
Chapter 14 Fall of the Usurper

Chapter 14 – Fall of the Usurper

Black Army's Camp, the Crownlands…

The atmosphere in the camp was one of great confidence as at last they were marching in what some of them thought was the right direction. They had defeated all of Aegon the Usurper's remaining supporters and all that was left, to finally end the war was remove the Usurper himself from the Iron Throne and retake Kings Landing.

There was a sense of optimism and excitement in the air as they all got closer to finally going home and seeing their families again, going from the bottom to the top. Lords and commonfolk alike were eager to see this war end.

Harry and his allies all stood around the table with maps of Kings Landing as they considered their options. Nothing had been planned yet as they were waiting for allies to join them for the final assault. Looking to the sky they saw the dragon of Ser Addam Velaryon approaching and under was the armies of the Crackclaw Point and House Velaryon, Harry walked forward and waited patiently while at his side Cregan, Kermit, Lord Bracken, Black Aly, Ser Lannister, Lord Tarly did the same.

Ser Addam was every inch the noble knight Harry thought, he had never met the man before but his steadfastness and integrity were things of legend despite his young age. A quick look into his mind when Addam finally landed confirmed that much and Harry was glad he had been chosen as one of the dragon riders.

"Ser Velaryon." Harry said extending his hand which Addam took it and shook with a surprisingly strong grip.

"Lord Peverell." Addam courteously greeted back while they waited for his grandfather to catch up.

When Corlys Velaryon appeared on the back of his horse Harry immediately could tell the difference between Addam and him, they had never previously met but his actions spoke for themselves. The boiling of the traitors on Dragonstone, the genius false raids on Kings Landing and constant attacks on Crownlords loyal to Aegon had kept pinned here and stretched his forces so thin that he had been powerless to stop them. Already many Crownlords had deserted Aegon and come crawling back to the Blacks and were only too happy to prove their loyalty, after all they now all knew what Corlys did to traitors.

This was a completely different creature to his grandson; cunning, intelligent and ruthless in equal quantities that all increased the potency of each other. Like Ambrose this man could be an incredibly useful ally but also a very dangerous enemy so Harry knew he would have to watch him closely and reward him well to keep him helpful.

"Lord Velaryon, an honour." Harry said as the man dismounted from his horse and approached, offering his hand which the other man shook and Harry felt the man's shrewd eyes sizing him up immediately proving his thoughts true.

"Lord Peverell, likewise." Corlys said with perfect politeness and with that they all retired to the main tent to make their plans. Cregan was the first to speak as they stood around the large table covered with maps.

"Are we likely to encounter any opposition as we march on the city?" He asked mindful of all the castles between them and the city not to mention all those north of it which could ride to aid Aegon.

Corlys however answered with a dispassionate voice.

"They will not interfere, between all the raids we have carried out and Aegon's own abandonment there are none who risk their own necks in riding for him now. Most have already defected back to our side, they lack the conviction to join us though." Corlys said.

"And no chance of him escaping by water?" Ambrose Tarly asked eager for them to not have to chase the bastard for years as he continuously ran from them, dealing with insurrection after insurrection intent on putting him back on the throne.

"No, my ships blockade the city and patrol the Narrow Sea. He is trapped there." Corlys said to calm his fears which Ambrose gave the slightest of nods to acknowledge.

"He hasn't many men I take it?" Black Aly asked wondering what they were facing inside the city. Lord Bracken at her side nodding in agreement, eager to know.

"Aside from three thousand fresh recruits in the Gold Cloaks no, his army is almost non-existent." Corlys said revealing his latest intelligence on the goings on.

"Are the people likely to oppose us?" Kermit asked wager to know if they would have to face an uprising of the people against them. Corlys again told them what they wanted to hear.

"No, he might have given them a little food but not much and his reign fills them with fear. Not to mention they just want an end to the fighting and uncertainty, for peace to return to their lives." Corlys told them.

Harry read the man's mind and although he was telling them what he thought they wanted to hear it was grounded in the truth, he turned his mind to the city he now had to break and knew a way to take it a lot sooner than anyone thought.

He could just apparate in and kill Aegon.

It would mean breaking his word to Daeron who was out at present riding his dragon with Rhaenys on patrol but better that then a bloody assault. He was loathed to break his promise to Daeron but killing Aegon quietly and without the need for a messy trial would be far better for everyone.

