Chapter 28: Post Malone’s Security

The month of June began with a new challenge for Thomas. With his temporary departure from Kendall's security team, he had accepted a short-term job protecting singer Post Malone, who was about to begin a series of concerts and promotional engagements in several cities.

The day was bright and sunny when Thomas arrived at the recording studio where Post Malone was working. The place was a modern, well-equipped space with a creative atmosphere that reflected the singer's relaxed and artistic style. Thomas was greeted by an in-house security team and the studio's production team.

"Thomas, right?" one of the security guards asked, extending his hand to shake Thomas. "I'm Mike, the security coordinator here. We're happy to have you."

Thomas shook Mike's hand and replied,

"Yes, that's me. I've been anxious to get started. Show me what I need to know." Mike led Thomas through the backstage area of ​​the studio, explaining the details of the job and the safety protocols that would be followed. As they walked, Thomas watched closely, making mental notes about the layout of the venue and potential hotspots.

"The Post is going to be performing here for a few hours, and then we have a photo shoot and interviews," Mike explained. "Security will be tighter during these events, so it's important that we stay on top of everything."

Thomas nodded, showing that he understood the situation.

"Understood. I'll be in constant contact with the internal security team and make sure everything is smooth."

A short time later, Post Malone arrived at the studio. He was dressed casually in a sweatshirt and cap, with a big smile on his face. Thomas watched him arrive, keeping a sharp eye out for any potential threats as he greeted the singer.

"Hey, man!" Post Malone said, addressing Thomas with a friendly greeting. "You must be Thomas. Nice to meet you."

Thomas smiled and replied,

"It's my pleasure, Post. I'm here to make sure everything runs smoothly. If you need anything, just let me know."

The studio was abuzz with activity as Post Malone prepared for the recording session. Thomas took a strategic position near the main entrance, where he could monitor the guests and crew. The recording session was proceeding smoothly, and Thomas was constantly checking the room, ensuring that security was maintained.

During a break in the recording, Post Malone approached Thomas.

"So, Thomas, how's it going?" Post Malone asked, looking genuinely interested. "What's life like as a celebrity security guard?"

Thomas chuckled lightly and replied,

"Well, it's always an adventure. Every day is different, and keeping people like you safe is a challenge I enjoy taking on. It's nice to be in such a relaxed and creative environment."

"That's great to hear," Post Malone said, nodding. "I hope you're enjoying the job."

After the shoot, the crew prepared for the photoshoot and interviews. Thomas accompanied the singer as he made his way to the photo studio, keeping an eye out for any potential crowds of fans or journalists.

During the photoshoot, Post Malone seemed to be in his element, posing confidently and interacting with the crew in a relaxed manner. Thomas stood in a strategic spot, observing the environment and ensuring there were no unwanted interruptions.

"Thomas, come here for a second," Post Malone called out as the photoshoot was underway.

Thomas walked over, noticing Post Malone smiling for the camera.

"Is everything okay?" the singer asked.

"Yeah, everything's fine," Thomas replied. "Just keeping everything under control to make sure the shoot goes smoothly."

Post Malone nodded and continued posing for photos, while Thomas returned to his position of surveillance.

With the photoshoot complete, Post Malone began interviewing the journalists. Thomas and the security team kept a close eye on the area, ensuring that the atmosphere remained safe and controlled.

During a break in the interview, Thomas approached Mike to discuss the situation.

"Everything is under control for now, but we do have a few fans outside," Thomas said. "It might be a good idea to keep an extra security team to make sure there are no problems."

Mike agreed, taking notes and organizing the extra personnel. "Good suggestion. I'll get on that right away."

After a long day of work, Thomas and Post Malone met up for a quick moment of relaxation before Thomas left.

With that, Thomas said goodbye to Post Malone and the team, leaving the studio with a sense of accomplishment. The security mission had gone well, and he was pleased with the work done.

For Thomas, working with Post Malone was an opportunity to apply his security skills in a new context, and he was ready to face the next challenges with the same dedication and professionalism he had always demonstrated. June was shaping up to be a busy and interesting time for Thomas, and he was determined to ensure that each engagement was treated with the utmost seriousness and attention.