Chapter 3: Introduction to the Kardashian-Jenner Family

It was Thomas's first day as Kendall Jenner's personal bodyguard, and he was already fully immersed in the job.

Dressed in his custom-tailored suit, he was impeccably prepared for what promised to be a day of important introductions. Kendall's agenda featured a luncheon at her mother Kris Jenner's house, and as she had mentioned earlier, all of her sisters and nieces and nephews would be in attendance. This meant that Thomas had the opportunity to meet the famous Kardashian-Jenner family on his first day on the job.

Kendall, despite being accustomed to the constant presence of bodyguards, sensed something different about Thomas. He was more than just a protector—he exuded confidence, security, and a professionalism that put her at ease in a way she had never experienced before. She decided that if he was going to be an important part of her life from now on, it was essential that he be introduced to the family.

On the way to Kris's house, Kendall glanced at Thomas in the rearview mirror. He was sitting in the front seat, paying attention to every detail, and she noticed how seriously he took his role.

"Thomas, I think you'll enjoy meeting my family. They can be a little… intense sometimes, but they're all really nice." Kendall courted the silence, smiling.

Thomas glanced at her in the rearview mirror and answered in his deep, calm voice.

"I'm here to ensure your safety, Miss Jenner. The rest is just part of the job."

Kendall laughed lightly.

"I know, but you'll see. They're a force in their own right."

Upon arriving at Kris's imposing home, the doors of the SUV were quickly opened by the other security guards on the property, and Thomas was the first to get out, quickly scanning the room before opening the door for Kendall.

As soon as she got out of the car, the front door opened and Kris Jenner appeared with a radiant smile on her face.

"Kendall, honey!" Kris exclaimed, opening her arms to her daughter. — And who is this?

Kris looked curiously at Thomas, who stood a step behind Kendall, watching everything carefully.

"Mom, this is Thomas," Kendall said, leaning over to hug her mother. "He's my new personal security guard."

Kris raised her eyebrows, clearly impressed by Thomas's imposing presence.

"Oh, so you're the one taking care of my daughter now?" she said, giving him a refined smile. "I hope you're ready. Our family can be… a little chaotic."

Thomas, his expression unwavering, nodded slightly.

"I'm here to ensure your daughter's safety, Mrs. Jenner. Whatever the situation, I'm prepared."

Kris gave a soft laugh and nodded.

"Well, it's good to know she's in good hands. Come on, everyone's waiting in the garden."

Entering the house, Kendall and Thomas walked through elegantly decorated rooms, and soon reached the garden, where the entire family was gathered. Kylie, Kim, Khloé, Kourtney and their children were spread out around a large lunch table, laden with elaborate dishes and drinks. The children ran around, laughing and playing, while the Kardashian sisters chatted among themselves.

As soon as Kendall entered the garden, all eyes turned to her. Kim, always the first to not notice any new developments, was the first to speak.

"Kenny! And who's behind you?" Kim asked curiously, pointing at Thomas.

Kendall moved from the table and, with a smile, introduced herself.

"Guys, this is Thomas. He's my new bodyguard."

Khloé, who was sitting next to Kim, looked Thomas up and down with a playful look and said, "Oh my God, Kendall, where did you find him? He looks like he walked straight off a runway."

Kendall laughed, already anticipating this kind of comment.

"He's more than just good-looking, Khloé." He served in DEVGRU, one of the Navy's elite units.

Kim looked more interestedly and made a face of admiration.

"DEVGRU? Like, SEAL Team Six? Wow, Kendall, you really were up there with the best."

Thomas, who had been silent until then, took a small step forward and greeted the sisters with a slight nod.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, ladies. I'm here to make sure Kendall is safe, no matter what."

Kourtney, who had been standing further back, finally chimed in, looking from Thomas to Kendall.

"Well, if he's as good as he seems, I guess we're all safe, huh?" Kourtney said with a small smile.

Thomas, who had been silent until then, took a small step forward and greeted the sisters with a smile. The children, who were running around the garden, ran past Thomas, who remained alert but relaxed. He clearly knew how to handle casual situations without letting his guard down, something Kendall admired about him. As everyone settled in at the table for lunch, Kris pulled out a chair for Thomas, offering him a seat at the table, but he politely declined.

"Thank you very much, Mrs. Jenner, but I'd rather remain standing. I want to make sure everything is safe here."

Kris smiled and shook her head. "You're really dedicated, aren't you? I like that."

Kendall looked at him and realized how seriously Thomas took his job, even in a family setting. There was something reassuring about it, and she felt protected in a way she hadn't experienced with other security guards before.

Lunch continued with animated conversation between the sisters, while Thomas strategically positioned himself close enough to act but not intrude on the family's privacy. He maintained his professional demeanor, discreetly observing the entrances and exits of the house, the behavior of the security guards on the perimeter, and the movements of the people around. Nothing escaped his trained eyes.

At one point, while the sisters laughed at an inside joke, Kris looked back at Thomas and asked: "And what is it like working with someone with your experience? You seem to have seen a lot during your time in the military."

Thomas, keeping his tone respectful, replied: "Working in security is an extension of what I did during my time in the service. The difference is that, instead of protecting a country, now I protect a person. But the dedication is the same."

Kris nodded, clearly impressed. "I like it. The safety of my daughters is everything to me, and it's nice to know that someone with your experience is taking care of that."

Kendall, listening to the conversation, felt a surge of pride in her choice.

Thomas was not just a security guard, but someone who brought with him a rare sense of responsibility. And now, after watching him interact with her family, she knew he would fit right into her life.

After lunch, as the sisters said their goodbyes, Kendall and Thomas got ready to leave. Before they got in the car, Kris approached Thomas once more.

"I feel at ease knowing you're taking care of my daughter. Keep up the good work, and maybe I'll need you for the others too!" Kris said with a smile, half joking, half serious.

Thomas just nodded, maintaining his calm demeanor.

"I'll always be ready, Mrs. Jenner."

Kendall smiled at her mother and got into the car, accompanied by Thomas. As they drove away from the property, she felt more confident than ever about her choice. With Thomas by her side, she knew she would be safe, both in the chaotic world of celebrities and in the simplest moments, like a family lunch.

Thomas, for his part, was already back in surveillance mode, analyzing the surroundings, ready to protect his client under any circumstances.