Chapter 18: Self-Defense Training

The days passed, and Kendall's training routine with Thomas had become a central point in her life. Each morning, she became more determined, waking up early and joining Thomas to follow the rigorous routine he had prepared. The results were starting to show, and Kendall felt stronger and more confident, both physically and mentally.

After an intense session of sit-ups and stretching, Kendall, still panting, looked at Thomas with a thoughtful expression.

"You know, I was wondering..." she began, as she wiped the sweat from her forehead with a towel. "Since we've been training together every day, do you think you could teach me some self-defense moves?" Thomas, who was setting the timer for the next set of exercises, looked up in surprise and curiosity.

"Self-defense?" he asked, with an arched eyebrow. "That would be useful for you, no doubt. But what made you think of it now?" Kendall shrugged, still taking a deep breath after her workout.

"I think with my career and all the times I find myself surrounded by crowds or even some invasive paparazzi, it would be good to know how to defend myself. Not that you don't do an excellent job, but I would like to feel more prepared to protect myself if necessary."

Thomas pondered the idea for a moment, looking at her seriously. He knew that despite his presence as a security guard, it was always a good idea for anyone, especially someone in the spotlight like Kendall, to have basic self-defense skills.

"I think that's a great idea, Kendall," he said, crossing his arms and nodding. "And I have some techniques that can be quite effective and simple to learn. The main focus will be on situations where you need to react quickly and escape any imminent danger."

Kendall smiled, excited by the answer.

"Perfect!" she exclaimed. "When can we start?"

"How about right now?" Thomas suggested, giving a smile. — We're already warmed up, and I think we can use the momentum.

Kendall laughed, shaking her head. She loved Thomas's style, always straight to the point and ready for anything.

— Let's go! — she replied, positioning herself in the middle of the training area.

Thomas walked to the center of the space and called her over. He then began to explain the basic concepts of self-defense.

— First thing, Kendall, is to understand that self-defense is not about fighting, but about survival. — Thomas said, assuming a demonstration stance. — The goal is not to win a fight, but to escape the situation safely.

Kendall watched him closely, absorbing every word.

— Most dangerous situations can be avoided with situational awareness and taking the necessary precautions. But if someone grabs you or invades your space, there are some basic moves that can help you get away quickly. — He paused, looking into her eyes. — Let's start with what to do if someone tries to grab you by the wrists.

Thomas moved toward Kendall, his movements slow so she could follow. He reached out and gently grabbed her wrist, explaining each step as he did so.

"The first thing you want to do is not panic. Take a deep breath." He squeezed her wrist lightly, simulating a real situation. "Now, the trick here is to remember that the hand of the person holding you has a weak spot: the space between the thumb and index finger. That's where you'll try to escape."

Kendall nodded, focused.

"Quickly and directly pull your arm out, twisting your wrist toward the attacker's thumb." He demonstrated, releasing Kendall's wrist with ease. "Now, you try."

Kendall assumed the position, allowing Thomas to grab her wrist again. Taking a deep breath, she pulled her arm back nimbly, twisting her wrist as he had taught her. To her surprise, she managed to free herself without difficulty.

"Wow!" she exclaimed excitedly. "This really works!"

Thomas smiled, pleased with her progress.

"And this is just the beginning," he said. "If someone tries to grab you, the most important thing is to stay calm and remember these techniques. Let's try it a few more times so you can get the hang of it."

The two repeated the exercise several times until Kendall felt completely confident in escaping an attempted hold.

Then Thomas moved on to another technique.

"Now, let's learn how to get yourself out of a back grab," he said, shifting his position so he was behind Kendall, but keeping his movements controlled and light. "If someone tries to grab you like this, the idea is to use your elbow and hip strength to free yourself."

He taught her how to deliver short elbow strikes to an attacker's ribs and how to twist her body to get out of an unfavorable position.

"And if all else fails, remember to use your elbows and hips to get out of a bad position."

Kendall repeated each movement, perfecting the technique and feeling more and more comfortable.

After several repetitions, they both stopped to rest. Kendall was sweaty, but with a smile on her face.

"This is really liberating," she commented, taking a deep breath. "Knowing that I can defend myself if necessary is a really good feeling."

Thomas nodded, taking a sip of water and offering her a bottle.

"I'm glad you feel that way. Self-defense is a combination of skill and confidence. When you know you can protect yourself, it changes your posture, the way you face the world."

Kendall nodded thoughtfully.

"That's true," she said. — And I think that, with all the chaos that sometimes surrounds me, it's good to have that kind of preparation.

"Absolutely," Thomas replied. "And if you keep training, you can learn even more. There are many techniques that can be useful, but the most important thing is to have the right mindset: to avoid danger whenever possible and, if necessary, to be prepared to act quickly."

Kendall smiled, feeling a new wave of respect for Thomas.

"Thank you for teaching me that. Seriously, you're like an older brother, always looking out for me."

Thomas laughed, shaking his head.

"It's part of the job, and also part of friendship. I'll always be here to protect you, Kendall. But I'm glad you're learning to protect yourself too."

"I don't think you'll ever get rid of me," Kendall said with a soft laugh. "Now that we're training together, I think I'll keep asking you to teach me more things."

Thomas smiled, looking at her with a knowing look.

"I'll be here, always ready to help you."

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