
Chapter 6 Escalation

Chapter 6 – Escalation

Somewhere between Raventree Hall and Godric's Hollow…

The column of Peverell men was seemingly enormous as it marched up the road, many different units marching forward towards what would be their first battle since the army had been created. Occasional scuffles with bandits aside many had never known combat before and this would be their first real test.

At the head of the column was Harry Peverell, dressed for the first time in his full battle armour which was just like that of his men except it had golden paint to decorate it, marking him as the leader and he had a short cape with the crest of his family on it. Harry himself was nervous as he heard and saw the sheer number of men that he was responsible for but held to the discipline instilled in him from his grandfather and didn't let it show. He and his men had been training for years, they knew what to do and had the discipline to hopefully stay focused whatever came their way.

Harry only hoped that was not both naive and foolish.

Ahead he saw a column of men marching down the road towards them, his eyes seeing the banner and was relieved to see the white Weirwood tree of House Blackwood. He and his men rode forward and Harry was soon greeted by the current Lord of House Blackwood, Samwell Blackwood.

"Greetings Lord Peverell." Samwell said with an eager smile that Harry returned as they came stop only a short feet from each other.

"Lord Blackwood, I am glad to find us on the same side. You and your family have always been good friends to my house." Harry said and saw the figure at Samwell's side, Alysanne Blackwood give him a saucy, confident smirk that honestly made him smile. She would likely have been his wife had he not been betrothed to Visenya and while he would never dishonour his wife, Black Aly as she was known was certainly a force to be reckoned with. Given the Twins and Seagard where further north it would take time for the Freys and Mallisters to rally their men and march down to join them.

Daemon had decided to visit each of the other Riverland castles and rally their forces one by one but that Harry feared would be too slow and give the Greens time to muster, so he and the Blackwoods would do something on their own to gain an advantage.

"We'll make camp here and plan our strategy." Harry said, looking around he saw the area had good sight lines and it would be hard for any attacker to get close without being seen.

So as the men were setting up tents Harry, Samwell and Aly were standing around a table with maps of the area stretched across it.

"Our army easily outnumbers the Brackens." Samwell said and made his suggestion. "We could easily pillage their lands while keeping them trapped in Stonehedge, wait for Daemon Targaryen to come with his dragon and force their surrender."

Harry however had doubts when he looked at all the things that plan hinged on, first that their large army would be able to raid on such a scale and siege the castle before the Brackens caught up to them. Next that Daemon would move quickly enough to aid them in capturing the castle, Daemon was not a very diplomatic person and going from castle to castle to get an army together was going to take a long time.

What they needed was to force a confrontation on their terms and hit the Brackens so hard that not only would they likely surrender but it would make other families in the Riverlands unwilling to side against the Blacks. Harry pondered for a moment as he stared at the map and saw the small village of Pennytree.

It was just that, a small village of no more than a couple of hundred inhabitants and lay between two fairly large hills which in turn were halfway between Stonehenge and Raventree Hall. A plan started to unfold in his mind and so he said.

"Our scouts have reported that their army is still rallying at Stonehenge." Harry said as he peered over the map and told them the idea he had just had. "They currently hold Pennytree and it has no defensive wall, so we take it to lure them into a fight on our own terms." Samwell and Aly both looked confused at the idea and Aly asked.

"While I am up for us taking something from the Blackwoods, why Pennytree? Its not worth that much." She said and it was true, it had no defences and no real facilities beyond the normal to make it valuable.

"What it could represent is a staging ground for an attack on Stonehenge itself and if we made sure that they knew the 'Blackwoods' had captured it by letting them 'apprehend' some of our scouts, then they would have to respond. So long as they don't know me or my men are here." Harry said with a smirk on his face and Aly soon started smirking too as she realised what he was planning.

"Our men line up for battle, the Brackens not knowing you and your men are here charge us. While we hold them, you and your men ride around the hill and catch them between a hammer and anvil." She said with an eager and fierce grin on her face.

"Especially if you and your archers softened them up." Harry said then added with a challenging smirk. "If they're good enough."

"Oh they are more than good enough." Aly said and Samwell who had been looking from one to the other like it was some kind of sporting event then decided to be more than a silent observer to this and said.

"If you are in position to pelt them with arrow fire then you will also be able to tell the Peverells when to charge with a flaming arrow." Samwell said and both Aly and Harry smiled.

"Of course brother. So shall we get to work?" Aly asked. She was going to enjoy this.


Pennytree Village, the Riverlands...

They camped that night before marching straight on Pennytree and all it took was the sight of the Blackwood/Peverell army to make its people surrender. Harry duly moved his men behind the hills and out of sight while Samwell sent out some scouts with news that the Blackwoods had captured Pennytree alone before they intended to march on Stonehenge towards the Bracken army with further men to watch and see what they did.

So they waited, keeping a close eye on the people of the village and the local area to make sure no one warned the Brackens of the Peverells being there, in terms of power the Brackens and the Blackwoods were more or less equal and if they knew the Peverells were there too then the Brackens would hide inside their castle. They would easily be overpowered if they tried to fight both Blackwood and Peverell together.

So it was crucial they kept the secret until the time was right. Nervous tension filled the men as they waited for the Brackens too come, Harry was like his men hoping that this plan did not blow up in his face. If it went wrong he and his entire family would be disgraced in front of the Riverlands and then all of Westeros as the news spread, this would likely be the first battle of the civil war and the outcome however small it might be could be crucial. He did his best to stay outwardly calm and confident and by some miracle managed it but he was glad when at last the Bracken army appeared three days after their taking Pennytree.

He and his men lined up ready for their charge, he took his personalised helm that was near exactly like his own men except for the fact it was painted with gold on the front and black on the back and slid it onto his head. He had was almost ready to explode with nerves as did the men around him, he heard what seemed to be every sound around him and it was like a gong in his ears, so much louder and all the sights around him in sharper focus than in his entire life before this moment.

This was a moment of total calm literally, no sound or movement, nothing at all.

But this feeling lasted only for a moment before all hell broke loose.


