A Message From the Cosmos

{[Those who see their loved ones suffering and push to bring them light and love carry a weight of responsibility against the unknown enemy that lives behind their eyes. Every attempt, every step, and anything you try is a gamble. Sometimes, you think you're bringing them back, but you do the opposite and push them off the edge… That pain, it crumbles body, mind, and soul… And should you fail them, you'll blame yourself. And often start to hate the very things you showed them to try to bring them back… It takes a strong fortitude to accept that you did everything you could to keep them in your life… Comforting someone's sorrow is like fighting an unorthodox enemy who isn't trying to kill you. Instead, it's going after what you're trying to keep safe. The most covert enemy of all life is depression.]}


Yeah, spin.

The menu spun like a casino slot machine.

(Common) Remove Lint

Level 1 – (Bought) – By spending 10XP you can remove all the lint from your clothes.

That's utterly worthless, and it costs XP to use. I'll just use a damn lint roller.

"There it is." Ashner motioned his head forward. The demi-dogs tails wagged with anticipation. They finally had a place to rest their heads and call home.

Ashner and the group walked through the ruined city. As they entered, the drones returned to their holsters on Gio's backpack.

"I never knew someone created a kingdom in the middle of the Timber forest." Sapphire had lowered her guard and had decided to walk alongside Ashner.

This had earned her a few glares from Risa.

"As promised." Sapphire broke the ice. She didn't know how to talk to Ashner since he was the first human she had ever interacted with who hadn't tried to enslave her. "I will do my part and create magical items for you and this kingdom."

"First." Ashner checked out the girl. "When was the last time you ate."

Sapphire, like the rest of the demi-dogs, was underweight. The outline of their ribs was visible, which worried the guys.

"We eat what we find on the road. But it's getting harder and harder to find food." Sapphire's blue ears drooped. "When we were attacked, the rest of my clan scattered… I fear the worst."

"How many?"

"Three thousand, we were attacked in the Feather Forest, and all of us fled in random directions when the humans surrounded us."

"That's unfortunate." Ashner debated this information as Risa slid off Ashner's back, and she allowed Luna to help her walk. "Then we'll create a search party and see if we can find some of them."

"You will?" Sapphire's ears and eyes jolted up. Then her tail wagged. "The deal extends to all my people?"

"Of course it does." Ashner stretched out his back. Risa wasn't heavy, but he wore his armor and carried extra ammo. All that weight wore him down. "I'll get more drones and have them fly across the mountain. Then we'll send volunteers to collect them."

"Give them a reward for it," Gio suggested with a smile.

"What can we give them?" Ashner asked.

"Basic essentials… Most people here lack the bare minimum, like towels, bowls, and even furniture. I can take some from the abandoned stores and give them out."

"It's better than nothing." Ashner and the group stepped into the kingdom, where several demi guards allowed them to enter. "Just make sure to give half of the things to Serenity. She'll find a value for them."

"You got it." Gio and Wong broke away from Ashner and the group. They were exhausted, and everyone needed a bath.

"Ashner," Ezazle greeted him. He was wearing his royal guard armor. The demi-bull had tired eyes, and over the last couple of months, he had started talking more with Ashner. On occasions, he even asked him for military advice in case monsters attacked them. Ashner's answers always left him debating his own competence. "Welcome home."

Home… Huh…

"Demi-dogs?" Ezazle lifted his helmet up a hair to study the new people in front of him.

"Yes. They're our newest residents… I'll introduce them to the queen, but it's late, and I need some time to rest… And I'm sorry to inconvenience you, but can you ensure they're fed."

"As you command." Ezazle nodded. "Follow me demi-dogs."

The group trailed behind him, all the new demi's were shorter than Ezazle.

"Ashner." Sapphire tugged on his armor's top. She handed him his dagger. "This is yours."

"Keep it." Ashner had over a hundred more. The conexes of his fallen fellow soldiers that he bought each had at least five daggers. "I'll reach out to you again. For now, I want you and your people to adjust to this place."

"Okay." Sapphire studied Ashner as he walked away and stepped into the White Room.

"Your eyes studied him longer than most." A voice from the darkness made Sapphire shiver.

"I'm sorry." She immediately bowed at the figure. "I don't want to disrespect anyone."

"Disrespect?" Saki emerged, carrying dried meat and some apples. "Far from it… Tell me, how do you feel about Ashner?"

Sapphire was cautious, but Saki handed her some food, and she immediately lowered her guard. "Ashner… He's mysterious… A leader who's able to inspire and use the skills of his allies…"

Saki smiled devilishly.

"To be honest, I assumed all humans were corrupt, so I asked him to save my sisters, knowing full well that he might die… But he took the challenge and left me breathless…" Sapphire nibbled on the meat. "As strange as this might sound… I want to help him…"

"Follow me." Saki turned around gracefully and headed towards her home. "Ashner holds a special place in this kingdom… His merits and his prowess are that of a legend… And we're always looking for talented demi's to serve the cause."

"What is this cause?"

Saki smirked.


Ashner ventured into the castle's kitchen. The residents of Sanctuary had started claiming homes outside the castle, and thanks to the dwarves, they were exchanging favors and fixing them up. The castle was partly restored. However, portions of the walls still had cracks, and some metal candlesticks attached to the stone wall were missing.

