Chapter 79: Back to Los Angeles

After a few days in Paris, enjoying time with Kendall and surprising Taylor, Thomas finally returned to Los Angeles. The sunny warmth of LA greeted him as he stepped out of the airport, trading the cool, elegant breeze of the French capital for the vibrant, energetic climate of California.

Taylor was still in Europe on tour, and Thomas knew he would have a few quiet days before she returned home. He was eager to see her again, but he also knew it would be a good opportunity to spend time with her parents, as he had gotten along very well with both of them.

Late in the afternoon, Thomas decided to visit Taylor's parents, Scott and Andrea Swift. Since he had started dating Taylor, Thomas had developed a relationship of respect and friendship with both of them. Scott admired his professional career, while Andrea saw him as a protective and caring person, always present in her daughter's life.

Upon arriving at the Swift house, Thomas was warmly welcomed by Andrea, who hugged him with a genuine smile.

— "Thomas, darling! It's so good to see you! Come in, come in!" — She led him into the house, as he handed her a small gift he had brought from Paris.

— "Thank you, Andrea. I brought you a treat from Paris. I hope you like it," he said, handing her the wrapped gift.

Andrea smiled and opened the gift, revealing a box of fine French chocolates. She thanked him warmly.

— "Oh, you didn't have to, but I really appreciate it! I'm sure Scott will love it too."

Thomas was led into the living room, where Scott was sitting reading a newspaper. When he saw Thomas, he stood up with a smile.

— "Thomas! It's good to see you back. Was Paris great?" Scott asked, shaking Thomas's hand and giving him a friendly pat on the shoulder.

— "It was, Scott. It's always great to spend time with Kendall and see Taylor in action. But it's great to be back."

The three of them settled into the living room, and soon the conversation flowed naturally, as if they were old friends. Andrea brought iced tea and some snacks to accompany the conversation, and the atmosphere was light and relaxed.

— "So, how was your experience in France, Thomas? I heard it was the first time you visited Paris with Kendall," Scott commented interestedly.

Thomas nodded, remembering recent memories.

— "Yes, it was the first time. We did a lot of things together, including the Vogue World event, and of course, we walked around the city. Paris is really special. And I also got to surprise Taylor before one of her shows."

Andrea smiled when she heard how dedicated Thomas was to taking care of Taylor.

— "She adores you, you know? She always talks about how you're there for her, even with your own busy life."

— "I try, Andrea. Taylor is amazing, and I always want to be around to support her," he replied sincerely.

Scott smiled approvingly.

— "That's what we admire most about you, Thomas. It's not easy to find someone with your integrity and values ​​these days. And of course, your military career speaks for itself. That story you told about your deployment to Afghanistan was impressive."

Thomas smiled, a little modest at the compliment.

— "I did what I had to do. But I'm glad you enjoyed the stories. It's nice to be able to share these experiences with people I respect so much."

Scott and Andrea exchanged glances, clearly pleased with the man Taylor had chosen. They knew their daughter was in good hands.

As the afternoon wore on, the conversation eventually turned to Thomas's relationship with Taylor and how they were adjusting to life together.

"So, Thomas, now that you've bought a house together, how's it been adjusting? It must be a big change, right?" Andrea asked, looking curious.

Thomas nodded, reflecting on the past few months.

"Yeah, it's definitely a change, but a good one. We're adjusting really well. Taylor and I have a great connection, and now with the house, it feels like we're really building something together."

Scott nodded, crossing his arms as he watched Thomas speak.

"That's great. Andrea and I have always believed that the important thing in any relationship is balance and mutual respect. It sounds like you have that."

Thomas smiled, grateful for the supportive words.

"Yes, we do. And I'm very grateful for that. Taylor is someone I admire a lot, and we have plans to build a life together."

Andrea looked at him with a twinkle in her eye.

— "That's wonderful, Thomas. We always want the best for our daughter, and knowing that she found someone like you makes us so happy."

Thomas was touched by Andrea's words. He knew how important it was to Taylor's parents that she be with someone who would make her happy and support her in her career and personal life.

As the night fell and the conversation continued, Thomas realized how much he had become part of Taylor's life. He had not only won her heart, but also the respect and friendship of her parents, which meant a lot to him.

Andrea, ever the motherly type, offered Thomas the chance to stay for dinner, but he, already anticipating that Taylor might call later, decided it would be best to return home.

— "Thanks for the invitation, Andrea, but I think I'll leave it for another day. I need to organize a few things before Taylor calls," he said, standing up with a smile.

— "Of course, dear. But you're always welcome here. Don't forget that," Andrea replied, giving him a hug.

Scott also stood up to shake Thomas's hand.

— "It was nice talking to you, Thomas. And whenever you want, call me for a beer sometime," he said with a knowing smile.

— "You're welcome, Scott. It would be a pleasure," Thomas replied, returning the smile.

As Thomas left the Swifts' house and drove back to his own home, he reflected on how lucky he was to have found such a supportive family. He knew his relationship with Taylor was growing stronger and stronger, and having the support of her parents was something he deeply valued.

When he got home, he picked up his phone and texted Taylor, who was probably already backstage at her concert in Europe.

"Just wanted to say I miss you. Your parents send their love, and I had a great afternoon with them. Love you."

He knew she would respond as soon as she could, and as he waited, Thomas felt grateful to be surrounded by so much love and support. Now that he was retired, he could finally focus on enjoying life with the people who mattered most to him.