Chapter 42: Kendall Goes to the Shooting Range

Back in Los Angeles after an exciting trip to New York, Kendall felt ready to try something different. After months of watching Thomas practice at the shooting range and hearing stories about his accuracy and skill with guns, she decided she wanted to learn too. It wasn't out of necessity, but out of curiosity and a desire to learn more about what was part of Thomas's life.

She approached Thomas at his home one quiet afternoon, a mischievous smile on her face.

"Thomas, what do you think about teaching me how to shoot?" Kendall asked casually as she picked up a bottle of water.

Thomas, who was relaxing on the couch, raised an eyebrow, surprised by the question but at the same time interested.

"Seriously? Do you want to learn how to shoot?" he asked, making sure she wasn't just joking.

"Yes! I see you training, and I'm curious. I want to understand better how it works and learn how to defend myself if necessary."

Thomas smiled. He knew Kendall was always willing to learn new things and challenge herself. Plus, he liked the idea of ​​teaching her something he was good at.

— "Okay, Kendall. Let's go to the shooting range then. But remember, this takes patience and concentration. It's not as easy as it looks."

Kendall smiled, excited at the idea.

— "I'm ready. You can take me whenever you want."

The next morning, Thomas took Kendall to the private shooting range he frequented, a private and private location away from the prying eyes of the media. It was a safe and private space where he could focus on training and also teach Kendall without interruption.

Thomas was dressed in his typical training gear—a T-shirt, jeans, and combat boots—and carried a bag of carefully selected guns so Kendall could try out different types. He knew she would probably be better with pistols, but he wanted her to get a feel for how different weapons worked.

When they arrived, Thomas made sure to give her all the safety instructions before anything else.

— "The first thing you need to know, Kendall, is that guns demand respect. Never treat a gun like a toy, and always be aware of your surroundings and behind your target. Rule number one is: never point it at something you are not willing to destroy."

Kendall nodded, listening intently.

— "Understood. Safety first."

— "Okay. Now, I'm going to start by teaching you with something lighter, a Glock 19. It's an easy-to-handle pistol and good for beginners."

Thomas picked up the pistol and slowly disassembled and reassembled it, showing Kendall each part.

— "This is the Glock. It has a 15-round magazine capacity. I'm going to show you how to hold it properly and how to aim at the target."

He handed the unloaded gun to Kendall and adjusted his hand position.

— "Keep your arms steady, but not stiff. Your legs should be slightly apart for balance. Now, let's load it and I want you to fire a few shots."

Kendall, although a little nervous, felt adrenaline rush through her body as she held the gun. After following all the safety instructions, she prepared to fire.

Thomas stood next to her, watching her every move, and gave her the command.

"All set. Take a deep breath, aim at the target, and when you're comfortable, gently pull the trigger."

Kendall took a deep breath, fixed her eyes on the target in front of her and, with her finger on the trigger, fired the first shot. The sound was loud, but the sensation was exhilarating. She looked at Thomas, who smiled, impressed by her calmness.

"Not bad for the first shot. Try again, a few more times."

Kendall concentrated and fired a few more shots. Each time, she felt more comfortable with the weight of the gun, the force of the recoil, and the feeling of control. By the end of the first load, she had landed a few shots on target, something that made Thomas proud.

— "I'm impressed, Kendall. You have a talent for this. Are you enjoying it?"

She smiled, excited about the experience.

— "Yes! I guess I didn't realize how much fun and challenging this could be at the same time."

After a few rounds with the Glock, Thomas decided it was time to introduce a different weapon. He brought out an AR-15 rifle so Kendall could experience handling a semi-automatic rifle.

— "Now, let's move on to something a little heavier," he said as he set the rifle on the bench. "This is the AR-15. It's more accurate at long range and has a little more recoil than the pistol, but I'll walk you through every step."

He adjusted the rifle for Kendall and showed her the correct position to shoot the rifle, asking her to keep her shoulders and hips square.

— "Hold on tight, but don't tense up. You feel the recoil, but if you maintain your posture, you'll be able to control it better."

Kendall followed the instructions, and as she fired, she felt the impact of the recoil on her shoulders. It was different from the pistol, but she quickly adjusted, firing a few times until the shots became more natural.

Thomas, like a patient instructor, guided her calmly, correcting small details in her posture and trigger control. With each shot, Kendall grew more confident, and the targets in the distance began to show the results.

"I feel more powerful with this rifle," Kendall said, laughing after a series of shots.

Thomas gave a soft laugh.

"Yeah, the AR-15 does that. But the important thing is to understand that, as with any weapon, with power comes responsibility."

After a few hours at the shooting range, Kendall was already comfortable with the idea of ​​shooting and, most importantly, proud of what she had learned. Thomas, in turn, was impressed with the natural skill she displayed, especially considering that it was her first time handling weapons.

— "You did great today, Kendall. I'm proud of you," Thomas said, putting away the weapons and preparing to leave.

Kendall smiled, pleased with her performance.

— "Thank you, Thomas. I really learned a lot today. And I feel more confident knowing that I can defend myself if necessary."

— "That's the goal. Always be prepared, but hope you never have to use those skills."

Kendall nodded, understanding the importance of the lesson.

On the way home, she reflected on how much Thomas had taught her, not only about the world of security, but about responsibility and self-control. She felt even more grateful to have him by her side, both as a friend and a protector.

And so, a new skill was added to Kendall Jenner's talent set, with the help of Thomas, her trusted security guard and friend.