A trial

 "- is Afer." the commander had said.

"That is a rather unique name." Kenjaku said.

"It is but I don't mind." he said with pride. Kenjaku just nodded in return. "Anyways let's get going, i wouldn't want to keep the higher ups waiting." 

They all nodded. 

Walking to the gate, the guards open it for them. Walking outside, they left for the Atlas.



It had been awhile since we had left but we had finally reached the Atlas. It was massive, I could see lights just about everywhere with people walking around and talking loudly. Compared to the camp this was a distinct contrast compared to each other. 

We had walked to the building in the middle of this place. It was massive, definitely more than 100 meters tall. 

Walking inside, I could see a couple other people here, mostly women, they were probably Nikke's, walking around the place with some people that were wearing the same type of uniform of Afer, probably other commanders. They seem to not care about the Nikke's and I could see some of the commanders that looked at them with contempt for no apparent reason. 

I ignored it and continued to follow the commander.

"Well we finally got here, let's rest for a bit, alright." the commander said. The other's nodded, leaving while I followed him. 

"Why are you still following me?" 

"Because i don't know what i am supposed to do nor where to rest. I have only recently come here."

"Oh….. ummm….. How about you just stay with me until we figure out what they are going to do." he asked, i nod. I continue to follow him to his quarters.


It was the next day. I was woken up by the commander and we were called to go to the simulation room. Supposedly they had a conversation with Mister Anderson but didn't wake me up as he said i wasn't needed currently. 

Walking to the simulation room, I looked around the place again. There weren't many people here, probably had missions or something similar, but the place was quiet and clean.

"How did you sleep here Kenjaku?" the commander asked, taking me out of my sight seeing.

"It was fine, i wasn't able to fall asleep as quickly as i usually do but it was mostly fine."

"Oh, okay…." the commander was trying to have a good atmosphere but didn't know how to. I didn't blame him, I knew I wasn't the best person to have a conversation with.

"Hey, Kenjaku…can we talk later-" Anis asked before looking over to the other 2, "- preferably by ourselves." 


"Alright, thank you." I nodded.

It didn't take too long to reach the place. Walking inside, I could see that there were few other people here but the person with the most amount of presence was the woman in front of us. 

The woman was tall. She wore a white vest that was tied around her waist and had red on the inside with a gray shirt underneath, a white pants with white heels. Her vest also had a type of cape on it that reached to her knee, it was white with red on the inside. Her hair was brown that waved apart to the side of her head.

I could tell that she was important despite the fact that her presence wasn't that dangerous. I bowed to her, I could tell that it slightly surprised her but was able to cover it up quickly. 

"No need to bow. As you probably don't know me, let me introduce myself. The name is ingrid and i am your superior during your stay here." she said. I nodded.

"Now that you guys are here I'll tell you the reason. First off, commander Afer and your Nikke's will be going to fight in the simulation, second off, Kenjaku you'll fight by yourself to test on how long you can last and how strong you are. Did you get that?"

"Yes ma'am " we said.

We were then told where to head. I was now by myself in the area for the simulation before suddenly a woman appeared in front of me.

She was on a type of machine that floated and a circle. She had a green head and wore a black outfit with green outlines and some parts with green. She explained what the simulation room did and what I could do. After she finished she asked me something.

"So~, where are your Nikke's and in fact, i don't even have you in my system of commanders."

"I am not a commander and I am being tested for my strength."

"Hmmmmm, alright. Just don't get too freaked out, okay." I nodded. A screen appeared in front of me with what I could choose. I selected the trial. The place was tall and large enough for me to slightly let loose but not too much.

The place started to change, the place started to make a sky covered with some clouds. Ruins were created, some of which could be used as barriers, it was a ruin city. After everything appeared, enemies started to also appear. The enemy was a FEZ and Frisbee.

Noticing it, I quickly ran to it before jumping up to it and punching it, destroying it. I quickly use it and jump off it to another and do the exact same thing. 

