Chapter 14: The Proposal to Protect Anitta

It was a quiet afternoon in early March. Kendall Jenner was in her apartment, flipping through a fashion magazine while waiting for an online meeting. Thomas, as always, was nearby, sitting in a nearby chair, discreetly monitoring the building's entrances and exits. Although he maintained a professional demeanor, the months of living together had created a strong friendship between him and Kendall.

"Hey, Kendall," Thomas called, his voice firm but friendly.

Kendall looked up, noticing the thoughtful expression on Thomas's face.

"What's up, Thomas?" she asked curiously. He rarely asked personal questions, so she knew it must be something important.

Thomas hesitated for a moment, scratching his stubble before continuing.

"I got an interesting proposal," he said, pausing to gauge Kendall's reaction. — Singer Anitta, from Brazil, needs security for a few days on a special tour here in the United States. Her team contacted me and wants me to be responsible for her personal security.

Kendall raised an eyebrow in surprise. She knew Anitta, of course, an international pop star of great success, and admired her work. However, what took her by surprise was the fact that Thomas was willing to take time off from his role with her to take on another job, even if it was temporary.

"Oh, I see," Kendall replied, trying not to show her slight concern. "And what are you thinking of doing? Do you want to accept?"

Thomas leaned forward, looking directly into Kendall's eyes, something he always did when he wanted to be honest.

"I thought I'd ask you first," he said. "I know we have a routine and I'm always around to ensure your safety, but this would be a short-term opportunity. I wouldn't accept anything without your approval."

Kendall was silent for a moment, processing the situation. Ever since Thomas had started working with her, he had become a constant figure in her life, not just as a security guard, but as a trusted friend. The idea of ​​being without him for a few days made her a little uneasy, but at the same time, she knew that Thomas deserved the chance to do something different. She took a deep breath and smiled, breaking the silence.

"Thomas, you're amazing for asking me that before you accept," she said gently. "But of course you can go. Anitta is a big star, and I'm sure she'll need all your skills. Just promise you'll come back, okay?" she joked, laughing lightly.

Thomas laughed back, feeling relieved by her answer. "You can be sure," he said. "I won't be going far. It's only for a few days, and I'll be just a phone call away."

Kendall stood up and walked over to him, placing her hand on his shoulder in a gesture of friendship. "I'll be fine." Besides, maybe it would be good for me to get used to not having you around all the time. Who knows? — she said, winking at him.

Thomas smiled, appreciating her sense of humor. He knew Kendall could be independent, but he also valued the bond they had formed. Working with Anitta would be an interesting change, and he was curious to know what it would be like to work with another world-renowned celebrity, especially someone as dynamic as the Brazilian singer.

"I'll get in touch with them and work out the details," Thomas said, standing up and grabbing his cell phone.

Before leaving the room, he glanced at Kendall one more time.

"Let me know if you need anything, okay? Even from a distance, I'll still be taking care of you."

Kendall nodded.

"I'll be there, Thomas," she replied, smiling. "Enjoy this new challenge."

Over the next few days, Thomas coordinated all the details to take on the job with Anitta. He knew the role would be demanding, especially with the singer's popularity and the media frenzy surrounding her. Security would be a delicate issue, especially with public events and huge crowds involved. Still, he was confident in his ability to handle any situation.

Before leaving for his first meeting with Anitta, he returned to Kendall's house to say goodbye temporarily.

"Everything is fine now," he said, as he walked through the living room where Kendall was. "I'll start tomorrow and should be back in less than a week."

Kendall, who was finishing answering some emails, stood up and walked over to him.

"Everything will be fine, I'm sure," she said with an encouraging smile. "Just don't go having too much fun without me," she added, laughing.

Thomas rolled his eyes, pretending to be offended.

"Of course not. Work is work," he said, but soon broke into a smile. "But, all jokes aside, thank you for being so understanding." Kendall hugged him warmly, something that had become natural between them after months of living together.

"Take care of yourself, okay?" she said, looking him straight in the eye. "And take good care of Anitta, too. She seems like a nice person."

"I'll do that," Thomas replied, returning the hug. "See you soon, Kendall."

As Thomas walked away, Kendall felt a mix of emotions. Although she knew he would be back soon, she felt a pang of anticipation of longing. It was funny how Thomas' presence had become a comforting constant in her life, something she hadn't anticipated when he started working with her.

However, she knew this would be a good opportunity for him, and besides, she could also manage on her own, as he always said.

Thomas was looking forward to his first day working with Anitta. He had heard a lot about her and her intense lifestyle, with many shows, commitments and interactions with fans. When he met the singer for the first time at a luxury hotel in Los Angeles, he was greeted by her team, who seemed relieved to have him on board.

Anitta, upon seeing him, greeted him with a warm smile.

"Ah, you must be the famous Thomas!" she said in her fluent Portuguese, but with a slight Brazilian accent.

Thomas, who had learned a few basic phrases in Portuguese throughout his military career and with some missions in Brazil, responded with a polite nod.

"Yes, it's me," he replied in English, smiling back. "I'm here to make sure everything goes perfectly."

Anitta laughed.

"It seems I'm in good hands," she said confidently. "Welcome to the team, Thomas."

And with that, Thomas's adventure with the Brazilian singer had begun.

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