Samwell who was far more experienced in combat than Harry stood with his men, holding their shield wall firm for the inevitable charge. Their spears at an angle to stop the charging horses and they waited, as bait to the trap while the Bracken army got ever closer, being drawn deeper and deeper into their grip.

On the hills above, Aly watched and from her concealed position fired a single flaming arrow towards the Peverell army as the signal to begin their charge while she turned and yelled to her men.


They all were so well drilled by her that they instantly obeyed and rushed forward, stopping once on the top of the hill or over the other side and with a swift motion took the arrow each, aimed and fired.

A shadow seemed to cover the earth below, the Brackens suddenly stopped and looked up and saw the mass of arrows coming flying towards them and it was almost as if time stood still, everything seemed to slow down and Ser Amos Bracken, the leader of the army barely had time to call for them to raise their own shields before the arrows struck hard at their men. Screams of pain filled the air as men were hit and fell. Over that noise though some saw the large body of men that formed the Peverell army coming around the hills from the other side and closing off their escape.


Harry from the top of his horse rode straight into the fray, a Doru in hand and strangely more focused than any other point in his life. His heart beating so fast and especially aware as he pointed his spear straight at his target.

He saw the spear hit true and one man screamed as it pierced through the poor armour, he wasted no time in dismounting, pulling his spear free and then impaling it through a poorly armed Bracken soldier before dropping the heavy spear and pulling Lady Forlorn from his waist and his shield from his back.

The noises around him was horrible, the screams and cries of men calling out for their mothers as they lay injured or dying. The sound of metal and wood smacking against each other, the battle cries and it honestly was unlike anything he had ever heard before but somehow he pushed all that aside and focused on fighting.

He swung his sword and nearly decapitated one man before finding the one man in charge of the Bracken army, Ser Amos Bracken. He was currently fighting with Samwell one on one and starting to gain the upper hand. Harry rushed forward and with his shield bashed hard into Amos' back. The knight and heir to Stonehenge flew forward and hit the ground, Samwell gave him a grateful nod before pinning Amos and securing him.

Harry turned back into the fight and immediately blocked a sword coming from the Ser Raylon Rivers who charged in to rescue his half brother, they then traded sword blows. Harry felt his arms vibrate from each blow but nothing worse than what he had faced in the yard back home and after knocking his sword aside with one cleave, he smashed his shield straight into Raylon's face. The bastard of Stonehenge went down with a bloody nose, black eye and a busted lip, probably also missing a few teeth too but alive. His father had after all raised him alongside his trueborn son and knighted him, so he might have some value.

Harry turned away from this, turning back into the fight with his sword and shield.


One Hour Later…

Harry was satisfied, ashamed and horrified all in one as he looked at the scene in front of him.

Satisfied because the plan had worked, the battle was won.

Horrified because of the death, pain and misery it had inflicted on those caught in it.

Ashamed because it was his plan in the first place.

He could almost hear his grandfather's voice in his head, along with his mother's and father' and Sirius' and Amelia's all telling him it had to be done and this was a far better outcome than what could have been. Only a hundred and fifty of their own Blackwood and Peverell had been lost and a handful more injured whereas the Brackens had lost well over a thousand knights and footsoldiers, two hundred more had been taken prisoner including Amos and Raylon and now they had the clear strategic advantage.

But all the same he could see the corpses of all those dead, many poor people that had been called to fight by their lords and most had nothing but sticks, farming tools and in some cases nothing at all but now lying along side knights in their armour. The ground was slick with blood and entrails, hacked off limbs and occasional moans from the dying or injured who the local healers had yet to treat.

Harry honestly felt like a dark hole was about to swallow him up into a pit of despair, made worse because he knew that this was only the very start. A lot more blood was going to be spilled before this struggle came to an end, a lot of people were going to die and more were going to be left in mourning. He had killed before but never had he seen death on such a scale, especially one that he had brought about and it was eating away at him.

He honestly wanted to take his men and go home, ignore this mess altogether but he knew that was not an option. The Blacks and Greens would never leave his family alone, the Greens hated him because of insulting Aemond and killing the Small Council that had put them in power. The Blacks meanwhile would expect him to fight and die for them and get nothing in return, any attempt to leave would no doubt mean being burnt by Daemon who Harry felt in his bones was just looking for an excuse to be rid of him.

Harry saw Samwell being seen too and received a warm smile from both him and Aly which he returned, a slight comfort coming from keeping two people who he might one day consider friends safe. He went to check on his own men and saw most of them in good spirits from the victory or like him struggling with what they saw and did only an hour ago. Harry saw a nearby wagon nearby and with a resolve to help them coming from his own feelings, he climbed on the wagon and called out.

"My fellow warriors." He waited till they all looked at him before continuing. "Today has been a trying day for many of us, our first taste of battle in the opening battle of a war that will no doubt shape the future of this country for centuries to come. But we have prevailed, we triumphed and in doing so our achievement will be remembered. We have become a part of history but this will not be the last time because I will not stop, I will not rest until this war is ended and our lives and our homes are safe again. Are you with me?" He called out and the men, even the Blackwood men who had helped themselves to any armour or weapons they could salvage all cried out in agreement, partly because unlike some lords Harry had been right down in the thick of it with them.

His cloak had allowed his men to keep sight of him and he had been like an unstoppable force in their eyes, cutting down men with ease and needing no ones protection. Harry felt a sense of achievement as they all cheered, knowing that he had proven himself to them and vowed to make sure he proved himself worthy of that trust.

Later that night as most of the men took a well earned sleep, Harry made a visit to Tyland Lannister who they had brought along under heavy guard. He could have just left him at Godric's Hollow but he didn't want to risk the Lannisters laying siege to his home while most of its army was away to get Tyland back.

The man looked miserable in his makeshift cell, his clothes were dirty and his hair messy but otherwise he looked fine. He looked up at his entry and said with a mocking drawl.

"So the great Harry Peverell, the Breaker of Bracken has come to visit. Enjoy your first battle? Was it everything you expected?" Tyland asked and Harry was a little irritated by his tone but saw he was just trying to get a rise out of him. Harry stayed calm and told him.

