
Chapter 5 Everything Changes

Not swapping cloaks at the wedding, this was an Old Gods style wedding. They swap the cloaks during a Wedding under the Seven and as far as I could find the Old Gods don't do that. And did I change history with Lord Cregan Stark marrying someone he didn't in canon...yes how this affects the future you will see in future chapters.

As for the king deciding who his vassals marry, he has a lot of power and risking his displeasure is dangerous so if he says 'this person marries this person' it usually goes. 

Harry's saving the Dornish Princess does have a point, this will be revealed later in the story.

Now on with the story...

Chapter 5 – Everything Changes

Godric's Hollow, One Year Later...129 AC...

Harry and his family's soldiers trained in the yard, starting at the crack of dawn as they usually did to maintain their skills and sharpen them to the greatest point possible. He had been on tenterhooks for the past few weeks as only a few short months of marriage Visenya had become pregnant and as her due date loomed he and her had become more and more nervous about their future role as parents. The day could be anytime now.

His mother and father had given them advice whether they wanted it or not, but the fact remained they were just as excited about it given this would be their first grandchild.

The year had also seen a massive upshot in their exports with the king's official backing, now they were selling their wares all across the country with a growing demand for their potions after the kingdom had seen how they helped Rhaenyra carry and give birth to her latest child a healthy daughter called Alysanne, not to mention lose much of the weight she had gained in pregnancy and regaining some of her previous beauty. Word had also come from the steward that they had left in charge of Hogwarts, a vein of silver had been discovered in a new tunnel they had opened up in the mines. They didn't know how deep it went yet but it was encouraging.

Although it had given them a good amount of new business, it seems that the Blacks cared little for the help those potions had been to Rhaenyra. They had not received so much as a single letter of thanks let alone a visit from Rhaenyra, although Visenya's brothers had sent many but often it was just a ruse to see how their sister was doing. Rhaena and Baela her cousins had frequently visited on the backs of their dragons until recently when flying had become dangerous to Rhaena's health, her first pregnancy within a year of marriage had many Northern lords now accepting her as Lady of Winterfell.

Harry was just fending off a pair of skilled men at arms when his uncle Sirius rushed in and told him with an excited look.

"Harry, it's time."

Harry did not even hesitate to change his clothes, dropping the training sword where it was and rushing off to see his wife as their first child came into the world. Sirius had a strange feeling of deja-vu as it honestly reminded him of the day, years ago now when he had told James that Lily was giving birth to Harry. A warm smile came over his face as he watched the area where the boy had gone, history repeats itself.


"Now push my lady!" The midwife insisted as Visenya lay on the bed, covered with sweat and in considerable pain. Regretfully there was no potion that could be used in childbirth to ease pain that would not affect the child, that meant all they could do was grit their teeth and get through with it.

"Visenya, you are doing fine." Harry told her while holding her hand and kissing her forehead, so she gritted her teeth and pushed again with all her remaining might. Then after what seemed like an eternity, a cry filled the room and she collapsed back onto the bed.

"A boy my lady!" The midwife said with joy as she carefully cut the cord and wrapped him in a warm towel before placing him in her arms.

Visenya was ensnared from the moment she held her son in her arms, he was so perfect she thought with awe. A small tuft of dark hair on his head, eyes staring up at her for the first time and his tiny fingers trying to reach for her sweat soaked hair. She ran a finger carefully over his tiny face and he yawned before snuggling into her, tears started running down her face as the warmest smile she had ever made spread across her face.

"He is beautiful Visenya." Harry said from beside her, wrapping his arms around her as he kissed her forehead again and looked down at their child...one they had made together. She rested her head against him, content to enjoy this brief but pivotal moment in her life and for the first time she had a family of her own.

She had always been part of one of course, she loved her brothers and cousins dearly, even the little sister she had never met. They had been her most beloved siblings and friends rolled into one but now as she lay sweat covered in a simple shift her world seemed to upset, now revolving around the tiny being in her arms and the comfort of Harry's arms around her. They were a family now.

She wondered briefly if her son might have magic like his father, finding out the 'hidden talents' of the Peverells had certainly been a shock when she had first arrived, a wave of a stick and the world seemed to bend to their will.

Flashback, nearly one year ago…

Visenya was wide-eyed as she saw the incredible amount of treasure and secret knowledge the Peverells had gained from the ruins of the Freehold now held in vaults beneath the castle, there was more here than she had ever imagined possible. 

"How did you get all this?" She asked with astonishment and Harry at her side smiled gently before taking a thin stick out of a holster and while she watched confused he waved it. The air was suddenly filled with a dazzling array of different coloured lights she had a hard time identifying them all in her awe of what she was seeing. She stared at the lights that were dancing around the room and then turned to him. Harry smiled sadly as he explained. 

"Before the Andals came my family openly practised magic, used it to build and create much of what he have now. When the invaders came, we were forced to hide our powers...the Andals tried to invade us several times when they thought we were just a First Men Old God worshipping family, if they knew we had magic, their zealotry would never have let it rest. So we hide it and all magic creatures that will permit us to do so. But now you are a part of this family, then you need to know the truth." Harry told her. 

Visenya was so shocked at what she was hearing, that a single family of magic wielders had managed to outlive the Freehold, outwit the Andals and keep the secrets of the mystic world alive for centuries. A family that she was now apart of, excitement brewed up inside her as she considered the immense possibilities open to her. 

Flashback Ends…

However much it might have annoyed her that she did not have the potential for their kind of power she had delved into their world as deeply as she could, enjoying the subject of potions and runes not to mention the different Valyrian lore they had not shared with her mother's family. All the secrets of the Freehold now lay bare before her and she was so glad that all her family were taught to read and speak High Valyrian from birth. She made herself useful by delving into the piles of books and scrolls with the other scholars and translating them.

Will you be the first dragon riding sorcerer since the days of the Freehold? She asked as looked down at her son, imagining him with a wand in one hand, a sword in another, a Phoenix on his shoulder and a dragon at his back. Pride surged through her at the idea of it, dearly hoping it might come true.

