Chapter 75: Thomas’ Surprise in France

The month of June was moving along with a light, warm breeze, and Paris was preparing for another brilliant night of Taylor Swift's world tour. The city streets were decorated with banners and posters for the show, and the atmosphere was full of anticipation. Thomas, now retired from personal security, had decided to surprise Taylor, who, although busy with her tour, was still at the center of his thoughts.

The Paris airport was as busy as ever, but Thomas managed to remain unnoticed as he disembarked. He had carefully planned his arrival, avoiding as much exposure as possible to ensure that the surprise would be kept a secret. With a smile on his face, he removed a small suitcase and got into a taxi that would take him to the hotel where Taylor and her team were staying.

The hotel, located in the elegant 7th arrondissement, was an architectural marvel. Thomas went to the reception and checked in under a fictitious name to ensure that there would be no clues as to his presence. As he waited for the elevator, he couldn't contain his excitement.

"Ready for the surprise, Thomas?" he muttered to himself, trying not to show his nervousness.

Finally, he arrived at his room and, after dropping off his things, began planning the final details. The first part of the surprise would be simple but effective: he wanted to be there to greet her after the show and give her a special gift he had brought with him.

As the sun set over Paris, the city lit up with the vibrant energy of Taylor's tour. The Stade de France was packed, and the excitement in the air was palpable. Taylor took the stage with her usual grace and stage presence, and the audience greeted her with a thunderous ovation.

Thomas, now positioned near the concert venue, watched with a satisfied smile as Taylor performed. He knew how much this tour meant to her, and seeing the light on her face as she sang her favorite songs was a gift in itself.

After the show, the venue was a frenzy of activity as the crew dismantled the stage and set up backstage. Thomas, with a special pass he got from a friend on Taylor's team, entered backstage. His heart was pounding, not from anticipation, but from anticipation of seeing Taylor.

He headed to the dressing room, where Taylor's team was starting to set up for the next leg of the tour. When he entered, Taylor's eyes lit up when she saw him. She was in the middle of a conversation with some of the crew, and her surprised smile when she spotted Thomas was unmistakable.

"Thomas!" Taylor exclaimed, running over to him. "What are you doing here?"

Thomas smiled, walking over and wrapping her in a tight hug.

"Surprise! I decided to come to Paris and see your show. I couldn't miss the opportunity to see you shine and, well, I had something to give you."

Taylor looked at him with bright eyes, admiring the surprise. The dressing room was filled with crew members and a few friends, but the moment seemed completely private to them.

— "You're amazing," Taylor whispered, touching Thomas's face tenderly.

After hugging and exchanging a few kisses, Thomas pulled out the special gift he had brought from his suitcase: an elegant gift box with a red ribbon.

— "I brought this for you," Thomas said, handing the box to Taylor.

Taylor, curious and excited, carefully opened the box. Inside was a delicate necklace with a heart-shaped pendant, carved in gold and silver, and a small handwritten note from Thomas.

— "I saw this and thought it would be perfect for you," Thomas explained. "I wanted to remind you how special you are to me."

Taylor read the note, which read: "To the woman who lights up my life in so many ways. I love you. – T."

Her eyes filled with tears as she held the necklace. She turned to Thomas, a beaming smile on her face.

"This is beautiful. Thank you so much, Thomas. You don't know how much this means to me."

After the initial excitement, Taylor had some free time before the next part of the evening. She led Thomas to a more private area where they could relax and talk without distractions.

"How did you manage to plan this?" Taylor asked as they sat together in a quiet corner. "This is amazing!"

Thomas smiled, wrapping an arm around her.

"I had to see you. And I thought it would be a nice way to end the night. And honestly, Paris is the most romantic city in the world. I couldn't pass up the chance to be here with you."

Taylor leaned her head against Thomas' shoulder, enjoying the closeness and comfort.

"I love when you do things like this. I've missed you," Taylor said, her tone sincere.

— "I missed you too. But I have to admit, seeing you on stage, doing what you love, is really amazing. You were fantastic tonight," Thomas complimented.

The rest of the evening was a time of relaxation and connection between the two. Taylor and Thomas enjoyed each other's company, talked about the tour, future plans, and just enjoyed their time together.

When it was time to say goodbye, Taylor and Thomas were both reluctant to leave. Taylor knew the tour would continue and that Thomas would have to return to the US, but she was grateful for the time they had.

— "I really appreciate you coming all the way here," Taylor said, as they prepared to part ways.

— "I would do anything to be with you, Taylor," Thomas replied, kissing her softly.

The next day, as Taylor was preparing to head to the next city on the tour, Thomas said goodbye to her, promising to visit her again soon. He returned to the airport, carrying with him the memory of a special night in Paris and a heart full of love.

The surprise Thomas had planned was an absolute success. For both of them, it was a reminder that despite distances and busy schedules, love and dedication can overcome any obstacle. And so, while Taylor continued on her tour, Thomas returned to his life in Los Angeles with a sense of satisfaction and happiness, knowing that he had created an unforgettable moment for the woman he loved.

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