Mission-find it/him



"Are you ready to go?" I asked.

"Yeah." replied the commander.


I got off the chair that I was sitting on while I was waiting for the commander to finish getting ready for the mission we have.

I left the room with the commander to see the others waiting for us.

"Helloo~, you guys done?" Anis said.

"Yeah, yeah, we are." Said the commander.

"Alright but are you sure that you'll be fine commander?" asked Rapi, worried for the commander.

"Yes, you don't need to worry about me Rapi, I am more than strong enough to deal with such pain." he said proudly.

"Alright.." Rapi said skeptically.

"Ah, don't be such a worry wart, he'll be fine." said Anis.

"I know, it just worries me."

"Don't be, he is stronger than you might think." I said to her, she turned to me before sighing. 

"Alright you 2, you don't need to double team me." 

"Surprising you know that." Anis said with a smirk.

"What do you mean by that?" Rapi asked.

"Don't worry about it." she was smirking.

I ignored them and walked over to the 2 people that we were going to work with.

"Are you 2 prepared?" I asked.

"Yes, you don't have to worry for us, we are more than ready for this type of work." Mihara said. 

"Alright." I turned to the pink haired girl. "What about you?"

"I'm fine as long as Mihara is there." The girl said while looking at Mihara with some affection.

"Alright." I turned around to see that the others had finished talking. "You guys are ready to go now?"

"Yep." Anis said, puffing her chest out.

"Then let's get going."


We had been walking for a while now. We hadn't gotten into any battles but it was starting to get tiresome and boring from doing nothing but looking around for something that might even be in this area.

"Uhhh, this is soo boring." Anis said out loud.

"Well there is nothing we can really do." Neon replied to her.

"But we had been looking around and had found nothing." she groaned. "We hadn't even run into any raptures."

"How about we take a rest for now." Rapi spoke out to her.

Anis turned to her. "Yeah that would be nice." she said.

"What do you think?" Rapi said to Mihara and Yuni.

"I don't mind." Mihara said.

"I don't either." Yuni softly said.

"Alright," Rapi turned to the commander. "Shall we rest commander?"

"Yeah." he replied.

We looked around for a place to rest and found a ruin that was a good area. 

I sat down slightly away from the others while Rapi went and secured the area.

"Why are you so far away from them?" Mihara suddenly said to me, she had walked over to me with Yuni following her.

I looked over to her. "Do I have to be with them all the time?" I said to her.

She looked at me for a bit before looking away. "No you don't."

"Huuu." I sighed. "I don't hate them or anything but it's just that I am not used to working with others." I told her.

"Then, wouldn't it be better to be with them to get used to it?" she asked.

"True but I am still getting used to it." I looked up. "I'm just not ready."

She glanced at me. "I guess that makes sense." She stopped talking and followed my eyes to watch the sky.

I watched the sky whenever I felt as if I would stop understanding the things I am doing.

I looked back down to her. "So," I started, she looked back at me. "What is your relationship with her?" I asked.

"What do you-oh, you mean Yuni." she exclaimed before looking beside her to Yuni. "We had been working together for a long time so we just became close."

She glanced at Yuni with affection. "It honestly felt that we were made for each other." she said with a small smile.

"That...is..nice." I said slowly while I watched her.

"Everyone, let's start again!" the commander suddenly said out loud. The rest said alright while I just nodded and got up.


"Commander, is the coms still jammed." Rapi asked.

"It is." he said.

"Syuen is probably jamming it to keep the mission secret." Miihara explained. 

"Wouldn't it just make it more suspicious?" Anis said.

"Maybe but I don't understand what goes through her mind sometimes." Mihara said while sighing.

"Let's stop talking about such things." Anis said before looking back at Mihara. "So~, what is your guy's relationship?"


After they had talked for a bit, we had learned about the reason for their group creation which was to capture the new rapture known as Chatterbox. It was also explained that there were other commanders that were sent on this mission.

Rapi and Anis had a small scuffle with them because of how this could be dangerous for the commander.

It was eventually resolved but the air was slightly tense after that.

"Hey, I think these are trails." Neon said suddenly while pointing at the trail.

"Those are trails of Chatterbox." Mihara explained.

"Its name is Chatterbox?" Anis said with Mihara nodding.

"Should we follow it then?" the commander asked.

"Of course." Anis said.

"Alright." he said.

We followed this trail only to find a building with the trail ending against it.

"This is odd." Rapi said.

"Agreed." Mihara agreed while looking around to see if she could find anything else.

"There are no trails on the building or around it." Rapi reported.

