Chapter 11: Romance and Surveillance

The beginning of February brought a cold and clear weather to Los Angeles, but for Kendall Jenner, the season was starting with a wave of unexpected happiness. Thomas, always observant and perceptive, noticed the change in Kendall's demeanor. She was more cheerful, with a sparkle in her eyes and a smile that didn't seem to fade. While they were at home, Thomas decided to ask about the source of this joy.

"Kendall, you look radiant today," Thomas commented, with a curious smile. "Did something special happen?"

Kendall looked at him with an excited look.

"Actually, yes!" she exclaimed, almost jumping with excitement. "I met this singer named Bad Bunny. He's amazing, and we started exchanging messages."

Thomas raised an eyebrow, intrigued. Bad Bunny was a name he knew, but not much beyond the fact that he was a popular artist. He smiled, trying to keep a straight face.

"Oh, really?" — Thomas said, in a light tone. — It seems like you're really excited. That's great!

Kendall nodded, clearly excited.

— Yes! He's super cool, and I'm looking forward to meeting him in person soon. I'm just a little afraid of what might happen. Sometimes things don't turn out as expected.

Thomas chuckled softly, his expression becoming more serious, but with a hint of playfulness.

— Well, since you're so excited about this, I guess I should do my job of protecting you. — Thomas said, in a playful tone of voice. — First, I need to assess whether this Bad Bunny is worthy of being the boyfriend of someone as special as you.

Kendall looked at him, a little surprised.

— Oh really? And how do you intend to do that?

Thomas paused dramatically, creating an air of mystery.

— Well, the first step is to contact some friends of mine from the CIA. — he began, in a serious tone of voice. — I'm going to ask them to do a full investigation into Bad Bunny's life. We need to make sure he doesn't have any dark secrets that could harm you.

Kendall chuckled, finding the idea absurd.

— Seriously? — she asked, with an amused look. — Is this a joke?

Thomas smiled, keeping his expression serious.

— It's not just that. I'm going to put drones in the sky to keep a discreet surveillance on him. — he continued, with an almost theatrical tone. — We have to make sure there are no unwanted surprises.

Kendall laughed, her laughter getting more intense as Thomas continued with his exaggerated speech.

— And what else are you going to do? — she asked, trying hard to keep a serious face.

Thomas leaned forward, with a dramatic look and a low, serious tone.

— Finally, I'm going to meet him in person. And if he does anything to hurt you, I'm going to have to make sure he disappears. Literally. — he said, with a malevolent smile. — I'm going to disappear with the body and make sure no one ever finds out what happened.

Kendall's reaction was instantaneous. She started laughing uncontrollably, her laughter echoing through the room. Thomas joined her, laughing too at how absurd his own words seemed.

"Oh my God, Thomas!" Kendall exclaimed, still laughing. "You're impossible! You don't have to do any of this. I'm just happy and excited about the possibility of meeting someone special."

Thomas smiled, with a look of relief and amusement.

"I know, I know," he said, still laughing. "But it's part of my job to make sure you're safe and happy. And if that means using a little humor to ease the tension, then I'm more than happy to do that."

Kendall composed herself, still smiling and enjoying the moment of levity. She looked at Thomas with a look of gratitude.

"Seriously, Thomas, I really appreciate that you care so much about me." — she said, her tone more sincere. — "But don't worry, I think Bad Bunny is a good person. I'm just looking forward to seeing where this takes us."

Thomas nodded, his gaze full of understanding.

" I understand. And if you need anything, or if things don't go as planned, you can always count on me. I'll be here for you, no matter what."

Kendall smiled, feeling comforted by Thomas's constant presence. The conversation had helped ease some of the anxiety she felt about the future and the new relationship that was forming.

"Thank you, Thomas." — she said, sincerely. — "It's good to know that I have someone I can trust so much."

" Always. " Thomas replied, with a warm smile. " Now, let's enjoy the rest of the evening. It looks like you have an exciting date to prepare for, and I want to make sure you're well-rested and ready for it."

The two spent the rest of the evening talking about lighter things and enjoying each other's company. Kendall felt relieved and happy, and Thomas' presence made the experience even more enjoyable.

The lightness and humor he brought to the situation helped make any worries seem more manageable and made the transition to the next chapter of her life smoother and more enjoyable.

As February progressed, Kendall and Thomas continued to deepen their connection, and the feeling of safety and mutual support became an increasingly important part of their lives. Their bond was growing stronger, and Thomas' presence was a constant source of comfort and reassurance for Kendall as she navigated the complexities of her personal and professional lives.

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