"I fought, I killed and ordered people to be killed. There is no honour in that." Harry told him with a cold look on his face which unsettled Tyland. He sat opposite to him and added. "Not to mention the only reason I did it is because literally I have no choice; if I don't fight and win this war then the Greens burn my home and kill my entire family. If I don't fight at all the Blacks do the exact same thing. I mean...they are the same family and they are tearing the country apart for their own ambition."

Tyland looked uncomfortable at mention of what Aegon and Aemond had planned for Godric's Hollow and sighed as the truth of those words sunk in. He like Harry knew the temperaments of Rhaenyra and Aegon, he honestly would have liked House Lannister to stay out of it all together but his fellow members of the Small Council said neither Aegon or Rhaenyra would let it drop till they picked a side and then the other would do their utmost to kill them. That was why he had agreed to side with Aegon as he looked the strongest contender for the throne.

Now after all this, Tyland wasn't sure about any of this any more.

Seeing he was agreeing with him Harry said something that only echoed those thoughts.

"The Iron Throne is all Aegon and Rhaenyra care about, both of them are so proud and obsessed. Both willing to do whatever it takes and will never let even the smallest slight go, the only thing that makes me feel better about the whole thing is Jacaerys and Jaehaerys." Harry told him and when Tyland looked at him confused he explained. "The heirs so to speak are far from the same vindictive and arrogant people that sired them, whichever side does win I can only hope their children will restore peace."

Tyland and Harry both fell silent, lost in their own thoughts. Not sure what if any side should or truly could win this war.

And what might be its legacy?

The next day the army moved out, marching up the road with its prisoners until they came to the gates of Stonehenge. The sight of the large body of men instantly put the few guards that remained on edge but as they looked to get ready for a battle or siege. However that stopped when the prisoners, including Ser Amos and Raylon were brought to the front. Harry shared a brief look with Samwell who nodded and handed him a speaking horn and with the sight of Lord Bracken on the battlements now able to see his two sons, Harry delivered their terms.

"Lord Bracken." Harry shouted through the horn so the elder man could hear him. "Your army has been broken and defeated, your sons are now my prisoners and our men now stand ready to storm your castle unless you surrender now. Bend the knee to us and your sons will live as will your men, no harm will come to your family, continue to oppose us and we will take your castle by force. You have my word on that." Harry told him, looking to see Lord Bracken looking both scared and enraged at the same time.

But then a sound of marching feet filled the air, everyone turned to see a very large column of men coming down the road. For a moment Harry and Samwell were worried as were their men but that quickly changed when they saw the twin towers of House Frey and the silver eagle of House Mallister flying on banners above the column. The timing Harry thought couldn't have been better and he could just see a look of defeat cross Lord Bracken's face as he saw the odds against him.

It took less than a few moments for the gates to be opened and the banners to fall, Harry saw the worry on Amos and Raylon as their family and father appeared at the gates. Harry walked over with Samwell and met them on the bridge.

"Lord Bracken, you have made a wise choice. While your youngest will be moved to Raventree Hall, you and Sers Amos & Raylon will march with us. Your wife can rule Stonehenge in your absence." Samwell said and Lord Bracken looked both shocked and worried, so Harry added.

"We are men of our word, none of your children will be harmed and when the war is over they will be returned to you. For the meantime occasional meetings can be arranged." Harry told him and offered his hand. Lord Bracken looked uncertain for a moment before he shook it. Ser Amos and Raylon looked relieved as did most of the others although his wife was upset, no doubt due to her children being taken away.

Harry turned to Aly who nodded with a smirk, walking away to make arrangements for the youngest children to be transferred. Harry watched as a Lady Bracken said farewell to her youngest while feeling like a complete bastard, before walking off with Samwell to meet Lord Forrest Frey and Lord Jorah Mallister, both men older than him but close allies with his family. A bow of respect was given by each of them while they spoke.

"Lord Frey, Lord Mallister. You have my deepest thanks for rallying to our side." Harry said as they exchanged handshakes and reaffirming their alliance.

Blackwater Rush…

Lucerys flew on the back of his dragon, Arrax looking around for any sign of trouble. Since the start of their struggle for the throne he and his brothers had been flying around the bay as far as they dared to watch for any sign of attack and while his elder brother was north looking for aid, he had taken over as chief scout.

Normally he loved nothing more than flying on the back of his dragon and feeling the wind rush through his hair, the great view it offered him and now more than ever the pride of knowing he was protecting his family. However tonight he was...uneasy.

His dreams had been horrible lately, the feeling of drowning and the dying screeches of a dragon filling his nights and honestly it had been so bad that he really had tried to avoid sleeping. His eyes felt heavy and a worried jostle from Arrax woke him, he smiled and rubbed his hand over his scales to reassure him that he was alright.

Once he was done with that he rechecked his surroundings for any signs of the enemy. The clouds were lower than normal tonight and there was only so far he could see, his nerves tightened as his anxiety got worse.

Something wasn't right.

It was a nagging and persistent feeling which made Lucerys turn and head for home straight away, his line of sight was small and although it was quiet and no one seemed to be around he got the feeling he was being watched.

Then without warning a blast of flame erupted straight at him from the cloud ahead, his face was lit up as Arrax dived hard to avoid it, only for a second blast coming from the same direction to scrape them. He felt his clothes burn but gritted his teeth and concentrated on getting out of trouble. He knew now there were at least two dragons out there but despite the fire the cloud remained impenetrable and could only guess their location from the waves created by their moving through them. His eyes were alert and focused as he looked around and saw a shift in the clouds ahead.

Arrax sensed the threat too and let out a blast of fire, a screech allowed them to know it had hit and through the wake of the fire, they saw the golden scales of Sunfyre. Lucerys was terrified as he realised if Sunfyre was here that meant that Vhagar was too. His uncle Aegon would not go after him without Aemond nearby and so he was in a fight against the two most dangerous dragons alive and with an urgency to even the odds, he urged Arrax on and while Sunfyre was still reeling from a direct him Arrax took as big a bite as he could out of Sunfyre's wing and Aegon screamed in anger.

