Chapter 6: Media Reaction

The morning after the incident in New York, Kendall woke up in her hotel room feeling a slight anxiety in the air. She knew that with so many paparazzi around during the episode with Thomas, it would only be a matter of time before the photos and videos started circulating in the media. After all, the world of celebrities has always been like this: anything out of the ordinary was amplified by millions of curious eyes.

Sitting on the bed, she picked up her cell phone and, as expected, her inbox was full of notifications. Her name was among the most talked about topics on Twitter, and the headlines from gossip sites and tabloids were already starting to appear. Kendall sighed before starting to read the first headlines:

"Kendall Jenner's Security Guard Pushes Paparazzi in the Middle of New York!"

"Former Navy SEAL Defends Kendall Jenner in Intense Way!"

"Paparazzi Assaulted? Kendall's Bodyguard Thomas' Extreme Actions"

The sound of a soft knock on the door made her look up from her phone.

"Come in," she said, already knowing it would be Thomas.

Thomas entered the suite with his usual firm and alert posture, but there was something else in his expression. He also knew the media was in an uproar.

"Good morning, Miss Jenner. How are you?" he asked, although he knew the answer wouldn't be the best.

Kendall threw her cell phone on the bed and sighed deeply.

"The news is all over the place. The video of you pushing the paparazzi spread like wildfire. The media is already freaking out."

Thomas remained impassive, showing no sign of concern.

"I figured this would happen. I did what needed to be done. The integrity of your security will always be my priority."

Kendall smiled, appreciating Thomas' seriousness, but she knew the media wouldn't see the situation so simply. Her phone started ringing, and she answered it, seeing that it was her publicist, Clara.

"Hi, Clara."

"Kendall, it's chaos here. The tabloids are divided. Some are supporting you, others are criticizing Thomas's actions. We need to make a decision about how to respond to this." Clara spoke urgently, already accustomed to dealing with image crises.

"I saw the headlines. Do I need to make a statement?" Kendall asked, trying to think of the best course of action.

"That would be good. But we need to be careful. If you openly support Thomas, it might seem like we're promoting violence against the paparazzi. But at the same time, he was protecting you from an invasive situation. We need to balance that."

Kendall looked at Thomas, who was standing near the window, watching the city below. He was an imposing, protective figure, and she knew that without him, the incident could have been much worse.

"I'm going to defend Thomas," she said firmly. "He was doing his job." That paparazzi had no right to touch me.

Clara sighed on the other end of the line, but nodded.

"Okay. I'll prepare a statement to release on Instagram and Twitter. Something that highlights the importance of boundaries and respect. Let's avoid directly mentioning the shove, but focus on the invasion of privacy."

"Perfect. Send it to me as soon as you're ready. Thank you, Clara."

When she hung up, Kendall stood up and walked over to Thomas.

"The press office is taking care of everything, but I just wanted you to know that I'll support you in this. I won't let the media turn you into the villain of this story."

Thomas looked at her, his expression serious but grateful.

"I appreciate it, Miss Jenner. But I'm prepared for whatever comes. What I did was necessary. I don't care what others think, as long as you're safe."

Kendall nodded. Although she was used to being in the spotlight, she knew Thomas wasn't someone who sought that kind of attention. For him, being the center of attention, even for a legitimate reason, was an uncomfortable situation. She wanted to make sure he knew he wasn't alone in this.

A few hours later, the statement prepared by the publicist was posted on Kendall's Instagram, along with a black-and-white photo of her looking out of her hotel window at New York City. The text read:

"Paparazzi are a part of any well-known figure's public life, but there are boundaries that should never be crossed. We all have the right to our safety and privacy, and yesterday that was violated in an unacceptable way. I thank my security for reacting quickly and for always making sure I can feel safe wherever I go. Mutual respect is key. Let's maintain boundaries and respect for each other."

Almost immediately, the comments began to pile up. Many fans expressed their support, praising Kendall for standing up for her rights. Some celebrities also commented, such as Gigi Hadid, who wrote: "You're right! Boundaries are essential!"

Others, however, were not so sympathetic. There were people who defended the paparazzi, saying that he was just "doing his job" and that Thomas's reaction was "excessive." Social media was quickly filled with heated discussions about what was considered "fair" or "unfair" in the treatment of paparazzi and celebrities' right to privacy. 

Later that day, Kendall and Thomas were in the car on their way to an event in New York when she decided to check the news again. A TMZ article caught her eye. 

"Kendall Jenner Defends Security After Paparazzi Incident — Fair or Overreacting?" 

The article described the details of what happened, showing the video that had been captured. It showed the paparazzi trying to approach Kendall and the exact moment that Thomas intervened, pushing the man to the ground. However, the video also included the seconds before the push, where it was clear that the paparazzi had tried to touch her inappropriately. Kendall showed the video to Thomas, who just shook his head at the coverage.

"The media will always manipulate the narrative to sell stories," he said, unsurprised. "The important thing is that you're safe and people know the truth."

Kendall smiled, admiring Thomas's calm and steady manner.

"I think you're right. Anyway, I think most people will understand. No one likes having their space invaded."

By the end of the day, the story had even started to spread to mainstream news outlets. On a popular morning show, the hosts discussed the incident:

"Well, Kendall Jenner's security guard acted quickly, but was it too much? Are we talking about a shove that could have been avoided?" one of the hosts said.

"I don't know. If someone tried to touch me like that, I would expect my security guard to do the same. No one has the right to invade personal space like that," her co-host replied.

The argument continued, but Kendall knew that, in time, the situation would resolve itself. The support of her fans and friends, as well as Thomas's quick and efficient action, made her feel like she was on the right track.

"At the end of the day," she told Thomas as they walked to the event, "people will talk, but the only thing that matters is that we're safe and doing our jobs."

Thomas nodded, his calm and watchful demeanor remaining as firm as ever.

"Exactly, Miss Jenner. Always ready for whatever comes."

And so, even amidst the media chaos, Kendall felt protected and confident, knowing that Thomas would be by her side, no matter what the public decided.