The offer

Getting up, I put on my cloak and bag before leaving to where the outsiders were resting.

Outside most people still weren't up, only a few people were up, mostly the guards who were changing, there was also Steven, who had insomnia, being up and watering his plants.

It was peaceful, I would like to keep it that way.

Reaching the place of the outsiders, I knocked on the door. 

No one opened the door. Sighing I get my keys out of my bag and open the door myself. Inside was quiet, no one was awake yet. I walked to the closest door before knocking loudly and waited for a bit before noticing that they still didn't wake up. 

"Huuu, I hate this already." sighing, I opened the door and saw that it was the supposed commander. Walking over I quickly grab a book from the bookcase of the room and hit him on the head with it.

"ah, what the-" he looked around and saw me. "Umm, sorry? hehe" 

"get ready." I tell him before leaving the room. "Also wake up you soldiers, I'll be outside waiting, don't take too long." closing the door I leave to go outside.


(POV change)

Getting off the bed, I grab my suit and put it back on slowly.

"huuu, I don't understand the reason for getting up so early, it's like, what, 4 AM, it's too early for important things to happen. Huuu, I just have to get used to this I guess." After finishing to put on my suit, I leave to wake up the other 2. Knocking on Rapi's door, I could hear a quick "up" from inside, leaving to Anis door and knocking on it, I heard nothing from inside. Sighing I open the door to see that Anis was sleeping calmly like it was no tomorrow. Getting to her I quickly start to push her around.

"Come on Anis get up, we have something to do."

"5 more minutes please." she said groggily.

"Well get in trouble if you don't get up."

"Fine, fine." Sighing I just let her be and left the room, I went to the kitchen to see if there was something I could quickly eat. Noticing a packet of cookies, I grabbed it and hurriedly ate it.

(POV change)

Leaving the room, I heard the sound of munching from the kitchen. Quickly going to the noise, I could see the commander eating cookies like a bunny. He was eating it like it was his last food. He then noticed me.



"You saw nothing Rapi."




Leaving the building, i saw Ken leaning on the wall again. He looked at us before motioning us to follow him.

Having a chance, i looked around the place. It was quiet, no one was up except the guards and this one person who was fixing their garden. The house that they used were ruins of old buildings, some of the ones that were too broken had wood used as a fixing tool. It was quiet but it felt nice.

As we were following him, we were going back to the ruin from yesterday, the place with the old man. just thinking about that old man caused me to sweat cold, the pressure i had felt was overwhelming. It was as if i was being crushed by a building. 

Reaching the building, i was able to feel the presence of the old man from here. My cold sweat has gotten worse but i did my hardest to calm myself down.

Going inside the building, i saw the old man was writing in a notebook. He looked up to us, to me.

"So you guys have come, please contact your friend from yesterday for me." he said. Nodding, I grabbed my communication device, and sent a signal to Shifty. Instantly she picked up, appearing in front of us.

"Hello." shifty said

"Hello, it seems you were ready to be called, i am guessing you told your superiors about us. Right?"

"Yes i have."

"Alright then, would you be able to get one of them on the line for me please. I would like to have a talk with them, don't worry it will be about something important for the both of us."

"I'll try, it will take a couple of minutes, 5 at the least." shifty she said with the old man nodding. Shifty then disappeared. Turning to us, the old man motioned for Ken to come up.

"Ken, you know about the trial i am supposed to give you." Ken nods, "If things go well, you trial shall start some time soon."

"Okay, master." Ken said to him, as he quickly moved to the back. The old man then looked at me.

"Kid, i have some things I want to ask, would you be kind enough to answer." I nodded instantly, i wouldn't want to anger this man.

"Thank you, first question. What do you view Nikke's as?" this question seems to probe the attention of the 2 with me. I didn't think too long about this and answered instantly.

"They are comrades, companies, friends. They are people." I said this with a proud feeling in my chest because even if they aren't humans physically, they still are human to me.

"Ho~, that is an interesting answer. But why, they aren't human, they are just weapons for your war." his reply angered me.

"They might not be humans, they may have been created as a weapon but they are still human, they are people. They have been fighting for so long, and yet no one has given the thought about how they are, they deserve to be seen as a person just as any other." I angrily replied. He then motioned behind me to Ken. Ken was going to talk back to me but was stopped. The old man smiled at me, seemingly happy about my reply.

"Good answer, you pass." i was stunned. This entire conversation was a test for me. 

In my stunness, Shifty appeared again.

"I'm back and i am with a superior, Mr. Anderson. "

"Hello, it is nice to meet you but lets keep this nice and quick, i have a meeting in 30 minutes."

"Alright then i'll be quick. I want your people to take in my student here, Ken. I also want to have a form of peace treaty, for example if you send people to this area i shall allow them to stay in my camp when needed but i would want some resources in return. We would also help Atlas with getting information and give help with combat."

"That is an interesting proposal but i don't think that is enough for us to do such a thing, and while i am a superior, i don't have enough power by myself to do such a thing, i would need to talk with the others for such a thing."

There was a silence that enveloped the place. 

"I'll have you guys be able to learn how my student is strong enough to destroy a tyrant class rapture, i'll even teach the commander here."

"....I'll see what the others think." and he left.

"You guys can go now." the old man said. I nodded and bowed before leaving the place.


We were back inside the place we were staying. I was in the living room with Anis and Rapi. We were quiet, we had not said anything since we got here. Rapi was the same as usual but Anis has been quiet for a while, not having said much of anything since we got here and it was starting to worry me.

I just wonder what will happen.

note - I noticing something while I was looking at this book on my phone and noticed how it was all clumped up, I want to know if it is also like that on other people phone and if so, does anyone know how to fix it. Sorry 

also hope you enjoyed this