
The serpent turned, its tail swishing as it hissed harshly, it dug into the earth, covering the distance in mere seconds.

It always left no prey unharmed, and this wasn't going to be an exception. It could detect and see clearly in the sand storm.

Not only that, but it knew the prey stood there, perhaps waiting for it. This was its territory.

And it would ensure to use it. The prey moved, racing towards what it deemed as safety.

The serpent rose from the ground, creating a massive hole, it's massive body on full display, it lunged at the prey. Glistening fangs sparkling white.

It opened its mouth to swallow the stunned rabbit.

Just a little inch, and it would be nestled within its bowels. But the serpent missed, or rather, the prey made a slight dash to the left.

Away from it.

It hissed angrily at having been so close to it. Recoiled and struck again, still sending sand and dust at the prey.

The prey got up and threw itself, but the serpent had judged the move and this time, it caught the prey by its trousers hem, ripping it off with a slight scratch to the preys skin.

That brought out the sweet smell of blood, that made the serpent bring out it's forked like tongue tasting the air.

Midair, it used it's large tail to hit the prey so hard, the prey flew. Creating a great distance from it, then crashed and laid still.

The serpent moved but slowly, savoring the thrill of the chase as it waited for the prey to make a move! The prey didn't. The forked tongue retracted into its mouth and came out again.

It's yellow vertical eyes, a bright light. It had gotten an early dinner. Furthermore, it opened its mouth just as the prey turned onto its back, a small shiny thing in its hold. Thrust it towards it.

The serpent knew that was a dagger, a sharp one at that, but it would hardly make a difference to its skin. There wasn't time to waste.

It recoiled, all its massive body drawn back, struck.

A drop of wet liquid touched it's skin, sizzling it and bringing pain to it, the serpent stopped. It's tongue so close to the preys face.

Then it began falling in twos, threes. The serpent registered what it was. And slithered recklessly on the floor in pain.

Hiss, a loud hiss came from it. It was Furious, why had it been when it was about to take its meal? So long it should have rained but chose now! The liquid on its skin was like it was roasted.

It tried using its sandstorm to reduce its effect, but it was no use. In its blind panic it had somehow forgotten about its prey who had begun its race away.

It considered going after it or its safety despite its turmoil. It had lost and that made it more riled up, it flew at the prey, safety be damned to be considered when he got its prey!

Ethan weakly raced, his body aching all over, his legs hot from the slight bite from the serpent, already worried that he had gotten its venom.

Just a slight distance from the fence and then what? His heart thudded, breathing rapidly through his mouth. It had been luck that had brought that surprising rain that had somehow made his body cooler.

Fall, fall. He chanted as he ran, knowing the serpent was behind him, very mad and reckless, it's back, red and sizzling.

He stuck out a tongue, lapping a drop, quenching his parched throat that had felt like he lodged sand into it.

Moaning so low as the gate was just a short distance, a stone throw. The fence made a slight movement, and Ethan almost cried with joy and relief.

It opened a small space that could fit him, and Ethan knew he had to put his all. He took a lungful of air, the rain washing his hot skin as it fell harder.

The serpent was directly behind him, and he knew if he should run, he was a goner.

That left throwing himself at the space, and he successfully made it inside, just as a sonic wave was released from the small building a little distance from the fence.

The serpent turned and slithered away, as if been pursued by a demon spirit.

Ethan fell flat on his back, exhausted. His tongue lolling out, spread his arms apart from his body and recounted his near-death experience.

He heard feet coming close to him, and was peered down. A beat passed before the voice instructed to carry him to the medical bay.

Placed on something, Ethan was already far away into his subconsciousness, his eyelids heavy, his breathing now close to a regular one.

His eyes closed.


Ethan slowly opened his eyes, stared blankly for a moment before registering where he was. The medical bay.

He struggled to sit up as a slender hand helped him to it. Offering his thanks, he looked up to see a brown haired woman with a doctor's coat, bearing Helen.

"Welcome back to the land of the living, unclassified. Name's Helen. Assistant doctor of lower class, abilities.

He didn't know whether he was supposed to say something to that, like his introduction? He was confused about the whole thing she said.

Exhaling softly, he nodded, finally noticing glances from other patients who had been staring at him with various expressions.

The partition to his ward opening and a brown-eyes, medium height man came in, whispering something in Helen's ears, and disappeared.

" Beaming a smile my way, a grin too broad for her face, ''alpha would like to see you right now''.

Ethan felt his head go stuffed, like his brains had become puffed and were pushed up his scalp because of the vocabulary of words in this force.


Ethan followed Helen into what they called the Alpha's office.

" So a little summary before you meet Alpha— basically there is a four ability system with the Alpha been at the highest food chain.

They possessed exceptional individuals possessing rare and powerful abilities. They also have sub ranks in them.

Ethan found himself mimicking her body movements and listening attentively, there was nothing he could do but to digest the information.

He noted to pour water on his head to stop overheating.

" They possessed enhanced strength, energy projection, telekinesis, Teleportation.''

His mouth opened into a wide O, it had been the work of an alpha at the recruitment center.

She continued, "then the rest, Beta, Gamma and lastly Delta." Which you fell into.