The Red Keep, Kings Landing…

Aegon screamed out in rage as he learned that the Blacks had not only forced the Stormlands to leave the war but also that he would receive no support at all from the Crownlords, throwing his goblet full of bitter Dornish wine straight at Mushroom who got another bruise for his attempt to entertain the king and splattered with wine that was becoming increasingly expensive as the war had cut off much trade.

"Ser Marston." Aegon said with his voice slurred by his state of drunkenness. "Beat the fool till he shuts up."

Mushroom soon felt the boots of the Kingsguard as they kicked him over and over again, fortunately since he said nothing the beating didn't last long and he limped away quietly.

But inside he was fuming at this latest injustice that he had no part of and continued his scheming, the sluggish Aegon had given him an idea. He was glad for once about being a dwarf as a plan came together in his mind. One that would avenge not only him but his beloved late queen and pave the way for her son to assume the throne.

After all he thought as people carried on private conversations without even realising he was there...everyone underestimated the fool.


The Plains outside of Kings Landing, One Week later…

The Black Army arrived at the walls of the city, the gates were immediately closed and locked tight while they made camp not to far away. The sheer size of their army meant the camp was enormous, a town in its own right really but the point was that they were able to surround and cut off the city from any land based escape.

Harry immediately ordered lookouts posted along the Blackwater Rush to watch for boats in case any one tried sneaking Aegon out that way and stood with Rhaenys in the tent as the other lords prepared for the Siege of Kings Landing or more accurately the prelude to the Assault on Kings Landing. They would have to force their way pass the walls of the city first then fight their way to the Red Keep before lastly somehow making their way inside.

It was both of them realised going to be very bloody regardless of whatever tactics they chose, so they planned their assault but first they prepared their terms.

"Surrender of the City and the Red Keep and renounce the throne." Rhaenys said, simple and too the point but she had to say the obvious. "He will never agree."

"I know." Harry said with a sigh of resignation, normally he wouldn't bother with this but with the eyes of all Westeros watching and he had to at least be seen to try and end this peacefully. If the terms were rejected as he knew they would be then he would attack. Thoughts of the regency that he and his wife were now responsible for had hardly crossed his mind with everything else that had going on but now seemed to grow extremely large in his mind.

Aegon (as in Visenya's younger brother) had only just had his tenth nameday, he legally couldn't assume his full power until he became sixteen so he and Visenya would have to rule till then. The idea they would have to be responsible for an entire country was to put it bluntly terrifying but it was what Jacaerys had wished and it was better for young Aegon if they were there to help him than some stranger.

He passed the terms to a messenger who would ride up to the city gates and deliver them while he looked at the map of Kings Landing and planned their assault.

"We could stretch them thinly by striking more than one gate at a time." Harry said to Rhaenys who looked curiously at him. "While the Mud Gate is the weakest it would be the place they expect us to attack. So given we now have three dragons now, each of you strike a different gate. The Lion Gate, The Gate of the Gods and The Iron Gate. If you do an attack from a high angle at great speed it will stop them using their ballistas on you and enable you to blast the gates open. The Riverlanders and the Valemen will enter here, while the Northern and Westerlands men will attack here and the Reach and Crownlanders will go in here." He said splitting their forces so they could get more into the city quickly and cover more ground. If they tried to attack through just one gate it would take a lot longer to get their large army inside but splitting it into three should make it go more smoothly.

Rhaenys nodded not finding any fault with his thinking except their was one problem they had to address.

"The Red Keep will be far harder to breach though and you won't control the city until it is in your hands." Rhaenys told him, an annoying reminder that while taking the city would be reasonably straight forward the castle at its heart was another matter.

"We will need a way inside, one they won't be watching. Any suggestions?" He asked her hoping she being a Targaryen would know another way inside. She frowned in thought before turning to the map.

"There is a number of secret passages into the Red Keep which were built as possible escape tunnels in event of trouble. There are a number that could be used but I know that the Usurper knows about them as well." She told him and Harry frowned knowing those entrances were likely to be well guarded. He sighed hoping that they didn't have to starve them out as that could takes weeks maybe months, not to mention they would likewise have to watch all those escape tunnels in case Aegon tried to sneak away.

"Show me where those tunnels end." He said with reluctance, use them or block them he would need to know.

Rhaenys looked at him with resignation before pointing out several points on the map, he noted them all and sighed again and continued to plan, he was still there less than half hour later when the messenger came in and gave them the response they had been expecting...Aegon would not surrender and they would never have the city or the Iron Throne.

So they continued work.