The dragon screeched in agony as it tried to throw Arrax off an act that only worsened its pain as a chuck of dragon scales was ripped out but only a moment later Vhagar descended and bit deep into Arrax's neck while its wing knocked Lucerys off. Leaving him to plummet, dazed and surprised towards the ocean below followed closely by his mortally injured dragon.


The Dragon Pit, Kings Landing the following morning…

Aegon was mad with rage as he saw the pathetic handlers bandage the wound that had been inflicted on his dragon, poor Sunfyre had barely gotten back here and even now she would never be as fast a flyer as before. The bastard and his little hatchling had permanently scarred his beautiful Sunfyre. If anything Aegon thought the bastard should have suffered more.

So with Aemond in tow he rode a simple horse back to the Red Keep and as he moved through the streets he saw the people staring at him and it irritated him, but as he passed he heard whispered conversations. All were slightly different but one word was continuously being used in all of them.


He looked around with anger but neither he nor Aemond could tell who said it and he was not so stupid as to torture or kill people to find out who. While he had never, even remotely considered Rhaenyra or her bastards family it seemed the people of Westeros did and now they looked at him with disgust, around his limited court he saw conversations in hushed whispers amongst the courtiers end the moment he appeared and then start up again when his back was turned.

That made him almost boil with rage, who dare they judge him! He was Aegon the 2nd King of Westeros! He was above all of them and would do as he wanted, not cater to some pathetic social norm created by savages who fled Essos like cowards rather than face 'his people'.

He scowled as he started looking around for a replacement Small Council, with the deaths of the others and his grandfather Otto now slowly dying and his mother was constantly at his side, he needed people to help run his kingdom. That was the reason why Aemond was currently wearing the badge for the Hand of the King and his other Daeron was now the Lord Commander of his Kingsguard one he returned from Hightower but he would need more. Also he decided that he would raise the bounty on Harry Bloody Peverell to forty thousand gold dragons given his recent attack on the Brackens.

Someone would take the money.


The beach of Dragonstone, the Narrow Sea…

The body of Arrax and Lucerys were a gruesome sight and the guards did not like to look at the strong and kind young prince that had only a day ago been proudly training with them. It was horrifying to most of them to see his young body so mangled and broken.

But the worst hit amongst them was the queen, his mother who came down and fell to her knees at the sight of her darling boy, her horror and despair making her eyes fill up with tears, at her side Joffrey had tears of his own but tried to comfort her with a hug which only provided the barest relief from her grief.

She screamed in anger and despair, vowing to herself that from this point, no quarter was to be given, no mercy granted. All Greens would die regardless of who they were and any who supported them would be stripped of everything that they held dear. They would die, their houses would die, their homes would burn and if she could make Aegon suffer as she was suffering now...she would laugh and enjoy it as much as sex.

Godric's Hollow, the Riverlands…

News of Lucerys' death had reached them earlier that day, as she held the raven in her hands tears began to stain it. Visenya had not the will or the energy to stop them as she read about how her darling little brother had been murdered by their own uncles in a cowardly ambush. In her mind's eye she could see Lucerys smiling and happy, he had dreamed of being a great knight that would lead his elder brother's Kingsguard when it came time for him to rule or travel the world doing daring and great deeds that would be spoken of for centuries like the great knights before him.

All gone now.

Her eyes were red from crying and she wanted to scream at what had happened to her brother but could not find the energy to do it. She desperately wanted to see her other brothers and baby sister but could not leave Godric's Hollow and her son. She just sat on her bed, lost in grief until the door opened and her husband's siblings walked in. Her first instinct was to tell them to go away but Melody held Aenar in her arms and the sight of her baby made her stop.

"He's missed you." Serenity said as Melody pressed Aenar into her arms and the moment Aenar saw her face, he smiled and made that happy little cry, recognising her as his mother. That brought a smile and a small laugh to her face which instantly made her feel better. The feelings of holding her baby in her arms and seeing his face so peaceful and happy. The pain inside eased a bit, a remembrance of the times she had seen her little brothers as babes and Lucerys when he was a little boy running through her mind.

Her pain was still there, hidden for the moment behind the happy memories but one day she would feel better. She would remember her brother as he was, a caring, happy and energetic boy that was braver than a grown man and would tell her son about him when he was old enough to understand. A comforting hug came from her three visitors as they tried to comfort her. She smiled and all of them sat on the bed as phoenix music echoed through the air. They all looked and saw Fawkes had arrived in the rafters and was singing his warm and soothing tune.

The Black Army Camp, The Riverlands...

News of what had happened to Lucerys spread quickly around the camp once the ravens arrived, shock was the first thing many people felt as kinslaying was one of the few social taboos that all of Westeros found abhorrent. The only place that it might happen with any real frequency was the Iron Islands since their god did not uphold it but it was still generally respected there. None of the Riverlanders, high born or common-folk could quite believe it and feeling towards the Greens was certainly very cold and in some cases angry.

Harry was deeply saddened to hear about what had happened, remembering the brave and charming boy that had just been murdered fondly...maybe even as a friend. He knew his wife must be suffering badly from the death of her brother and had sent Fawkes to try and provide some comfort. He would have gone himself but as the leader of his house's army he needed to stay here especially as the rest of the Blacks arrived.

The camp was enormous, he had never seen so many men camping together before. The sheer number of soldiers and horses, not to mention the squires, blacksmiths, healers, stable boys and more. It was incredible Harry thought but he kept focused, upon hearing that Aemond was apart of the death of Lucerys an idea had sprung into his mind. However it would require both he and Daemon to work together, a fact that almost made him not bother to ask but if it worked Harry thought, they could remove a dangerous element in the Greens and lessen the odds against them by a significant margin.

Not to mention avenge Lucerys, Harry thought viciously.

The tent of Daemon was of course the largest and most elaborate in the camp and had Caraxes his dragon nearby, snarling at all who approached. The vicious looking beast was enough to stop most from entering but Harry ignored its glares and entered the tent. Daemon was reading a letter, possibly from Rhaenyra as he caught a glimpse of what looked like her writing, however the sight of him made Daemon jump to his feet and yell with sudden anger.


