
Chapter 15 New Challenges

Chapter 15 – New Challenges

The Red Keep, Kings Landing…

The castle and the city were busy as finally the war was over and life could find a new normal, for some it was learning to cope with the loss of loved ones or the poverty that would bring. It was a sadly common case across the entire realm and even the noble houses felt the pain.

There was a great deal of unease and distrust between houses and uncertainty towards the throne, not to mention there was a great number of bandits terrorising the land not to mention that the Iron Born were still not fully suppressed and occasionally were still launching raids.

A lot of work was needed to put things back together again.

In the Small Council Chamber Harry sat around the table with Visenya as they looked at the situation, sighing as they realised all the work that was needed. The education of the future king was one thing but the scale of all that had to be done was staggering. It was far more than they could manage alone…so their first step was to assemble a new Small Council.

"Forrest Frey is one of the most steadfast and upstanding men I have ever met, he would be a good fit for Master of Laws." Harry said as he considered people they could trust to hold power in the capital especially as these men would also be key to training their future king.

Visenya nodded but had to make a point that she had learnt from her grandfather.

"But we cannot favour one kingdom over the others, so he had best be the only one from the Riverlands. Ser Luceon Lannister could be the new Master of Coin to appease the Westerlands for example."

"Agreed." Harry said in agreement bowing to her greater experience and wondered what other people they could name without favouring one area over the others. "The Manderlys have an impressive trade network and contacts over many ports and a small network of spies, we could name Eddard Manderly as the Master of Whispers...he is one of the few candidates."

Visenya was unsure of the choice as she admittedly knew very little about the Manderlys but Harry was she realised right, few men or women had the contacts to act as the council's spy master and the North needed to be recognised.

"Well a Reach man as the Grandmaester might be a good idea I'll send a letter to the Citadel requesting one. Corlys Velaryon is without a doubt the best choice for Master of Ships." Visenya said but Harry shook his head.

"That man would be running Kings Landing soon enough." Harry said wary of the ambition in that man still they were spared that by one simple fact. "Not to mention he is apparently setting off on some sort of expedition around the world. We could name Addam Velaryon though, he is skilled enough for the job and very loyal. House Peverell and House Targaryen could back Corlys's expedition to make sure that Corlys is out of the country for awhile."

Visenya smiled and kissed him on the cheek before saying as he wrapped his arms around her waist.

"And in doing so Addam will feel duty bound to support us, you're learning." She told him with a smile before asking. "What about the Kingsguard?"

"Well Aegon has already decided Daeron is going to lead them, Ser William Royce and Ser Gyles Yronwood will continue on so that makes three. About the other four though? Raylon Rivers has been a good fighter and so has Ser Edwyn Reyne. To keep Lord Tarly happy we could name his third son Martyn and maybe someone from the Crackclaw Point Houses?" He asked hoping she might know someone they could appoint.

"House Boggs has a good number of sons and a few of them are good at arms, I'll inquire about it." She said but reminded him. "We still need to heal the rift with the Green supporters. Keeping them out of all important positions will only slight them and stir up anger."

"I know but right now I feel it is better to play it safe." Harry said, not sure it would be wise to have too many ex-Greens around just yet before moving on to a more pressing issue. "And we still have to deal with the Iron Born."

"Oh don't worry." She said with a vicious little smirk that was down right terrifying. "I've already sent Rhaenys and Baela to deal with them."

Harry was surprised and little intimidated by his wife but knew better than to argue with her, she would always find a way to make her points seem unassailable.


The Iron Islands, the Same Time…

The Iron Fleet had crawled back home with its tail between its legs after the destruction of their forces at Feastfires, they knew it was only a matter of time now that the mainland war was over that they would turn their attention back to them. Many worried as they slept every night, wondering if they would see an invasion fleet coming to bring them to heel. The lords hid up inside their castles hoping that they would be protected.

The death of Dalton Greyjoy and most of his sons around Feastfires had meant that Veron Greyjoy the youngest and least capable of them now held Pyke but no new king had yet been selected. He was hoping to become their new leader but so far none had stood for him, they were too busy readying themselves for the invasion that they were sure was coming.

However there would not be another King of the Iron Islands, at least not in their lifetime.

