostate cancer for many years now. It's the main reason why I left S.H.I.E.L.D. to live how I wanted before the end. However, time, it seems has now run out for me.

Allow this old man to give you your final lesson: Fighting for the people is good and all. Stopping the bad guys and doing what is right is a perfectly fine way of living your life. In the end, however, if you ever find that someone who has your heart, who you want to spend the rest of your life with, don't turn her away like I did. Spend your life with her. Love her and cherish her for all time. If you don't, you'll regret it for as long as you live. I know I did, I gave her up and stayed with S.H.I.E.L.D. I know I'll never love anyone as much I loved the woman of my dreams. When you find her, love her. Some fights are for the greater good, but you should fight for your own happiness as well. If you can't find happiness, then how can you protect others happiness?

Do not come see me, if you do, S.H.I.E.L.D. will be alerted to your presence. That could cause problems for you in the long run. Allow me to die in peace knowing I raised a good apprentice.

Henri Ducard'

Harry felt tears run down his face. He'd never known, but his mentor was dying and chose to still train him despite it being bad for his health. Was he trying to make up for his own mistakes or something? He would never know.

Harry slowed his breathing and deleted the email like Ducard had taught him. He left no evidence that they'd been in contact with each other.

Regaining his composure, he went back to his original task.

"Okay S.H.I.E.L.D., let's see who is on the top of your shit list." Harry said as he perused their "Most Wanted" list.

"Doctor Banner, Bruce." Harry read aloud. "Last confirmed location: the Canadian Wilderness. Currently being tailed by several S.H.I.E.L.D. Agents." Hmm…maybe, but judging by the man's file, not the type he wanted to focus on. He seemed to be actively trying not to hurt anyone. Someone else would be a more tempting target.

Now the rest of the list was more like it. Many had serious crimes under their belts and were clear threats to society, but were protected. They were protected by governments and politics, making them despicable, but politically untouchable.

Harry scoffed at that. It reminded him far too much of Fudge and his days of befriending Death Eaters, or more accurately, their gold. "Fine, upstanding citizens" his ass.

Harry's own history with politicians told him they could not be trusted. Fudge only did things for public approval, never facing reality and let the dangers of Lord Voldemort rise under his nose. Rufus Scrimgeour wasn't much better. He, also, cared more about political opinion than actually doing anything right and, tried to press Harry into becoming his poster-boy, leading a false claims the Minister was good and winning the war. He'd wanted to use his image to support his campaign, but Harry didn't like the idea of being used.

Harry yawned and decided to retire for the night. He'd had a long day and it was best to sleep on all he'd done.




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