Sudden Mission Given

sorry for taking long update these chapters

hope you enjoy


It was late as we had been cleaning the place for who knows how long.

"Hey, commander." I exclaimed to get the commander's attention.

"Yeah, what is it?" he said as he turned to me.

"Tomorrow, we'll start with your training." I explained.

"Oh, okay." he said. While not showing it, his eyes were showing that he was excited.

"What are you going to teach him?" Anis suddenly asked.

I turned around to her to see her resting against the wall and crossing her arms under her chest, pushing it up and letting it look bigger.

"I'm going to teach him about the things that I use." I said and looked at her with the 'you already know' face.

"Oooh, that thing, alright." she said.

"What are you talking about?" Said Rapi.

"Heheh, don't worry about it." Anis laughed. Rapi just looked at her with a confused stare but just sighed before continuing to drink the water she had gotten.

"So at what ti-." the commander was going to ask something before being cut off by the sound of someone opening the door.

"We have guests." Rapi said.

"Tch, this place is filthy." An annoying and squeaky voice that while was similar to a child's it had a faint mature voice in it, could be heard coming from the front of the building. 

Getting up, I walked to the front to see who it was and saw a woman with a somewhat childish face. 

Their hair was mostly black but had a small purple section at the front. She had a sleeveless shirt with buttons and wore a purple jacket with orange at the end of the sleeves. She had a bow at the back of her head and one of the ends of it reached the floor. She also had a small white skirt with purple on the sides but it only went past her waist by a small amount allowing most of her thighs to be seen and the tattoo she had on her right thigh. She wore a white heels but also had a translucent cloth that almost reached her feet. 

She noticed me walking into the hall and walked towards her. "What is the reason for you being here?" I said while looking at her and ignoring the other 2 behind her.

"Are you the commander of the squad Counters?" she asked.


"Then bring him here for me."

I looked at her and almost glared at her for trying to order me but I let it go as it was easy to tell that she had a high position.

"Commander, someone is looking for you!" I shouted and heard a faint okay before the sound of running could be heard approaching and then the commander appeared.

"Who nee- who are you?" He noticed the new person.

The rest appeared and noticed the new people as well.

"You-" she pointed at Neon. "-introduce me."

"Oh, umm, commander this is the CEO of Missiles Industry, Syuen." Neon said with a confused face.

"Oh, okay."

"That's it, just okay. Tch." she glared at the commander before sighing, calming herself.

"If you're a CEO then would you know about the corruption of Marin." the commander asked with a small amount of hope.

The CEO didn't seem to like being asked that question as she gave the commander a strong glare. "Yuni, make him submit." she said suddenly.

"Wha-!" He tried to speak but fell to the floor as one of the womens that was behind Syuen with pink hair, had hit the commander softly with her whip.

"What the?" I said to myself as I looked at the wip of the girl named Yuni.

While I was looking at the whip, Anis, Rapi and Neon were standing still from the sudden falling of the commander, causing them to do nothing as Syuen walked over to the commander.

"Know your place." she said before stomping on the commander. "This is for not understanding your position." she said before stomping on him again. "And this is for disrespecting me with such a question."

She continued to berate the commander with such comments about talking with her in a 'disrespectful' way.

The commander was doing nothing about it for most of the berating before finally he started to try to get up. He looked up to Syuen.

"Can you take your foot off me, please." he said calmly.

Rapi, Anis and Neon abruptly raised their weapons. I took out a combat knife from behind me.

Syuen noticed this and glanced at us "Wow, your troops are so~ loyal." It was easy to tell that it was filled with sarcasm. "Mihara, swap your senses."

"I can not hurt a human though." The tallest woman here said while looking at Syuen.

"I don't care." Syuen responded.


"But what?" She looked at the black hair girl with a glare.

"Nothing.." The black hair girl said. "Done." she suddenly said.

Syuen nodded before taking out a gun and shooting her at the abdomen.


A sharp pain appeared on my abdomen. The other 3 also seemed to feel the same pain and fell to their knees while holding their abdomen. I was able to hold myself and stood standing but I was still in a lot of pain, it was something that I could still deal with though. 

"Hump, looks like you can deal with just some pain." Syuen said while looking at me before shooting again.

"!!!" The pain was worse this time but I ignored it and continued to stand. I looked at her and gave her a glare.

"This is getting too long." Syuen said and put the gun away. She then looked down at the commander.

"What is the name of your squad?"

"Counters.." The commander said while getting up.

"Okay." she then looked over to the 2 behind her. "Team up with them." she told them.

They nodded.

"What do you mean team up with us?" I asked.

"You're going to capture a rapture for me." Syuen said without even glancing at me. "Feel honored that you're going to do something for me."

"Fine." the commander spoke. 

"Good." she turned around and started to leave.

"But.." the commander said to her.

"What?" she turned with a scowl on her face.

"Apologize for hurting them." he said.

"No." Syuen said with anger in her voice. "Mihara, switch."

Mihara, black-haired girl, nodded without questioning her again. Syuen then took out the pistol again and shooted.

The commander ignored the pain and started to walk forward to Syuen. "Apologize." he repeated.

"Tch don't you dare tell me what to do!" Syuen shouted at the commander, she had a face filled with anger and pulled the trigger multiple times.

"Apologize." the commander repeated and still walked forward.

'Huh, looks like I won't need to help him with that.' I thought while looking at the blue aura that was surrounding him as he continued to walk towards Syuen.

"D-Don't get cocky!" she said but with worry as the commander continued to walk towards her. She continued to shoot but this did nothing to deter the commander as he was in almost arm reach of her by now.

"M-mihara shoot him!" Syuen said in panic. 

