Chapter 23: A horse ride with Bad Bunny

April was almost at the end, and Kendall Jenner felt that it was the perfect time to share one of his passions with someone special. She had decided to take Bad Bunny to her auras to an experience that, although not conventional to most artists, was an important part of her life: a horse ride.

On Saturday morning, Kendall was excited while preparing for the meeting. She had agreed with Bad Bunny that they would meet in Haras for a relaxed day away from the cameras and the excitement of the world of fame.

When Bad Bunny arrived, he was dressed in a casual way, with a lightweight shirt and jeans. Her gaze illuminated to see herd and horses, showing that she was genuinely curious and excited.

- Hey, Kendall! He greeted, smiling. - This place is amazing. I've never been to a haras before.

Kendall smiled and led him to the stables, where the horses were resting.

- I'm glad you liked it. She said as she introduced Bad Bunny to some of her horses. - These are my horses. Today, let's take a horse ride. It's one of my favorite activities to relax.

Bad Bunny looked at the horses with admiration, but also a little apprehension.

"It seems exciting, but I confess I never walked on horseback before." He admitted. - How it is?

Kendall laughed softly and gave her an encouraging look.

- Don't worry. I will show you everything you need to know. She said as she was starting to prepare one of the horses. "And if you need anything, Thomas will be here to help."

Bad Bunny noticed Thomas from afar, who was talking to some Haras employees. He approached and greeted Thomas with a friendly nod.

- So, Thomas! Said Bad Bunny. "I heard you are a horses expert."

Thomas smiled and made a brief bow with his head.

- So, Bad Bunny. - answered Thomas. - It's true, I have some experience. Glad to help with what you need today.

While Kendall and Thomas prepared the horses, Bad Bunny watched closely, trying to absorb instructions on how to assemble and conduct the animal. Kendall then started giving some basic tips.

- First, let's do the basics: how to assemble the horse and how to position yourself correctly. Explained Kendall. - Follow my steps and everything will go well.

She helped Bad Bunny assemble the horse carefully, showing her how to hold back the reins and maintain her balance. Thomas watched closely, ready to intervene if necessary.

- The position of the hands is important to maintain control of the horse. Said Kendall, adjusting the posture of Bad Bunny. - And the feet must be firm in the stirrups.

Bad Bunny was a little nervous, but tried to follow Kendall's instructions seriously.

- Okay, I think I'm getting the way. He said, with a mixture of determination and nervousness in the voice. "I hope you don't do anything wrong."

Kendall smiled, trying to reassure him.

- You're going very well. - she said. "Let's take a walk around the Haras so that you get used to the horse and gain confidence."

Thomas set up his horse and accompanied Kendall and Bad Bunny as they began to ride. The field was green and vibrant, and the sun shone gently over them, creating a relaxing atmosphere.

During the tour, Kendall was talking to Bad Bunny, making him feel more comfortable.

"So, how is the experience so far?" Kendall asked as he guided Cloud alongside Bad Bunny and his horse.

Bad Bunny smiled, although he still seems a little nervous.

"It's been amazing, but I confess it's more challenging than I imagined." - He answered. - It's a good exercise for mind and body.

Thomas, who was next to them, decided to contribute a little encouragement.

- You're going very well, Bad Bunny. He said. "And remember, the horse feels confidence." The more relaxed you are, the more relaxed the horse will be too.

As they rode, Kendall took the opportunity to show Bad Bunny some tricks and techniques she used to connect with the horses. She has shown how to make a short return and how to adjust the reins for more effective communication with the animal.

- See how I make a circle walk. Kendall explained as he drove cloud through a soft route. - It's all a matter of coordination and being in tune with the horse.

Bad Bunny tried to follow Kendall's movements, doing his best to imitate his gestures and movements. Thomas, which was next door, provided additional tips and adjustments as needed.

- Excellent job. Praised Thomas, while Bad Bunny completely completed the maneuver. - You're getting the way fast.

The tour continued, and the conversation flowed naturally between Kendall, Bad Bunny and Thomas. Kendall talked about his experiences with the horses.

"It's interesting to see how you connect so well with the horses." Said Bad Bunny as he watched Kendall caress Cloud's neck. - It must be an amazing feeling.

Kendall smiled and looked at Bad Bunny.

- Yeah, it really is. - She answered. - They have a unique way of understanding and responding to people's feelings. It is almost like a form of meditation for me.

While the day advanced, the group paused in a quiet area of ​​Haras, where they were able to rest and enjoy a makeshift picnic that Kendall had prepared.

"I hope you enjoyed the ride." Kendall said, while serving some drinks and snacks. "It was great to have you here and share some of my world with you."

Bad Bunny thanked him and made a gesture of appreciation.

- I really liked it. He said. - And thank you for showing me that. It was a very new and refreshing experience.

Thomas joined the group and commented.

- It was a pleasure to be here to help. He said. "And if you need more horses help or anything else, you know where to find me."

The picnic was a moment of relaxation and connection, and everyone enjoyed each other's company. Kendall and Bad Bunny continued to talk and laugh, while Thomas watched with a satisfied smile, happy to have contributed to such a special day.

When the sun began to put it, Kendall, Bad Bunny and Thomas prepared to leave the auras. The sky was dyed with orange and pink tones, creating stunning views to the end of the day.

- It was a wonderful day. Said Kendall as everyone drove to the car. - Thanks for coming, Bad Bunny. And Thomas, thank you for your help.

Bad Bunny smiled and said goodbye.

- It was a pleasure to be here. He said. "And I will definitely remember this day for a long time."

Thomas waved his head in agreement.

- It was a great day. He said. "And if you need something, don't hesitate to look for me."

With that, the three said goodbye and left, each taking with them good memories of the day in Haras. Kendall was happy to have shared this special part of his life with Bad Bunny, and the experience served to further strengthen the bonds between them.