Chapter 57: Event Confrontation

The atmosphere was hectic that December evening, with a high-profile event in Los Angeles attracting the attention of media and celebrities. The event was in full swing at the elegant hotel, with guests parading around in their evening wear and the atmosphere glittering and festive. Amidst the hubbub, several journalists and cameras were present to capture every move of the celebrities in attendance.

Thomas, still charged with the energy of his recent Kendall meltdown, was among the guests, his eyes scanning the room for a familiar face. He knew Bad Bunny was also on the guest list and had an idea of ​​where he might find him.

Finally, Thomas spotted Bad Bunny across the room, chatting with a group of people and looking relaxed. Thomas felt a chill run down his spine at the thought of confronting the singer, but he knew it was necessary to protect Kendall. Without hesitation, he advanced towards Bad Bunny, determination written all over his face.

The crowd around them noticed Thomas' approach and began to disperse, allowing a clear path for the confrontation. The reporters' cameras turned to capture what was happening, the atmosphere charged with anticipation.

— "Bad Bunny!" Thomas called, his voice firm and tense.

Bad Bunny turned to face Thomas, his initial look of surprise quickly giving way to one of concern. He took a step toward Thomas, trying to remain calm, but his gaze betrayed apprehension.

— "Thomas, what are you doing here?" Bad Bunny asked, trying to keep his tone neutral.

— "You know exactly why I'm here," Thomas replied, his voice cold. "You released a song exposing intimate details about Kendall. That's unacceptable."

Bad Bunny's expression changed to a mix of discomfort and defensiveness. He tried to justify himself, but Thomas wasn't interested in hearing empty excuses.

— "You don't understand, Thomas," Bad Bunny began, but Thomas cut him off.

— "I understand perfectly well. What you did was disrespectful and invasive. Kendall is like a sister to me, and I will not allow you to treat her like this. Now, let's get this over with," Thomas said, his tone unforgiving.

Thomas grabbed Bad Bunny's arm and shoved him against the wall, causing an uproar in the room. The scene was captured in detail by the cameras, which were recording every moment of the event. The people around them moved away, forming a circle around them, while the cameras flashed incessantly.

— "Listen here, Bad Bunny," Thomas said, his voice low and menacing. "I'm not here to play games. If you don't take this song down and apologize publicly, you will regret it."

Bad Bunny tried to pull away, but Thomas maintained a firm grip, pressing him against the wall. The look in Thomas's eyes was intense, and the seriousness of his posture left no doubt about his determination.

— "You think you can intimidate me?" Bad Bunny replied, trying to hide his fear. "I'm not giving in to this."

Thomas narrowed his eyes and leaned closer to Bad Bunny, his voice whispering with an implicit threat.

"You're making a mistake, Bad Bunny. I've been in far more dangerous situations than this. You better apologize and take the song down now, or you'll have to deal with me again."

The tension in the room was palpable, and the sound of cameras capturing the confrontation filled the air. The people around watched in silence, some with shocked expressions and others with curiosity. Bad Bunny, now clearly distraught, looked at Thomas with a mixture of frustration and fear.

"Okay, okay! I'll take the song down. I'll apologize," Bad Bunny finally relented, his voice shaking.

Thomas released him, backing away slowly, but keeping his gaze fixed on Bad Bunny. He wanted to make sure his words were taken seriously. The tension between them was still high, and Thomas knew he couldn't allow Bad Bunny to feel comfortable until the issue was resolved.

"I expect you to keep your word. I don't want to have to deal with this again," Thomas warned, his voice thick with seriousness.

Bad Bunny nodded, his posture now reflecting genuine concern for the consequences of his actions. Thomas walked away, feeling a mixture of relief and anger. He knew he had to make sure Kendall was protected and that respect for her was maintained.

The event continued, but the atmosphere had changed. The confrontation between Thomas and Bad Bunny had left its mark on the night, and talk about the incident began to spread. Cameras continued to roll, and social media exploded with reactions to the confrontation.

Thomas found a quiet corner and called Kendall to make sure she was okay despite everything that had happened. Kendall, still processing what had happened, thanked Thomas for helping her.

— "Thank you, Thomas. I don't know what I would have done without you," Kendall said, his voice still a little shaky.

— "You don't have to thank me, Kendall. I'm always here for you," Thomas replied, relieved that he had been able to help.

After ensuring that Kendall was okay, Thomas prepared himself to face the repercussions of the incident. He knew that the media was at an all-time high, and the attention on him and Bad Bunny would only continue to grow. However, Thomas also knew that he had done his duty to protect those he loved and ensure that dignity and respect were maintained.

As the event drew to a close and the city lights shone brightly outside the hotel windows, Thomas felt exhausted but satisfied. He had faced a difficult situation with courage and determination, and despite the adversity, he had managed to ensure that Kendall was respected and protected. Now with the problem solved and Taylor and Kendall's support, Thomas was ready to move on and face whatever came next.