From out of the cloudy skies two dragons emerged, descending down on the moored ships in the harbour, half abandoned and undermanned. No one to man the weapons or try to set sail as Rhaenys and Baela blasted the ships which were sat conveniently in rows. Dragon fire setting them ablaze, more and more with each strafing run.

It was a scene that was repeated on island after island as the Iron Fleet was burned at its moorings and the Iron Born themselves rendered unable to fight. The town's folk in each settlement left shocked and terrified wondering how they would survive without their ships and for days after watching for the signs of an impending invasion.

But messages arrived instead, demanding the return of all saltwives and thralls taken not to mention the bending of the knee of all houses in the Iron Islands to the Iron Throne or the dragons would return to burn the towns and keeps.

With the heart of their culture, their treasured fleet destroyed and their great leader dead the surviving houses had no choice but to accept especially with winter coming and the harsh battle to survive ahead.

The Red Keep, Kings Landing…

Aegon was looking at the Dragon Staff and Chain, not to mention the ancestral sword of House Targaryen Blackfyre not to mention Darkfyre which sat next to it, they seemed enormous to him and he felt like he would look completely ridiculous if he even tried to wear even one of them. The crown made him feel uncomfortable enough and he was extremely reluctant to wear it.

The sight of his two regents and the commander of the Kingsguard entered the room suddenly, almost made him jump but he restrained himself. He smiled at his family as they smiled at him, Visenya came over and seeing his nervousness put a comforting hand on his shoulder and gave him a warm smile which he returned with relief at her not scolding him.

Harry and Daeron stood back and took a seat while Aegon sat next to Visenya so they could discuss things with him.

"Your grace." Daeron said mindful of protocol before continuing. "There is a situation, during the course of the war many groups of bandits and the like have sprung up across the country and are causing a great disruption across the land and with trade needed to ensure food supplies are delivered this cannot be ignored."

"So we want you to be present as we deal with this." Visenya said with a reassuring look to her younger brother. "You will eventually start attending Small Council Meetings as well so you can begin to learn how to govern this country. Apart from that Harry and Daeron will be teaching you to wield your sword, Lady Rhaenys will teach you about dragons while a septon will be brought in to teach you of the faith that you are meant to defend and Harry and Ser Manderly teach you about the Old Gods. A good king must know the customs of his people."

Aegon looked a little overwhelmed but Harry gave him a kind smile and told him.

"No one can build a castle in a day, you will not be expected to become a king overnight. You will have years to study and learn from the maesters, from the Small Council, from me and Daeron. Any one can master a skill as long as the effort is put in. Ettas will even be moving here to continue teaching you to paint, so you have something that is truly yours."

Aegon looked unsure about that but asked.

"What are you going to do about the bandits and other criminals?" His voice shuddered a little but Daeron gave the young king a nod before telling him.

"I will take my dragon and five hundred knights and riders to track and deliver your justice upon them."

Aegon nodded started to understand what was happening. The three of them smiled as Harry told him.

"That is your first lesson, no one can run a kingdom alone or know everything. That is why lords have stewards & maesters and why a king has a small council. Find the right person for the right position, Daeron is steadfast in his duty and commitment to justice that he can be trusted to hand it out in your stead. A good king knows what he knows and what he doesn't, so you find those that do know and gain their counsel. You heed their advice till you come of age and the wisest kings continue to listen to them long after. The Great King himself had a council of wise and smart people and if you wish to rule well you must too like maybe in time your brother who I have heard is exceptionally knowledgable." Harry explained and Aegon nodded starting to understand.

Daeron smiled too, now more sure than ever that Aegon was going to be a good king and that he had made the right choice.


The following morning came the time that brought both great sadness and joy at the same time.

It was time for their army to disperse and for all of the men in it to return home.

While all of them were happy to be going home some of them were sad that they would be saying goodbye to the friends they had made along the way after a year of fighting together.

Harry was no different; Black Aly, Cregan Stark and Edwyn Mallister were all heading home and while Forrest was staying to sit on the Small Council it would not be the same. Even most of his own men would be marching home although some would obviously be staying to be part of his own guard it was a sad moment.

Harry gave Cregan a hug as they got ready to leave, the Northern Army was glad to be heading home.