In addition to all this, Rolo informed the group that the castle had an underground passageway used to store food and weapons. It was large enough for dwarf to enter, so they decided to create a plumbing system through it.

XP:1,210 > XP:1,500

They're hunting monsters relatively early.

Alex, as always, was surrounded by women. They fed him grapes and cut a bell pepper to add to his scrabbled eggs.

He's so lucky…

"Ashner!" Alex waved with glee. "Sit with me!"

Ashner grabbed a plate of food and sat directly in front of Alex. As he did, the girls stepped away, leaving the two alone.

"Your harem is dispersing." Ashner teased.

"My power is overwhelming them. Some women have better control over resisting it than others. And if I desire it, I can hold my power back from anyone I choose. For instance, I never use it on Risa, Luna, or Angel."

"I appreciate that."

"I've been meaning to speak to you." Alex cut into his food and took a quick bite. "Some demi's want to join your efforts and are willing to submit to the seal… If you accept them, I wish to take charge of them."

"Who are these people?"

"Dwarves, they're interested in our company and how it can create gold bars in a manner of days." Alex took another bite. "I'll show them the ropes and have them scavenge the radiated city for materials."

"That will certainly save me time," Ashner admitted. "Okay, bring fifteen to me, and they'll be your employees."

Alex smiled.


125 Total Slaves.

XP:1,500 > XP:0

And just like that, I'm out of XP once more.

Alex guided the dwarves towards Earth, and gave Ashner a thumbs up before he ventured out.

He's gotten good at guiding everyone. A true CEO.

Alex's face turned serious as he entered the White Room. He had a goal that needed to be completed.

Ashner turned away from the White Room and ventured deeper into the kingdom.

And now the amount of stalkers I have has doubled.

Hiding in the crowd were two women, one with white bunny ears and one with blue dog ears. For the last couple of days, Ashner had tuned in to them following him around.

Is this a demi thing? Or do they think I'm up to no good? I could confront them, but the demi-dogs have only been here a few days, and I don't want to weird them out. Not to mention, the digging drones have started carving out a path for the river to flow this way… It'll be done in a week or so…

Ashner glanced back at the girls and grasped that they lowered their ears and hid.

Maybe leaving for a few days might do those girls some good… Plus, Risa has been avoiding me… I don't understand her… Luna has been spending all her time with Risa and Angel, and lately, she's been standoffish with me… And Angel, she's only hugged me once or twice a day… I guess I got used to her clinginess… No, I actually really loved it… And now I miss it… Did I piss them off? I don't understand women… Plus, Gio went to Arizona, he had some business, and Wong is, well, I don't know where he is. But I know he's on Earth… I wonder what they're doing.


The cold air tormented Gio's bald head. But his large beard kept his chin and neck warm. Arizona was one of the luckier states, it only got hit a handful of times by the nukes. But that didn't change the fact that venturing through that desert in the winter wasn't pleasant.

Gio glanced at his phone. He was on time, but something was off. The air was heavier than he expected, and the old building in front of him was no more than rusted aluminum pieces held together by rotten wood.

He exhaled as he entered the run-down home. Several bullet holes had ripped through it recently. The white specks of sheet-rock on the floor gave it away.

"Are you the guy?" A dry voice asked from the dimly lit room.

"I'm the guy," Gio spoke confidently with a raspy tone. "Where is it?"

"There's been a complication…" The man exposed himself. He was wearing an Iron Blooded Orphans Gundam sweater stained with dirt. Gio took a quick glance at the man, aware that something horrid had happened to him recently. "Raiders… They attacked the town, luckily no one was killed... They took everything… Including."

"I've heard enough." Gio interrupted him. He then tossed him a small bag of gold bars. "Take that, and point me in their direction."

"You don't have to pay me… I…"

"No, I do… We made a deal, and I will honor it."

The man nodded and used his phone to send him a location.

"Be careful not to head too far north." The man advised. "The radiation is bad there."

"I'll be okay." Gio stepped outside, his eyes glaring and his fangs ready to bite into flesh. "I'll end those fuckers."


Gio's bike stopped a few hundred feet from an abandoned hotel. It stood on a rectangular rubber stand designed for hover-bikes. The stand had worn out, and a portion of it had faded into a black hue.

"This is only a few miles from where a nuke dropped." Gio studied the hotel. It had worn-out posters of anime characters and voice actors. Gio sighed softly, and his finger ran across one specific poster. A girl with blue hair and a maid outfit. "It's a shame the era of cons died before I was able to attend one…"

Gio forced himself away from the fading poster. He had a goal.

The hotel was littered with abandoned colored wigs and oddities from costumes left behind in fear of the bombs. Foam weapons and dust remained in a once happy place.

And current footsteps that had passed over them, destroying the old props.

"Those monsters…" Gio's resolve shifted. The entrance was abandoned. But he expected as much. They had no guards posted outside, which told Gio everything he needed to know about these men.

They were not veterans.

Gio moved deeper into the hotel when he caught wind of two guards. They were armed with hunting rifles. The veteran knelt down and moved slowly.