I did the same thing for a while before the rest were destroyed. As I was falling, some of the crawlers and cubes appeared, they pointed their guns at me and shot at me. I grabbed one of the falling machines to block it but it disappeared from my hands. Noticing I didn't have time to change directions, I had to use my technique. 

"Curse technique : Abyss manipulation" as i said these words, a tear in space seemed to appear and blocked all the bullets. It quickly disappeared, as I couldn't keep it in existence for long. I quickly rushed to the other machines and appeared beside one of them and punched it into another, destroying both.

Noticing one approaching me from behind, I spin around and kick it, separating in half.

I jumped into the air before crashing down onto another machine and pulling out the core, crushing it. Grabbing the now broken machine, I threw it into another, destroying it. 

More kept appearing but I kept destroying them. This continued on for a while before, suddenly, a tyrant class rapture appeared. It was a blacksmith. I noticed that the other raptures seemed to be trying to keep it away from me or at least protect it. 

I could probably just go into the group and eventually destroy it but it would take a while since there was a rather large amount of raptures. It would be quicker to use my technique. I quickly jumped into the air before crashing down into the middle of it.

"Curse technique : Abyss manipulation" the area floor soon got swapped with a large dark tear in space making the raptures fall into it. It quickly closed as soon as it appeared. Most of the raptures got swallowed and only a few were still left including the tyrant class.

It didn't take long to destroy them. Suddenly the place seemed to start distorting before the simulation room quickly appeared again. The place wasn't in the best condition as there were parts of it that were broken. It was good that I didn't use my full strength.

I walked out of the room into the lobby. I could see the others were there as well as Miss Ingrid. It seems that they didn't see what happened but Miss Ingrid did. 

"It seems that you are plenty strong but did you have to destroy the room?" Miss Ingrid said with a glare. The others didn't look at her slightly confused before looking into the room i was in and saw how it looked, they turned to me with a look of surprise. The face of Anis was the most funny.

"I am sorry but I didn't know how much strength I was able to use. What you saw wasn't the strongest I can go."

"Huuuu, you know what, it's fine just get going." I nodded before motioning the others to follow me. They slowly nodded before slowly approaching me to leave before Miss Ingrid spoke out.

"Also about your living arrangements, just stay with the Nikke's." 


We left the place.



Anderson could be seen talking with ingrid about something.

"So how did it go?" said Anderson

"First off, the commander and his Nikke's were awful, I don't understand how they were able to survive for that long against the Blacksmith."

"Well maybe they are better when it comes to real life."

"You don't mean to send them on one of the harder missions are you."

"Indeed I am. We shall send them for tomorrow."

"Alright, and about the other person, Kenjaku, to put it lightly he is strong."

"How strong are we talking about?"

"He is definitely able to destroy a small building with a punch and that is at the lowest, I don't know how strong he is but I estimated to be at the level to destroy large buildings. There was also the fact that during his battle, when he was shot at he said something which we weren't able to catch but after he said that, the bullets suddenly disappeared whenever they got into a certain range." ingrid said in a rant. 

"That's something, also are you sure it wasn't a glitch in the system-" he asked before being cut off.

"No it wasn't, we checked. There was also the fact that it also happened when he was in the middle of a large group before he said something again and a large portion of the group just disappeared into the ground."

"Oh, we should check on this when we have time."

"Yeah, but he is fast, around the speed of a bullet, most likely faster as well."

"Let's just send him with the group of commander Afer."



Anis could be seen in her room, it wasn't the best looking. It was the next day and she had hoped that she would be able to talk with Kenjaku but when she was going to get up and ready, there was a call for a mission. 

She knew that it was going to be with Rapi and the new commander because of what they were told yesterday but she didn't know anything else, just that they would be told once they meet up again.

"Huuuu, let's just hope things don't end badly."

For people that are probably not going to like that Kenny is that strong, do remember that JJK is just a lot stronger, i think but eh i don't know, also about the curse technique of kenny, if you are worry about him being to strong with it, don't worry i have some measures for it that hopefully work

Anyways hope you enjoyed this and uh gabagool