Chapter 16: Thomas's Return

Thomas parked his car in front of Kendall Jenner's house, a place he was already familiar with. The security gate slowly opened, and he drove through the elegant driveway, surrounded by immaculate gardens. He was back to his routine as Kendall's personal security guard after spending a few days with Anitta on her tour. Although he had enjoyed the experience with the Brazilian singer, there was something comforting about returning to his usual work with Kendall. He knew that, above all, he was there not only as a professional, but as someone she trusted.

As soon as the car pulled into the garage, Thomas got out, adjusting his black suit. He looked around, making sure everything was in order, even though this was a private and well-guarded area. He barely had time to close the car door when he heard an excited voice.

"Thomas!" Kendall shouted from across the yard.

He turned around in time to see her running towards him with a huge smile on her face, her hair flying in the wind. Before he could fully react, Kendall had already jumped into his lap, laughing happily. Instinctively, Thomas grabbed her, laughing along, surprised by the display of affection.

"I can't believe you're back!" Kendall exclaimed, her arms still around Thomas' neck.

"I'm back, yes," he said with a light laugh. "I thought you wouldn't miss me that much."

Kendall stepped back a little, still in his arms, and looked at him with a playful smile.

"Oh, you know I'm nobody without my favorite bodyguard!" She winked, finally getting off his lap, but still holding on to his arms.

Thomas carefully placed her back on the ground, laughing at her contagious energy. He was always impressed by how genuine and open Kendall was with him, something rare for someone who lived under the constant glare of the media and the public.

"And how was it with Anitta?" Kendall asked, as she pulled Thomas towards the front door. "Was she nice? Did you have fun?"

"She was amazing," Thomas replied, walking beside her. "It was an interesting experience. The tour was intense, but everything went well. I think she was happy with the work too."

Kendall smiled as they walked into the house, their footsteps echoing through the spacious entrance.

"I bet you are. But I'm glad you're back, Thomas. I really missed you," Kendall said sincerely, as they both sat on the couch in the living room.

Thomas watched her for a moment, surprised by the level of sincerity in her voice.

"I missed working with you too, Kendall," he said honestly. — Although I enjoyed the experience with Anitta, working with you has always been more... comfortable. I already know your routine, your needs, and I know how you prefer things to be.

Kendall smiled, clearly touched by his words.

— Well, now that you're back, let's get back into the swing of things. — she said, stretching out on the couch and sighing in relief. — By the way, I have a few events in the next few days, and it'll be great to know that you'll be with me.

— I'm ready for whatever you need. — Thomas replied, always with his impeccable professional demeanor.

But Kendall, as always, made sure to break the seriousness of the situation.

— What if I need a coffee? Will you get me some too? — she joked, laughing.

Thomas laughed, shaking his head.

— I don't make any promises about coffee. But I can guarantee that I'll be around for anything more important than that.

Kendall laughed and got up from the couch.

— Well, I'll take that as a yes. But now tell me, what else did you do these days away? Anything interesting?

They spent the next few hours talking about Thomas's experience on the tour, and Kendall listened intently, occasionally interrupting with curious questions and amusing comments. She seemed genuinely interested in his stories, and Thomas, in turn, felt comfortable sharing a few details, although he kept his demeanor reserved when it came to more sensitive information.

Kendall, however, always knew how to lighten the mood and get him to open up a little more, something he rarely did with other people.

Later, as the sun began to set and the house was bathed in soft golden light, Kendall decided she wanted to take a walk in the garden. Thomas accompanied her, keeping a calm, watchful presence at her side.

"You know, Thomas," Kendall said as they walked through the flowers, "I actually feel safer with you around." Not just because of your skill, but because you're like…" She paused, searching for the right words. "A big brother to me."

Thomas looked at her, surprised, but with a soft smile on his face. "I'm glad you think so," he said sincerely. "I think our relationship has become more than just work."

And you can count on me for anything, always.

Kendall smiled, clearly moved.

—I know that. And I appreciate everything, really.

They continued walking in silence for a few more minutes, both enjoying each other's company and the peaceful environment around them. It was one of those moments when the connection between them said more than any words could express.

When they returned to the house, Kendall finally stopped at the door, looking at Thomas with a slight smile on her face.

—I think this is the beginning of another good phase, huh? —she said, cheerfully. —I feel like we're ready to face anything together.

Thomas nodded, agreeing.

—Absolutely. We're ready for whatever comes.

And so, with a calm and solid complicity, Kendall and Thomas ended the day, ready to resume their routine, knowing that, no matter what happened, they could count on each other.

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