Godric's Hollow, the Riverlands…

Visenya was busy strapping the bundle that contained her younger brother's belongings to her dragon's saddle, she had a similar bundle on the other side for some of her own things but would leaving most and more importantly her son here with his grandparents. She knew with a sigh of depression that for the next few years at least she would have to return to and live in the Red Keep once again until Aegon was settled and ready to rule alone. She would at some point have to bring Aenar down too but for now he was safer here, the fact she might well be pregnant once again was something she tried not to think about for now, things were stressful enough as it was.

Rani was eager to get going, she could feel the tension in her scales when she touched them. Her dragon rarely got to fly long distances any more and was eager she could tell for a good long flight. Stormcloud nearby was excited and eager to go too which brought a small smile to her face.

Visenya turned to see Aegon coming towards her with a very nervous face, her heart went out to him as she knew how terrified he was of becoming king but before she could go over and comfort him Stormcloud sensing his rider's fear rubbed his head against Aegon. The boy scratched the dragon behind the ears which by the swishing of its tail it enjoyed very much.

"Ready." Visenya asked with a smile hoping to be encouraging and Aegon looked up to her with a slight quake in his hands and tried to smile but struggled. She put a hand on his shoulder and told him.

"It will be fine and I will be there with you every step of the way." She told him and he seemed to feel a little better, they saw Viserys coming up to them with a bundle of his own but Visenya shook her head.

"No Viserys I need you to stay with Alysanne, at least for now." Visenya told him but Viserys told her.

"No I promised Aegon I would be with him when he becomes king." Viserys said with all the conviction of a child whose world was by large still black and white. However before she could say another word to try and persuade him to stay Aegon said.

"Brother, we made a promise to grandfather remember, to watch over our little sister. If I'm in Kings Landing whose looking after her? Not to mention if you are going to be my Hand of the King you need to keep studying like we planned." Aegon said and Viserys incredibly did exactly as Aegon said, dropping the bundle and instead gave him a hug which was returned straight away.

Visenya looked on with a tightness in her chest, when had her little brothers started growing up? She asked herself. They had seemed to be just young boys not so long ago and now they were growing up before her very eyes. She smiled slightly and discreetly wiped a tear from her eye before she made sure Aegon was strapped securely to his harness before getting onto her own dragon.

Rani then took to the skies followed closely by Stormcloud and flew south towards Kings Landing.

Kings Landing, the Crownlands…

The tension in the city and the Red Keep was so strong that you could cut it with a knife. The large army outside the walls seemed ready to break in at any moment, especially with the three dragons overhead bellowing at all hours.

The result was a great sense of anxiety that gripped everyone and prevented many from sleeping as they seemed to feel that an attack could come at any moment.

Aegon himself was not immune, only managing to drink himself into oblivion but was extremely hung over the following morning but as he boarded the palanquin that morning he was even more sluggish than normal. The Alchemists had apparently gotten some new weapon together that would enable him to win the war or so they claimed, given the dire state of things it was enough to rouse Aegon and get him to visit their workshops in person.

As the palanquin moved through the city streets Ser Marsten kept a sharp eye out for trouble as he and his men surrounded it. He knew people would love to kill his king to earn favour with the forces of the Dead False Queen and he was never going to let any of them threaten the rightful king of Westeros. The pride he got from wearing the white armour of the Kingsguard would never allow it.

It took nearly half an hour to reach the Alchemists' building and so when they arrived Ser Marsten was relieved, he went to open the door to the palanquin and assist his king in getting out when he saw a sight that horrified him.

Aegon was slumped in his seat, at first you might think he was sleeping at first but the silk robes he he wore revealed no movement in his chest from breathing and that was what alarmed Marsten so much so that he put his hand to Aegon's neck hoping to elicit a response at least or check to make sure his king was merely sleeping. But where he should feel the beat of his heart at the throat, he could feel nothing.

Marsten was frozen with shock for a moment but that was soon replaced by fear as the reality of the situation sunk in, Aegon the 2nd was dead and with that the people in the city would rush to bend the knee to Aegon the 3rd or False Boy King as he personally thought of him. He was panicked as he struggled to think of what to do especially as his own king had not named a successor and so the throne would be the laws of Westeros go straight to Aegon the 3rd.

He only knew he had to hide it as long as he could and get back to the Red Keep where he had his own men, if he could secure and hold the Red Keep he thought desperately then he could think on his next move.

So without even making the rest of the escort aware of what had happened he closed the door and shouted out.