"Time to go and see those beautiful daughters of yours." Harry said happy for the man he considered a friend who looked pleased to finally get to see the two girls he sired but never seen not to mention his two sons and lovely wife. Harry himself was a little jealous as while he desperately wanted to see his son it would be a while before he and Visenya would risk bringing Aenar here, he needed to know the city was secure first before exposing his son to any risk.

"Aye my friend, now take care in this snake pit. If needed House Stark will count you as a friend." Cregan said and Harry smiled before saying.

"As you will to House Peverell, safe journey."

Harry gave his friend a wave as he mounted his horse and rode away. He hoped he would see him again but who could say he thought sadly.


Visenya meanwhile was walking in the gardens of the Red Keep feeling very depressed. Once she had walked these gardens with her younger brothers and now only Aegon was at her side, she pushed past those feelings and regrets though as she saw the septon she had asked for approach.

"My lady, you sent me." The septon said, Visenya nodded and took a moment to study him. He was a younger man than she had expected only looking to be twenty or so but he wore the normal white robes, a stranded belt of seven colours and a small crystal on a string around his neck. His eyes were also alert and not scowling at her which was at least an improvement on most in her mind. She would get Harry to make sure her enquiries were accurate and he was intelligent, trustworthy and open minded but she was sure for the moment that she had found the right man.

"Septon Harkness yes, please walk with me as I have a request to make of you." Visenya said with a gracious nod and the young man followed respectfully at her side while her guards stayed a step or two behind them. "The young king, my brother is need of good teachers to aid him in learning all the responsibilities that come with his position. If he is to be the Defender of the Faith then he will need to learn the Seven's rules and practices, I had thought about teaching him myself but a Septon would be more respectable and you have from my understanding a good reputation as a just and wise young servant of the Faith. I have heard only good things and hope you would consider joining us here." She said and the Septon was immediately surprised at her offer, it was of course even as a Septon a great honour to teach a king.

Harkness was a little overwhelmed and knew that it was not the sort of thing you could turn down, he was instantly going to say yes but suddenly a suspicion came upon him.

"If I may ask my lady, why me? Why not someone more experienced?" His eyes were guarded as if assessing her motives. Good she thought he might actually survive court if he kept his wits about him. She decided to tell a half truth.

"As I said, I have only heard good things about you. You are well taught and do not use the power your position offers to your own advantage. Such are quality needed to teach and shape a just and wise king." She told him.

There was another reason that she had picked him, he was not as strict in his prosecution of anyone that did not follow the Seven, something she did not want around her son or stirring up a Faith Militant or influencing Aegon too much towards the Faith. She and Harry would have to keep a close eye on things regardless but if they started with the right teacher it would be much easier.

Harkness seemed to consider her words and held on to some of his suspicion but bowed and said.

"It will be an honour my lady."


Elsewhere Harry was meeting with the newly elected Small Council for the first time, mainly to see what issues were still as unresolved after the war. While Harry sat in the chair meant for the Hand of the King with the gold badge of office pinned to his tunic Aegon sat next to him in the seat of the King. As they were waiting for the rest of the council to arrive Harry told him.

"If you need to ask questions do not hesitate, after all how else do with learn but by asking the right questions." Harry said kindly and Aegon nodded nervously eager and yet slightly afraid of attending his first Small Council meeting, something that was going to become a regular occurrence in his life.

The different members came in and took their seats after giving Aegon a bow. Harry looked around glad to see the familiar face of Lord Forrest Frey and even Ser Daeron Targaryen.

"Well, let us begin this first meeting of the new Small Council. To start with can we sum up any important news or outstanding problems? I know you have not had much time to settle into your new positions but let us see what needs our attention the most." Harry said to start the meeting, his own nerves slightly strained by the power that had been invested in him but was trying hard not to let it show.

"First has to be preparations for winter surely? After all we have now lost a year of preparation time and the Citadel has been sure that only one year or so remains before winter descends on Westeros. Combined with all the damage of the war and lack of stores in the city there is going to be a great deal of starvation." Grandmaester Archibald said, an older Tyrell Cousin his appointment had been as much a political choice as it had been for the many different links on his chain. He was an educated man but one with useful political connections.

Aegon looked very troubled at the idea of his people starving but Harry had already dealt with this.

