Chapter 20: Media Reaction

The sun was shining brightly over Los Angeles when the media began to buzz with a new and unexpected piece of news. Videos of Thomas at the shooting range, which had been leaked by one of the range's employees, began to circulate on social media and news sites. The footage showed Thomas showing off his skills with pistols and rifles, performing precise maneuvers and advanced shooting techniques. The buzz was uncontrollable, and the media coverage was about to explode.

In the offices of the major celebrity newsrooms, reporters and editors were thickening the broth. Below, the scene at one of the most renowned entertainment news offices:

"Did you see this?" asked Alice, a celebrity reporter, entering the conference room with a tablet in her hand. She was showing one of the viral videos. "These videos from the shooting range are amazing! Thomas, Kendall Jenner's bodyguard, looks like a military professional.

David, the editor-in-chief, adjusted his glasses as he watched the video on the big screen.

"Yeah, it's impressive," David said, shaking his head. "But why is a former Navy SEAL doing all this now? And why was it leaked?"

"Apparently the video was leaked unintentionally, but this is pure gold to us," Alice replied, with a twinkle in her eye. "The public reaction is going to be intense."

In the studio of a popular news network, the anchors were preparing to discuss the new sensation of the week.

"And to top off today's news, we have a clip that's taking the internet by storm," announced host Brian, as images of Thomas at the shooting range filled the screen behind him. "Thomas, Kendall Jenner's personal bodyguard, was filmed performing an impressive series of shooting drills. Let's see what the media has to say about it."

In a live interview with celebrity commentator Jessica, the topic was discussed at length.

"It's really fascinating," Jessica said, smiling. "Thomas is not only the bodyguard for one of the biggest pop stars, but also a former Navy SEAL with exceptional skills. The question is, how did he achieve this level of precision? And what does it mean for Kendall's image?"

In another studio, a panel of security and self-defense experts were invited to discuss the impact of Thomas's skills.

"Thomas is a remarkable example of how military experience can translate into impressive skills," said one of the experts, Dr. Michael Roberts. "The precision and reaction time he demonstrated are the result of years of intense training."

"And the fact that this was leaked to the media raises questions about privacy and security," added a security analyst, Lisa Martin. "Now that Thomas's skills are in the spotlight, it could bring more unwanted attention to him and Kendall."

Meanwhile, in Kendall Jenner's office, the mood was one of mild concern and curiosity. Kendall sat in her living room, watching the video coverage with Thomas by her side.

"This is getting out of hand," Kendall said, looking at the screen where Thomas's video was being discussed. "I didn't think something like this would cause such a stir."

Thomas sat next to her, watching thoughtfully.

"It's a little surreal, isn't it?" he said. "I've always tried to keep these skills out of the spotlight. What matters is that the job is being done well, but we can't seem to avoid all the attention."

Kendall sighed, shaking her head.

"The media can be relentless," she said, touching Thomas's hand comfortingly. "But at least people are talking positively about you. And now everyone knows I can feel safe with you by my side."

In a radio studio, the morning show began discussing the impact of the video.

"We have a hot story here," host Mike said, as a recording of Thomas's clip played. — Kendall Jenner's bodyguard, Thomas, has demonstrated some impressive shooting skills. What do you think? Will this change the public perception of the job of bodyguards?

Listeners called in to share their opinions.

"I think it's great," said one listener. "We always think these guys are just muscle, but seeing him have this skill really shows how serious he is about his job."

"I agree," said another listener. "But what about privacy? These leaked videos are a problem for him and Kendall. They shouldn't be out in the open like this."

While the discussions were going on all around, Thomas received a message from one of his old contacts from the military.

"Hey, I saw the video. Impressive as always," the message said. "I hope this doesn't cause too many problems for you and Kendall. If you need anything, let me know."

Thomas smiled, appreciating the support.

Kendall, noticing the tension in the air, tried to lighten the mood. "At least the media is talking well about you," she said, trying to ease the tension. "It's good to see that people recognize how professional you are."

Thomas smiled, looking at Kendall with a grateful look.

"Yes, it's good. But the most important thing is that we keep doing our job well and don't let the pressure of the media distract us from what really matters."

"I agree," Kendall said, standing up to give him a hug. "And regardless of what the media says, I trust you completely. That will never change."

The day went by with more discussions and analyses, but despite the media attention Thomas was giving to Thomas's video, he remained focused on what really mattered: his work and his relationship with Kendall. He knew the media coverage would eventually die down, and that what really mattered was the trust and protection he offered Kendall.

At the end of the day, as the sunlight slanted toward the horizon, Thomas and Kendall sat on the couch in the living room, relaxing after a long day. The sense of normalcy and mutual support were what really mattered to them.

"We'll get through this," Thomas said, as Kendall rested her head on his shoulder. "And when the dust settles, we'll be stronger and more united than ever."

Kendall smiled, closing her eyes as she relaxed.

"I couldn't agree more," she murmured. "What we've been through together is what really matters."

And so, even with the media storm raging around them, Thomas and Kendall found solace in their connection and mutual support, knowing that together they could face whatever challenge lay ahead.

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