"The King has decided to return to the Red Keep, now move it!" He said with a stern voice and the men although confused did not question it and duly picked up the palanquin to take it back to the Red Keep.

However what Marsten did not realise was that a young squire, eager to see a king for the first time had been accompanying the escort and had peeked inside. He had seen the king was dead and was overwhelmed at first but was a dutiful young man and soon reasoned he should inform his teacher and mentor Ser Edwyn Mertyn, the new leader of the Gold Cloaks of what he had seen.


Ser Mertyn was shocked when his squire told him what he had seen, so much so that he actually had to ask.

"You're sure he was dead?" Edwyn asked knowing that if true it was the end of any hope of the Greens winning this war and holding the throne. His squire nodded, confused but certain.

Edwyn was honestly overwhelmed, he was just a cousin to the main branch of his family and never had been given a position of authority before. He had honestly expected to be dead in the next couple of days when the Blacks finally stormed the city but he would have been serving his king, doing his duty.

Now...he thought with realisation that had changed.

There was no point he thought with anger in dying for a dead king that to be honest should never have been king the first place or allowing a city to be ruined in his name. He turned to his squire with a clear idea of what he had to do in his mind and said.

"Get my captains together." He ordered his squire who nodded and ran off to find his most loyal men.

An hour later he stood in front of the Lion Gate and nervously at his nod, the men opened it, he stepped outside and saw the large army of men ready to smash their way, the Peverell flag waved in the wind with the other Riverlands banners and he saw the Lords all standing there with thousands of men behind them.

Swallowing his nerves he knelt down and said loudly.

"Aegon the Usurper is dead, I surrender the city to you." Edwyn told them and the idea that Aegon was dead sent a ripple through the assembled lords but Harry took charge and said.

"Then you do right by the true king Ser Mertyn. You and your men will be confined to barracks until the city is completely secure but if there is no trouble you will face no further punishment."

Ser Edwyn nodded knowing this was the best they could hope for and perhaps would save the city from another sacking.


From the walls of the Red Keep Ser Marsten watched in horror as the bloody Gold Cloaks defected to their enemy and opened the city's gates allowing the Blacks to enter the city unopposed. He had hoped they would ransack the place so it would be easy to stir up bad feeling against them but they did nothing of the sort and simply went calmly through the city, escorting City Guard units to their barracks and holding them there.

He was sweating buckets as he saw the line they established around the Red Keep and was terrified that they would attack straight away but they seemed to hold off when they saw the walls were not going to simply surrender. A thought that brought a bitter chuckle to his lips as they acted with cowardice in his opinion, the fact that he didn't have the men to hold off a concentrated attack seemed to slip his mind for the moment.

He saw the ridiculous courtiers as he went to throne room, they all whispered as he passed and he honestly knew that all of them were conspiring against him. Plotting to get favour with the Blacks and considered just executing them all to save food for him and his men to make it last longer and remove the potential trouble. The Small Council too he thought as they were already trying to take control of the castle from him, they would need to be dealt with he decided feverishly.

But Marsten held off on that for now, not till he was sure just which of his men he could fully trust but the spectre of doubt and paranoia crept into his mind and he honestly didn't realise it. For a moment he wished his king had given him the secrets of the hidden passages inside the castle as he hoped to use them to escape. It would he thought strangely be also an escape from the smell as Aegon's corpse had begun to stink since his desperate efforts to stop the truth spreading had meant the Silent Sisters had not prepared the body.

A strangely fitting event many would think later as Aegon had done much the same thing when his own father had died to hold on to power.


That thought would come back to haunt Marsten, for the reason that the Blacks had not immediately struck the Red Keep even with their great numbers and dragons was they had chosen a different method of assault.

While Aegon himself had used the passage into the catacombs to enter the castle, hand-picked men from the army were now making their way into the kitchens via a different passage starting in the Dragonpit.

Harry was the first into the passage and not sure of what they would find when they emerged, maybe a squad of soldiers perhaps more but as the stone false wall shifted and he left the passage there was no one there to greet him. He was puzzled but did not look a gift horse in the mouth and made way for those that were following him.

Kermit, Cregan, Black Aly, Forrest Frey and Luceon Lannister were right after him followed by their most skilled and trusted men. As more men emerged from the passage the leaders quietly led them into the rest of the castle.


The Throne Room was as usual full of gossiping nervous courtiers with guards loyal to Marsten posted at the doors and sides. None of them were aware of anything amiss at first, it was just another day albeit one under the threat of death.