Harry however stood his ground and spoke with a calm and level voice.

"I have a plan that should get rid of Aemond and Vhagar."

Daemon still glared at him but said with a serious and more calm voice.


"Aemond's greatest weakness has always been his ego, so we play on that." Harry told him. "You send a letter to all the keeps of Westeros, calling him 'a dickless coward that needs his older brother to hold his hand' or something to that effect. Challenge him to a one on one duel or prove to all of Westeros that your words are true."

"And fight the largest and one of the most vicious dragons in all the world? Great plan!" Daemon with a snarl but Harry now starting to get angry himself, slammed his hands down on the table in front of him and said sharply but without shouting.

"Why don't you shut your overused mouth and allow me to finish! When we gave your brother the gifts last year we didn't give him everything we found. We kept one thing to ourselves, a weapon that the dragonlords used to deal with unruly dragons without killing them. All you need to do is lead Aemond into our trap and we will do the rest."

Daemon looked definitely angry that Harry had insulted him but a weapon that could bring down a dragon both intrigued and worried him. So his eyes narrowed and he leaned forward, now both of them were face to face and glared at each other, both determined not to be the first to look away.

"A catapult." Harry explained. "However instead of firing a rock or a barrel, it fires a net that entangles the dragon's wings so it cannot fly. Once on the ground Vhagar is far easier to deal with and Aemond if he survives your prisoner. We know he will be alone since Sunfyre is wounded and unable to fight."

Daemon looked doubtful but the chance to hurt the Greens and take away one of their greatest assets was too great for him to ignore. Especially since he had heard from his spies in Kings Landing that Aemond was coming north to the Riverlands anyway and had assured the remaining Green families of his help.

"Show me!" He demanded, Harry nodded slowly.

The Red Keep, Kings Landing…Two Days Later...

Aemond snarled as he got Vhagar ready, the letter Daemon had sent infuriated him nearly as much as losing his eye had. The things it had said about him...he was actually shaking with rage and needed to put that nasty little prick Daemon in his place.

"Aemond, please stay here!" His mother said pleadingly. "His is a fool well past his best, no one will care what he thinks." She pulled at his arm but Aemond still angry shoved her away and was unmoved by her look of hurt.

"Those bunch of bastards need to suffer, I will show them." He snarled and climbed onto the back of his dragon, taking off without another word. His mother looked on worried for her son and hoping that her gut feeling that she would never see him again was wrong.


The Riverlands…

The flight to the Riverlands took little time given how close it was to Kings Landing and had he not been so focused on Daemon Targaryen he might have gone and attacked Godric's Hollow, although that was unlikely as he would have to fight against his niece and her dragon alone.

Eventually he saw Daemon and Caraxes flying to meet them, he snarled at 'Lord Flea Bottom' an insult given for his founding of the Gold Cloaks. He saw a blast of fire coming his way as soon as they came into range but Vhagar peeled to the right and easily avoided it but when they turned around to face Daemon they saw him smirking at them while holding Dark Sister aloft.

The sight of the sword that had been denied to him and the smirk only made it worse, so he urged Vhagar to charge straight at him. Daemon, like he expected turned and fled like a coward, a surge of superiority running through him as the supposed 'Rogue Prince', the self proclaimed 'King of the Narrow Sea and the Stepstones' fled before him.

Proving what a miserable failure Daemon really was.

However as he and his dragon gave chase, Vhagar seemed unable to close the gap between them. The fact galled him as Caraxes was a much younger dragon than Vhagar who was already centuries old. The hills, fields and rivers rushed past below him as he continued to chase Daemon, his anger and frustration mounting every moment Daemon and his nasty little red dragon stayed ahead of him.

Eventually the Stoney Sept came into view, Aemond was so focused on Daemon that he didn't even register for a moment that there was something set up down there and even then he didn't react he was so focused on Daemon.

However a split second later, before he could even realise it was coming at him a large net with weights attached at the edges flew straight at him, it missed him but entangled itself in Vhagar's wings. Wrapping his great dragon's wings together which instantly drove Vhagar into a panic as they plummeted towards the ground. Aemond was totally stunned and shocked, not able to understand what was happening until both he and his dragon hit the ground and everything went black.


Harry did feel a little sorry for the old Vhagar, the she-dragon had been doing as its rider bid it to do but at the same time it was a very dangerous beast and a threat to him, his family, his home and the all the Riverlands. So it needed to be done.

He did notice that although injured and very dazed, Vhagar was still alive and would if her age did not tell against her likely recover. Even Aemond who had been saved being thrown by the harness all dragon riders wore looked reasonably okay but given all he had done and the threat he had posed to his wife and family Harry would give him little sympathy.

Not that he was likely to get the chance as Daemon without even a word flew down on Caraxes and walked over, blinding Aemond's hands and throwing him onto his saddle.

"Where are you going?" Harry asked while his men eyed both dragons warily, knowing how dangerous they were. Daemon didn't even seem bothered about the question but answered.

"I am taking Aemond to Dragonstone where me and Rhaenyra can make use of him."

Harry was astounded at his seemingly rash decision, there was a war on and Daemon was supposed to be leading their army. Caraxes was their major strategic asset, the men's morale was high at the moment but their supposed 'commander' leaving out of the blue would certainly not help.

"We are supposed to fight the remaining Green supporters here in the Riverlands, you are our general. Not to mention what are we supposed to do with 'that'?" Harry asked gesturing towards Vhagar with exasperation with the attitude of Daemon. It was incredibly unprofessional Harry thought and reckless to simply leave your responsibilities with a moment's notice.

Daemon just waved off his concerns and said as he climbed back on his saddle with the bound and unconscious Aemond.

"You lead them then, as for Vhagar. She will fly to Dragonstone, it is where she was born and when her rider dies where she will return too."

And without another word, Daemon cut the net binding the dragon's wings with Dark Sister, took off on Caraxes and left them with the unconscious Vhagar and a lot of angry Riverlanders.

