Chapter 15: Thomas and Anitta, an Unexpected Partnership

Thomas' first day with Anitta was intense. He arrived at the hotel where the singer's team was staying and was immediately immersed in the chaotic routine that an international tour required. As always, he maintained a firm and focused posture, observing every detail around him. Anitta had a magnetism that attracted crowds wherever she went, and this made his job even more challenging.

Backstage at a show in Los Angeles, Thomas was checking the entrance and exit points of the venue, ensuring that security was in order. He walked around the room with his imposing presence, dressed in a black suit and with an attentive gaze that didn't let anything go unnoticed. Anitta, on the other hand, was getting ready for yet another performance, surrounded by makeup artists, stylists and her production team.

"Thomas!" Anitta's energetic voice cut through the noise around her.

He turned and saw her coming toward him, smiling as she put the microphone back in place and adjusted her costume.

"Is everything ready for today?" she asked, with a glint of excitement in her eyes.

Thomas nodded.

"Yes, everything is under control. We did a complete review and have a team in all strategic areas. Nothing will go wrong."

Anitta smiled happily and put her hand on his shoulder.

"I'm loving having you here, you know? I feel much safer."

Thomas, although he was used to this type of work, was surprised by Anitta's openness and spontaneity. He responded with a small smile, maintaining his professional demeanor.

"I'm glad to hear that. My job is to make sure you're safe to do what you do best."

Anitta laughed, amused.

"Well, I'll do my part then. My safety is in good hands."

The show in Los Angeles was a success, as always. Thomas stood on the side stage, watching every move, alert for any situation that could pose a risk. Fortunately, the event went off without a hitch, and soon he was escorting Anitta to the car that would take her back to the hotel.

In the car, after the show, Anitta finally allowed herself to relax. She looked at Thomas and, without ceremony, started chatting.

"Have you always been this quiet?" she asked, with a mischievous smile.

Thomas let out a short laugh, not taking his eyes off the road ahead, as if he were keeping an eye on it even inside the vehicle.

"I tend to be more reserved when I'm working," he replied. "I do what's necessary to ensure the safety of those I'm protecting."

Anitta leaned forward a little, curious.

"And what do you do when you're not working?" she asked.

Thomas looked at her for a brief moment, before returning his attention to the road.

"I like to spend time with my friends and family, work out, and sometimes travel." But I confess that my work takes up most of my time. — he said, with a slight smile on the corner of his lips.

"I imagine so. You worked with Kendall Jenner before, right?" — Anitta asked, raising an eyebrow.

Thomas nodded.

"Yes, I'm her head of personal security. She's an amazing person."

Anitta smiled.

"Kendall is a sweetheart. I think it's great that you're around to take care of her. But these days, I'm happy to have you taking care of me." — she said, winking playfully.

Thomas just smiled politely, feeling comfortable with Anitta's light-hearted energy.

In the following days, Thomas and Anitta's routine became increasingly fluid. He quickly adapted to the rush of the tour, taking care of every detail of security, from arena entrances to post-show events. The relationship between him and the singer also evolved, with both discovering an unexpected friendship.

One night, after a sold-out show in New York, Anitta and Thomas were in the dressing room. She was sitting on the couch, still out of breath from the energy of the stage, and Thomas was by the door, arms crossed, keeping his usual vigilance.

"Have you always been like this, all proper?" Anitta asked, trying to make conversation.

Thomas smiled, knowing that Anitta was a person who liked to defy formalities.

"I'm disciplined. That comes with training," he answered simply.

Anitta laughed.

"Oh, sure, SEAL training, right? I imagine that shaped who you are today a lot."

"It did," Thomas agreed. "I learned to always be prepared for anything and to stay calm in all situations."

Anitta watched him for a moment, thoughtful.

"You know, I really admire that about you. That ability to be so focused." In my world, everything is chaotic, and it's hard to find people who can stay so... stable.

Thomas, surprised by her sincerity, replied:

— Thank you, Anitta. But I would say that you also have a kind of focus and maintaining the energy you have... it's not for everyone.

She smiled, genuinely touched by the compliment.

"I guess I'd never thought of it that way. Maybe we have more in common than it seems, huh?"

On the last day of working with Anitta, they were in Miami for the final show of the tour. After the performance, Thomas was called to the dressing room by her. When he arrived, he found Anitta already relaxed, without her stage costume, and with a friendly smile on her face.

"Hey, Thomas," she said, gesturing for him to come closer. "Sit here for a minute."

He hesitated for a second, but decided to sit on the couch next to her.

"I wanted to thank you for everything these past few days," she said. "Seriously, it was great to have you around, not only for your safety, but for who you are. The energy you brought really helped me feel calmer in chaotic moments."

Thomas looked at her and smiled, feeling grateful for her words.

— I'm glad it was a good experience for you. It was a pleasure working with you and your team.

Anitta took out her cell phone and, in a quick movement, opened the contact app.

— Shall we keep in touch, then? — she said, handing the cell phone to Thomas.

He took the device and typed his number, then handed it back to her.

— Sure. Whenever you need me, you can count on me.

Anitta laughed, satisfied.

— I'll remember that. And, who knows, one day we'll run into each other at some show somewhere, or even at one of Kendall's parties. — she joked.

Thomas stood up, ready to get back to work. He looked at Anitta one last time, with a slight smile.

— I'll be around. — he said. — And let me know if you need anything.

With that, he left the dressing room, feeling that he had created more than just a working relationship. Anitta, in turn, sat on the sofa, looking at Thomas' contact on her cell phone and smiling.

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