"What shall we call him?" She asked her husband, no longer were they strangers to each other but now lovers and partners in the truest sense of the word. She was not sure if they loved each other or not but they had respect and trust at least, maybe more she thought with her cheeks still flush with the effort of hours past. He had been at her side the moment her childbirth had started and refused to leave her for even a moment, holding her hand to reassure her and taking all the abuse she could scream at him without complaint.

"He will be the first dragon-rider in our family and the first to have the blood of Valyria in his veins." Harry said with a grin. "Why not name him after the man that started a new beginning for House Targaryen when he brought them to Westeros, saving them when all the other Dragonlords perished? Aenar...Aenar Peverell." Harry suggested.

She was taken-aback by that having expected him to suggest a First Men name or at least one from his own family's history. Not since the original Aenar had anyone carried that name and given he would be of both the First Men and Valyria, it felt right she thought to herself that he carry the name of the man that had saved her family from the Doom and gave them the chance to become royal.

"Aenar." She said in agreement and saw her boy had fallen asleep, her exhaustion soon meaning she followed him into the land of dreams while Harry watched over his wife and son with a proud smile. A few words spoken in anger had brought them together but right now at this moment he wouldn't change a thing if he could turn back time, all was right with the world and he had never felt such a sensation of peace and contentment.


An hour later, a knock at the door woke Visenya although much to their relief little Aenar didn't and continued to sleep. His parents, his siblings and honorary uncle and aunt with their children quietly entered the room, Harry put a finger to his lips to make sure it stayed that way and they graciously obliged. Visenya carefully tilted her arms so they could all see their new baby, James and Lily leaned in closer and tears appeared in the corners of their eyes as they beheld their first grandson, their son's son. He looked so much like his father and yet when he finally opened his eyes briefly they saw that his eyes had a ring of purple around the edge while being green around the pupil. It was the first time they had seen such eyes and it was strangely beautiful, just like the baby himself.

Sirius and Amelia smiled too, glad for their friends while the younger members of both families looked on curiously at the baby, some of them having never seen one before. Harry's siblings in particular as this was their little nephew.

"He's so small." Godric said with confusion, making everyone have to try hard not to laugh and James put his arm around his youngest son.

"Once we were all that small, but he'll grow just like you did." James told him and Godric looked unsure but accepted his father's words.


Later that night when everyone had finally let them be, Harry and Visenya lay in bed with their son between them. They stared at him sleeping between them with looks of confusion on their faces.

"This babe… this life, we made together. All the promise, all the chances and all the dangers. How do we manage it all?" Harry asked with worry as all the potential dangers that could threaten his son's life and ruin his future. All the potential enemies out there, both people and in nature itself it was overwhelming when you thought deeply enough on it.

"I don't know." Visenya sounding as anxious as him as the same thoughts rushed through her head, especially with the ambition of both sides of her mother's family. She and Aegon wanted the Iron Throne above all else, there were she feared no lines they wouldn't cross to achieve it. They would drag all her brothers, her sister, her cousins and everyone else down into the hell of war to get what they wanted. She saw the faces of all her siblings, even the faces of Aegon's own children so young and helpless. They would all know pain and loss, perhaps even worse and it revolted her.

Maybe that was why she was so happy here she thought, where she and Harry had made a life for themselves and their son. All that trouble seemed so far away and yet in this moment it was all so horrifyingly close and seemed to tower over them both.

"All I wanted was to fly my dragon and live a peaceful life with my siblings, then came all of this." She said as she gently ran her hand along Aenar's brow. "Now he is all I can think about, he is my world."

"I know." Harry said with the same intensity as he put his much bigger hand on Aenar's. "I knew one day I would marry and take over my family's land, I just wanted a stable and loving home with a family to fill it. I was lucky to have that from the moment I was born and never wanted anything else. Now I have that, we are a family. You, me and him. Together." Harry said his eyes moving between them, his free hand going to her cheek and hold it gently. She smiled and they pressed their foreheads together with their eyes closed, the bond between them seemed so strong and in that moment, anything felt possible.

The bed became all there was and them on it. The outside world for a moment did not exist, just them and all was right. There was no danger but as they drifted off to sleep, that illusion would soon vanish as word of their son's birth spread.

Messages announcing the birth of young Aenar were immediately dispatched to Kings Landing and Dragonstone, letters came back surprisingly quick carrying words of congratulations and surprisingly warning that Viserys and the Blacks were coming to Godric's Hollow to see little Aenar.

Holding the letter in hand James stood in the solar with his wife, son, best-friend and daughter in law. They all looked like they had expected it but were uneasy at the same time.

"At least the Greens won't be coming." Visenya said, her eyes drifting over to the bassinet nearby were he was sleeping. Glad that none of her horrible relatives were going to be anywhere near her precious baby.

"There is that." Sirius agreed with surprising seriousness.

"But there is still the matter of a royal visit, that means a feast and putting them up for potentially a week or more. Expensive." Lily said with slight exasperation at the amount of money it was going to cost to host a royal party, understanding why Viserys and Rhaenyra would want to see their great-grandson/grandson but all the same it was going to be a pain to manage a royal visit and hide their secrets. She would have to have words with the children to keep any sign of magic away from their guests while they were here.

"No doubt Rhaenyra wants to see if our claims to be a strong house are true, this is just a pretext." Harry said with a grim look, knowing she had only really accepted claims the Peverells were strong from Lord Beesbury. Now she would want proof, he wished he didn't have to be this cynical but Rhaenyra had not once contacted her daughter since Visenya had come to live here. Both her brothers and her cousins had written but only her cousins had so far come for a visit.

"Agreed." Visenya said with a sigh, it would she thought with joy be nice to see her brothers again but she knew full well her mother had little interest in her, especially now she was married and no longer as useful a piece on her cyvasse board.

The Peverells frowned and started their planning for the royal visit.

A Few Weeks Later…

A long line of banners filled the road as the Royal Convoys from Dragonstone and Kings Landing joined and marched up the road to Godric's Hollow. King Viserys, no longer comfortable riding sat in his wheelhouse with the youngest members of his family, smiling as his young grandsons Aegon and Viserys told him of all the things they had done at Dragonstone.

"Are you keeping an eye on your little sister?" He asked them with mock seriousness, his eyes going to the small figure sleeping in her bassinet nearby as the wheelhouse jostled. They looked at him confused for a moment before he added. "You are her brothers, she will no doubt be a great beauty and as her brothers it is your job to make sure boys never take advantage of your sister and that she is happy. Can you do that boys?" He asked them and they eagerly told him.