"Unbelievable." Lord Forrest Frey said in disbelief as he shook his head while coming up to stand next to Harry along with Samwell and Aly, Lord Mallister and Lord Bracken all of whom had been eager to see this 'new weapon' that the Peverells had which could bring down a dragon. They had all been impressed that it worked but now were exasperated and angered at Daemon's flippancy with his duties.

"Our famous leader." Harry said with mocking annoyance. He sighed, dealing with Daemon on a regular basis was going to demand all of his patience.

"We certainly can't trust a man like that to watch out for our best interests, we'll have to do it ourselves." Aly said with a calculating look on her face, they all turned to face her and she added. "Well we are some of the strongest houses in the Riverlands and contribute much, that gives us power and influence we can leverage."

They all knew the moment she started talking that what she was suggesting was dangerous, forming their own faction within the Blacks to look out for their own interests and could easily put them at odds with Rhaenyra and Daemon who were certainly the type to take offence but they were hardly in good favour with them now and unlikely to be any time soon.

"She's right." Harry said with a look of determination. "None of the leaders of either of the factions are worthy of our support but here we are. So we stand together at least in secret to protect our own interests."

Given all that he had seen of both Aegon and Rhaenyra none of them were worth fighting or especially dying for in his eyes, some were better than others but he honestly was starting to realise that in this world of politics and power grabbing you could only really count on yourself. Their own faction would be a necessary risk to ensure their own well-being. Even Lord Bracken, technically a prisoner of theirs seemed to agree.

"Well we have a battle to plan." Lord Mallister said with an expectant look in his direction and Harry suddenly realised he was for now at least the leader of the Black Army in the Riverlands. He nearly sighed but stopped himself as they all turned and left to return to camp, leaving the unconscious Vhagar hoping that in this at least Daemon was right.

Winterfell, the North…

Rhaena sighed as she saw the message demanding her husband rally his army to come south and fight for her stepmother's cause without any real reason. Something that she knew would not endear her stepmother or father to the North.

After over a year in the company of the North and its people she had quickly learnt that they were a practical people, if it worked don't change it or why bother with big elaborate projects when it didn't help in the long term. They did what they had too and conserved their resources for times they might be more desperately needed like in the winter. She had been astonished at the cold here and it had taken awhile to get used too, even though winter according to the Citadel was over here it was still cold and snow even fell occasionally.

She had honestly wondered if she was in another world at first but soon she had started to find it rather refreshing. The North was plain speaking, no hidden agendas and too the point, no time for flattery or political games as survival took precedence. At least on the surface as she discovered politics did happen and families did still scheme but still even they would generally stop when the need came. It was she thought really weird, and the Northern lords were slow to handle change. They certainly had not been sure of her when she had come to Winterfell as Cregan's new bride especially with Starchaser in tow.

Still with the birth of her son Eddard, the Northerners had come to accept her as Lady of Winterfell and some even liked the fact that the thing which had made the North bend the knee to House Targaryen...dragons would now also become a new pillar of strength for them. No longer would only the dirty southerners have dragons, they now had them too. She didn't even mind that her son was second in line for Winterfell as her stepson Little Rickon was adorable and had been the first to accept her here. She loved him like her own child and despite letters from her father demanding that she find some way to kill Rickon so her son (Daemon's grandson) would become the new Lord of Winterfell which she had quickly burnt, Rhaena would not lay a finger on him. She would raise him as her own son she resolved with anger at her father and his selfish ambition.

Which along with her stepmother and cousins now brought war to the south.

She sighed again as worried for Visenya and her brothers, especially their shared little brothers and sister who would no doubt be in the thick of the fighting. Baela had been the same and ready to fly south and bring them all here to make sure they were safe but right now Rhaena really wanted the assurance that her sister was here at her side.

Especially was word of what had happened to Lucerys reached them, that had really unsettled her and Baela although he twin had done her best to hide it.

Seeing her sister enter the room made her smile a little as she stroked her hand gently over little Eddard as he slept before Baela came over and smiled at her little nephew before turning to tell her.

"There is a...complication to the east that has your husband angry."

Rhaena's expression darkened, wondering what the hell could be bothering them from that direction. Across the Narrow Sea there was only Braavos and Pentos or the other kingdoms around that way and none of them had any reason to attack the North. They traded with them all the time so what the hell was happening now she asked her with fury and leaving her son with his nursemaid went with Baela to the Great Hall where she found to her dismay the Northern lords did not seem in any hurry to get organised and were just arguing amongst themselves. Her husband Cregan noticed her entry and came over, he was she noticed unsurprised and whispered in her ear.

"Now is the time to make your mark on the North my wife, I can reel this under-control but they will respect you a lot more if you do it."

"What is the problem?" Rhaena asked, a little warm feeling in her heart that her husband actually trusted her enough to risk his own reputation to give her a chance to establish herself.

"The Skargosi have risen up and now invaded the mainland, most lords are arguing amongst themselves about how to deal with it. I can't ride south till it is dealt with but I was hoping that you and your sister might use your dragons might destroy the Skargosi and their settlements. Then we can attend to this southern war." Cregan said quietly.

Both Rhaena and Baela were shocked at his suggestion and nearly rejected it out of hand at how ruthless it was, not to mention she and Baela were appalled at using their dearest companions like that and were ready to reject it immediately but Rhaena before making a decision, curious had to ask.


Cregan gave her a grim look before saying.

"The Skargosi have been a blight on the North for longer than anyone can remember. They are more savage than most wildlings, eating people and worse. Despite being my supposed vassals they had rejected our laws and I can't tolerate it any more. If they were gone though, I could use the soil which if treated with potions the Peverells provide and their glass to set up many new glasshouses on Skagos, heating with the hot steam that happens there. Take away the worst part of the North and increase how much food we can make. A sacrifice for the good of everyone."

Rhaena and Baela were both astonished at his ruthlessness but also realised he had a point, the Skargosi had been nothing but a thorn in the side of the North for centuries and had no intention of changing...ever! The North and local sea travellers that they frequently lured to the island would be better off without them and if they could make the island into a food production centre as Cregan hoped since the Island was at least partly volcanic it would be a real boon to the North.

