Chapter 12: The First Impression

The long-awaited day finally arrived. Kendall Jenner was excited and nervous at the same time as she prepared to meet Bad Bunny in person for the first time. She had been chatting with him online for a while and was eager to see how the meeting would go in person. Thomas, always by her side, was attentive to every detail, ready to make sure everything went smoothly.

The meeting was scheduled for a small gathering at one of Kendall's vacation homes, a charming and cozy property by the sea, ideal for a quiet and informal meeting. Thomas was there, watching closely, with a watchful eye and a discreet posture, but always ready to intervene if necessary.

When Bad Bunny arrived, Kendall was standing at the entrance of the house, with an excited smile on his face. He walked in, and the first contact was warm, with a friendly hug and an exchange of lively greetings.

"Hi, Bad Bunny!" Kendall said, with a sparkle in his eyes. "I'm so happy to finally meet you in person."

"Hi, Kendall!" — Bad Bunny replied, with an equally bright smile. — I'm super excited too. It's great to finally see you live.

After the brief exchange of pleasantries, Kendall introduced Bad Bunny to Thomas, who was standing nearby, watching the interaction with an attentive gaze.

"Bad Bunny, this is Thomas, my personal security guard. Thomas, this is Bad Bunny." Kendall said, introducing them with an enthusiastic tone.

Thomas extended his hand, and Bad Bunny shook his with a firm grip, trying to maintain his composure despite the slightly tense situation.

"Nice to meet you, Bad Bunny." Thomas said, with a friendly smile, but his eyes showed an underlying seriousness.

"Likewise." Bad Bunny replied, a little uncomfortable, but trying to remain relaxed.

Kendall made sure to start the conversation in a light and relaxed manner. As everyone settled in, she made an effort to make the environment as comfortable as possible, serving drinks and snacks, and trying to dispel any initial tension.

As the conversation flowed, Thomas remained discreet, watching the two interact. However, he couldn't help but joke a little about the situation. After a moment's pause in the conversation, Thomas decided to make one of his typical jokes, mixing seriousness and humor.

"Well, Bad Bunny, I have a little confession to make," Thomas said, with a tone that was half serious, half joking. "I've put some drones watching you, just to make sure everything is in order. And if you do anything that makes Kendall cry, I'll have to make sure you disappear without a trace."

Bad Bunny paused for a moment, with an expression of surprise and a hint of fear in his eyes. He knew a little about Thomas's past and knew that he was a former Navy SEAL, so he wasn't entirely sure if Thomas was joking or serious.

"Oh, yeah?" Bad Bunny said, with a hesitant tone. "This is a joke, right?" Thomas smiled, a glint of amusement in his eyes as he watched Bad Bunny's reaction.

"Well, I'll let you decide if I'm joking or not," Thomas replied, his tone of voice mixing seriousness and humor. "But just so you know, I'm here to protect Kendall and make sure she's happy. So, you better not give her any cause for concern." Kendall, who had been watching the exchange between Thomas and Bad Bunny, couldn't help but laugh at Bad Bunny's reaction. She noticed the tension and decided to intervene to ease the situation.

"Thomas is just joking," Kendall said, with a comforting smile. "He may have a funny way of expressing things, but he really only wants the best for me." Bad Bunny, still a little cautious, relaxed a little upon hearing Kendall's explanation. He smiled, trying to hide his discomfort.

"I get it," Bad Bunny said, with a more relaxed smile. "Well, I promise I won't do anything to cause trouble." Thomas chuckled, his expression softening as he saw Bad Bunny beginning to relax.

"Great," Thomas said with a friendly smile. "Just remember that I'm always here, making sure everything is in order."

With the tension eased, Kendall made sure to keep the conversation going and make sure everyone was comfortable. The interaction between Kendall and Bad Bunny seemed to be flowing well, and Thomas watched closely, remaining discreet but always ready to intervene if necessary.

Throughout the evening, Kendall and Bad Bunny chatted about a variety of topics, from their careers and interests to their life experiences. Thomas remained a quiet presence, helping to keep the atmosphere relaxed and pleasant, but without interfering too much.

In a moment of lightness, while everyone was laughing and having fun, Kendall leaned closer to Thomas and whispered in a low tone,

"Thank you for making the effort to coming here and supporting all of this. You really made a difference, and I appreciate it very much.

Thomas smiled, his eyes warm.

"That's what I'm here for," he said, his tone sincere. "And I'm glad to see that you're having fun and meeting new people."

The rest of the evening continued pleasantly, with everyone enjoying each other's company and having a good time. Kendall was happy to have Thomas by her side, making sure the gathering was safe and enjoyable, and Bad Bunny was starting to feel more comfortable, realizing that Thomas' presence wasn't a threat, but rather an important part of the support and care that Kendall received.

As the evening drew to a close and the guests prepared to say their goodbyes, Kendall felt relieved that she had managed to balance the fun and the care. Thomas and Bad Bunny seemed to be getting along well, and Kendall was excited about the prospect of continuing to develop her relationship with Bad Bunny, while having Thomas' constant protection and support.

As Bad Bunny said goodbye, he approached Kendall and Thomas with a sincere smile.

"It was great meeting you," he said in a genuine tone. "I hope we can meet again in a more relaxed moment."

Kendall smiled, his eyes filled with hope.

"Absolutely. It was a pleasure meeting you too. And, Thomas, thank you for everything."

Thomas nodded, with a satisfied smile.

"Always at your disposal," he said in a friendly tone. "Have a good night."

With the farewells over, Kendall and Thomas were alone, and the evening continued in a relaxed manner. Kendall was happy with the outcome of the meeting and felt deeply grateful to have Thomas by his side. Their relationship was becoming more and more meaningful, and Kendall appreciated the constant support he received as he began to explore new possibilities in his personal life.

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