"Yes grandfather we will!" The two boys said earnestly, causing the elder Viserys to smile with pride.

"Your grace, we have arrived." One of the men said from outside and Viserys sighed with relief that their travels were over, from the window he saw the tall walls that had once belonged to Harrenhal before they passed through the gates and saw the lively town beyond. Viserys was surprised at the well ordered layout of the buildings and the vast number of trades on display. He had been told that Godric's Hollow was a merchant town but he had little idea that their goods and services were so diverse or specialised. People lined the street and cheered or clapped as they rode past before eventually they reached the keep at the centre of town. Viserys gratefully disembarked when the wheelhouse stopped, seeing the members of House Peverell including his own granddaughter kneeling at his feet.

"Rise Lord Peverell, now where is my great-grandson?" He asked with eagerness and as they all rose, Visenya stepped forward with a bundle in her arms. His eyes opened wide and became very teary as the small face appeared still wrapped in blankets, Visenya gently handed him the bundle and he had such a rush of awe, protectiveness, pride and joy at having his first great-grandson in his arms.

"His name is Aenar, after the Lord that brought our family to safety from the Doom and ensured we had the resources that would get us the throne." Visenya told him brightly and Viserys looked astonished as it was a name that rarely ever came up, Aenar an often overlooked figure but it was his faith in his daughter and forward thinking that ensured House Targaryen survived the Doom and eventually prospered. A fine choice, Viserys thought with a smile.

Lord and Lady Peverell both gave a relaxed smile as he gave the baby back to Visenya only to frown as Rhaenyra, Jacaerys and Lucerys all landed their dragons nearby. Syrax was the largest of them all being the oldest while Vermax and Arrax flew obediently her side. Rhaenyra dismounted without difficulty, looking far better than she had the last time they had all seen her. She had lost much of the weight she had gained in pregnancy and now had a more shapely figure once again although her face still had an eternally annoyed look. She turned and helped Joffrey who had ridden with her down since his dragon Tyraxes was still young and hadn't the strength to make such a long journey.

"Mother." Visenya said with a calm but worried look on her face, she held the baby protectively against her. That made everyone other than Harry frown, why would she have to protect her son from his own grandmother? Rhaenyra did not look in anyway excited for her first grandchild and only gave the boy a passing glance before turning to look at the town, this only heightened the confusion. However all of Visenya's brothers came running forward to see their young nephew and though they had all seen their little sister before, they looked at the baby with awe as Visenya smiled with pride. Harry stood at her side with a comforting arm around her waist.

The scene made Viserys, James and Lily smile again as they walked back into the castle and showed the king to his rooms, the Kingsguard looked looking very alert and concerned as they wandered into land that rejected the Seven they swore too when they were knighted. The king noticed the great paintings that lined the walls as they walked and asked with interest.

"Who was the artist that made such vibrant and detailed paintings?" Viserys said with wonder, he had artists at court but none that painted this well. These paintings even had windows, light, shadow and more vivid colours than the normal painting, so lifelike. Lily and James smiled and told him with pride.

"Most of them were created by Ettas, he is the chief painter at the academy for potential artists we had created here. Some were the work of my wife or those they had trained." James told him showing some of the paintings of him and his family which to him included Sirius, Amelia and their son and daughter. Viserys looked impressed and said.

"Then your man must come to court, I would dearly like portraits of my family like this." He said eager and they nodded.

"It can be arranged, many of our students are coming to the end of their studies and ready to go out into the world so if he agrees I am sure he would accept the commission." Lily said knowing Ettas would like nothing more than his work hanging in the Red Keep for all to see.

"Oh, I nearly forgot when I saw my great-grandson for the first time, I have a gift for him." Viserys said with an eager grin and looked towards one of his Kingsguard who they now realised was carrying a small box. The knight came forward and Viserys opened it so they could see what was inside and they were shocked to see it was a dragon egg.

"For Aenar when he is ready, he is my great grandson and the blood of Valyria runs in his veins. I want him to know the joy of soaring through the sky on the back of a dragon." Viserys said kindly remembering the days he had spent on the back of Balerion before the great old dragon had died just flying the skies of Westeros. His heart panged for his late dragon, an echo of their bond that meant he had never tried to find another.

They were surprised and a little touched at how much the king seemed to care for his great grandson even though he had only just been born. True they had a lot of dragon eggs left from their trip to Valyria but it was the thought that counted and Visenya smiled wider before putting a small kiss on her grandfather's cheek before murmuring 'thank you' in his ear. His eyes watered again and he gave his granddaughter a hug which she returned.


That night they held the feast and Visenya enjoyed catching up with her brothers, Harry told them some of the stories his family had from the centuries in Westeros they had seen. Also tales from when he and his father and uncle had journeyed around the world to find trades and products for their home. Meanwhile the dragons were now flying around together, eager to play after being apart for so long. Even the baby dragon Stormcloud who had only just really gotten to the size where he could fly.

She cast her eyes over to her grandfather who sat merrily talking with James and Lily, having spent a year in their company she no longer thought of them as Lord and Lady Peverell. The warm and loving family had accepted her and she adored the younger siblings of her husband, now thinking of them as siblings too. Melody and Serenity were so energetic and charming you couldn't help but like them and young Godric who was determined to be a great explorer and see the world, always with his nose in a book or in the yard working with the determination and will absent in many men three times his age.

However those thoughts disappeared as she noticed something about her grandfather that she had not seen before, maybe because of her nervousness at her mother coming, who she thought with both relief and anger had taken a quick look around, seen her husband's family was as strong as they claimed and then flown back to Dragonstone without so much as a word. Back to her grandfather though he seemed more tired than she had ever seen him, his breath problems were back and he looked like he was having trouble eating, ignoring food near completely. She turned to Harry who nodded, having seen her concern and took Aenar from her so she could go over and talk to her grandfather. He looked up and smiled at her, she smiled back but there seemed to be many more wrinkles than she remembered and his face more gaunt.

"Grandfather, are you alright?" She asked and a shadow briefly passed over his gaze before it disappeared and he smiled again.

