The mission

Walking to the meet up zone. Kenjaku could see the others waiting for him and the girl that was walking beside him. He had a bow strapped on him and a bag.

"Hey." Ken said to them. They were slightly surprised that they were going to be with him. They suspected that they would, but it was still somewhat surprising. 

"Hey Kenjaku, would you like to introduce the person beside you?" the commander said as he pointed to the girl.

"Oh I'm Neon, it is nice to meet you." the girl named Neon said. 

She wore a white outfit similar to a school uniform but with a gun on her back and some other things. She had white hair that fell straight down her back with a small hat similar to those hats from france. She had a gun, from the looks of it a shotgun, that had a strap to carry on her shoulders. It also seemed that she didn't notice the fact that it was slightly lifting up her skirt.

"It is nice to meet you, Neon. My name is Afer and this is Rapi and Anis." the commander said.

"Yeah, well let's start going. I am so excited to do this."

"Hehe, yeah i can tell." the commander laughed at her excitement.

"Oh yeah, I should say this, I am also a spy." Neon stated. 

"Oh wow." Anis said suddenly, she looked at Neon with a deadpan stare. "Who are you a spy for.."

"To ingrid."

This caused all of us to stare at her. The commander just gave a small laugh, while Rapi and Anis sighed. Ken just stared at her for a bit before just looking around the place.

"Well let's just get going now. Is everyone ready?!" the commander asked.

"Yeah!" Anis and Neon shouted while Ken and Rapi just nodded.


"Woowww so this is the surface. It's so different." Neon exclaimed. 

"Yeah it is but you get used to it after the first or second time." Anis said.

"Is this the first time on the surface for you?" Anis asked.

"Yeah it is."

"Alright, enough talking. Let's get ready for this mission." Rapi said.

"Alright, alright." Anis sighed.

The group continued to walk while some small talk was made. They eventually reached the entrance of the place they are supposed to go into.

The mission was to go into the factory and get the resources/turn it on so it could be used. The thing was that the entrance was blocked by an electric current.

"Commander, it seems that we would need to find a way around." Rapi said.


"While us Nikke and, probably Kenjaku, would be able to deal with this, you still are human commander."

"Unless you're able to deal with the pain." Anis said.

"I can deal with it." the commander proudly stated.

"Sure." Anis said with a deadpan.

Ken and Rapi sighed before they started to walk around again looking for a way inside, this was until a blue box appeared. It was Shifty.

"Hey guys, i was able to find a passage but there are some Raptures in the way. Are you guys ready?" Shifty said. The group nodded, the commander was given the path to the passage.

"Alright let's get going." the commander said.


It has been awhile since they had started walking, the group hadn't met any raptures because of the commander wanting to limit the amount of fighting to save a needed amount of strength. 

The group didn't talk much to alert the raptures. 

"I'ma say, this is really tense for some reason." Anis spoke.

"It is." commander said.

"Well we are in an area with a lot of rapture's possibly nearby." Rapi answered.

"True," both Afer and Anis said.

"Well, it isn't to say that it isn't tense but-" she suddenly stopped. Looking forward, a group of raptures had spotted the group. "Enemies ahead, permission to confront."

"Permission granted" commander quickly responded.


Pulling out my bow, I quickly took out an arrow and enhanced it before shooting one of the raptures in the back, hitting it in the core destroying it. 

Neon was shooting at the closer raptures, while Rapi was helping with the ones in the middle or the ones flying in the air. Anis was shooting the ones that were grouped up. The commander was giving out orders to them.

The noise was attracting more raptures and while we wouldn't be overwhelmed quickly, if we don't keep up with the pace we would eventually be overrun. 

"Tch" I quickly pulled out another arrow but it was different from the others. It had a black arrow head and if you could see cursed energy, you would be able to notice the cursed energy that the arrow had. It was a specialized arrow head, made to be able to deal with groups from outside my range. 

I didn't want to use it as I would rather jump into the group of raptures but there were too many bullets flying around, even if I was faster then them I would be hit by the sheer amount of them that are going around.

Pulling it back, I had to be more precise with the curse energy that I was inputting. It took awhile before it was ready to shoot but the raptures still weren't close enough together to be used to its maximum potential.

The commander looked at me and noticed the faint glow that the arrow was emitting. I didn't have the time to talk about how he was able to notice it.

"Anis, Rapi! Can you make them group up more?!" the commander asked

"Yeah but why?" Anis asked

"I might be able to deal with a large amount of them if you can." I stated. They glance at me before nodding and shooting at the ones that weren't as grouped up.

They did their best but weren't able to make all of them to group up but it was enough to be able to use this arrow well.

Shooting the arrow, it moved faster than I could and quickly hit the middle area. It didn't hit anything but that was the point, as it caused a tear to be created before closing. It was too fast to allow them to fall through, but just long enough to cause them to fall into it and be cut in half by it closing.

"Heh." I couldn't help but smirk slightly because of what I was able to do. This of course didn't come without some bad sides, as I was given a headache from the concentration and the usage of my technique outside my area of affect.

[ abyssal arrow : It is an arrow that has been infused with the curse technique of Kenjaku Erebus. It causes a tear in space to be created but because it is outside the area of Kenjaku's range, it isn't able to stay in existence for too long and is quickly closed.

Down sides are the headache it gives and the usage of more Cursed energy then normal, by about 2 times, and the fact that it will cause the user to not be able to use cursed energy for 1 minute.]

Most of the enemies were taken down and the rest that were coming wouldn't be enough to overrun us.

The others were in shock from what they had witnessed, for them it just seemed as if the raptures fell through the floor and got cut in half. It didn't take long for Rapi to get back into reality.

"Don't forget there is still more raptures to deal with! Don't get distracted." she yelled at the others, catching their attention and bringing them back. 

It took a while but we were able to deal with the rest of the raptures. The commander decided we should take a short break to rest. The commander decided to come to me during this.

"So, how did you do that?" he asked

"Don't worry about it currently, you'll eventually learn." I said. He just looked at me for a bit before going to the others to ask how they were.


We had reached the passage to the inside, it was a sewer. We had to crawl through, so I decided to be behind the commander.

We had eventually reached the inside and got the commander to get the things ready, Shifty had appeared as well to help but we had noticed something. 

"Are those raptures using the....factory.." Anis said.

"They are….." from Rapi.

This was weird, as raptures shouldn't be able to do this. I didn't know what to think of this but I didn't have to take long as I noticed something on top, it was a rapture pointing at the commander. It seemed as Rapi also noticed and as she was closer to the commander she pushed him away, at the same time the rapture shot and had shot the head of Rapi off instead.

We had been spotted. 

Quickly I grabbed the commander and got into cover as the bullets flew through. We had been pointed into a predicament.