Ruthless yes, but also practical.

"Fine but you had best make Eddard Lord of Moat Cailin when he comes of age and it is rebuilt." Rhaena said with a snarl which made Cregan look a little fearful but he quickly recovered and told her.

"I was going to do that anyway."

Rhaena gave him another glare alongside her sister who had been strangely quiet during the exchange before stepping forward and shouting.


The room instantly became quiet as they all turned to face her and she did not let anyone of them speak, continuing so they had no chance.

"YOU ARE ALL SUPPOSED TO BE LORDS YET HERE YOU ARE WASTING TIME! IF YOU CANNOT DEAL WITH THE SKARGOSI ME AND MY SISTER WILL!" Rhaena yelled and left the room. She walked up to her rooms and without even waiting for a maid to help her stripped off her gown and started putting on her warmer furs with some help from her sister before helping her into some too given harsh cold, glad that they were the same size.

They called Starchaser and Moondancer to them and their closest companions came eager to fly with them, they smiled at their dragons and gently rubbed their snouts which both got the two wagging their tails almost like dogs.

Big scaly dogs that could breathe fire.

Rhaena and Baela both climbed into their saddles and took off as the Northern lords stared in amazement, most had never seen dragons before and here was the Lady of Winterfell riding one. Cregan nearly smiled, that was his wife he thought but also a moment later she's angry with me.

Still he thought to himself, if his plans worked soon the North would be far less dependant on the south for food when this was combined with the new rice fields in the Neck. Enough to support their population and strengthen his nation. A greater nation that his sons would rule over so he could accept a few nights of a cold bed and besides this would entrench her as the Lady of Winterfell in the people's minds.


The Black Camp, the Riverlands…

The news that Daemon had abandoned his responsibilities as their 'leader' was received with a mixture of anger, disappointment, fear and relief when they returned to camp. Harry called all the lords together and they assembled around the long table in Daemon's tent.

"Aemond has been captured and the Green loyalists here in the Riverlands were expecting his aid against us and are now organising their army near the Ruby Ford in an attempt to strike at our weakened keeps. However without Aemond and Vhagar we far outnumber them, all the strongest lords of the Riverlands are here and even Lord Bracken who has come over to our side." Harry said, motioning with his hand to Lord Bracken who now was dressed in his armour again. Bracken nodded and stood with them as they addressed the others. Lord Darry stood up and asked with an accusing look.

"And who put you in charge? Your family has never fought in war!" He stated.

The sheer idiocy of the statement honestly surprised many of them, most of them knew the history of House Peverell and their reputation as warriors not to mention Harry had led their side in the only battle of the war so far to victory and was respected as a capable warrior. None of the families present had fought a war in decades and no one had the military strength or complexity of the Peverells. Harry realised that Darry was just making a play for the leadership and quickly smiled a cold grin at Darry before saying.

"We have a unified army and Lord Darry a strong strategic position, one that has the potential to make the Riverlands a key player in the future conduct of this war. I have never asked my men to do anything I would not do myself nor have I asked it of any ally, I will be standing with my men and the rest of the men here today when the battle comes. Will you do the same, dismount from your horse in the rear guard and join your soldiers on foot? Will you?" He pressed.

Darry looked shocked and horrified at the idea, causing a snigger to go around the room as it was known that Darry while leading his forces always stayed back with the reserves and never truly led the men himself. Always making sure he was in a position to flee at the first sign it was going badly, not to mention their house while old had nothing like the great legends attached to other houses like Peverell, Blackwood or Mallister. They had large lands but most of it was farmland and uninteresting.

Unsurprisingly Darry fell silent. So Harry went back to address.

"Tomorrow we march to meet them at the Ruby Ford, we force them back against the river and either they surrender or we hit them hard and show them what real warriors look like." Harry said and an excitement wave of whispers in agreement ran through the tent.

Harry began talking to some of the lords, not noticing that Darry went to a quiet corner to speak with some of the other lords. Lord Forrest Frey while talking to Lord Piper saw them and a frown quickly crossed his face, his wife was a schemer and he knew the look of people that were plotting, so he vowed to keep a close eye on them.


Later that night…

While most of the camp slept, sentries guarded the army while the took their rest for the battle tomorrow just in case someone tried to attack the camp under the cover of darkness. However that did little to prevent the actions of those already inside.

A group of men crept through the dark night to Harry's tent, the ten men on guard were bored and distracted. So the five in front of the tent had no time to react when knives were quickly stuck into them.

They held the bodies as they fell, stifling their cries to ensure no noise was made before sneaking forward to open the flap of the tent. Harry was asleep and being a sound sleeper did not immediately hear their approach.

But the sound of swords being drawn and yells woke him moments before the assassins struck.

Harry was shocked awake and before the surprised assassins could muster dived forward to his sword and grabbed it while men wearing the Twin Towers rushed forward and quickly subdued them. Lord Forrest came in with his sword drawn and being dragged behind him was the bound Lord Butterwell.

"Lord Peverell are you alright?" Forrest asked with concern. "I was worried we might be too late."

"Lord Frey you have impeccable timing and I certainly owe you my life." Harry said earnestly and was now really thinking about increasing the guard and intensifying their training. This couldn't happen again he swore to himself, his heart might be racing but best take the lesson rather than a blade.

"Call me Forrest and think nothing more of it." Lord Frey...Forrest said with a smile. "Lord Butterwell was one of the plotters, the rest Mooton, Roote and Darry. They and their men have now fled the camp but I managed to capture this one as he waited to see if the assassins were successful."

Harry gave him a grateful nod but his mind was working at furious speed at how he had not seen this coming and how this would affect his plans going forward. None of the houses that fled had a particularly strong force even combined with the other families that had joined with the Greens and he had not discussed any battle-plans with them so there was little they could tell them which would be damaging. The loss was bad for moral but not a fatal one, so he turned to Lord Butterwell who just glared defiantly at him and asked.