"Never better my girl, just tired from the journey but that little boy of yours...I have never been more proud and am eager to see what he will become." Viserys said pride but there was a weariness to his voice that made him seem more fragile than she had ever seen him before.

A feeling that something that something was wrong nagged at her as she enjoyed the week with her brothers and grandfather and only got worse as she waved them off at the end.


A few short weeks later it still was clawing at her and in fact was now getting more intense, she was half ready to climb on Rani's back and fly to Kings Landing to go and see him. Letters had assured her he was well but something about the one that had arrived only yesterday seemed...wrong. The words were far more cold and formal than her grandfather had used before and it only added to her concerns.

So she was only half paying attention when she, Harry, James & Lily gathered in the solar to speak about something or other.

"Dorne paid us handsomely for the aqueduct design and the introduction of watermills, cotton gins and the basic steam turbine to move them had gone well. Our capacity for production is rising." James said with pride, enjoying the boons the designs from Valyria were bringing and wondering what else lay in those books yet to be found. However Lily interrupted him.

"Ettas hasn't written in awhile and he should have finished his work by now." Lily said with worry. "If he received more or decided to stay for longer he would have contacted us."

"It is unlike him." James agreed, shaking his head not sure what to think.

"Could something have happened and no one has told us yet?" Harry asked, sharing their concern and that made Visenya stop cold and say.

"You have to go, find out."

They looked at her surprised and she said with her worry now clearly on her face.

"The last letter I received from my grandfather was not written in his hand, the words were wrong. If something has happened to the king then it bodes ill for all of us. We have to know what is going on." Visenya urged desperately, she would have gone herself but her husband with his magic would fine it far easier to get into Kings Landing and the Red Keep without her there.

Harry, James and Lily considered her words in their own minds and reluctantly agreed. If there was something wrong at the capital it could be a real problem for all of Westeros.

However in the backs of all their minds the worst possibility was dawning, if Viserys was dead...then all hell was about to break loose.

Kings Landing, the Crownlands…

It was dark when Harry finally reached the city and the gates had been closed, that was not surprising in itself but as Harry looked he was worried to see that there were far more guards than normal outside of wartime. His suspicions were instantly raised and he wondered for a moment if something like a new war with Dorne had started, or if the Triarchy had attacked somewhere in Westeros but he then shook his head. Relations with Dorne while never good had been peaceful for decades and he highly doubted the Martells would suddenly start something without the Iron Throne doing something first.

Also he thought it wasn't likely that the Triarchy would attack either, not without a powerful ally or alliance within Westeros itself. So with a sigh of resignation he concentrated his thoughts on the Red Keep's Godwood, well remembered by him as it had been there that he married Visenya. A pop later and he arrived, knowing the place would be abandoned but it was within the walls and so he could gain entrance to the castle.

He with his hooded cloak quickly and quietly made his way into the Red Keep, he was not sure where to start looking for answers and was about to draw his wand to try the point me spell and look for Ettas when a terrible smell came to his nose. It honestly made his eyes water and he blinked several times.

"What the hell?" He said quietly to himself, confused as no one would tolerate such a smell for long and wondered what its source could be. He had not smelt anything like it except when he had last been abroad, in Lys. There had been some corpses just lying in the streets that no one had bothered to clear up and with the heat had started to stink.

That brought a cold shiver down his spine, rotting corpses.

He followed the smell, not using the bubblehead charm however much he wanted too until with a mounting sense of doom reached the King's chambers. The guards that should have been watching were nowhere to be seen and with a final motion, Harry pushed the door open and nearly gagged at the scene in front of him.

It was the king, his body was so bloated he looked nothing like his old self and could only be recognised by his lavender robes. Harry pulled the door shut and quickly made his way to a small abandoned room, shutting the door behind him as he stopped to gather his thoughts.

What the hell was going on? He thought, to smell that bad the king had to have been dead for days why hadn't the Silent Sisters prepared his body? Why had it been kept secret? All the realm should have known within a couple of days via the ravens.

He needed more information and knew Ettas might know something, if he was still alive. That thought worried him even more than the mystery and he put the wand in his hand and said quietly.

"Point me Ettas."

The wand did not actually spin but instead actually stood up in his palm, pointing straight down so he realised given that below him was the Throne Room and he was unlikely to be there so under that was the cells. Anger at the thought of someone locking up Ettas who had been a kind and wise man during his education who had taught him much drove Harry to rush through the castle, using a quick disillusionment charm to hide himself from the servants. He was thankful for the tour Visenya had given him when he first came here as it had shown him where the cells were. Sliding past the jailer he peered into each of the cells through the gaps in the doors, some were occupied but none he recognised until finally he discovered one with a man of Valyrian blood inside. Harry opened the cell and rushed inside to find Ettas with a bloody nose, lip and worse chained to the wall.

"Ettas, here." Harry said using his magic to open the manacles before pressing his wineskin to the man's lips. Ettas sipped slowly and said in a very dry voice.

"Young…master. It is good to see you. Lord Jasper Wylde was not pleased by my face and thought it needed some rearranging." Ettas said before taking another sip and Harry wondered if he might have injuries other than those on his face, he cast a healing spell his mother had taught him and showed with an array of coloured lights that Ettas had a couple of broken ribs, a dislocated arm and leg and some internal bleeding. Nothing his mother couldn't put right but still not good.

"The Master of Laws did this? Why?" Harry asked needing information as to what was happening.

"The king died days ago and the Small Council has convinced Aegon to declare himself king!" Ettas told him which shocked Harry a little. "They already sent ravens to all their supporters in hopes of forcing the Blacks to accept it by sheer surprise. Anyone that didn't agree to follow them has either been killed like Lyman Beesbury or locked up like me. Even offered me Godric's Hollow if I helped them...the nerve!" Ettas said affronted.

Harry blinked, remembered the old man that had been instrumental in convincing Rhaenyra and Daemon not to kill him and allow Visenya's marriage to him to go ahead. He had been kind and respected, that and what they had done to Ettas a trusted friend of his family made Harry want to pay them back. It was a straight up coup by the Small Council to take over Westeros!

"Which one killed Beesbury? And when does the Council meet again?" Harry asked and Ettas looked at him with understanding, knowing him well enough to guess what he was going to do.

