Chapter 78: The Surprise in Paris

The morning in Paris was calm, and the overcast sky cast a soft gray light over the city's ancient streets. Thomas had woken up early, while Kendall was still resting in her hotel after the Vogue World event the night before. Knowing that he had a free day before returning to the States, Thomas decided that this was the perfect opportunity to do something special for two of the most important women in his life: Taylor and Kendall.

After breakfast at a small bistro in the center of Paris, Thomas walked through the bustling streets of the Marais neighborhood, known for its luxury shops and high-end jewelry stores. As he window-shopped, an idea formed in his mind. He wanted to mark this moment, his first visit to Paris with Kendall, and also to give Taylor, who was in France performing her shows, a romantic surprise.

Upon spotting a jewelry store with a classic and elegant facade, Thomas entered, smelling the polished leather and the soft shine of precious metals all around him. The atmosphere was calm, with few people inside the store, which provided an intimate atmosphere to choose something special. A young French saleswoman greeted him with a discreet smile.

— "Bonjour, monsieur. How may I help you today?" she asked, with a delicate French accent.

— "Bonjour. I am looking for something special, two pieces of jewelry. One for my girlfriend and one for my sister," Thomas replied without hesitation. He wanted something that would express how much these women meant to him.

— "Oh, excellent. I am sure we can find something perfect for both of them. May I suggest something more elegant and modern for your girlfriend and something classic, perhaps more delicate, for your sister?"

Thomas nodded, trusting the saleswoman's expertise. She guided him to a counter where several delicate pieces of gold and diamonds were displayed. The first piece of jewelry that caught his eye was a necklace with a heart-shaped pendant, adorned with small diamonds. It was elegant, simple, and had a sparkle that reminded him of Taylor's essence.

— "This is perfect for Taylor," he said, already imagining how beautiful the necklace would look on his girlfriend.

— "Excellent choice. It's a unique piece, handmade here in Paris," the saleswoman said as she placed the jewelry in a dark blue velvet box.

Next, Thomas focused on finding something for Kendall. He wanted something that reflected her natural elegance and strength, but also her sensitivity as a sister. His eyes fell on a delicate rose gold bracelet with a small star-shaped pendant.

— "This is perfect for Kendall. Something simple, but meaningful," he commented, taking the bracelet in his hands.

— "Also a beautiful choice. Stars have a strong symbolism of guidance and protection. Something very appropriate for a brother who wants to show his affection."

Thomas smiled, pleased with the choices. The saleswoman carefully wrapped both pieces of jewelry, placing them in small boxes with elegant ribbons.

Late in the afternoon, Thomas found Kendall in the hotel lobby. She was still relaxed after the previous night's event, wearing a comfortable sweatsuit as she prepared for a leisurely stroll around the city. As he approached, Kendall smiled, but became curious when she noticed that he was holding a small package.

"What's this, Tommy?" she asked, frowning.

"A little surprise for you," he said, handing her the box with a soft smile.

Kendall took the box carefully, unwrapping the ribbon and opening the package. When she saw the rose gold bracelet inside, her eyes lit up with surprise and excitement.

"Oh my God, Tommy! It's beautiful!" she exclaimed, immediately taking the bracelet out of the box and putting it on her wrist.

Thomas smiled, his heart warming as he saw how much his sister appreciated the gesture.

— "I wanted to give you something to mark our trip together. You know how much it means to me to have you around," he said.

Kendall looked at him, her eyes slightly teary.

— "You're the best brother in the world, Tommy. I don't know what I would do without you," she said, hugging him tightly.

Thomas hugged her back, feeling grateful for having such a strong connection with his sister. They spent the rest of the afternoon exploring the streets of Paris together, laughing and enjoying quality time.

The next day, Thomas decided to surprise Taylor before one of her shows in Paris. He knew Taylor would be busy with preparations and rehearsals, but he had made time to catch a quick glimpse of her backstage. When he arrived at the venue, he was greeted by security and taken straight to her dressing room.

Taylor was busy adjusting the last details of her stage outfit when he walked in. Her eyes lit up when she saw him, and she ran to hug him.

"Tommy! I'm so glad you made it before the show!" she said, smiling as she kissed him lightly on the lips.

"I couldn't help but stop by. Plus, I have something for you," he said, taking the small box out of his backpack and handing it to her.

Taylor looked at him curiously before carefully opening the box. When she saw the heart-shaped diamond necklace, her eyes widened in surprise.

"Oh my God, Thomas! That's beautiful!" she exclaimed, delicately touching the pendant.

— "I wanted to give you something special. Something that would represent how much you mean to me," he said, his eyes reflecting the sincerity of his words.

Taylor looked at him, visibly moved.

— "You always know how to surprise me. I love you," she said, before leaning in to kiss him again.

— "I love you too, Tay. You mean everything to me," Thomas replied, squeezing her in his arms.

Taylor, still smiling, immediately put the necklace on and looked in the mirror, admiring how the jewel sparkled on her neck.

— "It's perfect," she said, turning to show the necklace to Thomas.

— "It is, yes. But nothing is more beautiful than you," he replied, smiling in admiration.

They spent the next few minutes together, talking and laughing, enjoying the brief time they had before the show began. Even with the hustle and bustle of rehearsals and the rush of the crew around them, that moment between them felt peaceful and full of meaning.

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