Chapter 19: Training at the Shooting Range

It was a sunny morning when Thomas decided it was time to return to the shooting range to hone his skills. Although his main role now was as Kendall's security guard, he never neglected the training that had shaped his career. Maintaining high levels of accuracy and reaction time was essential, both for his job and for the discipline he held dear.

Dressed in a simple black t-shirt, cargo pants, and combat boots, Thomas walked into the shooting range with his usual calm. The place had a distinct smell of gunpowder and metal, which brought back memories of his time in the military. The sounds of muffled gunfire came from the nearby stalls, but he was completely focused on his goal: improving his accuracy and reflexes with different weapons.

He walked up to the counter, where a range attendant greeted him respectfully.

"Good morning, Thomas. Ready for another training session?" the man asked, recognizing him from previous visits.

"As always." — Thomas replied with a slight smile, placing his ID and gun permit on the counter. — Today I'll need some pistols and rifles for a change.

"Sure. I'll get you a Glock 19, a SIG Sauer P226, and we have an AR-15 if you want something heavier," the clerk suggested.

Thomas nodded. "Perfect, let's start with that."

While the clerk prepared the weapons and ammunition, Thomas went to the practice bay, setting up the paper target at a distance of 25 meters. He began his warm-up with his own pistol, a Glock 19 that he always kept in his personal kit. It was light, reliable, and Thomas had trained with it countless times.

He took a deep breath, mentally preparing himself before drawing the pistol with impressive speed, aiming at the center of the target. Three quick and accurate shots echoed through the range, the shots hitting the target in a cluster in the center, forming a small perfect circle.

Thomas quickly reloaded, moving the target to a distance of 50 yards. His focus was sharp, every movement meticulous. He drew again, this time simulating a situation where he had to react to a moving target. With a quick turn of his body and impeccable posture, he fired three consecutive shots, hitting the target in the chest with precision.

The officer returned with the rifles and pistols, carefully placing them on the table next to Thomas.

"Here are your weapons, Thomas. The AR-15 is loaded with full metal jacket ammo, in case you want to test accuracy and penetration," the officer said, as Thomas inspected the rifle.

Thomas picked up the AR-15 with familiarity, adjusting the shoulder brace and magazine. He had used variations of this weapon on many missions, and his body was well acquainted with the weight and recoil. Pulling the rifle into position, he locked onto the target at 100 yards, a more challenging distance, especially for rapid fire.

He fired a burst of five shots. The recoil was well controlled, and Thomas smiled with satisfaction as he checked the target. All the shots were grouped close to the center, even at that distance.

Next, he decided to test his draw and reaction time with the SIG Sauer P226. This was a slightly heavier weapon, but very accurate. He knew that in a real combat situation, reaction speed was as important as accuracy. Constant practice made all the difference.

Strapping the stopwatch to his wrist, he prepared to measure the time between drawing, aiming, and firing. The stopwatch sounded, and in less than two seconds, Thomas had drawn the gun and fired three shots in quick succession, all hitting the target in the center of the chest. His reaction time was impeccable, a reflection of years of training and practice.

After an hour of continuous shooting, Thomas decided to move on to a more advanced exercise. He activated the moving target mode on the range, which caused the paper targets to start moving from side to side at different speeds and directions. This was one of his favorite exercises, because it simulated real-life situations where targets were constantly moving.

With the AR-15 in hand, he began the drill, calculating his reaction time and precise movements for each shot. He followed the target with his eyes, adjusting his aim as the target moved. Short, controlled shots echoed through the range, and with each shot, the target was hit in the exact spot.

"Impressive," muttered the employee who was watching him from afar. "This guy never misses."

Thomas, focused, barely registered the comments around him. He knew that practice was everything, and it was this level of commitment that had made him a legend among his peers.

After finishing his training with the moving targets, Thomas returned to the pistol to end the day with a few quick shots at close range. He adjusted the target to a distance of 10 meters, simulating a short-range situation. In a split second, he drew his weapon and unloaded the entire magazine into the target, with all the shots concentrated in a tight group in the center.

Thomas took a deep breath as he collected the empty shells and removed his equipment. He enjoyed these training sessions, where he could disconnect from the world around him for a few hours and focus entirely on his skills. It was his way of meditating and staying prepared for any eventuality.

As he left the range, the employee waved at him with a smile.

"Another productive day, huh?" the man said.

Thomas just smiled back, putting his weapons back in their case.

"You never know when you'll need those skills," he replied simply, but with a confidence that said much more than his words.

As he walked back to his car, he looked up at the sky, feeling the weight of the sun on his shoulders. There was something comforting about knowing that despite the changes in his life, his discipline and training remained strong. He was ready to protect Kendall, or anyone else who needed it, at any time.

As he got into his car, his phone buzzed with a text from Kendall: "Are you around? We need to talk about some plans for the weekend!"

Thomas smiled, quickly replying, "Always here. I'm on my way."

Even with the training and pressure of his job, Thomas knew that his connection to Kendall kept him grounded, and he was more than ready to return to his role as her guardian by her side.

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