"Criston Cole was the one to slit Beesbury's throat and the council meets again in the mourning." Ettas told him. Harry nodded and tore a strip off his own cloak and said while pressing his wand to it.

"Portus." It glowed briefly and Harry handed it to Ettas.

"This will take you straight back to Godric's Hollow, warn my parents what has happened, I will see about showing the Greens they are far from safe even here." Harry said darkly, at the very least he was going to embarrass them, at most hit them hard. Ettas nodded and activated the portkey and vanished.

Harry meanwhile went to make sure the Greens learnt not to anger a Peverell.

He thought what was the first thing he should do? Many ideas flashed through his mind but first things first he realised it was time to retrieve something that he had once given to Viserys, he made his way to the vault where the most valuable objects like crowns where held. A quick stunner dropped both guards watching it and wave of his wand opened the heavy door.

Inside he saw the Staff and Chain of the Praetor alongside the Crown of Aegon the Conqueror and Blackfyre resting on cushions, nearby sat Viserys' own crown. He quickly walked over and picked all of them up, apparating back to the Godswood and hiding them at the base of the Weirwood. He then left them there and after some searching found the Grandmaester's room.

Orwyle was busy writing notices and didn't even notice him entering the room, he drew a sword and put it to the Grandmaester's neck. That he did notice, struggling not to force his throat against the blade in surprise.

"Hello Grandmaester." Harry said with a smile and saw the older man visibly stiffen at the familiarity of his voice. "I drop in for a brief visit and discover the Small Council is trying to take over Westeros with Aegon as a puppet, not very honourable is it. Especially from an order sworn to serve."

The old man started to speak but Harry with a sinister smile on his face as he withdrew his wand from its holster and cast a spell he had sworn to his mother to only use in the most dire circumstances but he was short on time and needed answers. "Imperio."

He couldn't see the man's eyes gaze over and his body relaxed as his will was suppressed by Harry's magic, he didn't really want to use this spell as it was robbing a man of his free will but he needed information and would not be harmed in the long run.

"Tell me what are your plans? What are the Small Council planning?" Harry asked to make sure he learnt hopefully something useful.

"Tyland Lannister is to sail to Essos and bring sellswords back to fight for King Aegon, Lord Otto Hightower has also been reaching out to the Triarchy to get their support in destroying the Velaryon fleet. Lord Baratheon has promised to aid in leading Jacaerys and Lucerys Waters into a trap so the King and Prince Aemond can kill them." Orwyle said in a completely emotionless voice, Harry was astonished at the vicious nature of Aegon and Aemond. Willing to murder a pair of young Targaryens and actually commit to kin-slaying and Harry vowed to warn the young princes as soon as possible. Orwyle continued, listing several small points before getting to one that honestly got Harry's blood boiling. "His grace and Prince Aemond intend to burn Godric's Hollow to the ground as a warning to the rest of Westeros."

Harry's eyes darkened, until then he had been prepared to just wipe the old man's memory and leave with the objects. Give the information he had obtained to the new queen and concentrate on defending his family but this plan to lure a pair of fine young men to their deaths at the hands of their own uncles and then burn his own home and all his family for a simple insult was enough to make him angry.

Angry enough to make him do more, and given that Orwyle had just told him that Aegon and Aemond were out flying their dragons tonight and he had no intention of harming the innocent members of the Greens who were still here, he would choose different targets.

"Write a letter that confesses you and the Small Council plotted to seize power and install Aegon as your puppet king and sign it." Harry commanded and the Grandmaester did exactly as he said, writing a reasonably long letter about what he and the rest of the Small Council had planned, how they had murdered Lord Beesbury and hidden the King's death to ensure they got their puppet on the throne and then signed it with his own name. Harry then waved his wand and said.


The letter then became two, then four, then eight with more copies the longer Harry held the spell on it. Paper was fairly easy to copy as was ink while other things like metals were far harder to reproduce, strange that he thought with slight amusement. Once there were over a hundred copies Harry issued his final demand.

"Send them by raven to every castle in the kingdom."

He watched as Orwyle tied the messages to the birds and sent them, a massive gathering of blacks ravens flying out of the tower and in many different directions. By the dusk tomorrow nearly every castle in Westeros would know the truth and undermine Aegon's position at the same time, after all Harry thought who wanted to serve a pawn?

He then stunned Orwyle as a final mercy before impaling him through the heart so he wouldn't feel it. Leaving the late Grandmaester he went to White Sword Tower, going to the very top and saw Ser Cole sitting at his desk working despite the late hour. He rose when Harry appeared through the door but had no time to think as Harry hit him with a blasting hex. Ser Cole was thrown back against the wall and stunned by the force of the blow. Harry wasted no time and with Lady Forlorn, slashing his throat open for what he had done to Lord Beesbury.

Harry saw the wounded knight grasping at his ruined throat and for a moment wondered why he was doing this before remembering, these men in their greed for power were prepared to start a civil war. There was no way that Rhaenyra and her supporters would just give up. They had nearly killed a family friend and were plotting the deaths of his entire family, for that he needed to make sure they knew the price they would have to pay. Like his grandfather had taught him.

Apparently Lord Otto Hightower and the new Master of Coin & Whispers Owen Fossoway were still working in the Tower of the Hand even at this late hour so Harry decided to secure the door with a locking charm after stunning both guards. Then he looked in the lowest window and saw many tapestries and carpets decorating the tower so he smashed the window and said quickly.


A blast of fire erupted from his wand, steady and controlled which lashed over everything in the room which was flammable, they caught fire quickly and the since the tapestries lined the stairs up the tower too it started to spread up the tower. He could have just gone up there and killed them himself but he wanted to vary his methods to make the Greens think this had been done by more than one man. Seem less like magic.

The next to die was Lord Jasper Wylde, dozing in his bed he had no idea of the danger till Harry plunged his sword straight into his stomach, stunning him to stifle his cries. He left him and then returned to the Godwood, recovered the items he'd hidden and left for the docks.