However when Blackwood men stabbed daggers into the guards that were standing by the doors and started rushing into the room, the women and men screamed at what they thought was their impending deaths. Some of the guards rushed forward to engage but Aly used her bow to kill two in rapid succession while her men cut down the others with ease.

Aly annoyed by all the screaming walked up the steps to the Iron Throne so she could be easily seen and yelled out.


The room immediately fell silent and she smirked, feeling much better now the screaming had stopped before telling them.

"This castle is now under the control of the army of Aegon the 3rd. If anyone wishes to protest, go fuck yourselves. Lock them in their rooms we'll find who needs to be punished later." She ordered her men who started grabbing the courtiers roughly and pulling them out of the room while they protested about how dare they touch them and all that which immediately brought back the sense of irritation felt by Aly. This lot was going to be a pain to sort through but was very glad it wasn't her job.


The Small Council Chamber was a real place of woe as the fresh faces chosen by Aegon met without the king and by large spent their time drinking to quell their own dread at their impending doom.

So they were not fast to rise as Luceon Lannister stormed into the room followed by his men with swords drawn, who saw the state they were in and scoffed in disgust.

"Pathetic, take them to the Black Cells and lock them up." Luceon ordered and his men began picking up and dragging the drunk men to their new home.


Forrest Frey though had the biggest job of them all, he and his men charged straight at the undermanned gate from the inside. The few men that were guarding it all threw down their weapons in surrender, knowing they were finished if they tried fighting. Forrest and his men bound and gagged them before dropping the drawbridge and opening the gate.

Ambrose Tarly was waiting with their reinforcements, men began to pour into the Red Keep in droves. Most enemy combatants dropped their weapons rather than fight, they saw little point in dying for a lost cause.


The White Sword Tower had been the home of the Kingsguard since its inception and was an impressive square four story tower that overlooked Blackwater Bay. It was from here that Marsten had been commanding the Red Keep but now was being stormed by the forces of Aegon the 3rd.

Marsten was almost catatonic at the sight of all the men rushing into the castle and now as he stood there in his splendid white armour with the rest of his swornbrothers around him had not a clue of what to do.

The men broke down the door and three armed men clad in different colour armour entered their common room. One wore direwolves on his breastplate, another had a trout while the third had a blue shield with a golden divided triangle inside all of whom were wielding Valyrian steel.

Instantly they knew they were facing Lord Cregan Stark, Ser Kermit Tully and Lord Harry Peverell. Leaders of the Black Army and renowned fighters in the war, all had fought and defeated skilled warriors face to face. That didn't stop them though from drawing their swords to fight to the death.

Marsten however stayed as still as a statue, watching as the other six charged. He watched as Peverell blocked Willis Fell's sword before kicking him in the shin, the harsh snap of bone followed by a horrible scream of pain but was quickly silenced but a punch to the face. Gyles Belgrave watched as his brother was irreparably maimed frozen briefly in shock but that proved fatal as Harry knocked his sword aside and smashed his armoured fist straight into Gyles' face, rendering him unconscious.

Cregan proved just as effective, Ice's great length allowing him to block the swords of both Ser Ryman Bar Emmon and Ser Aerys Swygert before using his impressive strength to push both of them back, moving very fast to cut them both into the protected knees with a pair of fast strokes. They fell to the ground as did their swords from their hands.

Kermit while less experienced than his fellows proved just as effective, his speed was blinding as he quickly blocked Ser Horace Trant and Ser Theo Boiling before smashing his sword's pommel into Theo's face, knocking him out and then kicking Horace in the crotch. The man kneeled over as the boot slammed into his maleness and his sword fell from his grip.

While their men secured and dragged away the defeated knights the three advanced on Marsten Waters who was still frozen, so frozen that he didn't resist when they pulled his sword from the scabbard at his waist and quickly bound him with rope that was handed to them.


It didn't take them long once the castle was secure to find Aegon, the stench his bloated body was making honestly led them right too it. Stored in the King's Rooms just like his father had been at the beginning of this whole mess. They all covered their noses at the terrible smell and Harry turned to one of his men as he and Cregan looked at the gruesome sight.

"Get the Silent Sisters in here! Now!" He said with his hand over his mouth and nose, Cregan tried to be the hardened Northerner but even he had cover his own mouth and nose to hold back the smell.

"History repeating itself." Cregan said with disgust and Harry nodded in agreement, remembering just a year ago when he had infiltrated the Red Keep and found Viserys the 1st in the exact same situation.

