Chapter 5: Protection in New York

Kendall was excited about her trip to New York. She had a new ad campaign for Calvin Klein and, soon after, she had a meeting scheduled with Gigi and Bella Hadid, her best friends. It was a busy day, but New York always had a unique energy that made her feel alive. And with Thomas by her side, she knew she could enjoy the trip with the security that nothing bad would happen.

When they landed in New York, the weather was cold, with the cutting wind typical of the city. Kendall stepped off the private jet, wearing a long coat and sunglasses, while Thomas, always alert, followed her closely. The driver was already waiting in the car, and, after a quick security check, Thomas opened the door for Kendall to get in.

"Are you ready for a long day?" Thomas asked, as he settled into the front seat, his gaze already scanning the environment for any possible threat.

Kendall smiled.

"I'm always ready for New York. Plus, after the campaign, I'm meeting the girls, so that'll be fun.

The car glided through the city streets, with the skyscrapers of Manhattan rising in every direction. By the time they reached the Calvin Klein studio, a small crowd of fans and paparazzi had already gathered at the entrance, eagerly waiting for a photo or video of Kendall. Thomas immediately got ready to make sure she got there without a hitch.

As they got out of the car, Kendall glanced at Thomas, noticing the seriousness in his eyes.

"Looks like it's going to be one of those chaotic days, huh?" she said, adjusting her sunglasses.

"Don't worry. I'm keeping an eye on everything," Thomas replied, his voice steady and reassuring.

As they approached the entrance, the flashbulbs began to go off. Paparazzi shouted Kendall's name, while fans waved their phones, trying to capture her every move. Kendall, accustomed to this kind of attention, smiled and waved slightly, maintaining the elegance that made her a fashion icon.

However, in the middle of the crowd, one paparazzi in particular seemed more aggressive. He pushed other people to get closer to Kendall, determined to get the best photo. As Kendall walked by him, the man reached out his hand, in an invasive and inappropriate way, trying to touch her butt.

It was a quick movement, almost imperceptible to many, but not to Thomas. In an instant, he reacted. In a precise and calculated movement, Thomas grabbed the man by the shoulder and pushed him hard to the ground. The paparazzi fell heavily, surprised and stunned, while cameras recorded the chaotic moment.

"What do you think you're doing?" Thomas said in a firm voice, his posture threatening but controlled.

Kendall stopped for a second, shocked by what had just happened, but soon recovered. She looked at Thomas, grateful for the quick intervention, but worried about the attention it would generate.

The paparazzi, still on the ground, looked up, irritated but intimidated by Thomas' presence. Other photographers and fans around began to murmur, some filming the scene, while the studio security guards quickly approached to clear the crowd.

"Dude, you pushed me!" the paparazzi complained, trying to get up, but Thomas glared at him, which made the man hesitate.

"And I would do it again if you tried something like that again," Thomas replied firmly, keeping himself between Kendall and the attacker, shielding her from any visual or physical contact.

Kendall placed a hand on Thomas' arm, signaling that everything was okay.

"Thank you, Thomas," she said with a grateful smile, before turning to the fallen paparazzi. "You have no right to touch me. That's not acceptable."

The man mumbled something, but couldn't argue. People around him began to defend Kendall, and the studio security quickly removed him from the premises.

Thomas, still keeping an eye on everyone around him, made sure the area was safe before looking at Kendall.

"Are you okay?" he asked, with protective calm.

Kendall nodded, still amazed at how quickly everything had happened.

"Yes, I'm fine, thanks to you. I can't believe he tried to do that…" she commented, clearly bothered by the intrusion.

"It's my job to stop anything like that from happening," Thomas replied, showing no sign of exhaustion or concern. "Let's go inside. The studio is safe."

Kendall, still feeling the weight of the incident, entered the studio, but not before looking at Thomas again and thanking him with a look. The interior of the photography studio contrasted with the chaos outside. Bright lights, cameras, and a production team anxiously awaited Kendall's arrival.

For the next few hours, Kendall focused on her work, posing for the lens with renewed confidence, though her mind occasionally wandered back to what had happened. She knew that without Thomas, the situation could have gotten out of hand. He was more than just a bodyguard; he was a constant, reliable presence who kept her safe at all times.

After the photo shoot, Kendall had some time to compose herself before her next appointment—meeting Gigi and Bella Hadid for an afternoon of relaxation at one of New York's most exclusive cafes. When she left the studio, Thomas was ready to accompany her again.

"You were amazing today," Kendall said as they walked toward their car. "And I'm not just talking about the situation outside. You're always alert, always aware. It puts me at ease."

Thomas looked at her with a calm but grateful expression.

"I'm glad you feel that way, Ms. Jenner. My job is to make sure you can do yours without worry."

When they arrived at the cafe where Gigi and Bella were already waiting for them, Thomas once again strategically positioned himself, ensuring that Kendall was always under his protection. Upon seeing Kendall, the Hadids immediately ran to hug her.

"Kenny!" Gigi exclaimed, with a huge smile. "How was the campaign? And who's this?" she asked, casting a curious glance at Thomas.

"Oh, this is Thomas, my new personal bodyguard," Kendall explained with a smile. "He saved me from a really awkward situation earlier today."

Bella raised an eyebrow, intrigued.

"What happened?"

Kendall briefly explained about the paparazzi and how Thomas had intervened. Both Hadid sisters were impressed.

"Wow, it seems like you have someone who really cares for you, Kenny," Bella said. "Thomas, I'm glad you're with her. You did the right thing."

Thomas, ever humble, just nodded.

"Just doing my job."

The afternoon went on peacefully, with Kendall, Gigi, and Bella laughing and sharing stories. Thomas, even from a distance, continued to maintain his vigilant stance, observing every detail, never letting his guard down.

As the sun set over the New York skyscrapers, Kendall looked at Thomas once more, feeling a new wave of confidence and security. With him by her side, she knew she could face any challenge, whether in the fashion world or on the busy streets of the city.

Thomas was more than a protector; he was a quiet force that kept her safe, allowing her to shine without worry. And in that moment, Kendall knew she had made the right choice in having him in her life.