
Ethan felt his breath catch in his throat as he crashed hard against a bunk bed. He lay still, wheezing.

That had hurt more than it should have. Rising on shaky legs, he coughed up blood, staining his clothing.

Maybe he should have just let it pass. He waited for another hit, but none came.

Raising his head, he looked toward the man who had stood at the door a while ago, saying something to Victor.

Victor nodded and threw Ethan a grin through gritted teeth. "I hope you like my method of welcome. Not that your opinion matters."

Ethan wiped his bloodstained mouth and moved like an old man to his bed space.

He lay on the bed with a soft sigh. At least he had found shelter. With that thought, he drifted off to sleep.


The loud blast was enough to send Ethan scrambling out of bed quickly, hitting his head on the top bunk.

He went still for a moment before recovering from the pain to hear laughter from the soldiers.

Rubbing his abused head, he followed the large crowd and caught a glimpse of the morning sun.

They arrived at a large cafeteria after a quick, cold bath in the most crowded place ever.

His share of food was small, but he was happy. Taking his food to the nearest table, his stomach rumbled.

He scooped the watery meal into his mouth; it was manageable.

The air grew colder as Ethan's bulging cheeks made him a comical sight. The door swung open, and a tall, brown-haired man entered.

Tyrian walked closer to Ethan, the boy they said had made rain fall. Drawing back the seat, he dropped onto it and clasped his hands.

Tyrian, an Alpha with the rare ability to manipulate time, was nicknamed the Chrono-Manipulator.

He had discovered his ability when he manipulated time to suit his needs with just a thought.

The Force had noticed it and gave him a position as the 24th Squad Leader, a Beta-populated team.

He had been sent to Ethan for a purpose, and as he watched Ethan dismiss his presence as mere background noise, Tyrian screwed up his face.

Ethan's presence was unwanted, and although Tyrian couldn't understand why, he still had to follow orders.

Tyrian was used to attention and being treated like royalty, but Ethan's disregard made his lips curl.

"Hey," Tyrian said.

Ethan raised one hand, pointed to his food, and muttered, "When I'm done."

Tyrian arched an eyebrow. "Seriously?" Now he could see where the hate for Ethan came from.

Ethan returned after submitting his plate, sat down, and stared at Tyrian. "Was eating."

Tyrian shook his head, calling out, "Leave your plates; someone has just volunteered to pick them up." He turned back to Ethan, beaming a stifled smile.

Ethan stared, his gaze puzzled as he registered that this was the man who had been talking to victor on bunk bed trouble.

What was he doing here? Come to make another trouble? Ethan eyed the man's uniform.

" Seems like he is a rare person by how everywhere has been organized, greetings flying to him here and there.

" You would do us this honor of taking their dishes, wouldn't you? ''

He stared at Tyrian like that was never said by me. Looked around the room to see gazes on them.

So … He was the errand boy and that was his work. His lips set in a thin line, he beamed a full smile at Tyrian, getting up.

Ethan had only taken a couple of steps from the table when he was called, 'forgot my combat boots, go get them.'

Tyrian watched Ethan as he turned to face him, a hard look in his eyes, his freckles were nice on him.

Tyrian had to smack himself internally for thinking such.

Freckles looked at his legs back to his face, Tyrian knew he was in his combat boots and so what?''

"Don't make me wait."

The plates or your boots? Ethan asked Tyrian. A vein throbbing in his neck.

Tyrian gave him a blank stare like he had soiled on himself. Ethan huffed with irritation, words were now heavy in lyrians mouth, right?

Making his way to pick all the plates and utensils used, Tyrian pushed to the back of his mind.

Tyrian felt his face go aflame, ''Freckles! Did you get a problem with your ears? " My combat boots aren't relevant to you?

Ethan stopped what he was doing, dropped the dishes and came to Tyrian who sat nose flaring, he was riled up.

He wasn't a machine! Ethan fumed internally, couldn't do two things at the same time.

He bent down and took Tyrians cladded boot in his hands and proceeded to peel it off, only to topple him as he received a rough shove.

Bam! Ethan winced for Tyrians' sake.

Tyrian watch his life play in his front. What the hell was that? His back took the pain, he could have stopped it but had been taken unawares.

How! Clenching his hands into fists, he rose to meet Ethan. ''My combat boots! Oaf! Now.

Right away. Ethan didn't bother wasting time, dashed out of the cafeteria, there had been no other soldiers and that was the reason for this reaction.

He had gone half of his flight when he remembered that he didn't know where Tyrians room was. Huffed in annoyance and his mistake went back.

Tyrian righted his uniform, and just sat down when a sweaty Ethan dashed in, carrying a gust of wind.

Ah! What now? Did he even reach his room? Tyrian adjusted his cuffs, glaring hard at Ethan!

Had no Idea where your room was and besides, you have combat boots on your legs, Ethan informed Tyrian.

'Is that so? Spat Tyrian derisively, "am now being talked to, by a mere unclassified."

"Let him have a taste of the underground and when he has a bit of manner, be considered.'