However the sight of Daeron coming up the corridor with enraged eyes, not even noticing the smell. He aimed a punch straight at Harry's face but thankfully he dodged it and Cregan quickly restrained the furious Daeron.

"You swore you wouldn't kill him." Daeron said with great anger and even Cregan looked at Harry with suspicion. Harry however as surprised by this turn of events as they were said.

"And I didn't, I wanted to put him on trial not kill him. Now this will go and stain all of us forever unless we can find the real killer." Harry said with anger now himself, it was a lie he had been planning to kill Aegon but someone had beaten him to the punch and now they had to find out who to ensure peace.

Daeron didn't seem to believe him but as Harry stared straight and level into his eyes he started to accept his words. Harry was glad of that but not of the daunting task they now faced, finding out who of all Aegon's enemies on both sides of the walls was responsible for his death.

But they had to find out, a definite answer so there would be no stain on young Aegon's reign.

Harry despite his decision to find Aegon's killer was at a loss on how to start, he had no witnesses to the event or clue as to how he had died. So he waited for the Silent Sisters to finish and ask them if they had seen any sign of what had actually killed Aegon.

The lead septa was uncomfortable around him and Daeron especially as they stared intently at her.

"Did he die of natural causes or something else Septa?" Harry asked hoping dearly that it was the former but his hopes were dashed.

"No my lord." She said quietly with scared eyes. "He was not poisoned though, the way the blood has spread into his eyes is proof that he was smothered with a cushion or a pillow. There was a piece of cotton in his mouth, caught in the teeth."

"Smothered?!" Daeron said in shock as he like many had assumed Aegon was poisoned. Harry now was wondering how the hell it had happened, Aegon had been alive when he climbed into that palanquin and no one had been in it with him. No one had entered until Marsten had found Aegon dead so how had he been smothered?

Even he with apparation could not have entered a moving palanquin without disturbing it enough to make the men carrying it stop and check.

Not to mention why had Aegon not tried to call out for help or fight back? Even in his poor physical state he should have been able to put up enough of a struggle to alert the guards.

So again why hadn't he?

To that end they summoned those that had seen Aegon prior to his death, many said little except complain about him with the hopes of gaining favour with Harry but one maid added something to their knowledge.

"His grace had been drunk the night before but this morning he seemed struggle more after he had his morning meal. It was strange as his food-taster too seemed to be half asleep for most of the day."

That as they sat across the table was a major piece of the puzzle, if it had merely been Aegon's hangover that weakened him then his food-taster would have not been sleepy too but since they both had the same affliction it could only mean one thing.

"A Sleeping Draft in his food." Daeron said with stunned realisation. "Rendered him nearly unconscious so he couldn't fight back but why not just use poison? Far less elaborate and more direct." Daeron asked and the maester who travelled with the army and sat in on most of the talks said.

"A poison would sour the taste especially if you aren't sure of which ones to use, a sleeping draft if in small enough amounts would have the desired effect without being noticed. It would also mean that he would not have been alert enough to fight back or raise the alarm."


Harry and Daeron then decided to check the palanquin which was thankfully untouched since Aegon's body had been removed and examined it for themselves.

"No trap door." Daeron said as he tapped on the inside floor, wondering if someone had clung onto the bottom and then climbed in. Harry meanwhile was looking for another door on the sides or top where someone might have slipped in at the beginning of the journey.

"None here either." Harry said with frustration, they now knew how Aegon had been overwhelmed and killed but not how the killer had entered the palanquin or escaped. He took a step back and sighed, it was he thought with annoyance a testament to pomposity, gilded with gold and large enough to carry four people yet Aegon had only ever travelled alone. It took a dozen men to carry it for goodness sake Harry thought with derision. A smaller one might have saved his life.

He walked inside and looked at the plush seats and shook his head, what were they missing he thought with annoyance? There had to be some detail they had missed, something small but important. In frustration he sat down on the other chair and it creaked with his weight.

Then it was like a bolt of lightning in his head, Harry suddenly leapt to his feet and rushed out surprising Daeron especially when he looked intently at the sides of the palanquin just by the seats and listened intently while knocking. The sound confirmed everything Harry had suspected.

"What are you doing?" Daeron asked with confusion as Harry got up and walked back inside.

"I know how our assassin got into the palanquin and how he escaped." Harry said with a little bit of pride before pulling hard at the seat which came away with surprising ease, revealing a small compartment. Daeron came over and looked in astonishment while Harry explained.

