Chapter 43: The Media’s Reaction

The morning after Kendall's training session at the shooting range, the inevitable happened: the media was out in full swing. Photos of Kendall and Thomas at the range, captured by hidden paparazzi, quickly took over the internet. Gossip rags, celebrity websites, and social media sites were abuzz with images of Kendall Jenner shooting, with Thomas at her side, clearly guiding and teaching.

The headlines varied in tone, but they all seemed focused on the same thing: "Kendall Jenner Learns to Shoot from Thomas, Her Bodyguard and Former Elite Operator."

In her home office, Kendall was eating breakfast when her phone began buzzing incessantly with notifications. She opened Instagram, and within seconds, it was clear that the photos had already gone viral.

"Have you seen this yet?" Kendall asked Thomas, who was in the kitchen making his own coffee.

Thomas, already accustomed to the media attention of being around public figures, glanced at her phone with a slight smile.

— "I knew they'd be watching us. But I thought going to a private shooting range would give us a little more privacy," he commented, unsurprised.

Kendall shrugged, laughing a little.

— "I should have known this would make the news. It seems like everything we do is documented."

As the two of them were drinking coffee, Kendall's phone rang. It was her mother, Kris Jenner, clearly excited by the frenzy that was happening.

— "Kendall! Have you seen the news? Everyone's talking about you! This shooting thing... oh my God, it's all over the front pages!" Kris spoke in a rush, as she always did when something involved the media.

Kendall laughed at her mother's excitement, but at the same time, she knew this was something that needed to be handled carefully.

— "Yes, Mom, I saw it. It's not that big," Kendall replied calmly.

— "It's not that big? This is huge! People are talking about how 'stronger and fitter' you are, and of course, the attention Thomas is getting. The fact that he's ex-military just makes it all the more interesting."

Kendall looked at Thomas, who just shook his head in disapproval, clearly not enjoying the unwanted attention his presence was generating.

— "Okay, Mom. I'll think of a response to all this. I don't want to fuel the circus, but I also don't want people to think it's irresponsible," Kendall said, trying to reassure Kris.

While Kris tried to cheer Kendall up even more, social media was in an uproar. Twitter and Instagram were buzzing with comments about the photos. Some users praised Kendall for learning how to defend herself, while others were harshly critical, saying she was promoting gun ownership.

"@KendallJenner learning how to shoot? Now that's a good thing! I love seeing strong women taking control of their lives!" read one popular tweet, which received thousands of likes.

"Seriously, Kendall Jenner? Teaching a Kardashian how to shoot? This goes so against what everyone should stand for..." chimed in another.

Thomas' fans, especially those who already knew about his military background, also weighed in. Many were impressed that he would teach a celebrity how to handle guns responsibly.

"Thomas is a legend! If anyone is going to teach Kendall how to protect herself, let it be him. This guy has an impeccable track record."

Others, however, questioned what he was doing with the Kardashians, suggesting that he might be "selling out" by working in the celebrity world.

The headlines were quick to come. Sites like TMZ, Page Six, and the Daily Mail ran stories with sensational headlines:

"Kendall Jenner Learns to Shoot! Bodyguard and Ex-DEVGRU Thomas Teaches Her Military Skills"

"Kendall's Mysterious Bodyguard Thomas Seen Teaching Supermodel How to Handle Firearms!"

"Kendall Following in Her Bodyguard's Footsteps? Supermodel Caught at Shooting Range!"

As Kendall read these headlines, she felt a mixture of irritation and amusement. She knew the media would make a big deal out of anything, but the way they were shaping this narrative that she was "following in Thomas's footsteps" was absurd.

Thomas, for his part, was used to dealing with this kind of over-the-top coverage, but he still felt a tinge of discomfort.

"They always do this," he said, looking at the news on his phone. "Turning a simple shooting lesson into a sensational story."

"Do you mind?" Kendall asked, noticing the discomfort.

— "It's not exactly the kind of attention I seek. I prefer to stay out of the spotlight. But I'm here to ensure your safety, whatever the circumstances."

Kendall smiled, appreciating Thomas' calm in the face of the media chaos.

— "I think we'll have to ignore this for a while.

— "We did everything the right way, Kendall. You learned safely, and that's the only message that matters," Thomas replied confidently.

As the situation unfolded, Kendall's PR team quickly began to analyze how this narrative could affect her image. Kendall has always been seen as the more private Kardashian-Jenner sister, and in some ways this shocked her fans. Some saw her as a woman more connected to fashion and glamour, so the contrast with the gun photos was surprising.

Her manager and mother, Kris, suggested that Kendall make a simple statement on her social media to clarify the reason behind the training.

"Kendall, if you want this to go away quickly, it would be good to make it clear that you are simply educating yourself on the subject, not making it political or sensational," Kris suggested, always thinking of the best way to control the situation.

Kendall agreed. She posted a brief statement on Instagram along with one of the photos from the training:

"Learning new skills is something that challenges me and keeps me focused. Today, I had the opportunity to learn how to shoot safely and responsibly with the help of my amazing bodyguard, Thomas. Personal safety is something we should all respect, and I am grateful to have this opportunity."

The post was well-received by many of her followers, who praised Kendall's mature attitude and focus on responsibility. However, polarizing comments continued to flood her social media.