"So you're saying that we found a dead end." Anis said.

"That is what she is basically saying." Neon said to her.

Anis looked at her with an annoyed face and Neon just looked at her innocently.

"So what now?" the commander asked.

"We just continue to look around." I said.

"Exactly." Mihara agreed. I glanced at her before looking away as she continued. "There should be another trail that is nearby at least."

"That would make sense." the commander said before going into thought. "Alright, let's continue looking." he said.

"Alright." They all said. Anis gave a small laugh because of it.

We continued looking around the place to see if we had missed anything but found nothing so we continued on to another area.

This continued on till we found another path and followed it. The path continued to another building before ending the same way as the earlier.

"You gotta be kidding me." Anis said with an exasperated look. 

"There is nothing we can do about that but I won't lie and say it isn't annoying." Rapi said as well.

"How about going back and resting before continuing." I offered. 

"That would be nice." Anis said before nudging Rapi. "Right Rapi."

"Yes it would." she said, sighing.

"I won't disagree that it might be better to continue on another time." Mihara agreed.

"Alright, then let's–" the commander tried to say something before being cut off by Rapi.

"Raptures nearby, prepare for combat." Rapi exclaimed while readying her rifle. 

"Of course raptures had to show up." Anis said while also readying herself.

"Let's hope we can end this quickly." I said.

"Engaging the enemy." Rapi exclaimed.


The raptures rushed at us in small waves making it easier to destroy them without much panic.

The fliers tried to get us from above but me and Mihara quickly dealt with them before they became a problem while the other 4 dealt with the ones on the ground. The commander was giving out orders to them, making quick work of the ones that came but it was still tiresome to deal with them.

It didn't take long for the leader of these raptures to show up. It was just bigger than the usual normal rapture that was leading but it took a lot more hits to destroy it.

I had fired multiple shots into its core causing a lot of damage to it causing it to shoot out a barrage of rockets. Anis, noticing this, quickly used a more powerful grenade and shot it at the missiles, hitting them and destroying them before they could hit us.

Rapi and Mihara were shooting at the ones that were farther away and periodically shooting at the leader while Neon was shooting at the ones that were close with her shotgun and at the leader wherever he got close enough to deal good damage. 

Yuni was shooting at raptures that were grouped up with her rocket launcher(?) and at the leader when he was grouped up with other raptures or whenever it launched more rockets at us.

I was shooting at the leader only to keep it from getting too close or running away. The arrows that hit caused more than enough damage for it to get slower and such. I was trying to destroy it quickly and join the others with destroying the rest of the raptures.

The leader tried to launch another barrage of rockets but was stopped by Yuni this time and was standing still from launching the rockets, letting me be able to destroy it finally.

After destroying the leader, it didn't take long to destroy the rest of the raptures.

"Finally, that took longer than I liked." Anis said while stretching, letting her breast pop out more.

"I won't say that it was fun." Mihara said.

"Well I saw it as rather fun as I was able to destroy so many raptures with my bullets." Neon said.

"Well let's get going now that we have taken care of that." Anis said before looking at the commander. "Shall we leave?"

The commander was about to say something before the sound of his phone dinging stopped him. He checked who it was and while he was looking at it, his face started to frown before typing for a bit before putting his phone away.

"Let's continue looking." he said.

"Why?" Anis asked, looking at the commander with slight worry.

"Syuen." It was the only thing he said.

"Alright." Anis said before sighing.

"There is nothing we can do so let's just continue searching." Mihara said.

They all nodded before we started to search again. 


We have found another trail, we have been following it for a while now, it has shown that it is a lot longer than previous ones.

I was looking around the place to see if there is anything that is strange because of a feeling that I felt when we had started to follow this trail, it had gotten stronger the longer we had followed it.

We eventually reached the end of this trail but instead of it ending at a building, this time it had ended in the middle of a large area.

"This…is strange." Anis said.

"Yeah.." Neon agreed, nodding her head.

Rapi didn't say anything as she looked around to see if she could find anything.

I suddenly heard a sound coming to us at a rapid pace and to most noticeably. 

"Ah!" I quickly pushed Mihara out of the way before being launched away by an incredible force, hitting a building and creating a large crater in it with my body. 

"Agh!" The pain that was in my body was incredibly painful, I was bleeding from where I was hit and from my mouth. There were more than a couple of ribs that were broken from the hit.

There was a ringing sound going through my head snuffling the noise of the others. I looked over to the dust cloud that was created when I was hit and saw how it settled to find a beast that was standing there.