"Our assassin was already inside the palanquin before Aegon even got in, then at some point after they left the Red Keep they emerged and smothered him before climbing back into the compartment to hide until the body was discovered and returned to the Red Keep where all they had to do was wait until everyone was gone before leaving. Due to the blinds on the sides no one would have seen him do it and with Aegon asleep there was no chance of him alerting any one." Harry said admiring the patience and genius that had gone into this plan. If Daeron and he hadn't bothered to investigate no one would have been any the wiser.

Daeron looked a little doubtful but was interrupted by the appearance of Addam Velaryon and Rhaenys. Addam looked suspiciously at Daeron but said nothing while Rhaenys spoke.

"Any luck? A lot of people already think we killed Aegon." Rhaenys asked before saying. "We also questioned all the Crownlords present, most of them aren't loyal to anyone and are only too happy to serve Aegon the 3rd." She told him. "Some are more diehard, those that actually collaborated with him are in the Black Cells with the Small Council and Kingsguard."

"Good, let those who have bent the knee already go and we will start the trials tomorrow." Harry said, best not stir up bad feeling where it wasn't necessary and they had plenty of others to make an example of…best to show some mercy to heal the wounds of war. He told them what he and Daeron had found so far and the hidden compartment. Daeron however expressed doubt.

"Its small in there, how could anyone fit?" He asked and Addam after looking at the same space told him.

"A child could fit in there, and if your brother was asleep it would have been easy for them to do it." He said remembering clearly this was Aegon's last brother and the two men glared at each other for a moment before suddenly a thought crossed Rhaenys' mind.

"Or a dwarf." She said before pushing past them and looking intently at the space before she noticed a patch of white paint on the side, she rubbed gently at it with her finger and brought some of it away to look more closely at. "It is face-paint, fools use it all the time."

"And how does that help? There must be a lot of fools in this city not to mention children." Harry said not sure if this was any real help but then Rhaenys gave them a key piece of information.

"Rhaenyra had a fool named Mushroom, he wears paint like this and loved Rhaenyra very much. Not to mention a lot of people say he was abused by Aegon and many people do not guard their tongues around him. Lastly though, he has disappeared."

They all shared a look of surprise before getting up to quickly order a search.

However they would be far too late as Mushroom, slipped out of the city by the same passage Borros Baratheon had used to enter the Red Keep. People really should mind what they said around him, Mushroom thought with mirth he had learnt many secrets before slipping away like how palanquins were built or who was having trouble sleeping and needed a draft to help.

A search of his room revealed the sleeping draft he had used on Aegon along with the pillow he had used to smother him, it even had teeth marks in it from were Aegon must have bitten it before dying. A frustrated Daeron threw a chair across the room while Harry rubbed his forehead with annoyance, a confession would have made things a lot better but now he would just have to hope people in the future accepted what they had said but knew somehow it would be far easier to believe a conspiracy.

Not a great start Harry thought but he could be glad Aegon was dead, it would make what followed a lot easier.

The next day the huge shadow of Rani appeared over the city, people cowered thinking the great beast would incinerate them all but the graceful silver dragon landed in the palace courtyard and allowed Visenya and Aegon to dismount. Harry was there to greet them and the sight of his wife brought a smile to his face, he longed to hold her in arms again but first he had to meet the most important boy in Westeros. While he had seen him before this was the first time he had given him true focus.

Aegon was a Valyrian much like his older sister and had all the traditional features of House Targaryen but was still only a boy. He was visibly nervous and staring at the Red Keep with wide eyes. Harry bent down on one knee and said.

"Welcome home your grace, the castle and the city are yours." Harry said with a kind smile, the poor boy looked scared half to death until Visenya came up and put a hand on his shoulder. Aegon took some strength from that comfort and said after sharing a look with her.

"Thank you Lord Peverell, House Targaryen appreciates all you have done for us." He said trying to sound mature but although it didn't quite manage it. however Harry gave the boy credit for trying and accepted it with good grace.

"Thank you your grace." He said rising to his feet which made him seem to tower over Aegon, however all of them were surprised when Daeron looking very apprehensive appeared. Aegon looked at his uncle with fear which made Harry and Visenya put a hand on his back to let him know they were here.

Daeron walked a little of the way over and dropped to his knee.

"I cannot begin to express my sadness at all this war has taken from both of us your grace." Daeron told him with a bowed head. "But at last it is over now and I swear to do whatever it takes to make sure this realm remains stable so with your permission I will take the black to secure your claim to the throne."