Harry found the ship Tyland was using to get to Essos easily, the fool had actually ridden down his full armour with goldcloaks as guards. Even in a city like Kings Landing that got noticed and a few locals were only too happy to tell him where to go. Seeing the ship it was a merchant ship, probably Harry thought so he could go past Dragonstone more covertly. Well Harry thought travelling on a regular ship would come back to haunt him.

Harry with his looted objects strapped to his back approached the gangplank and walked up onto the ship. The crew didn't even notice him thanks to his magic and soon he found the cabin Tyland had taken and stunned him while his back was turned, no sense in wasting time Harry thought seeing the bag of gold that Tyland had probably intended to pay for his passage with on the desk and a few chests of the same nearby he took the bag and then filled another with some gold from the chests before cancelling his charm and seeking out the captain.

"Who the fuck are you?" The captain exclaimed, shocked at his sudden appearance but Harry didn't waste time and cut to the heart of the matter.

"Tyland Lannister down there offered you I should think this bag of gold to take him to Essos." Harry said holding up the bag in question. "Here take it." Harry then threw him the bag which the captain caught in his calloused hands looking surprised while Harry held up the second bag. "You get this one too if you take me to Dragonstone, drop me and him off there along with his crates and you sail away a lot richer than if you just take him to Essos. Are you interested?" Harry asked and the crew all looked on as they waited for the captain's decision, he weighed the bag in his hands and saw the similar bag in Harry's and smirked, showing all his rotting teeth.

"Cast off! We sail for Dragonstone." The captain ordered and Harry smirked, going back to the cabin to ensure Tyland was secure till they arrived.

Dragonstone, Three Days Later...

The ship docked in the early morning and Harry was glad to be off the ship, the bond Tyland Lannister was glaring at him as the chests of gold were taken off by the crew and left at the quay side but could say nothing through his gag. Harry watched as the ship cast off and was glad to see men on horse back riding to meet him.

"Halt! State your name and purpose here!" The lead man shouted, Harry smiled and said.

"Harry Peverell with gold for the Queen, a prisoner and vital information." Harry said, making a show of the boxes and the bound Tyland who still glared. Harry had to admire that, either he was too foolish to control himself or was brave enough to stand for what he believed in regardless of the risks. Harry couldn't say which but hoped to find out.

"Then we will convey you to the castle Lord Peverell." The leader said and called for a horse and wagon. The narrow passage up to the castle was rough, causing Tyland to stumble many times as he had been tied to the cart and Harry was amazed at the sheer scale of the stronghold on the top. Its walls were some of the highest he had ever seen, made of a near indestructible material and had many choke points to slow attackers and whittle down their numbers. It was certainly an impressive castle Harry thought impressed.

Soon they arrived at the castle and saw that men were already preparing for war, training in the yard, sharpening weapons, readying armour. His warnings had clearly reached them and soon these men would be fighting for the throne. It angered him that a family feud would now be dragging the entire country into civil war but he sighed with resignation, nothing was going to stop that now. He just determined to focus on protecting his family and making sure that they came through this safe and sound.

"Harry!" A voice said with surprise and he turned to see young Jacaerys come over running, Harry remembered what the Greens had been planning for him and fury rose within him again. "Have you heard about...grandfather?"

"Yes your grace and I am most sorry. He was a great king. I captured this one as I fled Kings Landing and have some things to give to your mother." Harry said with as much respect as he could, especially as Jacaerys was now the Crown Prince. Jacaerys briefly looked down to his boots in grief as he remembered Viserys and unconsciously touched Darkfyre at his waist, the last gift his grandfather had given him. Although he had never been close to his own grandfather Harry understood, seeing clearly how much Jacaerys had idolised him.

"She's in a Small Council meeting right now. If it is important then you can come with me now?" Jacaerys said becoming more serious as he pulled himself together and Harry nodded.

"It is very important."

So Jacaerys nodded and led him to the Map Room where Rhaenyra...the Queen Harry corrected himself was holding court. The guards eyed him suspiciously but allowed him entry as he accompanied the Crown Prince. The moment they entered Harry saw all the faces surrounding the table turn to look in slight surprise.

"This is a private meeting and you are not permitted entry! Guards remove the Peverell!" Daemon said immediately and before any of the guards or other members of the council could say anything Harry dumped the bundle containing the crowns, Blackfyre, Chain and Staff on the map in front of him while Tyland Lannister was dragged in by a guard. That immediately shut Daemon up and with a raised eyebrow Rhaenyra came over and looked them over. She seemed to sadden as she picked up her late father's crown and stared at it for a moment before placing it on her own head, they all watched as she silently strapped Blackfyre to her waist and draped the chain around her shoulders. Finally she picked up the staff and took a moment to collect herself before turning to Harry.

"Thank you Lord Peverell, the recovery of these relics will be a great loss to the Usurper and the capture of one of the traitors is much appreciated." Rhaenyra said with a cool detachment but Harry was not put off by this. He had learned her ways from talking to Visenya but did have something to say.

"Thank you your grace but when I captured Ser Tyland he was about to sail to Essos and recruit sellswords for the Usurpers' army with gold that is currently sitting in the yard, I was also able to interrogate Grandmaester Orwyle while in the capital and learned much of their future plans." Harry told her and her eyes widened in surprise but narrowed as she glared at Tyland who just stared back calmly.

"Then we will use their gold to buy sellswords for our own army, Lord Celtigar you will sail for Essos and recruit men to our cause." Rhaenyra announced to the Small Council and the indicated Lord puffed up with his own importance. She then turned her attention back to him. "What did you learn from the traitor?" She demanded with glare at the thought of the Small Council.

Harry then told her all that Orwyle had told him, about the plan to get the Triarchy to attack her fleet which as it stood was her greatest strategic asset. The sheer anger on Daemon's face at the fact the Greens would dare bring the bastards that had destroyed his chance of making a crown for himself in the Stepstones against them was enough to make his face swell up and nearly become purple with rage. However even that was eclipsed by Rhaenyra's own rage at the mention of what the Greens had planned for her sons, Jacaerys was stunned and looked a little afraid of the hatred his uncles apparently had for him and his brothers. None of them however seemed to care except for Jacaerys about the threat against Godric's Hollow which made Harry angry but with effort he controlled it, after all speaking without thinking had got him and his family into this mess in the first place.