"The loan from House Lannister will enable us to purchase additional grain and other supplies from both the Riverlands and Reach not to mention Essos so the city will be fed." Ser Luceon Lannister said which was met with a gracious nod and Harry nodded before saying.

"And as such the taxes will be reduced for the next three years in return. Please inform Lady and Ser Lannister we appreciate their aid." Harry said and Luceon nodded.

"What about reunification? There is still a great deal of anxiety and distrust between many houses, the Stormlands are grumbling as are areas of the Reach." Ser Manderly told them which was hardly news to them.

"Ser Mertyn has proven to be a capable leader of the Goldcloaks and surrendered the city to us. I can see no real problem with him staying on in this position, as for the Reach they will soon be making good coin for selling their crops to us. I know that is not a long term solution but given how little we can trust them I can't see us allowing them more power or positions at the moment. But perhaps if we create an opportunity for them, it will give us time to find other ways to ensure their loyalty." Harry said before leaning forward and explaining his plan to the Small Council.

"As of the moment, his grace is not betrothed to anyone. As king it is expected that he marries so we will place the power in his hands." Harry told them before turning to the surprised and slightly scared Aegon before saying. "We will invite all houses to send their daughters who are of the same age as the king and show us their suitability to be his queen who he will chose when he comes of age. They will all jump at the chance to get one of their own on the throne on day and because there will be so many daughters here for nearly six years..." Harry said before Corlys Velaryon who would soon be setting off on his journey around the world finished the sentence with a smirk.

"It will give us potential hostages if we need them or people to influence to our way of thinking."

"Hostages!? Wives!?" Young Aegon suddenly said in alarm but Daeron told him reassuringly.

"It hopefully will not be necessary but with things the way that they are we can't take any chances, besides it will give us the chance to find you a queen that you can like and is capable of handling the responsibilities that come with the position." Daeron said kindly before adding his own point to the meeting.

"His grace and Lord Peverell have commanded I take five hundred men and put down the bandits that are choking trade across the country. That should also hopefully aid in easing relieving tensions across the country." Daeron said and they nodded in agreement, it was a statement and a good one at that. Lawlessness was not going to be tolerated and that it helped the lords would hopefully go a long way to easing bad feeling after the war.

"Speaking of lawlessness." Forrest said as he tried to move the meeting on. "The letters of surrender have been flooding in from the Iron Islands. The demonstration by Lady Rhaenys and Lady Baela was as effective as we hoped. The realm is once again under one banner." He said glad that it was finally at peace again. The fact that his scheming wife was coming did not bolster his spirits but it would be good for his son to rule the Twins while he was here.

"Occasionally ruthlessness has its uses but only if done in the right place or the right way, sometimes the threat of violence alone is far better than any act you can devise." Harry explained to Aegon, fear had its uses after all when it came to ruling but if you were careful you could be seen as a great leader without being a ruthless despot. He would explain this to him properly after the meeting.

From there the meeting had little else to discuss beyond reaffirming the Dornish Treaty and assuring Ser Luceon that the larger number of wild dragons around Dragonstone now was not going to be a threat to shipping. Dragons according to Daeron and Visenya would only attack when they felt threatened and could hunt out on the Narrow Sea on their own. Apparently human meat was disgusting to them although many had their doubts about that.

Aegon meanwhile listened intently on how they dealt with and handled running the realm under his rule, he wanted to learn all he could so that when the time came he could be a wise ruler.


Harry later that night when he came his new rooms in the Tower of the Hand, ironically the one that he had burned down just a year ago although that was something he shook his head in mirth about. He was tired and eager to get some sleep in the same bed as his wife again, something he had missed deeply despite their occasional interludes since then in army tents.

He saw her sitting on the bed waiting for him in his white silk shift, the sight of her perfect body highlighted by the sheer material instantly made his body react but the nervous expression on her face made him worried.

"What's wrong?" He asked walking over to sit on the bed next to her and taking her hand with tenderness that was completely at odds with the brutality these hands had unleashed in battle. She was unable to look him in the eye for a moment before finally admitting it.

"I'm pregnant."

Harry was momentarily struck dumb for a moment as the weight of the news sunk in, not sure of what to say at first but a smile broke out on his face and he kissed her hands like jewels. A smile broke out on her face now as she realised he was happy about this...they were going to be parents again. Aenar would be soon joining them out here and at last their little family would be complete again.

