Chapter 17: Training with Thomas

It was a peaceful sunny morning, and Kendall was sitting on her porch, enjoying a moment of calm while looking out at her garden. She was drinking a green smoothie, something that was always part of her morning routine. In the distance, she heard the sound of weights being lifted and, curious, followed the sound to the outdoor workout area on her property.

When she arrived, Kendall stopped for a moment when she saw Thomas working out intensely. He was shirtless, his sweaty body and defined muscles glistened in the sunlight. He was doing a series of sit-ups with impressive precision, and each movement showed off his extremely well-worked physique. Kendall knew Thomas was strong, but seeing him like this, in perfect shape, was something that left her impressed.

She couldn't help but notice how defined his abs were, something that many aspire to, but few can achieve.

— Wow... — she muttered to herself, smiling.

Thomas noticed her presence and stopped exercising for a moment, looking at her with a friendly smile.

— Good morning! — he said, without losing his breath, which made her smile even more. — Have you decided to join me in training today?

Kendall laughed and approached, crossing her arms in a casual manner.

— Well, I hadn't planned on it, but now I'm seriously considering it. — She looked him up and down, still impressed. — How did you get those abs? Seriously, it looks like they were carved in stone.

Thomas laughed and grabbed a nearby towel to dry the sweat from his face.

— Lots of training, discipline, and a good diet plan. — He said, with a calm look. — It's not something that happens overnight, but it's totally possible if you're consistent.

Kendall took a few more steps towards him, now with a determined glint in her eyes.

— And do you think you can teach me how to get those kind of abs? I mean, I know I work out, but I've never been able to get to this level." She pointed to her abs playfully, but clearly interested.

Thomas smiled, appreciating her enthusiasm. "Sure, I can help you with that," he said, bending down to pick up a dumbbell and then showing it to her. "But I'll warn you, it's going to take a lot of effort."

Kendall smiled defiantly. "I'm ready. Tell me what I have to do."

Thomas watched her for a moment, gauging the eagerness he saw in her eyes. He liked the fact that Kendall wasn't someone who was afraid of a challenge, whether at work or in her personal life. "First, let's start with a good warm-up routine," he said, setting the weights aside. "It's important to prepare your body for what's coming next. We'll do some dynamic stretching, then we'll move on to the ab exercises."

Kendall positioned herself next to him, excited to get started. They started with basic stretches, and Thomas explained each movement in detail.

"Flexibility is key, especially for abs," Thomas commented as he demonstrated a twisting movement. "If you have a good range of motion, ab exercises become more effective."

Kendall tried to follow Thomas's movements as best he could, but she couldn't help but notice how focused he was. The dedication he put into every detail was inspiring.

"Okay, I can already feel my muscles working just from the warm-up!" Kendall said, laughing and running his hand across his forehead to brush away a strand of hair.

"That's a good sign," Thomas replied, smiling back. "Now, let's get to the main exercises."

He lay down on the exercise mat and showed Kendall a series of movements that started with traditional crunches, moving on to more intense variations like planks and leg raises.

"These are great for your lower abs," Thomas explained, as he held a perfect plank for several seconds. — Can you feel the burn?

Kendall lay next to him, trying to keep up with the rhythm. Her muscles were already starting to protest, but she held her ground.

— Yes, I can feel it! — she replied with a look of effort on her face.

Thomas laughed and encouraged her.

— That's how you know it's working. Keep going, we're almost there.

They continued the exercise routine for a while longer, and Kendall began to realize how rigorous Thomas's training was. It was no wonder he had that physique. He had clearly been following a disciplined routine for years.

After they finished their abs session, they both sat on the mat, breathing heavily.

— You weren't kidding when you said this was going to take effort. — Kendall said between breaths, running her hand over her abs that were now burning.

Thomas smiled at her, clearly impressed with the effort she had put in.

— You did really well, Kendall. — He said. "This is just the beginning, but if you keep up this routine, you'll see incredible results in a few weeks."

Kendall, even though she was tired, felt a surge of motivation.

"I'll dedicate myself, I promise," she said with determination. "And maybe one day I'll reach your level." She laughed lightly, joking.

Thomas looked at her, serious for a moment, but with a soft smile on his lips.

"I'm sure you can do it. You just need to stay focused and disciplined. And, of course, have patience." He stood up and held out his hand to help her up as well.

"Discipline, focus, and patience," Kendall repeated, accepting his hand and standing up. "Noted."

The two of them walked back to the house, and Kendall was clearly exhausted, but at the same time excited about the new training journey that lay ahead.

"Hey, maybe I can join you in training from time to time," she suggested excitedly. — It might be fun to have a training partner. Plus, you can make sure I'm doing everything right.

Thomas laughed.

— Sure, I'd love to have company. But be warned, the training will get harder and harder.

Kendall smiled defiantly.

— I'm up for the challenge. Let's see if I can keep up with you.

They laughed together, and Thomas realized that this training session had strengthened the bond they shared even more. More than just his job of protecting Kendall, he now saw himself as a mentor in another area of ​​her life, helping her achieve a new personal goal.

As the day went on, Kendall felt closer to Thomas, knowing that she could count on him for much more than just her physical safety. He was becoming a fundamental presence in her life, helping her challenge herself and grow in different ways.

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