Immediately saying that two hefty men with bulging muscles, came to him and Ethan squirmed, glued to a spot to find that Tyrian was the cause.

The person in question glared hard at him, go get some manners… Unclassified.'"'


Ethan was thrown roughly into a dark, long tunnel with the only entrance blocked. Even though it was morning, here it was night.

Something crawled up into his trousers, launching him into smacking himself to get rid of the thing.

It was cool against his skin and slimy. The thing crawled up and stuck to him like a leech, he stepped hard on the ground and finally was able to displace it.

But was rewarded with a fall on the black slimy liquid that made a puddle on the ground, rising like a gnarled hand and trying to drag him deeper.

His stomach tightened, like it was drawn by strings, he recoiled breaking the hold, standing on his feet, black goo stuck on his skin.

His eyes going into slits trying to pinpoint where the tunnel led, he walked on, making sure to see where he put his legs.

They relaxed on the tunnel walls like drunk men, their bodies living dead. Here was another faction ruled by criminals and sick minded people.

They got up as he approached, eyes blank, and stumbled towards him, slowly muttering gibberish.

Tyrian had brought him here to be made as a breakfast. There was no way back for him and forward he was to go, but how?

Thinking hard and stilling his racing heart, how well could they see in the dark? What were they? Since he could see their outline, they could see his, so that left….

His mouth twisted in distaste, he was to make a walk life them, but the problem was that he was light, making it easier for them to track him.

The black goo on the floor was a no-go area. He would have to walk and stagger like them, and any other movement will be watched carefully.

He bent his legs slightly, bringing the two to face each knee, bent his body sideways, almost giggling in his stupidity. Furthermore, he brought out his tongue and made his first ridiculous step.

"F.....food …. Food…. Food" the worms in their stomach twitched coming back to life, their lips already having a taste of the sweet meal in front of them

" Hunger, drove their spirits, their black eyes dead but had a way of seeing as the prey stopped made a stance and moved funnily.

They shared a glance, drool dripping from their mouths to the floor and making a dent in the tunnels ground.

He was behaving like them, but he still smelt like a prey and as they watch slightly confused. The prey, a green shade walked through them.

"They followed closely but then the prey rightened as if it had grown tired and realized itself and continued its pretense.

" The beating heart and the blood pumping veins was what brought them to work, they lunged after him.

Ethan had fooled them enough to pass their midst but had not gone far when they realized that their prey had mic mocked them.

They lunged at him, coming so fast for an unbalanced posture. They flew on the walls, their saliva dripping and making the walls red-hot.

Furthermore, they walked like they were on the ground, coming in all three directions. Ethan avoided being burnt by the spittle as the one overhead lunged down.

It face planted on the floor, its neck bent at an unnatural angle. The rest crowded on, behind him one dashed gripping his foot and almost tripping him.

Ethan instinctively stilled, kicked hard at the hands so black they were tar. It refused to let go. They were gaining on him.

He kicked and stomped on the hand. Moving a little backward as if he agreed to the grip on his foot by the predator. Just in time for a left attack which collided with his cohort.

Ethan hadn't noticed that one and was chilled by the fact, he bent down hurriedly and grabbed the hands. Taking them off even as they struggled to latch back.

He returned to his race, seeing the tunnel branch into two sides. Which! Which? Left or right? His breathing echoing loudly, it was too harsh.

They pursued still.

They could feel him because he was breathing and that might be the only indication to why they followed. He bit his lip, willing himself to breathe in deeply.

He couldn't hold his breath for long, and he would probably be red in their vision as a sign of prey. Not only that, but he would have to hold his breath for as long as he could.

Turning left, he cursed. before turning right. They flew over him, collided with themselves and fell heaped.

A few races inside the right, he stopped breathing fast and doubled, they appeared after a moment. Ethan held his breath and walked on, he could see a light and that sparked his breath up.

They screeched malevolently and furiously, red-hot spittle painting the floor. Ethan was close now to the light and saw an entrance, but it had a flimsy lead that let out light, he would have to open it.

The lid made a dull sound as it opened, and he was momentarily blinded by the light as he dropped himself in. Shutting it as they fell on it.

Finally in, he saw that he was in a bunker enclosed In a bunker with light streaming everywhere, there were voices, but none was near. He was finally in human territory.

He cautiously walked around, his breathing now steady. He soon approached another entrance and was out before he felt footsteps so hard they vibrated.

But oops, he had arrived at what looked like an army place of relaxing, and they were mostly beta's for their uniforms.

They hadn't noticed him, as they played whatever games they had brought up. A fat bulky man with chest so massive they spanned three of Ethan.

Stood behind him, his breath a fan as it ruffled Ethan's hair. Ethan felt his stomach twist into knots, he should have gone left.

"Thought you were dead, we were just in time for breakfast to go serve us." That was when they all turned in his direction.


Yes sir, right away sir and Ethan disappeared where he thought was the kitchen but was dragged by the collar like he weighed nothing and deposited in the kitchen.

"You are now the errand boy of this squad, unclassified."