Five Months Later…

The Red Keep was alive with activity as the beating heart of Westeros pumped at a peaceful steady beat. The servants were glad for things to be finally back to normal and some even smiled as they went about their daily duties.

In the yard some of their men at arms watched as their young king held a wooden practice sword alongside his regent Lord Peverell while Ser Daeron stood nearby on guard. Aegon was keenly following his movements, slowly allowing his body to learn the stances and techniques before actually starting on face to face duelling.

Ser Daeron watched with a sharp eye, he was now more commonly known as Ser Daeron the Daring these days. His campaign to rid the realm of all the bandits and criminals that had been strangling it after the war had seen him rise as respected knight. Some whispered he was going to be a legendary knight with many great deeds to come but Daeron himself cared not as his primary duty was to protect his king.

Elsewhere in the throne room Visenya held court, she did not sit on the Iron Throne however, instead she sat on a chair placed in front of it. She sat with a graceful smile on her face while people milled about the room, her pregnancy now far more pronounced and this was on everyone's lips.

Cassandra Baratheon was no different, she wished day after day to be able to go home and see her mother and little brother again. She cursed her sister for getting her into this and was going to be very happy when a year passed.

Assuming the Peverells didn't break their word and find something to hold her and her sister here for.

Even after months in their custody she couldn't find fault with their treatment of her and the others being held here. They were given comfortable rooms and were well fed not to mention apart from some guards who monitored their movements free to go about the castle as they pleased. It was not so bad and Lord and Lady Peverell were not cruel as to mock them or allow them to be hurt under their roof.

And it was their roof she thought, the Peverells were the ones that really ruled here.

She was not so stupid as some to assume they were a young house, in fact they were one of the oldest in Westeros and would likely have ruled as Lord Paramounts of the Riverlands had they not been cursed with an Iron Born invasion and a stupid lord at the precise wrong moment. Their reversal of fortunes in the last twenty years had been remarkable and they certainly had the cunning nature needed for this game. They were now one of the dragon riding families and connected to the crown closely. Many thought it was only a matter of time before they usurped the Tullys as Lords of the Riverlands and a few even whispered they would go further and try and take the throne.

But Cassandra didn't think they would...the care and education they had devised for young Aegon was too elaborate and extensive to be a token effort, they meant for him to rule. Also their choices of Small Council and Kingsguard were too good, competent and honourable men rather than merely their supporters.

She walked passed the recently married Ser Addam Velaryon and his new wife Baela to speak to Lady Peverell, the guards at her side with their hands close to their weapons watched like hawks but allowed her to approach. Lady Visenya smiled gently at her and asked.

"Good day Lady Baratheon, has life at court being treating yourself and your sister well?"

"Oh yes, very well thank you my lady." Cassandra said politely before asking. "Where is your young son and Princess Alysanne? I had heard from others that they had been brought to court?"

Fishing for information was what she really wanted but Visenya only continued to smile before telling her.

"I am afraid you are mistaken Lady Baratheon, my dearest sister is still at Godric's Hollow for the moment but my son is here as he can now at last travel." Visenya said before adding something that made Cassandra blush. "I take it you will not be entertaining Ser Daeron tonight? I know he has been been eager for your company." She had a sly smile on her face.

Cassandra rather than face it walked away very quickly, her face blushing furiously. While it was not allowed for Kingsguard knights to be married or hold land they could discreetly take lovers and a drunken tryst with Ser Daeron in a feast to celebrate his achievements had made her his. They had both decided to continue quietly but apparently they had still been noticed.


Later in the Tower of the Hand Harry sat with his young son in his lap, Aenar cuddled into him as he slept and Harry smiled glad that his son was still comfortable around him after so much time spent apart.

Visenya smiled too as she entered, her pregnancy now visible and he personally didn't care if it was a son or a daughter, just as long as the child was healthy. He was worried about her giving birth here with so many people not in on his family's secret and young Aenar could at any moment show his magic by accident. Harry kept his wand handy just in case the need to cast memory charms came but thankfully his son's rather strong magical powers had yet to express themselves. Aenar had a very powerful connection to magic, stronger even than his own and Harry wondered if it was due to his mother's Valyrian blood.