"The insult of having to follow savages like the Peverells! That was reason enough, your family should just do as all a favour and die. The gold from the king would be only a sweetener." Butterwell said before spitting at his feet.

At his words a cold air seemed to descend upon on the room, a gasp came from the gathering Blacks now woken and wondering what was happening. Harry's eyes narrowed as his anger increased but he kept it under control, he turned quickly to one of his captains and mouthed for him to get four horses. The man received the message and nodded before heading off to get them, so Harry turned back to Butterwell and with a voice so cold and sharp it could have cut through steel said.

"You know, up until you said that I had intended to be merciful to you and the rest of the greens but since you wished death on my family...no more." Harry said and all of the people there started to look apprehensive but none more than Butterwell who found himself unable to speak as Harry carried on.

"Your house will be purged root and stem, as will the other traitors when we catch up with them. I might be nice and spare women and children but not you or anyone else, I am going to take everything you and the other traitors' have and see it ground to dust. Your keeps and holdings will be given to others and soon no one will even know your names except as a warning of what can happen to traitors." Harry said and thankfully his captain returned with the four horses. Harry took a few lengths of rope and tied them around Butterwell's ankles and wrists. As he realised what was about to happen Lord Butterwell's eyes widened with fear and he started to struggle but the Frey soldiers held him firmly and gagged him. The others around them looked on in horror but did nothing as Butterwell was placed between the four horses which then started pulling.

The sounds would later be impossible to describe as Lord Butterwell was slowly pulled apart by the horses, no one left however much they wanted too and Harry actually felt sick to his stomach, nearly sick with guilt at what he had done but surprisingly he was able to push past it as his protectiveness of his family stiffened his resolve. He had to send a statement like his ancestors had about what happened to those that crossed House Peverell, otherwise a lot of other people might try to collect on that reward Aegon was offering. Not to mention establish himself as a man who could make the harsh decisions necessary as a war leader, so those working alongside him would not doubt his leadership.

"Today we suffered a betrayal by petty and greedy men, people who care more for their coin purses than their sense of self, loyalty and devotion to a cause are concepts that they cannot understand." Harry said to gathered crowd who hung on his every word. "I am loathed to use such methods but betrayal cannot be tolerated, I will not have traitors in our ranks because the way that we will win this war is by standing together as one. The Riverlands has always been a battleground, even before it was officially the Riverlands! We have fought and bled over this land for centuries and it has bred men of strength and conviction! The Ironborn, the Stormlanders...more we have survived them all and we will continue to survive because we are RIVERLANDERS!" Harry cried, shouted the last word evoking the deepest sense of nationalism as his mother called it that he could.

He knew he had struck the right note as a cry of agreement rose up amongst them. The members of his new block were giving him impressed looks which he found deeply satisfying and was grateful for their support.

Support he would need because tomorrow, they would fight over the future of the Riverlands.

Dragonstone, the Narrow Sea…

The screams of Aemond as Daemon and others worked him over were music to Rhaenyra's ears, giving her a little pleasure as her own pain stabbing at her heart as she thought on what the bastard had taken from her. Her darling Lucerys. Tears started coming to her eyes as she remembered the sight of his broken body.

"Rhaenyra we need to talk." An unwanted voice broke in on her thoughts and with too much familiarity so she wiped around to see Rhaenys Targaryen staring at her intensely. She went to snap at her but Rhaenys didn't give her the chance.

"Given the proximity of Kings Landing to Dragonstone and the fact he still has a few dragons at his command we should think about moving the youngest children to somewhere safer. I could take Aegon, Viserys and Alysanne to Godric's Hollow where myself and Visenya can protect them and withdraw to Winterfell with Rhaena and Baela if needs be." Rhaenys suggested and Rhaenyra was about ready to reject it out of hand, they were her children and they belonged with her. She needed them now more than ever.

But then Rhaenys said something that honestly broke her.

"Unless you want them to suffer the same fate as Lucerys."

That honestly was the hardest thing anyone had ever said to her and it made her accept right then and there. The idea of seeing her two youngest sons and little girl laying there broken before her eyes was more than she could bare! She had nightmares about it happening all the time now, she could hardly sleep!

However she would not forget that Rhaenys had said that, nor would she forgive. She would pay for that once the war was over. But first she thought as a vicious thought popped into her head, one she had gotten from talking to Daemon earlier, Aegon would know her pain.

An eyes for an eye. A son for a son.

Unknown Location, the Same Time…

The gruesome scene would have been enough to make most people sick, the young man with runes carved straight into his skin and his blood splattered all over the place, not to mention the look of sheer terror on his face.

Frozen in the last moment before death.

But the man had seen it all to often as he tracked the witch responsible across the world like he had all her kind, he had ended all of them but Bellatrix was a slippery bitch he thought with anger. Sooner or later though he would catch her.

"I asked around and a woman matching her description boarded a ship heading for Dorne in Westeros. She has a three day head start on us." His 'associate' said as he came up, not really able to hide his disgust as well as he could. Maybe this would be enough to man him up he thought.

"Then that is where we are going, get us passage on the next ship Weasley." He ordered and the tall gangly young with flaming red hair, considerable freckles and a large nose stared annoyed.

"My name is Fred, you could try calling me that Moody." Fred snapped back at his one time sort of Defence teacher. They had only found each other by accident but now Fred stuck to Moody as the only person from their world he knew of. He deeply missed his twin George but no sign of him could be found. Fred just hoped that meant his twin had enjoyed a long and happy life while he was stuck with Moody.

All the same though, another glance at the scene they had discovered was enough to convince him to stay on the trail. Bellatrix was even worse in this world than she had been in the last although he hadn't thought that possible and she needed to be stopped.

Hope the chapter was enjoyable, please review and let me know what you thought.

The Peverells use a Corinthian helmet, just google it or the Lost Legion Game of Thrones if you want to see what it looks like. The Peverell one though has slightly wider eye holes and a few small holes around the ears to aid hearing in battle.

Next Chapter – The Second Battle of the Dance of the Dragons begins and Daemon & Rhaenyra strike back at Aegon.