Gio low-crawled near a table. It had dozens of small boxes on top of it. Gio grasped that the men were young. They were more than likely orphans of the war that shifted to a life of crime. But that didn't excuse them for the things they did. Even so, Gio hated needless bloodshed. So, against his better judgment and instincts, he spoke.


These men may have a shred of decency in them, and they might negotiate.

The guards reached for their weapons.

"I just want to talk."

They opened fire, shooting the boxes above Gio.

In the end, they were just bloodthirsty savages, using violence to take whatever they wanted.

Gio lowered himself closer to the ground and readied his SAW as the contents of the inside of one of the boxes landed in front of him. It was a figure, an anime figure.

For a second, Gio forgot he was in the middle of a firefight. The beautiful figure was none other than his favorite girl. A blue-haired Goddess with white wings. Her box was destroyed, but she was intact. She wobbled but landed on her feet.

"I don't believe it… They actually exist… Anime figures… They're not just a myth we spoke about on the battlefield…"

Gio reached for it, but a stray bullet hit her, shattering the priceless piece of art into dozens of tiny plastic shards.

That day, a part of Gio died.

And a darkness overtook his mind.

A rage beyond words, beyond logic, bubbled out of him.

Wrath that rivaled the hate the devil holds for God.

The outline of the world shifted into a red sphere around his eyes, and Gio pulled the trigger.

He was rushing from room to room. His aim was true, his mind was calm, and his hands were steady.

Thirty, forty, fifty. Gio didn't count how many enemies tumbled at the end of his barrel that day. But they died nonetheless.

Amid the battle, Gio's unconscious mind occasionally glanced at the posters of Rem, and his heart ached with a newfound pain. He had lost a part of himself. Like his soul was ripped from his body with thorns.

Slowly but surely, his vision returned, and his mind regained control. His arms were covered in his enemies blood. His hand was wrapped around the throat of an older man. The leader of the gang. This man had a tattoo on his shoulder indicating that he had fought in Europe.

The leader of the raiders was a veteran who once fought for a cause. But now he kills for pleasure, a savage that guided younger souls towards a monstrous path.

"Stop." The man pleaded. His face was partly caved in from Gio's blows. "Take the drugs, take everything… Just let me live…"

Gio tilted his head up. The room he was in had the remains of several thugs. At some point during the battle, both parties had run out of bullets, so they went medieval on each other.

Gio's mission returned to his mind. "I don't want your drugs… I want something more valuable… Something you stole from a man a few miles south from here."

"From the raid two days ago?" The thug coughed up blood. "They didn't have much, but we took what was available… It's all in the room behind that metal door."

Gio glanced to his side. The suite where they had fought had a panic room. The bullets had bounced off the wall, leaving minor dents. Gio stood up, and the broken man heaved in relief. "Just take it all and leave!"

"Finally…" Gio reached the door.

"Open." The thug spoke loud enough for the door's voice recognition machine to register his tone. The handle unlocked, and Gio opened the door.

Inside were two young women. They were shivering in the corner. Gio paid no mind to them and instead stepped deeper into the panic room. As he did, the girls glanced outside, and they quickly put together what Gio had done for them.

Gio pushed aside the MRE rations that were provided to the hostages and got to an old button safe.

"What's the code!" Gio demanded.

"Six, nine… Six, nine…" The thug forced the numbers out of his lungs. Those were the last words he uttered as his body gave out from the brutal beating.

Gio pushed them, and the safe opened. Light returned to the warrior's eyes.

"There you are."

Gio smiled brightly as he threw aside the drugs and valuable jewelry. His treasure was worth more than a quick high and some bright accessories.

"Fuck yes." Gio's fists were bloody, but not his fingers. He caressed the plastic of the DVD's. Relics of the past that held precious memories.

Gio's fingers flipped through the DVDs, and he read them out loud, and each time, his tone became happier and happier. "These have the entire series… Let's see… Night shift nurses, Mankitsu happening, Eroge, creating video games and… Tsugou no yoi sexfriend, nice, nice… Oni Chichi, Baka na Imouto… Real eroge situation… And so many more… I've never heard of some of these… But this… This…" Gio's eyes watered.

The girls cautiously studied Gio as he started crying.

"Sir." One of the girls spoke. "Are you okay?"

"Yes." Gio wiped his eyes and quickly filled his backpack with his precious cargo. "I'm just so happy."

The girls, confused by his smile, were grateful to him. But they were unaware that they were not a priority for him. His mission had been accomplished. They just happened to benefit from it.

Gio found a handgun, and he handed it to one of the girls. He also gave the other girl the jewelry in the safe and a handful of gold bars he kept in case the original negotiator tried lowballing him.

"Sir? You came here for us…" The girls took his gifts and held his arms. "What's your name?"

"I'm Gio." The short man didn't grasp it, but he was a full-fledged knight in shining armor to the women. "Someone from your town asked me to come here and retrieve… Treasures…"

The girl's eyes lit up. They had only been kidnapped for two days, so the shock hadn't gotten to them, nor had anyone put their hands on them since they both purposely vomited and convinced the raiders that they were ill. Their lie had worked to buy time, not that they believed someone was brave enough to face their captors. But the man before them did, and he came out victorious… He was an honest hero to the girls. Both of their hearts pulsed quickly, and their faces blushed a delightful pink from cheek to ears.

