Chapter 76: Thomas’ New Routine

Now retired from personal security, Thomas found himself in a new phase of his life. The routine that had once been dictated by celebrity schedules, events, and tours had been replaced by a more relaxed life focused on his own well-being, hobbies, and personal relationships. Although he missed the adrenaline rush and the constant challenge of protecting those he considered friends and family, he also knew it was time to enjoy the simple things in life.

The morning sun streamed through the large windows of his Los Angeles home, illuminating the private gym he had set up. It was his private retreat, a place where he could train and keep his skills sharp. Even in retirement, Thomas still took discipline seriously. He believed that his mind and body needed to be ready at all times, not out of obligation, but out of honor and respect for his path.

Dressed in a lightweight martial arts uniform, Thomas took his position on the gym mat. He began the day with a series of Muay Thai strikes, mixed with self-defense moves he had learned over the years. Each strike was calculated and precise, reminiscent of the intense training he did when he was at the peak of his career. He could feel the energy coursing through his body, sweat dripping down his face as his muscles moved in perfect coordination.

After an hour of training, he took a break, breathing deeply and observing the quiet surroundings. Despite the lack of the hustle and bustle of old, he enjoyed the peace that these training sessions provided him.

After his martial arts training, Thomas headed to his private shooting range, located at the back of the property. By practicing his weapons regularly, he made sure that he still mastered his skills with the same precision as before. For him, this was both a form of recreation and a responsibility. As someone who spent years on the front lines, shooting was not just a technical skill, but a way to maintain focus and self-control.

With his favorite Glock in hand, Thomas took his position and fired a few shots, hitting the center of the target repeatedly. The sound of the gunshots echoed throughout the room, but to him, it was comforting. Each shot was a reminder of his training and everything he had faced in life. After a few minutes of practice, Thomas put the gun away and took off his goggles. He sighed, satisfied with the session and ready for the next task of the day: a visit to the Kardashian Jenner family.

Thomas grabbed his keys and drove to Kylie Jenner's house. Since retiring, he had made regular visits to the family, especially to see Kendall, Kylie, and his niece Stormi. He had developed a special affection for Stormi, Kylie's daughter, and loved spending time with her.

Arriving at Kylie's mansion, he was greeted by security and quickly entered. Stormi, as soon as she saw him, ran to him with a big smile on her face.

"Uncle Thomas!" she cried, jumping into his arms.

Thomas picked her up, spinning her around in the air, laughing along with her. He always felt warm and loved by little Stormi. It was a feeling he treasured, having lost his own parents a few years ago.

"How's my favorite little girl doing today?" he asked, still smiling as Stormi hugged him tightly.

"I'm fine! Mommy said you were coming, and I've been waiting all day!" she replied excitedly.

Kylie soon appeared, beaming at the sight.

"You really have a fan club here at home," Kylie joked, giving Thomas a hug.

"She's the one who brings me joy," Thomas replied, squeezing Stormi lightly before setting her down. "How are you, Kylie?"

"Everything's great, busy as always. You know how it is," she said, gesturing to the busy house. "What about you? How's retirement going?"

Thomas laughed, shaking his head.

"I'm adjusting. It's a new pace, but I'm enjoying it. Having time for myself, to train, and to visit you guys is something I've been needing."

Kylie nodded in understanding.

"Well, you're always welcome here. Especially this one," she said, pointing to Stormi, who was busy showing Thomas a new toy.

Soon after, Kendall arrived, greeting Thomas with a warm hug.

"I missed you, bro! How's retirement life?" Kendall asked, laughing.

"I'm not too far away, you know. Always around when you need me," he replied, hugging her back.

"I know. But you deserve a break. Besides, I like seeing you enjoying life more. Spending time with Taylor, being around with family… it sounds like you're on the right track,"

Kendall said, leaning her head on Thomas' shoulder for a moment. The three of them spent the afternoon together.

Thomas felt a deep sense of belonging. It was a cycle of affection and mutual support, something he considered family, even without blood ties.

As the day went on, Thomas found himself sitting in the backyard of the house, watching the sunset next to Stormi, who was busy playing with some toys nearby. He appreciated these simple moments, the little details that gave color to his life now.

Kendall came over and sat next to him.

"What are you thinking?" she asked, curious to see Thomas silent.

"Just enjoying the moment. Life changes so quickly, and suddenly, here we are. Far from all the chaos of before, you know?" he said, looking at his niece running around the garden.

"That's true. But you deserve this. Really, Thomas. You've done so much for all of us. Now it's time to take care of yourself and the things that really matter," Kendall replied, touching his shoulder.

Thomas smiled, feeling grateful for Kendall's words. Despite his retirement from security, he knew he would still be there for his family whenever they needed him. And now, with Taylor, he felt like he had a life full of love and meaning ahead of him.

"I'll always be there. For you, for Stormi, for all of you. But for now, I'm going to enjoy this time with the people I love," he said, giving Kendall a loving look.

She smiled back, understanding what he meant. They sat in silence for a while, enjoying the peace that the end of the day brought.