That surprised all of them as none expected Daeron to go to that extreme to ensure peace, swearing his life to the Wall was not a decision to be made lightly and yet here he was ready to throw the rest of his life away just to make sure he couldn't be used by someone to unsettle the peace.

Aegon was more surprised than any of them and was about to accept his request when he briefly caught his uncle's eye. The same lilac colour as his own and for a moment it was like looking into his own soul.

The pain of loss, the desire to do good but not sure how; all the feelings that echoed in himself. The integrity of Daeron though reminded him strangely of his eldest brother Jacaerys, the bitter irony that despite them being so alike they had never been able to be friends due to the divide in the family was horrible. Such dedication he realised especially after so many talks with Viserys over philosophy the Valyrian lore given to them should not be wasted, it should be rewarded and put to good use.

Like Viserys had said to him, never waste a resource.

Aegon made in that moment his first decision as king and stepped forward so he was within touching distance of Daeron, Visenya and Harry were both about to pull him back but Aegon instead reached out a hand and put it on Daeron's shoulder. Daeron looked up surprised but none of them could have predicted what came next.

"Such men of valour and honour like you are hard to find, if only more had your integrity. I don't want you to go North and take the Black. Instead I want you here, as head of my Kingsguard." Aegon said seriously.

All of them were completely stunned, never having expected this and Visenya looked ready to intervene but Daeron who was wide eyed with surprised bent his head and said solemnly.

"It would be wrong for a knight to deny his rightful king, I swear to serve you till my dying day King Aegon." Daeron said. Aegon smiled, not sure if this was the smart thing to do but it was what he was going to do.

Visenya and Harry shared a quiet look, neither was sure about this and later they would have to have words with Aegon to ensure he didn't become arrogant and sure of himself but they could both accept that Daeron would be a good man to guard Aegon since he was so focused on his duty.

The trials began the following morning, everyone was assembled in the throne room with bleachers set up along the sides for those who wanted to watch. Harry took a seat as main judge but rather than sit on the Iron Throne which he thought might give birth to dangerous ideas he sat in a chair right in front of it. To his side was Lord Ambrose Tarly and on the other was Lord Cregan Stark, an impartial voice might have been a better choice but as Harry and Ambrose were all too aware this was not about finding out who was truly guilty or not, this was about making a point to all of Westeros that they would punish those that supported the old regime and deter potential uprisings in the future.

As harsh as that was no king or ruler lasted long by being soft, Aenys the 1st being a case in point.

The first was Ser Marsten who had been the Commander of the Kingsguard and made Aegon's conquest of Dragonstone possible which of course had led to the deaths of Queen Rhaenyra and Prince Joffrey.

The man was brought forward in chains, but was silent as the charges were read out his mind seemingly broken and despite being asked he said nothing in defence. The pressure and fear had robbed him of his strength, it was pitiful but it didn't change the outcome as Ser Addam avenged his brother by beheading him.

The other knights were treated with more leniency since they had not angered any particular family especially one as powerful in the alliance as the Velaryons so many took the black as did the younger members of the Small Council Aegon had assembled but a few older ones decided to to chose death than be bound the Wall.

It was an awkward few days but when it was finally done, Aegon who sat in the King's Rooms looking so small in them it was truly a strange sight asked Harry.

"So it is finally over?"

Harry sighed before sitting next to the young boy he and his wife were now responsible for and told him the truth, his first instinct was to tell him exactly that but if he was going to be king then he needed to know the reality.

"If only, war can be simple but the aftermath of any war is where we will really be tested. It is one thing to win a war and a country but quite another to rule it. Between bad feelings left over from the struggle and the coming winter we will face challenges and then there is the question of how this country will be run. How will you rule it?" Harry said with an intent stare but seeing the boy looked confused and overwhelmed he added.

"But you do not have to rule alone, even the king cannot know everything so you find people to teach you and advise you on matters that require it. The wisest kings know their own limitations and the best kings remember to stay grounded and listen to those around them. You are young and have the time to learn whatever you want or need to know. Even The Great King Jaehaerys himself was guided by his wife and the septon that he chose as Hand of the King not to mention the rest of his Small Council. No one man can stand the burden of ruling everything and you don't have too." Harry told him.

Aegon nodded, glad to hear that it wouldn't be his complete responsibility to handle everything.

Harry while he smiled was hiding his apprehension as like he had said, fighting a war was easy actually cleaning up after it...that was something else all together.

Thank you for reading this latest chapter, please review and let me know what you thought.

Next Chapter – The Restoration work begins and a potential new threat emerges.