"You two should go home." Gio planned on scavenging some of the anime items that had survived the years of neglect and the battle. He only had a backpack with him and his cargo pants, and he was two days away from the factory, so this wasn't a trip he was making again. "I'll clean everything up."

"I…" The girl glanced at her friend. Both of them had the same train of thought. And they were both willing to reward him… Together… "We don't have to leave right away… There are plenty of rooms in this hotel… But we'd feel more comfortable if you were protecting us… Inside one of the rooms… But you should know that it gets cold at night, so we might have to strip and cuddle together under the blankets… To keep warm…"

Gio shook his head. "The sun will set in a few hours. There is no need to stay here… Girls… Go home… Your friends and family are waiting…"

Both women glanced at the ground, then kissed Gio's cheek and accepted that some heroes won't accept rewards. The two held a special place in their hearts for Gio for the rest of their lives, but admittedly, they both wanted to thank their savior with pleasure, sweat, and moans.

They left.

Years later, that very moment would wake Gio up in a cold sweat when he caught on that the girls were indeed trying to sleep with him.

When they left, Gio loaded his backpack with figures and wigs. Some costumes were still intact, and a part of him wished he had brought a car, but beggars can't be choosers.

Stepping outside of the building, he glanced once more at the hotel, then he put on his dark aviators and revved the motor of his hover-bike.

Satisfied with his treasure, he drove off with the sun setting in the distance.

A hero to some.

An idiot to others.

The legend of Gio, the mysterious hero who saved the lives of two young women, echoed through the small towns of the desert. The man who single-handedly killed every member of the largest and deadliest gang in all western Arizona.

And Gio, the hero of the day, left without grasping how much of a difference he made.

But he did yank it to hentai every night for the next three months.


"You're the last person I expected to see."

Wong was surrounded by armed men. Thugs that protected their boss. A man who Wong was wise enough to keep at an arm's length.

A man with long black hair that curled at the tips, despite his obvious unhinged nature, somehow managed hundreds of people.

The people he led weren't thugs. That was the assumption Wong made since their city was tucked on the border of Colorado and New Mexico. Wong came to that conclusion because these men and women had kids among them. And none of the children were abused. In fact, they were well-fed and educated, and their laughter echoed as Wong entered through the main gate.

Crow glanced at the semi Wong had driven. It was abandoned, but Gio managed to fix it. It had its own cooling system inside, which worked great with the cargo.

"You scratched my back when I needed it, and it's time I return the favor… With some conditions attached."

"Naturally." Crow nodded at his men, and one took the semi. They drove it inside a factory.

"What are you using this factory for?" Wong's eyes started adjusting to the darkness. Several muscular men and women were covered in ash, and they were busy smelting items.

"It's used for whatever the floating cities want." Crow's guards tried to get between him and Wong, but Crow pushed his way closer to his former ally. "Or else we don't get food or radiation pills, and we all… Die."

"At least water is easily accessible." The truck stopped, and several curious eyes glanced at it. Some of the parents scooped up their children and moved them away.

"We can't go three days without water… But we can go three weeks without food before we die… If you ask me, keeping humanity on a three-week leash ensures the top brass always have obedient slaves that they nicknamed employees."

"Then you know what I'm giving you."

"It doesn't take a genius." Crow nodded at his men, and the semi's doors opened. Inside it lay the fruits of the earth, along with meat and seeds. The guards and workers cheered and clapped.

"Crow! Crow! Crow!" The people cheered, and the long-haired man waved and then put his attention on Wong.

"Follow me."

Wong stepped away from the cheering crowd and walked into what was once a former governor's building. The hallways were filled with heavily armed veterans and younger soldiers who had never had to take a life.

They were well-trained and kept their eyes sharp for any threats.

Crow entered his office. Then, his guards closed the door behind him. The room had been remodeled but had luxuries like alcohol and weed plants. But behind his desk were two people. They crawled out and walked on all fours towards Crow.

They wore black leather, one a man and another a woman. The man had a chiseled chin and a muscular build, and the woman was slim with a busty chest that swung while she walked toward him.

Both of them wore a chastity belt and had collars with a leash.

"Good little pets." Crow grabbed their leashes and tugged them closer to him. As he did, he took off his shirt and tossed it aside. He, too, was muscular. "Now, how do you greet guests?"

Both of them glanced at Wong and rolled on their stomachs.

Wong wanted to glance away, but he needed to speak to Crow even if his tastes were… Exotic.

"Can they be trusted?" Wong's disgusted glare stirred something inside both of the subs, and their chastity belts suddenly became impatient for a key.

"Yes." Crow tugged on their collars, a reminder of who their owner was. "Pet's don't make decisions, they don't spread rumors, and they don't attack guests… Especially one that fought alongside me… I'd say we're even… Friends…"

"We're not friends." Wong was true to his words and kept a harsh tone. "But there was a time I'd run through gunfire to tend to your wounds."

"Trust without friendship." Crow's pets were becoming impatient. They hugged his legs and started gasping loudly. "If you ask me, that still makes you someone I can rely on…"

"Last time we talked, I held a knife to your throat and threatened you."

"Yes, you did, that got me hard, and you left… Fucking tease…"

The girl grabbed Crow's cock over his pants, and Wong rolled his eyes. "You're a pervert."