But that was something to think about another time Harry thought as he stood up carefully and came over to kiss his wife who eagerly kissed back.

The following morning they were early to rise as Aenar had awoke them with his cries, although to call it morning was clearly false as the sun had yet to rise and it fact it was only the middle of the night. They both lay there for a moment, staring at the ceiling with minds half alert before Harry sighed and got up. He walked over to the basset where his son was crying like the world was ending and gently picked the little boy up. Aenar continued to cry as Harry tried to calm him until Visenya got up and joined them. With both his parents now within sight Aenar finally calmed down.

But for hours after whenever they put him down he would start crying until they picked him up again. They blinked with exhaustion but despite trying to take turns Aenar was not satisfied and could only be calmed when both of them were within his sight.

The result of which meant that both of them were incredibly exhausted by the time dawn finally came. So much so that they sat in annoyed silence as they ate their morning meal and fed their son who was full of life and seemed completely unfazed by the fact they had hardly any sleep.

When Aegon and Daeron entered the tower room they hardly even looked up, both the young king and the leader of his Kingsguard were surprised at how exhausted the pair looked but Visenya explained it.

"Be grateful that you won't have to deal with raising children Daeron."

Aegon and Daeron were both shocked and somewhat concerned by that statement but decided to press on to the reason they had come.

"I think myself and Viserys have come up with a way to earn the love of people and the respect of the Faith." Aegon told them, having been exchanging frequent letters with his brother who remained at Godric's Hollow. "We build a new sept in the city."

Harry and Visenya just stared at him for a moment as they processed what he had said with their sleep deprived minds. There were already several smaller septs in the city and had not been a large one since the Sept of Remembrance which had been burned down by Maegor the Cruel during the Faith Militant uprising and the Red Keep had a private one of its own.

"That could be seen as dangerous, building such a sept in Kings Landing and where exactly would it be put?" Harry asked not wanting to embolden the Faith to try another uprising especially as they would certainly be an enemy of his family.

"Many areas of the city are ruined and it will not be a massive thing! But it will be special as it will have eight buildings, one temple to each of the gods in a seven pointed star layout with another in the centre for services. Myself and Ser Daeron can fly overhead to make sure the foundations are in the right place and this would endear us to the Faith as only the Gods or Dragon riders would be able to see it." Aegon told them, excited at the idea he and his brother had devised.

Harry and Visenya thought about it and although it was a strange task to start on the dawn of winter Aegon did have a point. If he ordered it and had it built then the Faith would be calling him the greatest king since Jaehaerys and it would do well for their image after all the wanton slaughter of the war. It was not some massive abomination or phallic symbol but a simple and a good sign of the peace.

Then Aegon said something that gained him the loyalty and devotion of Daeron forever.

"In the Temple devoted to the Mother I want a statue of Aunt Helaena and her children, as a memorial to those lost in the war." Aegon said and the tears in Daeron's eyes were fast to come at the words. Harry and Visenya honestly were surprised but felt impressed at his thoughtfulness. It was a great political move to honour people that were victims of the war especially ones who were killed in such a horrible way and would go along way to repair their image after all the damage done to it by Rhaenyra and Daemon. It would they also noticed earn Daeron's eternal devotion.

"Then I suppose its a good thing that Ettas made a portrait of them before the war, he has always been a crafter of intricate detail and I am sure a sculptor can make a life like statue." Harry said, in some ways glad that Ettas had been here prior to the war despite what he had suffered. It gave them an opportunity that both he and Visenya had missed, he wondered how Aegon and Viserys had come up with this idea. They were both far more perceptive than he had thought and while that boded well for them both when they controlled House Targaryen it would need to be tempered with reality and knowledge to make full use of it.

Just as them were about to arrange to meet with the Small Council to discuss this more though at a later date Ser Manderly knocked and entered the room. Harry and Visenya who were still very tired did not want this to turn into an informal Small Council meeting and were about to send him away till they had more time to wake themselves properly but stopped when they noticed the worried look on his face.

"Well I take it there is something urgent you need to tell us Ser Manderly?" Harry asked taking another sip of tea to help wake himself up. Mandely was straight to the point as was his nature.

