
A deer could be seen eating some grass before being shot in the head by an arrow. Ken, who shot the arrow, was hiding inside of an alleyway.

It was the middle of the day and Ken had to go hunting again today. Getting up, he moved to the animal and started to skin it. It was a tedious process but it needed to be done. 

It has been 2 days since the offer of Sir Hage but there hasn't been a response since, the Commander and his group were told to stay for a bit though.

Finishing, he bleed it before putting it into a bag that seemed to be too small to carry it but was able to either way. 

Ken and the others hadn't talked with each other since then as Ken found it unnecessary to talk with them. Ken didn't hate them but just wasn't used to or saw a purpose with talking with them to do so. He was someone to do things only when needed.

After putting the animal away he started to walk back to the camp. He had collected 10 animals from today's hunt, which was a good number as he doesn't usually get more than 5.

'You are needed back at camp quickly.' a voice sounded in Ken's head. the voice of Sir Hage sounded in his mind. 

After hearing this, Ken quickly sped up, running faster than the time of the hearing the gun shots. It didn't take long for him to reach the camp. Knocking, the door was open quickly, seemingly expecting someone to come. They probably also got a message to be ready for Ken. 

Taking out his identification and showing it, he was quickly allowed in. Running, he reached the ruin in a second. 

As he was about to knock on the door, the voice of Sir Hage was heard allowing him to come in.

Opening the door, Ken bowed before looking at the other people who were here.

The commander and his group were here but the box that usually showed Shifty was instead showing mister Anderson instead. Ken quickly understanding the situation went in front standing beside the hologram of anderson.

"Good, now that my student is here we can begin, what is your answer Mister Anderson." said Hage.

"We have decided to...agree." Hage seemed to be pleased with the decision.

"That's good. Well, Ken, please help them with their problems, alright." he said and Ken nodded.

"Now that he is part of your team, you should probably learn what his full name is." Hage said to the commander and Anderson, "Correct, it would be better for such things."

"Alright then, Ken's full name is Kenjaku. Kenjaku Erebus."

(note - if you read my other book, you would know the similarity with the name but don't worry, it just because it was the only thing i can think of for when it came to connections)

"Good to know. Now, what about teaching the commander."

"Don't worry." he says as he motions the commander to come closer. When the commander came closer, Hage took out a book and handed it to him. "This has the things you will learn, I won't personally teach you but my student here can as he understands these things as well if not better than I do." the commander nodded before moving back.

"I thought you were going to teach him personally but I am guessing that you are doing this to get him here as fast as possible. Correct?" 


"Alright, the deal has been made. Have a good rest of your day." Anderson said before leaving. 

The place became quiet once more. The old man let it be like that for a while before motioning for Ken to come closer. 

"Now that we have made a contract, you shall leave this place with them. Get your things ready by tomorrow." he then turned to the commander. "you people as well." the commander nodded. "Alright you can leave now."

They nodded and bowed before leaving the place.

The walk was quiet. 

"I shall help your team but don't expect me to be kind when it comes to your training commander. I'll get going now, have a good day." Kenjaku said as he left.

The commander nodded before continuing the walk to the place of stay.



I was inside my room, laying on the bed. The situation that we were in was tense, the air wasn't the greatest but it happened. 

The fact that we were going to be teamed with the figure named Kenjaku was slightly worrying, as we knew next to nothing about the person, except that he is strong and was the student of that overwhelming man. The man was also worrying, the pressure he is able to give off is something that shouldn't be humanly possible.

I sighed thinking about it but I knew I could do nothing about it. I didn't know what to think but I just hoped that there won't be any problems with him joining the team. 

Now that i think about it, how would such a thing work as Nikke's switch around so there aren't any accidents but now with the inclusion of him, how would this work. The fact that Sir Anderson has called us a team is telling of the possibility of us becoming a permanent team. 

Hopefully there are no problems.



I was sitting on the bed I was given. I was worried about us becoming a team with that person but I couldn't do anything. I didn't like being around him for some reason, since coming here I haven't talked much because of it. I didn't hate him, far from it, but it felt as if my being was rejecting him being near me. I didn't understand it. 

I was also worrying about the commander, from how Ken said it, the training wasn't going to be light. Sighing, i layed down. I could tell I was worrying the commander but I couldn't do anything about it, just speaking made my body shiver with the thought that he would feel it. I didn't mean to worry the commander.

I just sigh and hope things will get better.



It was the next day and I was waiting at the gate, with Rapi and Anis, waiting for Kenjaku to come. Seeing him in the distance, i waved to him not expecting him to wave back but surprisingly he did. 

Reaching us, he didn't have much on him other than a bag and a bow. He nodded at me, showing he was ready to leave. As we left I decided to talk with him.

""I guess we're a team now. I guess we should do formal introductions." The other's nodded.

"The name is Rapi, if you need help with understanding things don't be afraid to ask."

"The name is Anis and uhhh it's nice to meet you." they said.

"It is nice to meet you, teach. I am the commander of this group and my name is-"

today its the last day which you can decide on a name for the commander

aslo hoped you enjoyed