"I'd rather be a pervert than a sexist." Crow walked towards his seat, and his pets went under his table. Wong sat directly in front of him. The zip of a zipper vibrated, and Crow smiled brightly.

"Can't that wait?"

"Fine. Only until you walk out that door." Crow sighed. He was basking in his glory. "We were square last time we talked. You paid, and I delivered. So why bring me food?"

"It wasn't out of the kindness of my heart."

"Negotiations, you're making it clear that you have something we need. But in return, we have something you want… So talk…"

"You have eyes and ears everywhere. Somehow, you managed to create an intel network that spans several states… That means that you know about Ashner."

"Key corp… It's an odd name, but it's the newest company producing gold. From what my sources told me, it's producing gold faster than every other company in America."

"Which makes us a target for the lawless radiated world…"

"You want protection?" Crow raised his eyebrow.

"Yes, you have influence and power… Plus, I've seen your skills with computers… If you can keep our company's location a secret and keep an ear out for any information on anyone who has the balls to attack our company, then I can guarantee you a semi-truck full of food and seeds once a week."

"That's not nearly enough to feed this city." Crow glanced at his table. "We're living off MREs and ramen noodles like every other American."

"It's a band-aid. The seeds we're giving you are what you'll use to create farms… We also have meat, and if you accept our conditions, I'm willing to bring chickens, cows, pigs, goats… You name it, I can bring it."

Crow took a second to debate. That's when the continuing zipping of a zipper made Wong pout. A slap followed it. Crow disciplined one or possibly both of his pets under the table.

"Alright, we have a deal. I'll keep your company safe from anyone bold enough to try to take it… But I doubt they'll attack it directly since it's in the middle of a radiated city… Yet you're here… With no signs of radiation poisoning… Funny, either you've managed to trick several of my informants, or you're playing with fire… But a location only has so many paths someone can take to leave it… And as we both know, a path can easily become a place to lay a trap."

"Prevent that from happening."

"I will." Crow was satisfied. "As for the seed vault… I found it's location."

"You did!" Wong almost jumped out of his seat.

"Yes… But I'll keep it to myself… Until I find an appropriate trade for it."

Wong sat back down. "And here I thought you considered me a friend."


XP:0 > XP:350

"This is mine?" Angel poked her head into a room. She was on Earth, mostly for her own safety. Ashner trusted the leaders of Sanctuary, but not all of its citizens.

"It's better than a ruined building."

"That's true… But I thought that maybe… We'd share a room." Angel tilted her head to the side and exposed her neck a little.

"Why would we do that?" Ashner's digital mask raised a digital eyebrow. "We have plenty of rooms."

"I." Angel's eyes widened, and she tried to explain, but a soft hand rubbed her shoulder.

It was Luna. Out of all the girls, right now, she was the tallest. Angel was usually a little shorter than Risa, but at her tallest, she was a little taller than Luna. "Don't bother explaining it to him."

Ashner's digital eyes narrowed.

"Our master is brilliant in some aspects, but he falls short in others. Give him time, and maybe he'll give you what you desire…" Luna continued, and Angel nodded gently.

Where am I falling short?

"But we'll introduce you to some friends we made. This room will become everything you want it to be."

The CEO's. Luna has gotten close to some of them.

It had gotten colder. Enough for the group to start wearing jackets. That's when Ashner glanced at his phone. Christmas was only a few days away.

Ashner kept the holiday a secret but bought things for his friends. Since Gio and Wong were gone, he assumed they were doing the same.

The doorbell rang, and Alex dashed towards it. When he was on Earth, he wore outfits similar to a butler's uniform.

Ashner broke away from the girls and paced downstairs. He took in the view. He was living in a mansion. It was like he was in a dream. Moreover, he lived with gorgeous women and good friends.

"Ashner." Monica entered the home with Grace and Frayia.

That's the elf that wanted to study our world for magic. She's wearing a lab coat.

Grace kissed Alex's cheek, and Monica gave her impatient friend a slide eyebrow raise.

"Hello Monica, Grace, Frayia, what brings you here so early?" Ashner asked. Risa exited her room. Her hair was wet, and she was wearing jeans and a crop top that showed off her slim stomach.

"This one insisted." Monica pushed Frayia forward. The small elf yelped, and she fiddled with her fingers. Her hair was red and extremely unkempt. Apart from that, she now wore glasses and a lab coat. "Go on, speak."

"Ashner, Master… Oh, great hero of the elves… I don't know how to address you."

"Ashner's fine."

"Okay, Ashner… I've been mixing the technology in your world with my mana. I discovered something interesting…" As she spoke, Grace took out a brush and started combing Frayia's messy hair.

"What did you find?" Ashner asked, both Luna and Angel stopped halfway down the stairs and eavesdropped on the conversation.

"Mana." Frayia studied his home for a few seconds. "It's as you said, this world lacks magic… But mana does exist on Earth…"

"I don't know what to make of it…" Ashner touched his mask. "Where did you find it?"

"It's deep in the Grand Canyon," Grace spoke this time. "We were able to find it's exact location… But some nukes were dropped near it, the risk of radiation poisoning is high."

Menu, give Monica and Grace Radiation Resistance.