"My lord...I have learnt from my spies and contacts that someone has been stirring up ill-feeling towards you and House Peverell in general. Claims that you are 'heathens' that you are too experienced to look after the king and his interests or that you are plotting to steal the throne from him. That sort of thing." Manderly told them and instantly the air became very tense with the words that had been spoken.

"But that's not true." Aegon interrupted with anger on his young face that someone would say things like that about his older sister and her husband. He loved them both dearly and the teachers they had found for him. Daeron likewise was annoyed as he knew that neither of them planned to overthrown his grace but also realised that whoever was behind it might want to usurp them as Aegon's guardians.

Visenya realised this too and asked as she wondered just who might be behind this.

"Is that all they say Ser Manderly?"

Manderly had unfortunately one last shred of information.

"There is whispers of a plot to poison and kill his grace. It is said assassins are on their way to the Red Keep.

Aegon paled considerably at the idea of someone trying to kill him while Daeron's hand went to his sword as if those would-be killers were already here, Visenya grabbed Aegon's hand and pulled him close to her, old fears of losing yet another brother surfacing. She was almost ready despite being heavily pregnant to get Rani and fly them both back to Godric's Hollow.

Harry meanwhile with a strategic and tactical view of things recognised a deception for what it was, something to make them commit to a wanted blunder or distract their attention.

"Which probably means the assassin or assassins are already here, they would not allow that information out until after the deed was done or to ensure we focus our attention on visitors or other new comers while the killer moves around unseen." Harry told them with cold logic as he considered their position. "Since they are apparently willing to go to the lengths of killing the king which is an almost mad risk then it is likely personal against us and from someone who has enough influence to make noble houses listen."

"We made a lot of enemies in the war." Visenya reminded him, it could be she realised to her dismay be anyone. Houses that they had defeated in battle or survivors of those they had destroyed, not to mention their own allies that might feel slighted for not rewarding them highly enough. That of course did not add those that might simply be hoping to claim power for themselves in some way.

"So Ser Manderly, find any information you can on the source of this plot. Even the region it originated from would be useful. In the meantime we must not react to this, that would only alert our enemy that we are aware of their schemes and they would hide even deeper in the dirt. Ser Daeron, you must be more vigilant as will we." Harry said with a hard glint in his eyes, as much as he wanted to go chasing off after whoever it was he knew that they had to patient and find out more and plan, he could tell from a look into Manderly's thoughts that he was being truthful so they needed to be extremely careful.

As he looked over he saw his wife comforting Aegon while Daeron was looking on, a surge of anger and annoyance came upon him at the state of things and vowed to ensure that this plot was stopped and those behind it would suffer greatly.


A few days later the small group met again, keeping Aegon within their sight as they discussed whatever Ser Manderly had managed to gather.

"My contacts managed to trace the rumours to the Vale and then to the Eyrie." Ser Manderly told them grimly. While Visenya, Daeron and Aegon were surprised at this given that the Arryns had served well during the war and had given no cause to doubt their loyalty, Harry on the other hand had realised just who was behind this when the Vale was mentioned.

House Arryn, the only house that really had the kind of influence and money to undermine him and Visenya. Other houses were possible but most had no chance of convincing those outside their own kingdom to side with them.

Also Harry thought with annoyance they still to this day held hatred towards his family for the death of their ancestor all those centuries ago and the loss of power that had resulted from the uprising against them afterwards. Many attempts to re-establish that original power had failed and their efforts to suppress the Hill Tribes had been somewhat frustrated by his family arming and supplying them. Jeyne Arryn, the ruling lady of the Eyrie had lost her father over such an attempt and given that it had been the Royces that led the Vale forces rather than one of her cousins she must be harbouring a grudge.

The hatred that predated the Iron Throne itself was to say the least irritating, a lot of this misfortune they had brought upon themselves in either their desire for power or their own zealotry. So much so that Jeyne Arryn was willing to risk something like this to bring them down, also in the back of his mind Harry wondered if the bloody woman hoped to take over the regency. Power like that would draw many.

"So what do we do about it?" Daeron asked with anger given this woman was apparently willing to at least attempt to kill a child. He was ready to lead a force to arrest the Lady Paramount immediately. However Visenya shook her head with distress.