"Those bastards will pay for this!" Rhaenyra snarled out and turned to Tyland. "You will die for this as will all the Greens for threatening my family."

Harry however noticed a look of shame cross Tyland's face at the mention of what Aegon and his brother had planned for the young prince. Harry began to wonder if all the Small Council had been fully on board with this coup and wiping out the Blacks. With that in mind he spoke.

"Your grace, it might be prudent to spare Ser Tyland the sword." That made a few eyebrows rise and seeing the dismissal coming from both Rhaenyra and Daemon Harry quickly added. "He would be a useful hostage against his brother and I have already dispensed justice against the other members of the Small Council. I would dearly hope you consider granting me this boon." Harry said expectantly.

Tyland looked surprised at the defence he was getting from Harry and Rhaenyra looked irritated but resigned as given all that he had done it would be very shaming for her to deny his request. So with an annoyed sigh she said.

"Very well, I will place Ser Tyland in your custody but his conduct and security is your sole responsibility."

Harry nodded, knowing that one slip up or escape would be a great sign of incompetence on his part and would destroy his reputation and his family would be disgraced. He sighed at having to cart Tyland around but his feeling that Tyland was not a bad man underneath continued to and intended to speak to him in private as soon as possible.

However he was not very impressed with Rhaenyra now she was Queen Harry thought with a mixture of worry and annoyance. Overconfident, prideful, short sighted, quick to anger and unwilling to forgive any slight. He knew her well from speaking to Visenya and what he had seen with his own two eyes and wondered which was worse; Aegon or Rhaenyra with their respective attack dogs Aemond and Daemon. However Harry consoled himself with one simple fact, after Rhaenyra came Jacaerys and he was charming, innovative, brave, responsible and cared deeply for his family.

He would make a good king Harry thought if the realm survived his mother.


Rhaenyra meanwhile however spoke to her Small Council and dismissed him, specifically looking to Lord Gunthor Darklyn. "How many have declared for us?" She asked needing to know with all that was arrayed against them, at least two major houses supported her enemies and she had only one, the Starks who were not known to be fast to rally. She needed to know what she had at her disposal.

"Most of the Crownlands Houses have declared for you your grace." Lord Darklyn said. "Much of the Riverlands have sworn to you as well and House Arryn is open to an alliance." He added which instantly pleased her as that should get much of the Vale behind her and even the odds in the fight she was facing. The Andal houses there followed the Arryn's lead and the Old Gods houses would likely follow suit.

"A considerable number of Reach houses have also sworn to you, many seem to think the coup is a Hightower plan to seize the throne." Maester Geradys said, now acting Grandmaester. "However there is still little support from the Westerlands, Stormlands and more than a few Riverlords that support the Greens."

Rhaenyra nodded, now glad that that she had accepted Harry Peverell's plea to spare Tyland Lannister's life as it gave her some leverage but she needed to send a message to the lords that supported the Greens that she would not tolerate it. So she turned to Daemon and Harry Peverell.

"I want you two to go to the Riverlands, rally the lords that support us and put down any Green supporters there!" She said anger coming into her voice. "Once the North and Vale have rallied join with them and move south to join our Crownlands supporters and surround Kings Landing. We will not let them hold the capital for long. Jacaerys, it will be up to you to convince the Starks and Arryns to side with us." She said turning to her son who nodded, trying to stand taller in his determination to not let his mother down. Nearby Lucerys gave him a reassuring smile.

Harry and Daemon meanwhile just shared a look of mutual distrust before bowing to Rhaenyra and Daemon said.

"It will be done my love." Daemon said with a sinister glee. Harry was instantly put on edge and vowed to himself to keep a close eye on Daemon. A man like that was too prone to violence to ever be left unwatched.

The Red Keep, Kings Landing…

Aegon stared at the burnt tower and was in complete disbelief that such a thing could happen right in the Red Keep. Somehow his entire council had been assassinated in the heart of the most secure castle in Westeros with the exception of Ser Tyland Lannister who they had just learnt was now a prisoner of the Blacks and Lord Otto Hightower who had managed to escape the burning Tower of the Hand by leaping out of a window although he was badly burned and had suffered many broken bones in the fall. It was not clear yet whether he would live or not. Not only had the assassins done all that but they had spread the word of his crowning as king but as a coup by the Small Council and already some houses were considering withdrawing their support as no one he thought with anger wanted to support a puppet. Not to mention many saw them covering up the death of Viserys as dishonourable and cowardly, he had been a beloved king by many and what they had done angered many.

Worst he had learnt from one of his mother's spies that Harry Peverell had appeared on Dragonstone with the staff, chain, both crowns and Blackfyre. The bloody bastard had stolen his crown and sword and given them to his half sister, something that made his blood boil and gave him a clear person to blame for all the deaths. He had led a team of men into the Red Keep and carried out this wanton slaughter.

He had been declared an enemy of the crown and a bounty of thirty thousand gold dragons placed on his head, security around the Red Keep was being heightened, his queen refused to leave her apartments until this was done and it angered him that she would disobey.

So he and Aemond planned to make sure their dear half-sister realised she was not safe anywhere.

Godric's Hollow, One Week Later…

Harry upon his return home was greeted with the sight of their army training harder than ever and security heightened to much greater levels, not to mention Rani was flying over the town repeatedly. The sight of his mother and wife both standing at the castle gates was enough to make Harry smile a little, none of them said a word as Harry dismounted from his horse and came over. His mother wrapped her arms around him and he returned the hug before turning to his wife and taking her in his arms, they kissed and pressed their foreheads together. He saw the redness of her eyes and knew she had been crying, no doubt due to her grandfather's death and he wanted to comfort her but sadly there were things that had too be said and done before they could spend some time alone together.

They walked into the castle and arrived in his father's solar, Sirius and Amelia were already with his father and all looked relieved to see him.

"Harry, good job getting Ettas out of there." James said proudly and Harry nodded but had to give them the warning about the Greens.

"I'm afraid it will only be the beginning, in retaliation for our insulting them Aegon and Aemond were planning to burn Godric's Hollow to the ground with their dragons as a warning to others. Whether or not they will go through with it or not right now is anyone's guess." Harry told them grimly and all of them looked at him with shock and fear, they all knew how dangerous Vhagar and Sunfyre were, apart Daemon Targaryen's dragon Caraxes they were the most fierce and largest in the possession of House Targaryen.