The menu opened.

Radiation Resistance – Cost 0XP


The women's names appeared on Ashner's menu.

"I can protect you from the radiation," Ashner reassured the women. As soon as he did, they both smiled. "I'm assuming you want to go with us?"

"We're your ride." Monica smiled. "I'll get us to our location in no time."

Ashner glanced at the girls and Alex.

"There's enough room for everyone… But." Monica smiled and winked. "I will need you to cleanse our ride from radiation before we return."

"Simple enough." Ashner turned to his friends. "How about it? Let's go solve this mystery."

No one objected.


Their ride was similar to a private jet, except an AI served as a pilot. Alex and Angel kept their eyes outside, observing the large craters the nukes created. It left blemishes on the once gorgeous planet.

Luna sat and drank wine with Monica and Grace.

Frayia was snoring softly with saliva running down her lip. Her hair was a mess once more.

And Risa was alone.

She's alone again. I need to break the tension. She's been distant since the goblin cave.

Ashner stood up and walked past Alex and Angel. They were both laughing like children. Once Ashner sat on the seat next to Risa, she dug her face into the circular window.

"Are you mad at me?" Ashner's tone was neutral.

Risa shook her head.

"Then why are you avoiding me?"

"I don't know…" Risa's ears folded on her head. "Lately… I've been feeling things I've never felt before… For a long time, I let my past guilt me… The things I did to Naomie's people… I was waiting for something that never came… And now… I want to live. I want to find my place in this world…" Risa turned her head towards Ashner. "I want to find it with you… And with our friends… Lately, I'm just having conversations in my head…"

"Risa, nothing is off limits to you," Ashner reassured her. "Whatever you want, I will give it to you…"

"What I want is off limits."

"Tell me what you want."

Risa glanced at Luna. She was busy gossiping, and Angel was giggling with Alex. "Hug me."


"I've always hugged you… But you've never hugged me before… Can you?"

That's it?

The seats were right next to each other, so Ashner wrapped his arm around Risa and placed her head on his chest.

I can feel my heart beating against her head. She's warm and small… Sure, she's strong, but she's also fragile…

"Better?" Ashner whispered in her ear.

"Yes." She admitted and fought back her purrs.

"Me too!" Angel hugged Ashner from behind.

This made Risa's eyes widen.

"I want huggies, too." Angel smiled at Risa, who immediately backed off Ashner. Her face was beet red, like she had been caught doing something wrong.

Ashner hugged Angel too. She sat on his lap and shifted her body, she was a little shorter than Risa now. She was the perfect size to be coddled.

Risa sensed a new emotion inside of her. This wasn't jealousy, it was new type of happiness. She smiled and poked Angel's nose.

"What was that for?"

"That's for showing me how courageous you are." Risa smiled brightly.

Angel poked Risa's nose back in retaliation.

Luna sipped on her wine and smiled at the girls. "About time." She spoke to herself.

The jet stopped and hovered in place.

"We're here." Monica stood up and rotated her neck in small circles.

Grace grabbed a keyboard that was attached to the walls and typed into it. A handful of drones dove down and scanned the mountain directly under them. As they did, a hologram lit up in front of the group.

Grace's company, Glasgow, specializes in drone technology.

"Frayia." Monica glanced at the elf, who was still asleep. "Frayia?"

The group glanced at the elf. Her head tilted, and a small line of saliva soiled the carpet.

Monica cleared her throat. "FRAYIA!"

"Yes!" Frayia jumped out of her seat, and her glasses slid on the ground beside Ashner.

"Please join us." Monica's tone shifted back to a sweet one. "You are the one who set this entire thing in motion."

"I'm not good at leading," Frayia whined as Ashner handed her glasses to her. The elf used one of the seats to lift herself up, and she studied the hologram.

"Where's the pocket of mana?" Ashner asked.

Frayia closed her eyes, and her body glowed a dark blue. "Directly below us." Her fingers touched the hologram. "It's hollow on the inside of this canyon."

Grace typed on her computer, and some of the drones found caves. Most were too small for a human to enter, but the drones scanned the inside. Sure enough, it was large enough for someone to enter.

Then, an entrance lit up along with a stairway. The path ventured deep inside the canyon.

The hologram stopped creating a 3D model.

"What happened?" Luna asked.

"If the drones go any deeper, we'll lose connection," Grace typed in her computer. So they're returning. If we want to find out what's in there, then we have to go on foot. I'll take a portable battery, and we can use them as scouts."

Ashner's mask smiled.

"You're happy?" Risa studied Ashner's face.

"Of course… This is an adventure…" Ashner grabbed his armor, and the rest of the group armed up.

"Is all that necessary?" Grace put the keyboard back on the wall.

"Yes." Ashner locked and loaded. "When it comes to magic, we never know what we'll face. There's a real possibility this is a nest of monsters."

The CEOs grabbed their handguns. They each had a single magazine, but it was better than nothing.

The plane descended, and as it landed, the engines started cooling down.

"Keep the engine running," Ashner added. "If we need to run away, Risa will use her power to take as many of you as she can. Alex and I will hold the monsters back."

"You're not doing that." Monica put her hand on a wall, and from it, three humanoid droids armed with heavy machine guns awoke and stepped out. "I'd rather sacrifice these than your lives."