"There is nothing we can do right now without playing into her hands. She knows the only way that she can remove us as Aegon's regents is for the men chosen by Jacaerys to decide too but since many of them are our allies the only other way is to have a Great Council overrule our brother's will and chose a new regent for Aegon not to mention punish us."

"Even if she called for one my lady it is very unlikely that they would side against you." Ser Manderly interjected. "The Starks, Tullys and Lannisters are allies of House Peverell. The Baratheons might side against you but given how lenient you were towards them and how close they are to getting their daughters back it is unlikely they would vote to remove you. The Greyjoys are outcasts that no one cares for who would not even be invited by many. The Tyrells might side against you if offered enough but Lady Tyrell is no fool and wants a sure bet."

Ser Manderly's summing up of the situation was very accurate as the current balance of power was very much in their favour. They had dragons now, they had wealth and influence and control of Westeros for the next few years by proxy but that Harry realised could change in an instant. Many houses would like to see them fall if only for their own ambition or actions taken during the Dance.

"Unless something happens to Aegon, if he were severely injured or even killed on our watch. For the sake of Viserys they would call a Great Council. So we need to catch the assassins in the act and track it back to Arryn, we need proof that she ordered it and then we can act." Harry said with a dark look crossing his face. Had she been merely insulting them or just trying to make them look foolish he might have been more merciful but now...for threatening a child in his care Jeyne Arryn was going to be dealt with harshly, it would make what his ancestors had done to hers look positively merciful in comparison.

The silence after that statement was tense and Aegon looked terrified as Ser Manderly left to see about finding out any additional information he could about the plot. Harry, Daeron and Visenya meanwhile comforted the scared looking Aegon only for all of them to jump when a sudden sound appeared from nowhere.

Turning around quickly with both Daeron and Harry bringing their swords to bare on the target. Harry however growled before putting it back in the scabbard.

"Where the hell have you been!?" Harry asked angrily as for the first times in months Fawkes had chosen to make an appearance since Bellatrix had attacked. The Phoenix looked affronted for a moment before noticing Aegon was upset and started singing a cheerful tune that brought a smile to their faces.

Daeron who unlike the others had not seen such a bird before was still confused and concerned the thing in front of him that could affect emotions was a threat. Visenya noticed this and put her hand on his, forcing it gently down before explaining.

"This a Phoenix, a legendary bird of fire that is a kind spirit to those in need and perhaps the advantage we need to keep Aegon safe." Visenya told him, hoping that they would not need Phoenix Tears but if worse came to the worst they had it as a boon.

Qohor, Essos...Around the Same Time…

A woman who had fled the fighting and much to her own relief had been forgotten by the victors of the war over in Westeros had not gotten as far as she hoped in her travels. Instead she had become stuck in this city due to circumstances beyond her control.

Or rather something that had been forced on her by Daemon Targaryen.

She screamed out in pain as the midwives tried to help her, she had never wanted a child but moon tea was extremely hard to come by here in Essos and she didn't dare return to Westeros for fear of attracting the attention of House Targaryen who would want her dead. She had deserted and stolen one of their precious dragons she reasoned with fear.

So despite her attempts, she was going to have to give birth to the babe Daemon had forced on her.

She didn't speak Valyrian but knew when the child after painfully refusing to leave her womb finally appeared and was handed to her. Wrapped in a blanket she looked down at the typically Valyrian child, silver hair and purple eyes just like his father she thought, noticing it was a boy. She had heard that mothers were supposed to instantly fall in love with their children when they gave birth to them, but as she looked at this creature in her arms love was not present in her heart.

Instead she felt disgust, even loathing for the child. This thing had robbed her of her freedom and the act of creating it had robbed her of her sense of self, her confidence and more.

She wanted nothing to do with it.

But as she went to hand him back an annoying tug came on her heart strings, a sense of duty reminding her with the voice of her mother that he was still her child and needed to be taken care of. She snarled and startled the midwives who fled the room rather than be subject to her wrath.

She would not abandon him Nettles thought with angered resignation, for the sake of her family but swore to herself that she would never let her guard down around it. This thing came from a monster and she had little doubt it would turn out as one too.

Maegor, she thought. The most terrible king Westeros had ever known and what name suited him more.

Hope you all had a good time, please let me know what you thought. 

Next Chapter – The plot against Aegon unfolds and the Peverells are forced to take action.