"Rani and I might have something to say about that." Visenya said with anger burning in her eyes. Right now she was doing her best not to explode with anger, she had long known this was coming...civil war but that her family would destroy an entire town or gods know what else just because of a slight! Killing her son in the process! She cursed the lot of them, she would defend her home and her son but nothing more than that she swore to herself.

"But you are only one and Rani is not quite as big as either of them." Amelia pointed out, still finding it strange that the Targaryens had found a way to bond with dragons when in her world they remained uncontrollable beasts. Lily and her shared a look planing to add some new wards around the towns to prevent them being infiltrated but neither of them knew of any wards that could repel a dragon. So Lily went to Plan B.

"So we need that special piece of equipment that we found in the Valyrian lore we recovered, I'll get our blacksmiths on it." Lily said with a grim look on her face. The sheer amount of documents, books and scrolls they had found in Valyria was still taking a long time to sort through but they had discovered a piece of equipment that the dragon lords had used to deal with out of control dragons which would serve them well here. She was angry they had become involved in all this but sighed in resignation. They were involved so here she was in the middle of a war once again only this time it was a pissing contest between siblings for power.

"Is our army prepared?" James asked, trying to get them off the grim notion of a dragon attack and Sirius nodded.

"We have reserves ready to defend Godric's Hollow, Harrentown and Rippleton. The rest are provisioned, trained and ready to go." Sirius said referring to the three towns dotted around the God's Eye that they controlled and was glad each now had a defensive wall should an invasion from the south. James nodded, that gave them roughly five thousand men to fight with while the rest stayed to teach the new levies if they were needed and defend the towns.

"Where do you intend to start father?" Harry asked, not sure which Green supporter that they should go for first. James however shared a look with Sirius and Lily who nodded slowly and reluctantly. Harry looked confused for a moment before James told him.

"I won't be leading our army Harry, my leg means I can't fight. You will be leading our men."

Harry was speechless, he had been trained all his life for the day that he would eventually take over as head of their house and protect them from all their enemies even if he hoped his parents stuck around for a long time...he just hadn't imagined that he would be called to lead their army so soon.

He stood stock still for a moment till he felt a hand on his shoulder, turning his head to see Visenya was there smiling sadly. He smiled back while taking her hand and laying a kiss on it.


Seeing that was almost enough to make Lily burst into tears, a part of her revolted at sending her son out to war while they stayed behind their walls in relative safety. She had never really been scared when fighting back in their original world, the only time being when she had thought for a brief time James had been killed. Now here she was, watching her son leaving his wife and son to go and fight in a war that could possibly get him killed and she was more terrified than she had ever felt in her life. James took her hand and held her, she didn't resist as he needed this as much as she did.

In the back of her mind she hoped that Grover who she knew from her own sources sided with the Greens did them all a favour and died soon, the sheer nastiness of the thought would have shocked many especially since he had ensured she got to keep her lands when her parents had died but the threat of the Greens was too much to ignore. Ser Elmo and Ser Kermit though she thought, were good friends of theirs especially with the Valyrian steel sword she had given them. So she hoped soon House Tully would be their ally.


Later that night Harry lay on his bed with Visenya opposite him and between them their sleeping son, both of them looked at their child with sadness as they knew Harry would not likely see him again for quite awhile. Neither of them knew how long this war could go on for and this could well be the last time they were able to do this. As Harry gently stroked his son's tiny head he turned to his wife.

"Are you scared?" He asked and Visenya with an honesty that surprised even her said.

"Yes, I want our son to know you and to have a long and full life. I want him to have siblings and live a happy and peaceful childhood." Visenya said sadly, her mind confronted with frightening ideas of what might happen now that her family was going to tear this country apart for power. "I want you here with me." She added her hand going to his jaw, with his free hand he took it and pressed a kiss to her palm.

"And I with you." He said many of the same fears in his mind too. He didn't want to leave his wife and son, or his siblings either but if he didn't represent his family who would? He could fight, his father couldn't and his brother was far too young.

It had to be him.

He sighed as they lay there, neither needing to speak as they took as much comfort in the moment as they could with their son laying between them. Slowly the door opened, both of them looked up to see his two sisters and brother enter with their eyes still red from crying. Seeing that they had just been told he would be leaving to fight and needed comfort Harry got up and walked over to them, giving them all as good a hug as he could.

He could only hope that the situation didn't get any worse.

Unknown Location, Same Time…

A young boy screamed as bloody runes were carved into his body, precious blood seeping from his body but his captor only smiled a vicious and insane grin as she continued carving.

"Oh be a big boy and take it silently wouldn't you?" She said with a small pout before she finished carving the runes into his flesh, she was only toying with him though she liked to hear them scream when she did this. Her dark hair was wild around her head and her corset tight around her chest and bust. Her teeth seemed unnaturally sharp and her face strangely aristocratic. She got more excited as he screamed and pressed a blood red jewel against the largest of the runes.

The ruby glowed an angry and dark red, nearly crimson and the boy's screams got so loud that it would hurt someone's ears but the woman didn't even notice as she enjoy the incredible duel rush of not only torturing someone to death, their screams like nectar to her ears but the surge of magical energy combined with stolen life-force rushing into her. It was far better than any drug she had ever known...better than sex even unless you killed them at the end.

She basked in the moment for a few moments more after the boy had been drained dry of both his magic and his life, the rush was absolute bliss and she savoured each and every moment of it.

Sadly it had to end but the strengthening of her own magic was enough to make her feel better and vowed to find another source of magic soon, not to mention take a few years off her age she thought with a touch of vanity. Perhaps in Westeros she might find a new magic user to drain, she hadn't been there in years so maybe she'd get lucky. The reminder of that place and the indignities she had suffered before leaving more her snarl especially the name they had given her...ALYS WATERS! She raged, so ordinary and pathetic.

Her name was Bellatrix she thought with pride.

Hope you all enjoyed this chapter, I had a lot to set up and would really like to hear what you thought? 

The Dance of the Dragons has officially started with Harry striking the first blow. 

Next Chapter – The war begins in earnest and Harry gets his first taste of battle.