Ashner smiled. "Alright. Let's go."

The jet's private staircase descended, and the group walked out. The robotic guards took the lead. Once everyone was out of the bird, Ashner took point with Alex directly behind him.

The entrance was hidden by loose boulders that camouflaged it. And dried trees covered it from the sky. As the group walked down the stairs, they noticed sections of it had a drainage system.

"This was designed to last." Ashner pointed at the drainage. "And it was set up so it wouldn't flood if it rained."

"These walls." Frayia's slim fingers caressed it.

"What about them?" Ashner asked.

Frayia's fingers stopped on an orb placed into the stone. She used her mana on the wall, and the orbs lit up. One by one, they lit the staircase. "These are mana stones, thousands of them… These alone are worth a fortune."

"Convenient," Grace smirked. "You're a scatterbrain, but I adore your efficiency."

"Thank you… I think…" Frayia wasn't sure if that was a compliment or not. "These walls were common during the Golden Era."

"I remember them." Luna smiled and reminisced. "Sadly, most of these orbs were stolen or used to create enchanted weapons."

The group moved down, step by step. The echoes of their shoes against the stone staircase resonated until they reached the bottom.

It was a dead end with a mural and two statues.

"What is this?" Alex asked no one in particular.

Carved out of white marble and withstanding the test of time stood two figures. One was a petite woman with long hair, and the other an angel with outspread wings. The angelic figure was carrying the young woman.

The young woman had a crack on her stomach, and her hand caressed the face of the worried angel.

"Fascinating!" Frayia rushed in and tried touching the statue. Monica held her back.

"Slow your roll." Monica lectured. "We don't know what this is."

"It's Angel and the Luminous Goddess," Angel spoke confidently.

Luna took a step forward, and as she did, the wall behind the statues lit up a brilliant blue. Revealing that the wall had carvings engraved into it, they glowed a brighter blue, revealing a story. Luna recognized the language. "That's the dead language… From Eden…"

"How is that possible?" Risa and the rest of the group lowered their guards. They were alone in the cave. "Did demi's venture to Earth?"

"Goddess?" Grace and Monica tilted their heads towards each other. Their robotic guards aimed their weapons up at the staircase.

"Our world speaks of two Gods… One of life and union, and the other of death and corruption." Luna spoke over her shoulder.

"They battled on Eden," Frayia spoke to everyone. "I was alive during the Blood Age."

"You were?" Luna's ears wiggled up. "Just how old are you?"

"Even if you're the daughter of our last leader… Show me some respect."

"My apologies… But you never mentioned it."

"There was no need for it." Frayia tilted her head. "The Luminous girl… And the dove that touched the moon."

Angel's eyebrows raised.

"I may be the oldest living thing in Eden," Frayia admitted with an empty gaze. "Eternity is a curse if everyone you cherish dies… That's why I dove into my research… As a means to distract myself from the connections of others… But regardless of how much I try to stave away the loneliness of eternity… I can't help but make connections… As for her… Luminous wasn't her real name… That's something I've forgotten. She was given that name by the people who followed her in battle… Because regardless of the situation, she always smiled and cheered us on… I've forgotten her face… Until now… This is her…"

"What about Angel?" The impatient vampire's eyes twinkled.

"She was her guardian, and she was rumored to also be her lover…" Frayia reminisced. "But I doubt she touched the moon…"

Angel pouted.

"Luminous was the sun, and her guardian was the moon. They were symbols for us… I was there when both Gods disappeared." Frayia caressed the statue's shoulder. "I was in the rear guard, so I didn't fight… The Dead God cracked the earth, and from its core, monsters emerged, untamable, violent, and grotesque beings that refused to stop their onslaught… And our Goddess rushed into the thickest part of the battle to end the Dead One's influence, for weeks we threw lives away, taking inch by inch, until we reached the crack… The hills around it were nothing more than cadavers stacked upon each other… The battle between the two Gods brought them into the sky. Each slash of their blades cut the very clouds… And the earth below… Killing friend and foe alike… Then they wounded each other, light pierced death's heart, and death pierced light's abdomen… That's when their blood mixed, and the legend of the Key emerged."

"Is the Key real?" Luna was entranced by her story.

"I don't know… But the power that emerged from their bodies destroyed most of the Dead God's soldiers. The ones that remained fled, but it also cost us most of our warriors… Entire races of demi's were lost forever… I was caught in the blast, but I was one of the lucky ones, and I survived… But the bodies of everyone who died were mixed with piles of gold coins… It took over a hundred years to clean up their bodies… The gold collected was used to decorate the kingdoms of the survivors, and that's why the next era was called the Golden Era… During that era, the Dead God's influence was fading, and we almost won… It was our wicked nature that ruined our utopia. Once we started enslaving humans, the Dead God started returning… And it started devouring souls… Had we been wiser and cared for our neighbors… We could've dropped our differences and kept our assault against the Dead God… This era might be our last… It has no name… But I'd say it's appropriate to call it… The Inhumane Era."

The demi's stood in silence and in awe. A puzzle piece of their history had been given to them.