Ethan nodded in understanding, his red hair falling on his face, he swiped it back and hummed at how that had somewhat explained some of his questions.

Helen stared at the red-haired, it was a pity he had fallen into such a depressing lower-class ability grade.

She had been shocked when he had come out alive, no one ever escaped the tempests even with a scratch.

Looking at him, one would wonder how that happened. It was as if the rain had come at his bidding and at the appropriate time.

He had almost been impaled by the furious tempests and was by sheer luck, or he had a trick up his sleeve.

Though a gamma, a fire ability user of level 5 with healing skills couldn't even make a move next to the tempests.

He was brave, she would have to give him that. She rapped her knuckles, but that was as a precursor thing to do.

She pushed it open, she didn't want to even be seen by the person inside, a man having a bulging stomach like a pregnant woman. Furthermore, she cringed with disgust.

She gestured for him to enter but saw that he hesitated, '' you are the one called, aren't you?''

Ethan put a leg across the doorway and crossed into the room, his shoulders drawn back, chest up 'officially'.

A small smile of triumph spreading his lips. The first thing he noticed was the imposing figure, commanding attention, and was seated behind a sleek, metallic desk.

The office exuded authority, with crisp silver-lined walls and a holographic display projecting the force's emblem.

The alpha was a man of thirty featuring a jet-black hair wearing an impeccable black uniform adorned with a golden insignia.

His name boldly writing on his chest tag. Moshed.

"Ethan Blackwood." Moshed called. his tone carrying a slight ting of disgust. His gaze sweeping over Ethan's worn, sand covered attire with pure disdain!

Nice hair color, though. But not relevant, he wondered why he bothered asking for a meeting with the lucky Unclassified of the tempests.

Shrugging a little, he leaned forward in his desk, an unclassified should not have smelt a foot near his office.

" As an unclassified, you're very fortunate to be alive. Your… Skills, if you have any, will be utilized.

" I am willing to offer you a position within our force as an errand boy… He watched Ethan for a reaction. None. Just the blinking movement of the eyes.

Moshed huffed in annoyance. He sure was something, but was stupid, if it were any sane person, they would be kissing his feet in jubilation that they had been given something.

"Even as a useless Unclassified!" Balling his hands into a tight ball, he continued talking to the dummy in front of him.

" Ethan was a taint to their institution, and Moshed would make sure to remove such unwanted weeds.

''You'll receive basic amenities suited for your… Limited capabilities. Maybe this would bring out a reaction from Ethan.

There it was, a slight twitch in the red haired's jaw. Moshed smile turned patronizing.

''Consider it an act of charity, Ethan. You'll learn to appreciate the opportunities we provide. Your duties would include messenger tasks, supply runs and maintenance work.

You'll also be assigned to the class barracks, delta. "With this. You are dismissed."


Ethan was shown Into room 215 whereupon entering he was met with an assault of different shades of eyes.

" We have gone so low that we get an unclassified, sharing our supplies with us.''

'Well, stop complaining and let's welcome our newest unwanted addition to this quad.'

''Ha! I rather kiss my toe than greet … This… Through a dismissive look at Ethan and lay on his bed.

"Let me greet him then." Came a gruff voice and menacing voice, sitting upright on his bed. Victor glared at the unclassified, who stood like he was made to be there.

Staring at the red haired with so much hostility, it was felt everyone in the room. He was someone not to be messed with and wanted entertainment from his tiredness.

He was not only known as victor but ''the bulldozer. A scar above his left eyebrow was from a fight from two gamma ability users.

Likewise, he knew how to bend and unbrace someone with a single word and was looked for by higher ability such as the main alpha himself.

Rumors flew that he had even leveled up by "special" enhancements, granting him enhanced strength.

Cracking his knuckles, he got up, arms spread, a sneer on his lips "Hey, unclassified," Heard you got a special treatment from Alpha.

You're saying, "You're better than I?"

Didn't know when I said such… Slam!

The word hadn't left Ethan's lips before he was slammed so hard he blacked out.

"You were saying?" Victor asked Ethan mockingly.

Damn your ugly face! Ethan spat in anger, he just wanted to go to bed and rest his aching bones and got slammed again.

He wasn't going to let this pass.

A hush fell in the room.

" The red haired was seriously in trouble, they couldn't help feel sorry for him.''

Oh. What a fierce spirit. I like that. Victor nodded his head, getting up he went to the bedspace ment for Ethan.

So comfy. Winking at Ethan, you wouldn't push me away, would you? He asked with an arched eyebrow.

Eyes going wide, they stared wordlessly at the victor before registering a figure at the door's entrance, they dissipated to their various duties.

Ethan too got up, marched to his bed space with a victor on it, plumbed his whole body on the man.

Ethan wouldn't be a teaching practice for Victor, who wished to refresh the roommates that he was still in charge.

He didn't yet know what type of power the victor held, but this bed was his.

Victor moved before the impact, using his kinetic overdrive, he could access 20% of Ethan's upcoming body damage to him, but he chose to evade the space.

He delivered a crushing blow, focusing on every energy from his body into that one arm, sent Ethan flying.