Chapter 4: Dinner with the Biebers

It was a warm evening in Los Angeles, and Kendall Jenner was on her way to an intimate dinner at Justin and Hailey Bieber's house. Dressed in a casual yet elegant ensemble, Kendall was excited for the evening of relaxation with friends. However, in the back of her mind, she also worried about Thomas. He had been impeccable since he started working with her, always vigilant, always attentive, but she didn't want him to feel left out during more casual moments, like this dinner.

When they arrived at the Biebers' mansion, Thomas, as always, got out of the car first to inspect the place and make sure everything was safe. Kendall got out soon after, being greeted with warm hugs by Justin and Hailey at the entrance.

"Kenny!" Hailey exclaimed with a radiant smile as she hugged her. "We're so glad you could come!"

"Me too!" — Kendall replied, smiling, and then looked at Thomas who was standing at a distance, near the entrance, keeping his usual vigilance. — Oh, and I brought Thomas, my new security guard.

Justin, curious, looked over her shoulder and waved at Thomas.

— Cool. He seems serious. He has the vibe of someone who has seen a lot. Let's go in, I want to know more about him.

The group entered the Biebers' stunning home, with its modern design and artistic touches everywhere. Soft music played in the background, and the dining table was already set with a variety of delicious dishes prepared by a private chef.

Thomas, however, stood in a corner of the room, keeping his posture attentive and ready to intervene if necessary. As the hosts and Kendall sat at the table, she noticed the discomfort she felt at seeing Thomas standing there, not participating in the moment.

After a few minutes of lively conversation, Kendall, who could no longer ignore Thomas's solitary presence, turned to him and, with a friendly smile, said:

"Thomas, why don't you join us? You must be tired of standing. Besides, you're always so focused that you probably don't even have time to eat."

Thomas maintained his composure, but hesitated for a moment, as if he was not used to receiving this kind of invitation. He was there to protect, not to socialize.

"I appreciate it, Miss Jenner, but I'm here to ensure your safety. I prefer to maintain my position."

Kendall frowned, gently insisting.

"Thomas, seriously. It's okay. We're among friends, you don't need to be so formal. Besides, I doubt Justin or Hailey will mind."

Hailey, who had been listening to the conversation, immediately jumped into the subject with enthusiasm.

"No way! Come on, Thomas. Everyone is relaxing. Besides, we want to know more about you." Kendall mentioned you were a Navy SEAL, right?

Justin, who had been quiet until then, also perked up at the idea.

"Yeah, man. I've always wanted to meet someone who's been on real missions. You should join us and tell us some stories."

With everyone cheering, Thomas finally gave in. He approached the table with firm steps, but still maintaining his serious posture. He thanked everyone and sat down in the seat Hailey had pulled out for him.

"Okay, but I don't have many exciting stories to tell," Thomas said with a slight smile, his modest way of lightening the subject.

As the dishes were served, Kendall watched with satisfaction as Thomas finally relaxed a little. It was the first time she had seen him out of his rigid security posture, and she was glad to see him blending into the environment.

Justin, however, was too curious to let the subject of Thomas's career drop there.

"So, Thomas, what's it like being a Navy SEAL?" I mean, you've been on some of the most classified missions in the world, right?

Thomas smiled slightly and shook his head.

"Yes, I've been involved in some high-profile missions. But most of the things we've done are classified. The focus has always been on protecting and serving our country to the best of our ability, even in the most difficult circumstances."

"Wow," Hailey said, clearly fascinated. "That sounds so intense. How did you go from secret missions to working in celebrity security?"

"When I left the military, it was a natural transition for me. The discipline, attention to detail, and protecting people aligned with what I already did. I worked on a few security missions for politicians overseas, and now here I am, making sure Kendall is safe."

"You said you worked with politicians?" Justin asked, his eyes shining with curiosity. "Who exactly?"

Thomas hesitated for a moment, but when he realized that the conversation was light and casual, he took his phone out of his pocket and, after a few seconds of scrolling, showed them some old photos.

— Here, this was a mission in the Middle East. We were on an operation to protect President Obama and Vice President Biden. — He showed a photo of himself, bearded and muscular, in full tactical gear, standing next to important political figures.

Justin and Hailey were both amazed.

"Man, that's incredible!" Justin exclaimed, looking at the image in awe. "You were standing next to Obama! And Biden too?"

"Yes," Thomas replied calmly. "I've been part of the security team on several occasions, not only with them, but also with President Trump, in other operations."

"Oh my God, Thomas!" Hailey said, laughing in surprise. "You've really experienced things that most people only see in action movies. And now you're here, sitting with us, in the middle of Los Angeles."

Thomas shrugged modestly.

"Security work is the same everywhere. The goal is to make sure the person I'm protecting can go on with their life without worry."

Kendall, watching her friends' reactions, smiled in satisfaction. She already knew Thomas was impressive, but seeing the respect and fascination he aroused in others made her realize how lucky she was to have him by her side.

"And do you enjoy this kind of work now?" Kendall asked, interested. "I mean, after everything you've done, it seems like you could be anywhere."

Thomas looked at her and, with a sincere look, answered:

"Yes, Miss Jenner. I enjoy what I do. Protecting people is what I've always done, whether it's in a war zone or here in Los Angeles. The environment changes, but the mission remains the same. And honestly, being in a more relaxed environment like this isn't so bad after all."

Kendall laughed, pleased with her answer.

"I'm glad to hear that."

Dinner continued with lively conversation and laughter. Justin and Hailey continued to ask Thomas questions about his experiences, while Kendall watched, happy that he was connecting with his friends. Thomas, for his part, remained discreet but engaged, answering questions without ever losing his professional demeanor.

As the evening wore on, Kendall felt a wave of reassurance as she realized that Thomas was more than just a bodyguard. He was a man with a rich history and extraordinary experiences, but above all, he was committed to her protection.

At the end of dinner, as everyone said their goodbyes, Kendall thanked Thomas for joining them.

"I'm glad you could join us, Thomas. It was nice to see you relax a bit."

Thomas gave a slight smile and nodded.

"Thank you, Ms. Jenner. I'm glad everyone felt comfortable."

As he walked her to her car, Kendall knew that with Thomas by her side, she would not only be safe, but also surrounded by a quiet, reliable force that brought a sense of peace amidst the chaos of her public life.