"But, unfortunately, I don't know the dead language… Most of the demi's that were killed spoke and wrote it… From my understanding, the only race that survived that knew the language was humans… But the language died entirely during the era that they were enslaved… Demi's prevented them from learning how to read or write, and the children of slaves learned the language of demi's… As for elves, we still speak our original language, but the common tongue is a variation of it, and how it shifted over thousands of years… Both dialects are completely different now… Sadly, I don't know what's written on this mural."

"I can read it." Ashner tilted his head towards the group. This surprised Frayia and the CEO's. "My power has its uses."

"Can you read it out loud for us?" Frayia's eyes lit up.

Ashner nodded.

Angel flew up, and Risa used her float ability to lift everyone up. Some of the words were hard to see from the ground.

"From a soul that's forgotten, and a love that's forbidden, a hero will rise. A blade of white roses, a soul never meant to be…" Ashner's words echoed in the large hall. "Lips that savor the kiss of death will find hope and calamity. Until legends decay, and the world blossoms anew."

"The prophecy." Frayia tapped on her glasses as Ashner continued reading.

"Those are the only words Eden needs to remember… Oh Mara… My little sister… We were both blessed with a gift beyond our understanding, and I found Eden, its people, and its magic were a delight to me… I guided them, and I hoped that it would make you happy… But you obtained the same blessing as me, two orphans caught in war, playing with powers beyond our understanding… I always knew your heart was harmed, and I tried to heal it with my ambitions… I was foolish. All I did was wound you more… You saw a new kind of life, and instead of admiring it, you wished for the death of all things. I didn't want that… I wanted you to hold my hand and walk through the world I helped guide from stones to metal, something far from the chaos we endured… Instead, we turned our blades on each other… This much power was never meant for two girls who turned their heads away from reality and chose to live out their fantasies far from the chaos of their homes… It only made us hate each other, and now, I'm on a new planet, dying and lost in my thoughts, but I'm not alone… Angel, my love… You carried me across the cosmos and into a new world, its soil ready to bloom life…"

The group glanced at each other while they floated.

"Angel, you were the moon to my sun, reflecting my smile and keeping me grounded with reality… I showed you my world when we walked past the White Room… An empire that extended its reach into the stars, the first humans to bloom and grow… And to wage wars against each other… Planets against planets, bloodshed without end… I despised it all… But you reassured me that everything I lost would return to me one day… You're the reason I created new animals and plants in Eden. They were a recreation of things I lost… Even with all the power I obtained... I failed to stop her... That's when I realized her soul was twisted and dark… I wanted your world to have a better chance. I wanted to give you so much… Together we walked on the moon above Eden, our footsteps forever marked on its landscape. As I held your hand, that's when I realized I found love across the cosmos... Can you hear me? Angel… Or has your soul completely merged with my power? It doesn't matter. My soul will also meld into the blue screen… I don't know what we will become… But I'll be with you…"

No fucking way… Does this mean…

"Our bodies will turn to stone in this infant world… I know my sister isn't dead… That's why we fled… Her soul will reemerge in the eons that pass. She will obtain power the only way she knows how… Through death… The system requires it… In fact, death is how I obtain power… I never killed the unjust, but she… She killed what remained of the first humans, destroyed our mother planet, and used those lives to satisfy the system of its XP demands, and then she went after Eden with newfound power… I couldn't stop her… But I stole her connection to the White Room. The system won't help her anymore. Even so, I cannot kill her… But I can set a trap… With the last of my XP, I gave this world humans… Children that survived the Dead God's wrath… They will multiply and grow. This will be the new Earth, the cradle for humanity… A second chance none of them know they have…"

The CEO's eyebrows raised.

"Despite how some demi's view me... I'm not a God. I'm just a girl… One who stumbled with the power of infinity and caused the deaths of billions… I tried… And failed… But I can't stop, not while this body has an ounce of strength in it… I will fight for all living things… Death cannot be the end of everything. We must persevere… Mara detests her own life… And that's her excuse to kill everything and leave the universe in black… She isn't a God, yet she passes divine judgment like one. She's a foolish and broken girl whose hate will fester and bubble as her soul starts to repair itself… All I can do is pass on what I know and what I have… A hero will be born on this planet, and her soul will become one with another in Eden… I've chosen her… She will despise her fate, fight it, and fail… Her life will be drenched in her tears and the blood of her loved ones… She will need guidance through her trials… Warriors willing to fight alongside her… The Key will be hers to wield… A Key that I hid away… And maybe, just maybe, she'll kill my sister… As much as I wish I could reason with Mara, she won't listen… No matter what I did, her depression and anger guided her… I failed everyone when I failed to save her…"

Ashner's eyes widened. "What the fuck…"

"What's wrong?" Risa tilted her eyes at him. His mask created a digital jawdrop. "What does it say?"

The soldier took a second to reply as he started descending towards the ground with the rest of the group.

"It says…. Listen closely. This power is beyond the understanding of the first humans that conquered galaxies… It'll choose whoever it wants… It's a gotcha in all ways, and its power corrupts the broken and uplifts the just… Mara will mimic me, and a Black key will emerge as her warrior… Child of Earth, soldier behind the mask, with lies etched upon his hands… Ashner… I did not choose you… You are not the hero of any era…"

All eyes landed on Ashner.

Well… Fuck…