"I can't, Nikke's are prohibited from shooting humans." Mihara said to the panicked Syuen.

The commander was now within arm reach of her.

"W--w-w-wait a moment!" Syuen said, trying to stop him.

The commander grabbed her by the shoulders and held her in front of him. "Apologize." He said with a glare into her eyes.

"I-I-I-Immm, I'm-" She was going to apologize but the commander passed out before she could finish saying it.

"H-Huh." Syuen looked at him with surprise before breathing out.

"Y-yeah, you're not tough, shouldn't try anything towards me." she said before kicking him.

"I don't recommend doing that." I said to her. 

"Annd Why should I listen to you?" She said, looking at me.

"It would be for the better as you are attacking my commander." I said. "I wouldn't want to protect him from a technical comrade."

"Oh, so you're saying you'll attack me." she then smirked. "Go ahead and try something." she said while giving me a condescending look before kicking the commander again.

Seeing her do that, I quickly threw the knife that I had at her. She moved out of the way but still had a scratch on her check from the knife.

She looked shocked and moved her hand over to the scratch before seeing that I had drawn blood.

"Y-y-you.." she looked at me and the knife that was now piercing the brick wall. Her eyes opened wide as she noticed the knife and started to shake before turning back to me. "Y-y-you would've killed me with that." she said, frightened.

I looked back at her with a calm stare. "I know."

My answer seemed to scare her even more as she started to shake even more but she still tried to put up a strong front.

"W--w-well any-yways, I'll just let you and your squad b-be." she said leaving. "Don't forget to do the job I gave you or I'll make you regret it if you never did."

She said that before finally leaving the place. 

I looked over to the people that we were going to work with. "You guys can stay over there while I take care of the commander." I told them while pointing at the sofa.

"Okay." said the black hair woman named Mihara. "Come on Yuni, let's just wait." She told the pink haired girl while walking to the sofa.

I went over to the 3 who were still on the floor but weren't in as much pain as before.

"You guys okay? Do you need some help?" I asked.

"Yep, we're just fine and dandy." said Anis with sarcasm in it.

"Since you have enough energy to make sarcastic things then you should be fine." I told her before looking over to Neon. "Do you need some help Neon?"

"That…..would be preferable." she said. 


I walked over to her and helped her get up before moving her to one of the seats in the room. After helping her sit down I walked to Rapi.

"I'm good, just need some help getting up." Rapi said before I could ask.

"Alright." I gave her my hand, helping her up, and looked back at Anis.

"Sooo, do you need help?" I said sarcastically. 

"Yeah, yeah." she said with a small smile. "Just help me up."


I helped her up before asking something. "So, how long do you think it would take for the commander to wake up?" I said to Mihara.

"It would probably take longer than 4 hours, I think." she said.

"What do you mean you think?" Rapi said with a small glare.

"I have never used it on a human before so I don't know how bad it can affect someone, alright." Mihara defended herself.

"Yeah." Yuni, the pink hair, said.

"Fine." Rapi accepted their answer but she still wasn't pleased.

"I'll go take him to bed." I said to diffuse the situation.

"No, I'll do it." Rapi said to me.

"You sure?" I said looking at her. "You're still slightly shaking."

"Don't worry, it isn't the worst thing I have dealt with." she said to alleviate my worries.

"Fine." I picked up the commander before giving him to Rapi. Rapi quickly took him, carrying him, to his room leaving Anis, Neon and me with the 2 new Nikke's.

"Seeing how it's late, I recommend we go to rest." I said. "You guys go with Rapi and check if the commander is fine." I told Anis and Neon.



"Good-" I nodded before looking at the other 2. "You 2 follow me, I'll show you where to rest."

"Alright, I wouldn't mind some rest." Said Mihara before getting up. Yuni just followed her action but didn't say anything.

"Come on, let's go." I walked out of the building and started to walk over to the building for Nikke's.

"How are you part of this squad?" Mihara suddenly asked.

"What do you mean?" I asked, not looking back.

"I'm asking how you joined this squad when you aren't a Nikke nor commander." she explained.

"It's something that you shouldn't care about." I said. "You won't be in this squad for any longer than this mission so I don't have a need nor reason to tell you."

"Hmm," She looked at me, trying to assess me. "Fine." she finally said, letting the subject go.

Seeing that the situation is getting bad, I decided to ask something.

"So why do you wear that?" I asked, talking about her choice of clothes.

The reason for this is because it was leather straps that were on her body with only her breast being the area with full cover and her black leather pencil skirt that barely went past her waist showing her thighs to the world before reaching a long black boot that reached past her knees but still showed the thighs.

"Why are you asking?"

"Because it is rather revealing or seductive." I said. "It has no real need on the battlefield."

"I'm not a battler to begin with." she started to explain. "And in all honesty, I don't know the reason for me to wear this."

"Alright." I accept that answer.

We eventually reached the building. Entering the building, it was easier to see the difference between the commander building and the Nikke building.

Moving through the halls, I eventually reached 2 empty rooms. "These will be your rooms."

"Alright." Mihara said before nodding and entering her room with Yuni following her.


I go to my own room and see the dustiness of it. I ignore it and just go onto the 'bed' and lay down. I wouldn't go to the commander as those three are already with them so I am going to take this time to rest while I can.

This was one of the only rooms with a window, I chose it because of it. Looking outside, I could see the moon starting to rise up and the moonlight shining through the ruined buildings creating a beautiful picture to look at.

'This is beautiful.' I thought.

Opening a tear, I put my hand in it and took out a camera and took a picture of it before putting it away. 

'I hope we can deal with the mission quickly.' I thought before closing my eyes.